BIG fan here: let's keep hope alive | Page 3 | The Boneyard

BIG fan here: let's keep hope alive

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Apr 28, 2013
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Obviously people on this board will say no to your first question.

Agreed. I did not expect otherwise on this board.

In reality no one will know for sure until the Big Ten starts negotiating in a few years from now. Once the numbers are known, the question will be the incremental benefits of UConn (i.e. How much more of NYC Metro can UConn bring in vs having just Rutgers and are the revenues from UConn's Share of NYC + Conn. enough to at least keep per school payouts the same?) + a suitable #16 somewhere else.

This statement is really more the point of my question and you stated it better than I did. I ask it on this board because you know better than I do whether, based on your knowledge of UConn and the East Coast region, UConn and another East Coast team could bring this value. I understand no one knows for sure but I am seeking an opinion from those of you who have more knowledge.
Apr 18, 2013
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The only guaranteed slam dunk would be Notre Dame. The other two possibilities would be BC and Syracuse and they both have their own issues to really guarantee enough value to justify a Big Ten invite.
May 23, 2013
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Here - just so that everyone's using the same data. This is from the Department of Education data that the USA Today database is based out of but also breaks out the two big revenue sports.

As expected UConn makes more money than Rutgers in men and womens B-ball but makes a lot less in FB related revenue. As upstater mentioned, UConn makes more in rights/licensing (this is in the Not Allocated by Gender/Sport line, although it also includes student fees and university support, so USA Today is a better indicator of that data since they do the additional calculations)

...that said, I have no idea where $8M in non-BBall women's revenue for Rutgers is coming from.

*Sorry about the poor formatting - the columns should've been men/womens/total

Rutgers Revenues for 2011-2012

Varsity Teams
Men's Teams
Women's Teams
Total Revenues of all Sports, Except Football and Basketball, Combined
Total Revenues Men's and Women's Teams
Not Allocated by Gender/Sport
UConn Revenues for 2011-2012

Total Revenues by Team
Varsity Teams
Men's Teams
Women's Teams
Total Revenues of all Sports, Except Football and Basketball, Combined
Total Revenues Men's and Women's Teams
Not Allocated by Gender/Sport

@all that wasting of time is counterproductive when the B1G's research firm plainly showed RU was the best add outside of ND for eastern expansion !Why don't you take your figures and send them to Delany? Or correct the research firms finds?Wouldn't you have thought all those figures would have been taken into consideration?I'm not the one you have to convince and all that negativity is bad karma!I'm simply a RU fan who thinks UConn would be a great add to the B1G!!Why run off everyone who supports your cause out of envy?Too what end? Don't try to get into a better situation by looking for others faults but by highlighting your own strengths!What can we do to make ourselves more attractive or valuable!Your preaching to the choir.... attacking me or RU is pointless!!With all of our warts (RU) we were found to be the best add by a prestigious marketing is what it is!!I wish UConn nothing but a fair shake!Good luck!
Aug 26, 2011
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I must add, I honestly think the lack of a football tradition argument doesn't carry any weight. Connecticut has some of the richest and deepest gridiron football traditions in the world. Yale has the most championships and has a huge hand in the development of the game. An alum from my high school helped design the first Super Bowl ring with the Packers.

For UConn to take Yale's spot in this market? The sky is the limit. I don't know if we'll ever match Yale's championship count.

For those who wonder if gridiron football will last, the NFL pays very, very well. It competes with top tier soccer.
May 23, 2013
Reaction Score
Agreed. I did not expect otherwise on this board.

This statement is really more the point of my question and you stated it better than I did. I ask it on this board because you know better than I do whether, based on your knowledge of UConn and the East Coast region, UConn and another East Coast team could bring this value. I understand no one knows for sure but I am seeking an opinion from those of you who have more knowledge.

@I think more likely is an east-west add as SU and BC would be overkill for too little benefit and say a Missou or Kansas would be more beneficial politically to western B1G school's who object to too much eastern expansion!RU and UConn together is more than enough to wrap up the NE/Boston to Md megalopolis!!Preferably a Va/UConn add would even be better!
May 23, 2013
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The last eastern gap in the B1G is the wealthy,populous Bronx to Boston area of which Connecticut is in the heart of!A 12M people gap minimum that I'm concerned the ACC might try for!That's 3M more people than reside in NJ!
May 23, 2013
Reaction Score
The only guaranteed slam dunk would be Notre Dame. The other two possibilities would be BC and Syracuse and they both have their own issues to really guarantee enough value to justify a Big Ten invite.

