Another Dan Hurley thread | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Another Dan Hurley thread

Aug 31, 2011
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Sometimes I wish we had a feature where we could see a poster’s BAC.

Not to prevent them from posting, but just because I think it would be fascinating.

Maybe it could be adopted as a voluntary thing, like the Dan Patrick Show ht/wt.

"3.6. I just want to know what Huskyfandan thinks about all this"
Aug 27, 2011
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It sure as hell won't be recovered by the time Danny Hurley has every P5/BE school with an open job kissing his ring this March.
Could be a year to late to the table. We shall see. One thing is certain, his market price keeps increasing. But, I'm pretty confident Hurley can help rebuild UConn into a formidable program again. The question is does UConn value saving it's hard fought legacy, national brand indentity and appeal or saving $10 MM which will undoubtedly be pissed away on something else in the future. This is when leaders make the hard decisions which are necessary.
Sep 16, 2011
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SuperJohn vs Whaler11

Does Whaler11 have the edge with his 30k plus posts (essentially a BY lifer)? AKA Joe Gatekeeper.
Does SuperJohn (AKA Littlejohn per August West) have the edge with his honest straight forward posts similar to his flamboyant departure post? :)

This is like the WS of Poker:

Whaler11 vs SuperJohn

This is what I'm dealing with. Whaler again attributes something to me I obviously didn't say. I ask him a bunch of times to show where I said this and he doesn't provide anything. I have to go back and look up the old posts he's referring to which again show he isn't being honest. I get called vile.
I'm afraid what I feared the most is going to happen. It's clear there needs to be a change, the best way for this to happen is amicably. We come up with the money or some sort of agreement is reached and Ollie can leave quietly with a wonderful reputation intact as a great player and someone who won us a championship. It's getting ugly and only going to get uglier I fear. Ollie is subborn as all hell and is going the man on an island route. As more blowouts inevitably happen it will get uglier and Ollie will build more walls up around himself. None of this is good.

Benedict and Calhoun need to handle this right.

Since I'm not allowed to post in any of the threads I start I have to start another one to clarify what I said earlier. When I said this has to be handled right by Benedict and JC I wasn't talking about Calhoun being involved in the hiring process. That would be ridiculous and Benedict already knows Ollie has to go, it's all about the transition now, how it gets done. They somehow all have to sort through this mess to have the smoothest possible outcome in what seems like an impossibly unsmooth situation at the moment.

Even though Ollie has alienated Calhoun there is still genuine love there and Calhoun always wants the best for KO. Ollie is trying to go it alone and I think Calhoun is still one of the only people (maybe the only person) who can get him through this and do what's best for Kevin and the University.

As for Whaler saying Calhoun is the reason we're in this mess, Calhoun had nothing to do with the terrible contract extension. He strong-armed KO in there and long term it has beem a mess but we still do have that 4th National Title. I want Ollie to be remembered for that. The longer this drags out and the more shut off and standoffish KO gets the worse his legacy will be and more unnecessary damage will be done to the program.

For someone with such strong opinions, I’m not sure you are actually paying attention to what is going on.

Nor do you seem to have acquired any understanding about the people we are discussing.

LOL at the idea you are concerned about Ollie’s legacy. Not that I don’t agree with some of what you say but you’ve spent a year plus tarring and feathering him. It’s as ridiculous as me claiming to wish Bob Diaco well in his future endeavors.

This all leads back to the absurd concept that Ollie is going to leave $10 million on the table because someone convinces him to. Who would do that? Who would do that in this situation where the fanbase has lambasted him and the Athletic Director has gone dark.

Nice look by the way Dave - maybe if you fake your death this will all solve itself.

Here is how it works: Fire the man and pay him his money or keep him and tell the world you are keeping him so everyone can find a new topic to obsess about.

But not as crazy as Ollie forfeiting 10 million dollars because Calhoun asks nice.


Aug 14, 2011
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Sometimes I wish we had a feature where we could see a poster’s BAC.

Not to prevent them from posting, but just because I think it would be fascinating.

What’s a BAC?


Feb 19, 2013
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Would Danny Hurley have any interest in:

Boston College
Penn State
St John’s

or nah?
I really hope not, if we're an option. The conference is still only 1 factor, even if it's a big one.
Jan 21, 2018
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The top available coach in his conference went to Indiana last year. To think we are Hurley’s upper limit is ludicrous.

