This might be your most ridiculous post yet. Both have taken bad shots their entire careers. Vital is capable of shooting better when he sets his feet, squares his shoulders and takes uncontested shots. Unfortunately he has a history from day 1 of taking ill advised shots, and that’s not Danny Hurley’s fault. Alterique simply isn’t a good shooter, his 3-4 shots amongst the trees only bring his percentage down further. He’s probably a great kid, teammate, calls his grandmother on her birthday.. but he’s not a good shooter.The starting backcourt are shooting poorly because they are taking terrible shots. Vital is a good shooter when he takes good shots. This is a coaching problem, not a player problem.
Too many armchair coaches on the board. If these kids were getting paid....blast away at them. Blast Hurley, blast his concepts, his offense, his defense....whatever you are inclined to do. Leave the players out of the blast zone. So, with that being said, why don't all of the supposed adults on here....grow up, or better yet go to the football board and take it out on the Administration and their shortsighted lack of support.for "fans" to just tee off on players on this board? Posters have just been trashing Carlton, Vital and Gilbert, and Gaffney and Whalley have caught some fire in the last few hours too. When did making generalized attacks against players become OK on this board? I am not talking about specific criticism of some feature of a player's game or their limitations. We have many posters on this site stating they don't want some of these players to play for UConn anymore.
Why would any recruit want to come to UConn after reading this board?
I want a list of the posters who just trash players from a position of total entitlement and ignorance, so I will know never to read their posts again.
This team, this year, has bubble team talent. Let's see what Hurley does with them the rest of the year.
When did The Boneyard become a sport? What is the sport....Mental Jousting?It’s sports. Can’t take the heat don’t play.
This board and no other fan board would exist if people aren't supposed to talk about how the players play.Too many armchair coaches on the board. If these kids were getting paid....blast away at them. Blast Hurley, blast his concepts, his offense, his defense....whatever you are inclined to do. Leave the players out of the blast zone. So, with that being said, why don't all of the supposed adults on here....grow up, or better yet go to the football board and take it out on the Administration and their shortsighted lack of support.
The OP was inferring that recruits won't come here if they read the-boneyard. If they can't take heat from fans when they play bad then don't play sports. Every fanbase is the same.When did The Boneyard become a sport? What is the sport....Mental Jousting?
You're a whole different category. I do agree with your first para on not lighting up specific players, but damn, in the chats you are about as depressing at it gets.
If the Huskies made a movie, you'd have the Randy Quaid role from Major League II.
High freaking comedyThe starting backcourt are shooting poorly because they are taking terrible shots. Vital is a good shooter when he takes good shots. This is a coaching problem, not a player problem.
First tule of fight club don’t talk about fight club first rule of uconn athletics don’t read the boneyard!
Is it me or do you change your name every year?Is it just me, or are sock puppets about half the posters on this board?
Get a grip. Hurley had a bad game and so did the kids. But Hurley comes with past stats that say he gets the benefit of the doubt.I don't know. Look at the shots they have taken all season. Is it a secret they take terrible shots? Can't Hurley get them to stop, or has he lost control of the team? Or maybe he can't tell the difference himself. What do you think?
Is it just me, or are sock puppets about half the posters on this board?
I haven't read every post in this thread, and I'm not going to. I agree with the sentiment, though. I browse and post way less than I used to because lately it feels like a bunch of crybabies instead of fans of an amateur sports team. This place has changed drastically in the last year or so.