@Well ND is ND but SU and BC just don't fit the B1G mold and don't have big enough followings to carry their weight in the big east coast markets as in BC's case the ACC is learning but UConn with maybe a Kansas/Missou or Va would bring great benefit to the B1G/BTN! SU in CNY is really in the #80+ market range and have to resort to playing home games at MetLife in NJ to try to get exposure!The big dog's won't agree to a 1 for 1 if they have to play in the passe Carrier Dome!
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
@all that wasting of time is counterproductive when the B1G's research firm plainly showed RU was the best add outside of ND for eastern expansion !Why don't you take your figures and send them to Delany? Or correct the research firms finds?Wouldn't you have thought all those figures would have been taken into consideration?I'm not the one you have to convince and all that negativity is bad karma!I'm simply a RU fan who thinks UConn would be a great add to the B1G!!Why run off everyone who supports your cause out of envy?Too what end? Don't try to get into a better situation by looking for others faults but by highlighting your own strengths!What can we do to make ourselves more attractive or valuable!Your preaching to the choir.... attacking me or RU is pointless!!With all of our warts (RU) we were found to be the best add by a prestigious marketing is what it is!!I wish UConn nothing but a fair shake!Good luck!

Uh, he's a B1G alum and fan, not UConn. And he wasn't attacking you.
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction Score
The only guaranteed slam dunk would be Notre Dame. The other two possibilities would be BC and Syracuse and they both have their own issues to really guarantee enough value to justify a Big Ten invite.

I agree the only two clear-cut slam dunks for the B1G would be ND and Texas. A third potential is Florida State. ND has a bad history with the B1G that would have to be overcome. Texas, which is also a prima donna in college athletics, has its ugly little sister in Texas Tech that may have to be taken as part of a package deal. Florida State has an academic issue getting into the B1G and the physical gap between Tallahasse FL and College Park MD would have to be filled, which will be difficult unless UNC agrees to handover the keys to it’s ACC Kingdom.
As for the Northeast, the B1G has made it clear that its only interested in state, flagship universities and prefer those who are AAU. The only likely exception is Notre Dame.
The only advantages that Syracuse has over UConn is that it is in a continuous state (NY) to existing B1G states (PA & NJ), a football ‘tradition,’ and has a very good lacrosse program. UConn is close is to Syracuse in academics (Syracuse does not have a medical school, most B1G schools have one), has been a better football program over the last 10 years, has better overall athletic facilities (the Dome is showing it’s age; but, it is on campus), is better in basketball (men & women), offers hockey, and has nearly equal penetration to the NY market. Oh, an UConn is a state flagship university.
BC is ND’s weaker sister. The only advantages that BC has over UConn is a so called football tradition (basically built on 1 play, see Doug Flutie), and a very good hockey team. BC barely registers on Boston TV outside of the Beanpot as they rank 5th behind the Sox, Patriots, Celtics, and Bruins (I would argue that they are 6th behind ND) and they do not pull in the rest of the region, which UConn does.
May 23, 2013
Reaction Score
Uh, he's a B1G alum and fan, not UConn. And he wasn't attacking you.

