Glad your ok with shoplifting
My working career was in security and auditing. Neither I nor the company I worked for tolerated any stealing - I had someone dismissed for stealing $17.00
What I am ok with is that youth make mistakes and do stupid things. The greater the possibility that someone was hurt or could be hurt by something someone does, the less tolerant I am.
In this case, I personally would have expected a greater punishment. If it was an Arizona player, I would be disappointed in the school for that small of a punishment. That said, I'm not suggesting being kicked off the team or anything, but a multi-game suspension would seem to me more fitting. Although we don't know the circumstances.
And yes, I did do stupid things in college. I drove drunk - never had an accident, thank goodness, and never was stopped. I haven't been drunk in over 30 years (and haven't had a drink at all in probably 7 or so). I never shoplifted, but I'm not sure at that age that I can claim excessive virtue or just excessive fear.