I've always believed Pat's decision to cancel the series was all about recruiting and had nothing to do with things she believed were said about her personal life. She said he cheated at recruiting and Geno said that's what Pat told him. But as Geno also said, she didn't have the guts to say it publicly and answer questions about her charges because she wouldn't have been able to do so without looking and sounding petty and ridiculous. So, instead, she chose the cowardly and manipulative path: "Geno knows."
I'm pleased Geno has taken the stance that Tennessee has some explaining to do. Summitt publicly attacked Geno's integrity and the integrity of his program and some of his players without backing up her accusations. She did that on more than one occasion, including after he had been chosen to be the next Olympic Coach. Seriously, what male coach would be able to do that without the national media crashing down on him? Imagine Coach K or Dean Smith publicly accusing the other of cheating in recruiting and not backing up those accusations with facts. Although the Connecticut media had plenty to say about the matter, the national media refused to demand that Summitt back up her accusations. I think this may explain why Geno felt it was better to occupy the high ground for much of the past few years. Now, given an opportunity to speak directly to the accusers, he has quietly yet firmly defended himself, his coaches, his players (hello Maya) and his program. The ball is now in Holly's court.