I thought it was in reference to our disagreement? I realize that bigalum is a visitor but thanks anyway I hope he didnt take it wrong...jmo!!
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction Score
From NickyNewark
LOL!! Hilarious...owned? ha ha,do they know this?We better tell PP to let all the 4* recruits in on our secret!All the kids in the region will flock here!Well thank god Ped U at least has a small degree of respect from your post!
I live in Cos Cob and the Capitol District in NY and I'm amazed at the block R's I see...its spreading!!It's in the very air!It's growing even as we BS ourselves now!!
Interesting. I took a very unofficial survey walking back to my car at the NJ Transit station parking lot and later the same day through the local Shop Rite parking lot in Northern Jersey, and I agree that there are a lot of block R’s around, except that most are for the Roadrunners of Ramapo College. It is probably worth noting that the grocery store is in the home town of Rutgers’ last AD, aka the poor guy thrown under the bus. Focusing on just BCS schools (Princeton, Cornell, and Army are very popular along with many DII and local state schools), Penn State is hands-down the most common college decal on cars in town. Rutgers is well behind and likely just ahead of ND and Michigan. Admittedly, I have only seen 2 or 3 UConn decals in town beside my own (oddly, there are fair number of Clemson stickers in town for some reason). So, I am not sure about Rutgers is ‘spreading.’
I do respect Rutgers and I enjoyed UConn/Rutgers football games (been to games in E Hartford and Piscataway). UConn versus Rutgers in men’s soccer is also usually a good match. That said, Rutgers has royally screwed-up recently. I have a connection through the U Michigan athletic department (no, I don’t even ask about future expansion as it puts my friend in an awkward position). Rutgers got into the B1G based the following facts: 1) geographic location in the NY/NJ market, 2) is AAU, 3) is a continuous state (NJ) to a B1G state (PA), 4) is D1 in sports (versus Princeton & others), and 5) is in the NY/NJ market. The Rice/Hermann fiasco has greatly embarrassed the B1G. The general feeling is if Rutgers was not in the NY/NJ market; their initiation would have been re-evaluated. And, not to excuse what happened at Penn State not to tarnish the 99.9% of people at Penn State who are good people, Rutgers should not throw stones when it lives in a glass house. Afterall, if something else bad happens at Rutgers during Hermann’s watch, she has proven that she will likely forget whatever did happen and jump ship for a better job elsewhere.
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction Score
One quick comment about growth/population shift/demographics.

Outside of Florida, Texas and Georgia the southern states are less populated than the north. That said 3% growth in a less densely populated area is lower overall people than 1% in a densely populated area. There are economies of scale at work here. As some of the lower populated areas grow, the cost of that growth will equal the existing areas. At that point things will stablize and the north will still have higher population. The pendulum doesn't swing one direction for ever.

Just a quick comment about the midwest. Most fans dislike the east coast attitude of looking down at a place because you feel its backwoods etc. Your assumption is we are stuck here when in reality we choose to be here. If you live in Chicago or Minneapolis you can get your urban feel, go to museums, concerts and pro sports. You can also choose to live more rural. My family farms 5000 acres 90 minutes south of Minneapolis. I can get anywhere in the world just like you can. My income is more disposable because I don't have the same cost of living as you do. I live in a 3400 sq foot house with a three car garage on a golf course for $275K.

I would like UCONN in the B1G. I would prefer you leave the attitude with the AAC though. We make lots of money feeding you and making your cars. Don't look down at us as you suffer from creeping obesity because you drive to the store.
Apr 28, 2013
Reaction Score
I thought it was in reference to our disagreement? I realize that bigalum is a visitor but thanks anyway I hope he didnt take it wrong...jmo!!

I did not think this was directed at me.

@I think more likely is an east-west add as SU and BC would be overkill for too little benefit and say a Missou or Kansas would be more beneficial politically to western B1G school's who object to too much eastern expansion!RU and UConn together is more than enough to wrap up the NE/Boston to Md megalopolis!!Preferably a Va/UConn add would even be better!

Thank you.

My next questions concern exit fees and the GOR.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume UConn to the B1G is a go to lock down the East but the B1G has to find a 16th team.
The B1G has already passed on Missouri and Missouri desires to stay in the SEC.
A 16th team would have to come from the ACC or Big12.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume a team from the ACC or Big 12 changes their mind about their conference affiliation and desires to leave for the B1G.
However, the ACC and Big 12 have the GOR. ACC has the exit fee. Not sure if Big12 has an exit fee.

Is there a scenario, moving forward from now, in which a team in the ACC or Big12 could still move and the B1G would accept them, despite the GOR and exit fees? or
Is there too much of a financial disincentive for it to happen?

Put another way, what is the likelihood of a #16 team from the ACC or the Big12 joining UConn as #15 to the B1G in the next 5 years as the B1G heads into their new media rights negotiation?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
One quick comment about growth/population shift/demographics.

