Search results for query: B1G | The Boneyard

Search results for query: B1G

  1. ochoopsfan

    Tell me about the NEW Big Ten

    Geez, it is still June and USC already has B1G on the basketball court? Oh yeah, nice dunk by Kiki!!
  2. UConnJim

    Key tweets, and it's all gone to Hell.

    It's called business strategy.
  3. G

    Coleman Hawkins and Illinois Needed One More Half

    Everyone should know that, but if you’re a B1G fan you’re certain the B1G is the best BB conference for the last 30 years with just a string of bad luck.
  4. R

    Key tweets, and it's all gone to Hell.

    I never realized the B1G and FSU needed the SEC's permission for the B1G to add FSU. Good to know.
  5. H

    OT: Florida State to sue ACC over GOR

    ...home. It's called the ACC. I don't know where the schools that want out think they are going to go. Through all of the madness in recent years the SEC has shown zero interest in taking on more mouths to feed, and the B1G is still trying to absorb the 37 teams they took on after the Pac12...
  6. ZooCougar

    The Private Equity College Sports Hellscape Thread

    ...believe Indiana is pulling in $300M a year in donations? And if so why would you donate if PE was taking a cut? And nobody wants to let these people near their endowments, Holy f——- Also the B1G doesn’t need PE. The Big 12 is only considering it because it wants to close the gap with the B1G.
  7. H

    B1G Ramblings

    Get real. If UConn wasn't able to compete in the AAC, what makes you think it would thrive in the B1G? Furthermore, why would the B1G want to establish a sports presence in a part of the country whose residents couldn't care less about college athletics?
  8. Kolumbo

    B1G Ramblings

    The B1G just invited 4 extremely good football programs which will likely provide losses to even Ohio State and Michigan The B1G did invite UCLA but basketball is still not as strong overall as it should be UConn Football will improve significantly in a conference, and even more so in a "power"...
  9. B

    B1G Ramblings

    Yet, it seems that no one that matters believes in UConn. Thus, the predicament.
  10. R

    B1G Ramblings

    Interesting article on the logistics of the B1G volleyball schedule.
  11. Hamms30

    Key tweets, and it's all gone to Hell.

    Has the SEC or B1G even hinted at offering them landing spots? ESPN owns the media rights to the ACC and SEC. Don't they have to sign on to the idea that the SEC accepting Clemson and FSU into their conference means they have to pay those two 51M/year instead of 30M/year under the ACC? And is...
  12. JMick

    Key tweets, and it's all gone to Hell.

    I assume based on your hypothetical scenario that enough teams end up leaving and it finally forces Notre Dame into the B1G?
  13. R

    B1G Ramblings

    Oregon shows off its new basketball court, includes B1G logo -
  14. G

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    B1G would be a dream man. Literally only a dream.
  15. HuskyAlum012

    Big East TV Deal with FOX, TNT, and NBC

    The B1G basketball ratings on the same network as ours and absolutely dominate the BE. The BE ratings really are not impressive one bit outside of UConn games.
  16. pj

    Big East TV Deal with FOX, TNT, and NBC

    Having BC be your only New England team is pretty much the same as having no New England team. ESPN gave the B1G an opportunity to own New England. An opportunity they haven't yet seized.
  17. Exit 4

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    If we were in the B1G, the B1G would finally have meaningful basketball wins.....and a better baseball program. And rounded out their map with the flagship state school of New England and arguably of NE and NY. You know all that, just saying....
  18. C

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    it's honestly shocking to me that no big conference will pick us up with a reduced media payout (if it hasn't already been tried). Are we really not worth an extra 5 million or whatever the BE media deal is to the B1G but SMU is to the ACC?
  19. Kolumbo

    B1G Ramblings football fans in the Northeast. Bring in a steady stream of Penn State, Ohio state, Michigan, USC, even nearby Rutgers, ticket sales would be through the roof. Given the close proximity to Boston and NYC and the number of B1G alumni in the Northeast, The Rent would be sold out every...
  20. F

    B1G Ramblings

  21. C

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    We've been on a BE share this whole time, I'd be happy with even a quarter of the B1G for life
  22. John

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    Thank you for your interest in UConn football
  23. HuskyAlum012

    Non-Key Tweets

    ...think. I forget which podcast I was listening to a few months back, but it was a pretty prominent sports analyst who said Clemson isnt even on SEC or B1G's short list. FSU/UNC/UVA in that order are at the top. However, if given the oppurtunity, Clemson would bounce for the big 12 in a heartbeat.
  24. R

    B1G Ramblings

    Final Learfield Directors Cup Standings - 23.24FinalDI (PDF) - National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics B1G 8. Michigan 10. UCLA 14. USC 15. Ohio State 22. Nebraska 23. Penn State 25. Wisconsin 26. Washington 28. Oregon 37. Illinois 39. Northwestern 40. Minnesota 41...
  25. R

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    Of course UConn is worth that. But so far with reduced shares, there is a timeframe that passes where the schools eventually earn a full share. Is UConn worth an eventual full-share payout to the B1G? That is the better question.
  26. Zissou

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    Hmmm. Disband football to get in the Big Ten for non-p4 money? Dream bigger
  27. BigTenFan

    The Private Equity College Sports Hellscape Thread

    Indiana has loads of wealthy donors on top of the money it receives from conference. Over 300 million dollars last year and Mark Cuban can always write a check if they fall short.....
  28. ZooCougar

    The Private Equity College Sports Hellscape Thread

    You’re smoking crack. They would never like the idea of giving millions to overvalued assets. That’s less ROI. They will take a huge piece of it. The B1G and the SEC don’t need PE money anyways.
  29. L

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    Why?… when was the last time a Big 10 team won a ncaa championship ?
  30. Kolumbo

    B1G Ramblings

    64 spring 208 winter 0 fall
  31. billybud

    B1G Ramblings

    flugaur has just reported that The B1G payout will go to $90 million plus for most members in 2026. It sounds like a new addition would either have to be worth big media money or take a much smaller share...a methodology already in place.
  32. JMick

    Fox - Big East exclusive negotiating window

    I had a dream we got invited to the B1G so don't worry guys, no need to fret over the big east media deal or worry about a hypothetical AAC UConn team
  33. JMick

    Non-Key Tweets

    ...a different landscape now. Especially with the autonomy stuff. Ideal scenario for Big East schools is to get picked up as a wing of the SEC or B1G, somehow lobby to be part of the new autonomy structure, or hope that football becomes its own separate thing in the eyes of the NCAA. Otherwise...
  34. McLovin

    Ross Dellenger: NCAA presented with two plans to expand NCAA tournament by 4 or 8 teams

    Feels like we are a few years away from the B1G and SEC seeking a guarantee that any school in their leagues that finish .500 or better in conference play gets an auto bid. I’m actually surprised they haven’t already tried to do that.
  35. ZooCougar

    Key tweets, and it's all gone to Hell.

    Nope. Utah is ahead of everyone in that crew. I think that could really put kink in Yorkmark’s “plans”.
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