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Search results for query: Akok

  1. UconnPT2007

    Akok achilles

    By video, looked to be an Achilles tear. If so, a tragic, massive blow to the kid. Let’s hope for the best.
  2. N


    Oh no!!! looks bad. Achilles? didn't appear to roll it. Cursed. Wishing hime well and hoping for the best.
  3. husky429

    New Athletic Article on Akok

    ...“He’s very methodical about his process, which you don’t usually see with kids when they come into college.” .... But in creating his routine, Akok has stood out to Moore because of his diligence and focus. “You don’t really have to correct him very much in anything in here because you...
  4. Palatine

    Why was Akok out of the starting line up?

    Was it APR related? I haven't read anything that answers this. In a way it was a good thing because it kept him out of earl foul trouble which would have really hurt. But it is unusual for DH to change the starting line up. Anyone know the answer?
  5. jibsey

    Akok and Carlton

    First off, Whalley played great, so he gets props but the weakness offensively around the rim from Carlton is unreal, broken record. Now Akok blocked 2 shots but his inability to score from point blank to outside is worrisome. We got 5 points from them both. Unacceptable. Rebounds we were fine...
  6. Palatine


    Akok came out very aggressive on offense. He threw up six shots in the first ten minutes or so. He missed them all. And even though he was ineffective, I liked the aggression. I would have liked to have seen it in November. He needs to do this to grow. Offensively, he is terrible. He finished...
  7. U

    Finally Akok in crunch time

    Let's see what happens!!!!
  8. UConnSwag11

    Need to put Akok in more PnR and PnP. Bouk needs to shoot more

    He is too good to not be more involved. Put him in a pick and roll or pick and pop with Bouknight and Gilbert. Having him post up on the block and shooting over his man is something that he can definitely do. As long as the looks aren’t forced I’ll live with it. Bouk needs to shoot more from...
  9. Palatine


    Is he still on the roster? Everyone hates on Carlton and Gilbert and Polley. But his kid has to play BOTH ends of the floor.
  10. T

    Hurley on Akok

  11. husky429

    Who challenges akok for conference DPOY

    I need to think of the positives right now. Is there anyone in our conference better on D? I have mostly been following the big east this year, so I really dont know. I watched him play in AAU, at PSA, and saw him work out at least 3 or 4 times. No one I knew expected the rebounding, or just...
  12. C

    Akok Blocked Shot Technique

    ...about last night’s game as Chief heads to the airport. But, others have covered that. Chief just wants to say how impressed I am with Akok using both hands in his shot blocking tool box. He uses the hand opposite the hand the ball is coming off. Uses his left hand against a right hand shot...
  13. S

    Start Bouk, Adams, Vital, Akok and Carlton

    Neither Gaffney or AG are pure point guards anyway, We need are best players on the court. Not sure why Adams didn't play as much in the 2nd half but he is one of our best defenders and toughest players.
  14. Sonofabeach

    Akok Akok is special

    This kid is getting better game by game.
  15. jibsey

    Akok Only 25 Minutes

    I understand trying to not get the 3rd foul in the first half but with the game slipping away you take a risk, and he was on the bench plenty in the second half. Hurley played him like he had 4 fouls. The other thing was where was the new Adams yesterday?
  16. husky429

    Akok looked like the best player on the court tonight

    Win or lose, he looked like the best player on the court tonight in my eyes. It feels like we have 7 defenders every time he is on the court. His presence in the paint, and ability to move on air time is better than anyone on our team. Yeah, he isn't able to create his own shot or anything yet...
  17. WestHartHusk

    Stop Forcing It to Carlton & Put Akok Back In

    There, I fixed it.
  18. A

    Bouknight and Akok should be playing most minutes

    Bouk and Akok are NBA players. Gaffney is scared can develop but RJ Cole or another recruit will take his spot. I see him miss wide open Layups his dribble isnt That Good. I respect chief. But I believe Bouknight and AKok are legit but gaffney isn’t . We all could dribble basketball if...
  19. superjohn

    Seth Greenburg Akok & Bouk comparisons

    Said he loves our freshmen. Said Akok reminds him of Clint Capela and Bouk reminds him of Spencer Dinwiddie. Not exactly the comparisons I would make but always interesting to hear the takes from outsiders. *correction- Seth Greenberg
  20. upstater

    Akok is POG with about 15 left in the 2nd half

    A lot of blocks, shots altered and even a few hoops. He is the biggest factor this game. Amazed to see such talent for our young guys. And don't look now, but Gaffney is coming on too.
  21. HuskylnSC

    Any word on Akok's knee issue?

    I read where he has been dealing with some knee issues in the Courant. Does anyone know if this is a chronic situation or just an incident of tendinitis or something similar?
  22. B

    Akok Akok get hurt???

    Why did he never get back on the floor?
  23. olehead

    Akok sitting

    I rarely post during a game but what the ? Why is Akok not playing? We need him on the boards!
  24. TheChamps990411

    Quick observation of Akok

    He is really, really impressive when he puts the ball on the floor for the blow by and blow by is exactly what he does. He is quick and long so if he gets that step the defender has no chance. When the jumpers start falling he is going to be a serious problem. Man I am absolutely drooling at the...
  25. amidagoat


  26. Huskyhoops25

    Akok Block

    Sign of the year!
  27. superjohn

    Akok: I really think he has a world of talent. the floor when he runs...You always hear the overused expression for a mobile big who gets down the court quickly that he "runs like a deer" well Akok actually does move around the court like a gazelle. We need to draw a lot of stuff up to take advantage of Bouknight and Akok's talents.
  28. Kenny11

    What do you expect from Akok Akok this season?

    Akok is a very unique player for us. We have never had a shotblocking, 3 point shooting big. The only one that comes close in comparison is Charlie V but that was a different era and Charlie only average one 3point attempt per game. Akok should probably triple that. So what do you expect? Here's...
  29. HooperScooper

    Courant article on Akok Akok

    ...“He wants coaching,” Hurley said. "He wants to get better. He’s got his goals written down on paper. He lives in here [the Werth Family Center].”
  30. Hey Adrien!

    Akok # 8 impact freshman in 2019 class

    Didn't want to start a new thread, but lists Akok as the #8 impact freshman in the nation:
  31. 444JR

    Akok Article

    Not sure if already posted. Excited to see this kid on the court alongside a much improved Josh Carlton.
  32. huskymedic

    Jeff Jacobs: UConn strength coach taking it slow and steady with Akok

    Jeff Jacobs: UConn strength coach taking it slow and steady with Akok
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