Outside of Florida, Texas and Georgia the southern states are less populated than the north. That said 3% growth in a less densely populated area is lower overall people than 1% in a densely populated area. There are economies of scale at work here. As some of the lower populated areas grow, the cost of that growth will equal the existing areas. At that point things will stablize and the north will still have higher population. The pendulum doesn't swing one direction for ever.

Just a quick comment about the midwest. Most fans dislike the east coast attitude of looking down at a place because you feel its backwoods etc. Your assumption is we are stuck here when in reality we choose to be here. If you live in Chicago or Minneapolis you can get your urban feel, go to museums, concerts and pro sports. You can also choose to live more rural. My family farms 5000 acres 90 minutes south of Minneapolis. I can get anywhere in the world just like you can. My income is more disposable because I don't have the same cost of living as you do. I live in a 3400 sq foot house with a three car garage on a golf course for $275K.

I would like UCONN in the B1G. I would prefer you leave the attitude with the AAC though. We make lots of money feeding you and making your cars. Don't look down at us as you suffer from creeping obesity because you drive to the store.

Can I ask you who you are responding to?

The only people I saw talking about Midwest/East Coast demographics were 2 B1G fans and a Rutgers fan.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction Score
Just a quick comment about the midwest. Most fans dislike the east coast attitude of looking down at a place because you feel its backwoods etc. Your assumption is we are stuck here when in reality we choose to be here. If you live in Chicago or Minneapolis you can get your urban feel, go to museums, concerts and pro sports. You can also choose to live more rural. My family farms 5000 acres 90 minutes south of Minneapolis. I can get anywhere in the world just like you can. My income is more disposable because I don't have the same cost of living as you do. I live in a 3400 sq foot house with a three car garage on a golf course for $275K.

I would like UCONN in the B1G. I would prefer you leave the attitude with the AAC though. We make lots of money feeding you and making your cars. Don't look down at us as you suffer from creeping obesity because you drive to the store.

But we're the ones who are presumptuous?

My wife grew up on a dairy farm about 4 hours north of The Cities before moving to "New York City," as her immense extended family calls it. However, she has never lived west of Hartford County, let alone remotely close to NYC. Her family just refers to the East Coast as New York, no matter how many times she corrects them.

I remember flying out to DL (by way of Fargo) when we were dating and I commented after the trip how nice the people are. She said something to the effect of, "Yeah, until you turn your back. At least people back home judge you to your face. You know exactly where you stand with them."

Look, Gopher, I appreciate your support of getting UConn an invite to the Big Ten, but next time you feel like hopping aboard your high horse, I hope you think better of it. It's a big country, this land of ours, and just chalk it up as a different way of life. There are As everywhere and the Big Ten already accepted Rutgers.
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction Score
Can I ask you who you are responding to?

The only people I saw talking about Midwest/East Coast demographics were 2 B1G fans and a Rutgers fan.

You with the comment of the lowly populated plains states and Butch's comment of "In other words, who the heck wants to live in Kansas?" Also the overall issue with demographics that is talked about with CR.

It also goes with the comment about overcoming perception from within the B1G footprint that was talked about with regards to Frankthetank.

Perception is reality in most things.
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction Score
Uh, he's a B1G alum and fan, not UConn. And he wasn't attacking you.

Yes I root for the Big Ten and went to a Big Ten school for graduate school. I'm originally from NYC and went to undergrad in upstate NY - hence my interest in eastern expansion.

I was actually in favor of the Rutgers add - but it had to do more with Rutger's location and access to NJ's recruiting area than the strength of the current program which I do think has future potential.

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
One quick comment about growth/population shift/demographics.

Outside of Florida, Texas and Georgia the southern states are less populated than the north. That said 3% growth in a less densely populated area is lower overall people than 1% in a densely populated area. There are economies of scale at work here. As some of the lower populated areas grow, the cost of that growth will equal the existing areas. At that point things will stablize and the north will still have higher population. The pendulum doesn't swing one direction for ever.

Just a quick comment about the midwest. Most fans dislike the east coast attitude of looking down at a place because you feel its backwoods etc. Your assumption is we are stuck here when in reality we choose to be here. If you live in Chicago or Minneapolis you can get your urban feel, go to museums, concerts and pro sports. You can also choose to live more rural. My family farms 5000 acres 90 minutes south of Minneapolis. I can get anywhere in the world just like you can. My income is more disposable because I don't have the same cost of living as you do. I live in a 3400 sq foot house with a three car garage on a golf course for $275K.

