When did it become ok? | Page 4 | The Boneyard

When did it become ok?

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Aug 27, 2011
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I think they are both skilled players who exercise poor judgment in terms of shot selection.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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I think we all have been through so much pain the last few years that when their play reminds us of it,we all freak out. I have been disappointed lately but I need to remember that we are getting better and we are not doomed to stay in the previous years rut.

David 76

Forty years a fan
Nov 8, 2013
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It is never good when we take our frustration and turn it to blaming and insulting 20 year olds. It is like a bad marriage where the same old problem raises its head and soon their both going for the jugular. A lot of my life has been spent trying to handle my frustration better. A

We excuse a lot of bad behavior in the land of fandom
Aug 28, 2011
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I don't know. Look at the shots they have taken all season. Is it a secret they take terrible shots? Can't Hurley get them to stop, or has he lost control of the team? Or maybe he can't tell the difference himself. What do you think?
They have been inconsistent. That's been the theme for AG and CV their entire UConn careers. They haven't taken terrible shots every game, but they have taken terrible shots most games. That happened under Ollie too.

The starting backcourt are shooting poorly because they are taking terrible shots. Vital is a good shooter when he takes good shots. This is a coaching problem, not a player problem.

I must have missed all those bad shots CV and AG didn't take while playing under Ollie. Bad shots cannot simply be summed up as a coaching problem. That's far too simplistic and you know it. Players take bad shots for a number of reasons. Great defensive scheme/execution. Poor offensive scheme/execution. Poor decision making. Fatigue. Typically a combination of the aforementioned variables leads to bad shots. Calling it a "coaching problem" alone is an over-simplified and wholly inaccurate statement.

AG's minutes have already been reduced in favor of Gaffney. The first 8 games Gaffney played a little over 10.5 mpg. The last 4 games he's played 19.5 mpg. Ignoring Buffalo (injured in 1st half), Gilbert played 31.75 mpg over 7 of the first 8 games. The last 4 games he's played just over 23.5 mpg.

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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In answer to the OP I have never thought it appropriate to attack a college kid. Criticize the performance and discuss strengths and weaknesses frankly are acceptable. Personal attacks are over the line. I thought the tone of this board changed forever after Taliek was roasted here.
Sep 16, 2011
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They have been inconsistent. That's been the theme for AG and CV their entire UConn careers. They haven't taken terrible shots every game, but they have taken terrible shots most games. That happened under Ollie too.

I must have missed all those bad shots CV and AG didn't take while playing under Ollie. Bad shots cannot simply be summed up as a coaching problem. That's far too simplistic and you know it. Players take bad shots for a number of reasons. Great defensive scheme/execution. Poor offensive scheme/execution. Poor decision making. Fatigue. Typically a combination of the aforementioned variables leads to bad shots. Calling it a "coaching problem" alone is an over-simplified and wholly inaccurate statement.

AG's minutes have already been reduced in favor of Gaffney. The first 8 games Gaffney played a little over 10.5 mpg. The last 4 games he's played 19.5 mpg. Ignoring Buffalo (injured in 1st half), Gilbert played 31.75 mpg over 7 of the first 8 games. The last 4 games he's played just over 23.5 mpg.
I hear you but they've actually been really consistent in taking bad shots and forcing things their whole careers.
Aug 27, 2011
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The starting backcourt are shooting poorly because they are taking terrible shots. Vital is a good shooter when he takes good shots. This is a coaching problem, not a player problem.
This might be your most ridiculous post yet. Both have taken bad shots their entire careers. Vital is capable of shooting better when he sets his feet, squares his shoulders and takes uncontested shots. Unfortunately he has a history from day 1 of taking ill advised shots, and that’s not Danny Hurley’s fault. Alterique simply isn’t a good shooter, his 3-4 shots amongst the trees only bring his percentage down further. He’s probably a great kid, teammate, calls his grandmother on her birthday.. but he’s not a good shooter.
May 15, 2019
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for "fans" to just tee off on players on this board? Posters have just been trashing Carlton, Vital and Gilbert, and Gaffney and Whalley have caught some fire in the last few hours too. When did making generalized attacks against players become OK on this board? I am not talking about specific criticism of some feature of a player's game or their limitations. We have many posters on this site stating they don't want some of these players to play for UConn anymore.