So which school at Indiana's level is going to have an opening? Kansas gonna fire Self? Roy Williams retiring?
Feb 7, 2012
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For goodness sake, let's stop dumping on ourselves. UConn was a national basketball brand with 4 NCs in the last 20 years. It's a great place to be and a great opportunity to build off a tradition and add to a legacy. We just need to get the current bum out. It seems like we are the only fan base that has a built-in self loathing for a wonderful institution.
Yeah, if only the old Big East still existed and we were still in it.
Aug 26, 2011
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A job in this conference vs the P5 is the difference between working at Blackberry vs Apple.

Unless of course, that coach wins. Then he is at UConn with a top salary, great facilities, a big brand, a tough OOC schedule in what becomes a pretty good conference that is always winnable. The fans come back to their seats, all of the games are on tv, he makes a fortune on tv commercials and appearances and is treated like a god. Then life is fantastic.
Last edited:
Feb 7, 2012
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Unless of course, that coach wins. Then he is at UConn with a top salary, great facilities, a big brand, a tough OOC schedule in what becomes a pretty good conference that is always winnable. The fans come back to their seats, all of the games are on tv and makes a fortune on tv commercials and appearances and is treated like a god. Then life is fantastic.
Top salary? The same people who say Hurley is a lock also claim we can't even afford the buyout. Keep in mind, a big part of why Edsall is back is because he accepted a 1 mil salary. Hurley ain't accepting that. And while I do agree with your best case scenario, we are an entire coaching cycle away from that. Hurley knows he will have better opportunities and get a richer contract somewhere else. That ship sailed. All in, it would most likely cost UConn(buyout inlcuded) 22-25 million for Dan Hurley. Yeah, right. Sounds like a lock.
Jan 9, 2016
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But, I'm pretty confident Hurley can help rebuild UConn into a formidable program again.

How many games have you watched URI play that you can be pretty confident?

I would keep in mind that this is probably the worst the A10 has been in over a decade. And without going back and looking at results, I bet last year was the next worst.
Aug 27, 2011
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How many games have you watched URI play that you can be pretty confident?

I would keep in mind that this is probably the worst the A10 has been in over a decade. And without going back and looking at results, I bet last year was the next worst.

All of this may be true. But Hurley has the name, budding success, and the buzz that would make players want to come here. We heard from numerous sources (real ones, not Chief) that KOs (and as a result, UConn's) name are a bit tarnished on the recruiting trail. We are easy to recruit against with the defections, the negative pub, our own coaches admission that we are a "sinking ship." Bringing in new blood; a guy who has a building rep would do wonders to restore some normalcy to the problem. What that new normalcy is, we do not know. But I'm not much of a fan of the "norm" that KO has established here. The title is what is keeping KO here, but that title was fortuitous in many ways. We had Amida for four years. I feel like I could count on my hand the number of times he made a tough catch off an offensive board and finished. On the converse, I lost track of the number of times he was caught completely flat-footed and was a non-factor on the boards. We were very lucky to win that St. Joe's game. After that, Bazz, Boat, and DD were able to do their thing with KO motivating the hell out of them. But we were outplayed in that St. Joe's game and we should have lost.

I really thought, even with a depleted roster of sorts, that KO would bring them together this year. I was not expecting a final four team, but I was expecting something significantly better than the tire fire that rolls out there every game. That's it for me. I have seen little to no improvement in the players (not all KOs fault, obviously), we are a recruiting and attracting a lesser stratum of players (Blaze?), and worst yet, the x and o aspect of our game is at an all-time low. When opposing scouts cite us as "the easiest scout" they've ever done and the pundits are stating that "UConn would not win the America East" then it is time to clean the house before those rats KO so idiotically used as positive, devour the whole freaking thing.
Aug 27, 2011
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All of this may be true. But Hurley has the name, budding success, and the buzz that would make players want to come here. We heard from numerous sources (real ones, not Chief) that KOs (and as a result, UConn's) name are a bit tarnished on the recruiting trail. We are easy to recruit against with the defections, the negative pub, our own coaches admission that we are a "sinking ship." Bringing in new blood; a guy who has a building rep would do wonders to restore some normalcy to the problem. What that new normalcy is, we do not know. But I'm not much of a fan of the "norm" that KO has established here. The title is what is keeping KO here, but that title was fortuitous in many ways. We had Amida for four years. I feel like I could count on my hand the number of times he made a tough catch off an offensive board and finished. On the converse, I lost track of the number of times he was caught completely flat-footed and was a non-factor on the boards. We were very lucky to win that St. Joe's game. After that, Bazz, Boat, and DD were able to do their thing with KO motivating the hell out of them. But we were outplayed in that St. Joe's game and we should have lost.