I would like UCONN in the B1G. I would prefer you leave the attitude with the AAC though. We make lots of money feeding you and making your cars. Don't look down at us as you suffer from creeping obesity because you drive to the store.

If you percieve UConn fans are showing pretense of cultural superiority, I assure you it is unintentional.

If you are offended by our pride in our accomplishments, I don't know what to tell you. Guilty as charged.

The most ironic part of this is Storrs is a dairy farm that grew into a university. Try the school's ice's legendary. Legend Dairy? Get it?
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction Score
From NickyNewark
LOL!! Hilarious...owned? ha ha,do they know this?We better tell PP to let all the 4* recruits in on our secret!All the kids in the region will flock here!Well thank god Ped U at least has a small degree of respect from your post!
I live in Cos Cob and the Capitol District in NY and I'm amazed at the block R's I see...its spreading!!It's in the very air!It's growing even as we BS ourselves now!!
Interesting. I took a very unofficial survey walking back to my car at the NJ Transit station parking lot and later the same day through the local Shop Rite parking lot in Northern Jersey, and I agree that there are a lot of block R’s around, except that most are for the Roadrunners of Ramapo College. It is probably worth noting that the grocery store is in the home town of Rutgers’ last AD, aka the poor guy thrown under the bus. Focusing on just BCS schools (Princeton, Cornell, and Army are very popular along with many DII and local state schools), Penn State is hands-down the most common college decal on cars in town. Rutgers is well behind and likely just ahead of ND and Michigan. Admittedly, I have only seen 2 or 3 UConn decals in town beside my own (oddly, there are fair number of Clemson stickers in town for some reason). So, I am not sure about Rutgers is ‘spreading.’
I do respect Rutgers and I enjoyed UConn/Rutgers football games (been to games in E Hartford and Piscataway). UConn versus Rutgers in men’s soccer is also usually a good match. That said, Rutgers has royally screwed-up recently. I have a connection through the U Michigan athletic department (no, I don’t even ask about future expansion as it puts my friend in an awkward position). Rutgers got into the B1G based the following facts: 1) geographic location in the NY/NJ market, 2) is AAU, 3) is a continuous state (NJ) to a B1G state (PA), 4) is D1 in sports (versus Princeton & others), and 5) is in the NY/NJ market. The Rice/Hermann fiasco has greatly embarrassed the B1G. The general feeling is if Rutgers was not in the NY/NJ market; their initiation would have been re-evaluated. And, not to excuse what happened at Penn State not to tarnish the 99.9% of people at Penn State who are good people, Rutgers should not throw stones when it lives in a glass house. Afterall, if something else bad happens at Rutgers during Hermann’s watch, she has proven that she will likely forget whatever did happen and jump ship for a better job elsewhere.

RU fans talk about the trouble they've had penetrating South Jersey. Supposedly that has gotten better. They are always going to have some trouble when Penn State is so close, but I think they have a better chance of getting traction there then they do in your town. It's more about the town demographics than anything else. I live a couple towns down 208 from you and I know of a few other UConn grads in town. There are plenty of RU grads, but non-grads don't gravitate to RU. I have to drive by our high school every day, and I see just as many Williams sweatshirts as RU sweatshirts. It doesn't mean the kids get in to Williams, but they aren't Scarlet Knight fans unless they wind up going there. No matter what RU fans tell you, a kid in my town does not generally dream of going to RU.

I assume that, as much as UConn has made strides in Fairfield County, there will be the same issues there.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
One quick comment about growth/population shift/demographics.

Outside of Florida, Texas and Georgia the southern states are less populated than the north. That said 3% growth in a less densely populated area is lower overall people than 1% in a densely populated area. There are economies of scale at work here. As some of the lower populated areas grow, the cost of that growth will equal the existing areas. At that point things will stablize and the north will still have higher population. The pendulum doesn't swing one direction for ever.

Just a quick comment about the midwest. Most fans dislike the east coast attitude of looking down at a place because you feel its backwoods etc. Your assumption is we are stuck here when in reality we choose to be here. If you live in Chicago or Minneapolis you can get your urban feel, go to museums, concerts and pro sports. You can also choose to live more rural. My family farms 5000 acres 90 minutes south of Minneapolis. I can get anywhere in the world just like you can. My income is more disposable because I don't have the same cost of living as you do. I live in a 3400 sq foot house with a three car garage on a golf course for $275K.

