yeah, everyone would like to think so, but you know for fact that if it had been Kaminsky saying what Harrison had said, the airwaves would have been hot with comments, calling it racism, etc. Let's not be hypocrites, here.
well yea, obviously....the whole "n*gg*r" being used as a derogatory term towards african americans by white people for 150+ years would probably make it a bit worse if Kaminsky said it. There was very clearly nothing remotely racist about what Harrison said, like the poster above, he meant " dude". I guess it could be strange for some of you, but I would bet Harrison says something along those lines 20 times a day (christ, im pretty sure the nba put in a rule that guys couldnt say it because they said it so often and they were "protecting" the fans not the players)-the difference being he's in a dorm or at the gym or in class snickering to someone next to him and not over a hot mic minutes after a final four loss.
This is one of those complete non-stories that will get blown up by the PC police so they can show everyone how strong of a stance they take against "racism, racist culture and racist language". There is no story. Even if the kid didn't apologize and again, what did he apoligize for? Are there people alive in America who heard that and immediately felt for the delicate sensitivity of FK? But he did apologize, almost immediately and even if he only did so because he got caught, at least he shows he's not too stupid to "play the game". And now I'm writing an essay about how stupid this entire issue is because there are people living in american angry that a black kid can get away with accidentally dropping a soft n bomb towards a white kid in front of a hot mic because if the white kid said it he would get in trouble. Hypothetical trouble.