I really thought, even with a depleted roster of sorts, that KO would bring them together this year. I was not expecting a final four team, but I was expecting something significantly better than the tire fire that rolls out there every game. That's it for me. I have seen little to no improvement in the players (not all KOs fault, obviously), we are a recruiting and attracting a lesser stratum of players (Blaze?), and worst yet, the x and o aspect of our game is at an all-time low. When opposing scouts cite us as "the easiest scout" they've ever done and the pundits are stating that "UConn would not win the America East" then it is time to clean the house before those rats KO so idiotically used as positive, devour the whole freaking thing.
Glenn Miller game planned the 2014 run. As far as Amida goes, he didn’t have the hands, but Carlton already looks like he can get it done.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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A job in this conference vs the P5 is the difference between working at Blackberry vs Apple.

Nonsense. This conference has two of the top ten highest paid head coaches in the country. UConn is a better job than Pitt, BC, Penn State or any other moribund program. Stop making so much out of the "P5", that's a football thing. It isn't relevant here except to the extent that it impacts our ability to pay. This is easily the 7th best basketball conference, and some years it may be better than that.
Aug 27, 2011
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I disagree. I'm not saying you let Ollie stay in the position and run us into the ground, but I don't think we are close to being to the point of unrecoverable. We are still one of the most successful basketball programs of the past 20 years! The dust can be wiped off of our logo and we can easily be revived imo. If Ollie is moved and the right coach comes in, the college basketball world will pay attention. I'm sure the new coach would do some marketing to make sure people understood who Uconn is.

I disagree with this... It is not unrecoverable, but we are pretty damn close to irrelevant. Attendance is way down, we are struggling mightily in a mediocre conference, and the only publicity we get is for the negative situations surrounding our program (transfers, big losses, the demise of our legacy,etc.) KOs recent failures have made the general public more and more attach that title to JC. That era is gone and to many people, so is UConn. The fact of the matter is we are now a story of what once was, not what could be. That either fairly or unfairly is directly attributed to KO. If KO stays here, he has to be able to bring in players to turn this around immediately, as in, we have to be a 20-25 win team next year. Look at the roster. That's not happening.
Aug 26, 2011
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Top salary? The same people who say Hurley is a lock also claim we can't even afford the buyout. Keep in mind, a big part of why Edsall is back is because he accepted a 1 mil salary. Hurley ain't accepting that. And while I do agree with your best case scenario, we are an entire coaching cycle away from that. Hurley knows he will have better opportunities and get a richer contract somewhere else. That ship sailed. All in, it would most likely cost UConn(buyout inlcuded) 22-25 million for Dan Hurley. Yeah, right. Sounds like a lock.

Basketball at UConn isn’t football. It is the franchise. They have to pay a basketball coach and I think they will. They’ll pay and they’ll get their money back by doing it. Again, basketball is the the golden goose. The whole athletic department was built on the shoulders of Jim Calhoun and men’s basketball. The powers that be are well aware that you have to pay to get someone who can carry even a decent fraction of that load. That’s why KO got paid big. He recruited well and won the title. They looked at that and said, “this guy can do it, better lock him up”. I’m pretty sure they will look at saving men’s basketball as a mandatory expense.

Of course, I still think they may look at getting a serious basketball mind to join KO on the bench as they evaluate all of this. KO has a lot to offer and between KO and Chill recruiting hard (assuming KO is recruiting hard again) and a solid basketball tactician in the mix, they might be able to figure this out. They really need someone that has done more with less at the college level to get them through times where they lack NBA talent or when they simply have one hole in a lineup and need to compensate for it. That’s when traditional, old fashioned basketball chops count the most.

the Q

Yowie Wowie. We’re gonna have so much fun here
Mar 28, 2017
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The point being, this man has now "built up" two north east programs from nothing.

If you think URI was nothing - you know nothing about URI basketball
They had some great teams and really good coaches
Love how people who salivate at replacing KO will build up anyone's resume to push forward their agenda
Is Hurley a good coach? so far yes but we will see

Didn't they go to the elite 8 in like 98?

My childhood best friend's dad still hasn't gotten over that meltdown against Stanford.
Jul 12, 2016
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Sometimes I wish we had a feature where we could see a poster’s BAC.

Not to prevent them from posting, but just because I think it would be fascinating.
Why would you wanna see someone's back? Weird... :D
Aug 27, 2011
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Didn't they go to the elite 8 in like 98?

My childhood best friend's dad still hasn't gotten over that meltdown against Stanford.

URI had some really cool teams. In the 80s, they had two awesome guards (Carlton Owens and Tom something) an undersized big and they went to the sweet 16. Tyson Wheeler, Cuttino Mobley, and a couple of undersized dunking bigs should have gone to the final four, and then the year Odom was there they were pretty cool too. I really liked those URI teams. Fun to watch.

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