I would like UCONN in the B1G. I would prefer you leave the attitude with the AAC though. We make lots of money feeding you and making your cars. Don't look down at us as you suffer from creeping obesity because you drive to the store.

Damn, that house would be a minimum of $750K in Fairfield County.
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction Score
If you percieve UConn fans are showing pretense of cultural superiority, I assure you it is unintentional.

If you are offended by our pride in our accomplishments, I don't know what to tell you. Guilty as charged.

The most ironic part of this is Storrs is a dairy farm that grew into a university. Try the school's ice's legendary. Legend Dairy? Get it?

I think you should be proud of your accomplishments. UCONN is a very good school with a large upside. That is why I think long term it makes sense as part of the B1G. I like many here believe the only way to truly capture the NYC DMA is to have both Rutgers and UCONN. If both schools have above average athletics the viewership would be great. Long term it would create a rivalry that would be great for both schools. UofM vs tOSU gets all of the attention, but there are many more with as much passion in the B1G.


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction Score
I have a connection through the U Michigan athletic department (no, I don’t even ask about future expansion as it puts my friend in an awkward position). Rutgers got into the B1G based the following facts: 1) geographic location in the NY/NJ market, 2) is AAU, 3) is a continuous state (NJ) to a B1G state (PA), 4) is D1 in sports (versus Princeton & others), and 5) is in the NY/NJ market. The Rice/Hermann fiasco has greatly embarrassed the B1G. The general feeling is if Rutgers was not in the NY/NJ market; their initiation would have been re-evaluated. And, not to excuse what happened at Penn State not to tarnish the 99.9% of people at Penn State who are good people, Rutgers should not throw stones when it lives in a glass house. Afterall, if something else bad happens at Rutgers during Hermann’s watch, she has proven that she will likely forget whatever did happen and jump ship for a better job elsewhere.

There are a couple of additional factors that I believe helped RU and which UCONN doesn't have in its favor. 1.) RU has had a long relationship with several Big Ten teams mainly Illinois, Penn State and the Big Ten administration (from a lobbying standpoint). 2.)It has also been known for years that RU preferred the Big Ten over the ACC because it fit the Big Ten profile in terms of size and academic culture. 3.) although RU's football suffered miserably in the 80s, 90s and early 2000s and didn't really take off until 2005, there is a long tradition at the school. Over its history RU has an all-time winning record. The RU football program is perceived around the country as being solid, top 30- 40. 4.) Last but not least, not mentioned is the large recruiting talent base in NJ and eastern PA that opens wider for all Big Ten teams including RU.

And geez, you can't compare what happened at PSU to anything that ever happened at RU. Who's throwing stones? Talk about glass houses; have you read today's paper?
Apr 18, 2013
Reaction Score
I did not think this was directed at me.

Thank you.

My next questions concern exit fees and the GOR.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume UConn to the B1G is a go to lock down the East but the B1G has to find a 16th team.
The B1G has already passed on Missouri and Missouri desires to stay in the SEC.
A 16th team would have to come from the ACC or Big12.

For the sake of discussion, let’s assume a team from the ACC or Big 12 changes their mind about their conference affiliation and desires to leave for the B1G.
However, the ACC and Big 12 have the GOR. ACC has the exit fee. Not sure if Big12 has an exit fee.

Is there a scenario, moving forward from now, in which a team in the ACC or Big12 could still move and the B1G would accept them, despite the GOR and exit fees? or
Is there too much of a financial disincentive for it to happen?

Put another way, what is the likelihood of a #16 team from the ACC or the Big12 joining UConn as #15 to the B1G in the next 5 years as the B1G heads into their new media rights negotiation?

This is an odd scenario since we are assuming that the GoR holds up but either a team from the Big12 or ACC will still want to move by 2017. That would mean a school moving at least 5 years before the GoR is up (if it isn't renewed before then like the Big Ten).

Since we don't know exactly what happens to the a school if they do try to get out of the GoR (i.e. can they buy it back monetarily or is it stuck with the original conference regardless?) I think it's hard to project 2017 being the right timing for the Big 10 to expand to 16.