Why would any recruit want to come to UConn after reading this board?

I want a list of the posters who just trash players from a position of total entitlement and ignorance, so I will know never to read their posts again.
Too many armchair coaches on the board. If these kids were getting paid....blast away at them. Blast Hurley, blast his concepts, his offense, his defense....whatever you are inclined to do. Leave the players out of the blast zone. So, with that being said, why don't all of the supposed adults on here....grow up, or better yet go to the football board and take it out on the Administration and their shortsighted lack of support.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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This team, this year, has bubble team talent. Let's see what Hurley does with them the rest of the year.

yeah this is false. Straight up fake news.
Sep 16, 2011
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Too many armchair coaches on the board. If these kids were getting paid....blast away at them. Blast Hurley, blast his concepts, his offense, his defense....whatever you are inclined to do. Leave the players out of the blast zone. So, with that being said, why don't all of the supposed adults on here....grow up, or better yet go to the football board and take it out on the Administration and their shortsighted lack of support.
This board and no other fan board would exist if people aren't supposed to talk about how the players play.
Oct 15, 2012
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When did The Boneyard become a sport? What is the sport....Mental Jousting?
The OP was inferring that recruits won't come here if they read the-boneyard. If they can't take heat from fans when they play bad then don't play sports. Every fanbase is the same.
Aug 28, 2011
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You're a whole different category. I do agree with your first para on not lighting up specific players, but damn, in the chats you are about as depressing at it gets.

If the Huskies made a movie, you'd have the Randy Quaid role from Major League II.

What’s said in text form is different then what’s said in real life, I have made the mistake of getting excited about the hiring of Bob Diaco and Randy Edsall 2.0 and recent Giants and Knicks Head Coaches and been let down so now I’m at a point now where it’s a wait and see before I give you praise 3 dreadful years in a row not to mention being a Knicks and Giants will make you lose positivity.

I’m not even so much mad it’s about not getting my hopes up anymore until the team shows me something. My new stance is win and I’ll give you the credit, when Hurley clinches a winning then I’ll give him credit.
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Aug 27, 2011
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I think the blame goes to the coach in large measure. We have players with limitations, but we have some really dumb stuff going on that doesn’t play to their strengths and actually puts them in worse positions then they should be in. I’ll start with AG, then Carleton, and then CV. I really think Hurley is pushing square pegs through round holes.
Mar 31, 2018
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The starting backcourt are shooting poorly because they are taking terrible shots. Vital is a good shooter when he takes good shots. This is a coaching problem, not a player problem.
High freaking comedy
Mar 31, 2018
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First tule of fight club don’t talk about fight club first rule of uconn athletics don’t read the boneyard!


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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First tule of fight club don’t talk about fight club first rule of uconn athletics don’t read the boneyard!

Is it just me, or are sock puppets about half the posters on this board?
Jun 11, 2013
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I don't know. Look at the shots they have taken all season. Is it a secret they take terrible shots? Can't Hurley get them to stop, or has he lost control of the team? Or maybe he can't tell the difference himself. What do you think?
Get a grip. Hurley had a bad game and so did the kids. But Hurley comes with past stats that say he gets the benefit of the doubt.
Mar 30, 2019
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The concept to me that a 17 or 18 year old prospective athlete might read the boneyard is pure comedy, zero chance a kid is on an internet message board. Second the OP doesn’t like trashing college kids (which I think we all agree with) but then talks about the Alabama football board and makes a sleeping with your sister type joke. Don’t be all high and mighty about your college kids and then go full on inbred joke like that’s an better...what if we recruit a kid from Alabama Nelson?


Class of '11
Jan 17, 2016
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I haven't read every post in this thread, and I'm not going to. I agree with the sentiment, though. I browse and post way less than I used to because lately it feels like a bunch of crybabies instead of fans of an amateur sports team. This place has changed drastically in the last year or so.
Aug 26, 2011
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I haven't read every post in this thread, and I'm not going to. I agree with the sentiment, though. I browse and post way less than I used to because lately it feels like a bunch of crybabies instead of fans of an amateur sports team. This place has changed drastically in the last year or so.

I agree. Maybe a different OP would have made it better though. The guy is a dick
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