My personal take is that unless something crazy happens to change the realignment landscape the Big 10 will negotiate the 2017 contract based on the current 14-member setup and will look at possible expansion around 2020 while having back-door deals with certain ACC/Big 12 schools throughout to make sure that they don't auto-extend the GoR before it's up.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
You with the comment of the lowly populated plains states and Butch's comment of "In other words, who the heck wants to live in Kansas?" Also the overall issue with demographics that is talked about with CR.

It also goes with the comment about overcoming perception from within the B1G footprint that was talked about with regards to Frankthetank.

Perception is reality in most things.

Those are facts. You're talking about dense population on the east coast versus low density in the Plains states. I said nothing about Minnesota.

Take Kansas and Iowa. 140,000 sq. miles area
Take Massachusetts, Rhody and Connecticut. 17,000 sq.miles area.

Yet the latter have twice as many people living in 17k as the people living in 140k.
Apr 27, 2013
Reaction Score
From NickyNewark
LOL!! Hilarious...owned? ha ha,do they know this?We better tell PP to let all the 4* recruits in on our secret!All the kids in the region will flock here!Well thank god Ped U at least has a small degree of respect from your post!
I live in Cos Cob and the Capitol District in NY and I'm amazed at the block R's I see...its spreading!!It's in the very air!It's growing even as we BS ourselves now!!
Interesting. I took a very unofficial survey walking back to my car at the NJ Transit station parking lot and later the same day through the local Shop Rite parking lot in Northern Jersey, and I agree that there are a lot of block R’s around, except that most are for the Roadrunners of Ramapo College. It is probably worth noting that the grocery store is in the home town of Rutgers’ last AD, aka the poor guy thrown under the bus. Focusing on just BCS schools (Princeton, Cornell, and Army are very popular along with many DII and local state schools), Penn State is hands-down the most common college decal on cars in town. Rutgers is well behind and likely just ahead of ND and Michigan. Admittedly, I have only seen 2 or 3 UConn decals in town beside my own (oddly, there are fair number of Clemson stickers in town for some reason). So, I am not sure about Rutgers is ‘spreading.’
I do respect Rutgers and I enjoyed UConn/Rutgers football games (been to games in E Hartford and Piscataway). UConn versus Rutgers in men’s soccer is also usually a good match. That said, Rutgers has royally screwed-up recently. I have a connection through the U Michigan athletic department (no, I don’t even ask about future expansion as it puts my friend in an awkward position). Rutgers got into the B1G based the following facts: 1) geographic location in the NY/NJ market, 2) is AAU, 3) is a continuous state (NJ) to a B1G state (PA), 4) is D1 in sports (versus Princeton & others), and 5) is in the NY/NJ market. The Rice/Hermann fiasco has greatly embarrassed the B1G. The general feeling is if Rutgers was not in the NY/NJ market; their initiation would have been re-evaluated. And, not to excuse what happened at Penn State not to tarnish the 99.9% of people at Penn State who are good people, Rutgers should not throw stones when it lives in a glass house. Afterall, if something else bad happens at Rutgers during Hermann’s watch, she has proven that she will likely forget whatever did happen and jump ship for a better job elsewhere.

I take much of your thoughts in reasonable light. But, I'd really caution against any sort of endorsement towards PSU alum or fans. Too many of them are delusional, inexplicably on the side of baseless martyrdom. The way their scandal unfolded & the ensuing path of chaotic resolution = truly embarrassing, above n beyond Rutgers' current run of stupidity. Sadly, the most vocal of these PSU types, hide under Internet aliases & spout incredible garbage. Their cult of personality worship is on par with evil dictators of the charismatic type. Even worse, are the non PSU alum, who are the vast majority of their football fanbase - unspeakable trash coming out of their mouths - on a face to face level as well. I can't believe I've even had public arguments with some of these fans & their continuous blanket statements against all BIG fans is simply astounding & reckless. I went from being a huge PSU, JoPa fan, to NO THANKS - TWOFOLD! These senseless debates have occurred in my home city, Mpls, the PSU fans being visitors who are almost visible because you can see a bubble surrounding them as they move about. sick, actually!
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