What is the opposite of poised? (Merged) | Page 2 | The Boneyard

What is the opposite of poised? (Merged)

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Aug 26, 2011
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Purvis should be in the game when his 3 pt. shot is on. He should be on the bench when he isn't making 3's. It is really that simple.
Aug 26, 2011
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Purvis should be in the game when his 3 pt. shot is on. He should be on the bench when he isn't making 3's. It is really that simple.
A Ferrari needs to stay on the track...LOL
Mar 20, 2015
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And play CV who is even a worse shooter and does nothing else on the floor?

Purvis should be in the game when his 3 pt. shot is on. He should be on the bench when he isn't making 3's. It is really that simple.
Dec 8, 2015
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Uh...Section 4. Player Out of Bounds Art. 1. A player who steps out of bounds under his own volition and then becomes the first player to touch the ball after returning to the playing court has committed a violation.

FYI... "under his own volition" is to try to keep people from running out of bounds to gain an advantage. "Volition" also includes when dribbling. If his momentum carries him off the court when he's running to a stop (which is what usually happens) he's ok. Doesn't even need two feet in bounds before he catches it... one could be in the air. just can't have one foot out like he always seems to lol.


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Aug 26, 2011
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During the BU game, one of the in studio guys said, "I played the game for a lot of years, and never accidentally stepped out of bounds." With RP, it's a key component of his game.
Oct 7, 2011
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OSU went 2-18 on threes despite numerous open looks. UConn was lucky to be in a one possession game late.

We are outmanned and even with a short roster we're carrying dead weight - Enoch sucks, our other bigs still have foul issue, we can't get to the line or shoot FTs when we get there. The 3-4 guys who have a reasonably competent overall game can't carry us.

Look, we all love the Huskies and want them to win. But this isn't going to be our year. Only chance is to win the AAC tourney, so let's all calm down. Shiat happens and this year it did in spades.
I think this sums things up quite well. It just sucks when even after all you describe and with the limited team we put out there, we let an eminently winnable game go by the boards if we could just make some basic plays that any fundamentally sound 8th grade team could make. THAT is what really sucks about this year.


Aug 26, 2011
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FYI... "under his own volition" is to try to keep people from running out of bounds to gain an advantage. "Volition" also includes when dribbling. If his momentum carries him off the court when he's running to a stop (which is what usually happens) he's ok. Doesn't even need two feet in bounds before he catches it... one could be in the air. just can't have one foot out like he always seems to lol.
I'm pretty certain he ran outside of the baseline trying to lose his defender, came back in front of our bench to catch a pass. So that was a violation.
Aug 26, 2011
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Uh...Section 4. Player Out of Bounds Art. 1. A player who steps out of bounds under his own volition and then becomes the first player to touch the ball after returning to the playing court has committed a violation.

I'm the one who cited this rule first last night.

He was the second player to touch the ball, not the first. It was passed to him.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm pretty certain he ran outside of the baseline trying to lose his defender, came back in front of our bench to catch a pass. So that was a violation.

He had 7 steps on the court.
Dec 8, 2015
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I'm pretty certain he ran outside of the baseline trying to lose his defender, came back in front of our bench to catch a pass. So that was a violation.

The rule was made for big guys camping out of bounds by the short corner to give guards space to drive.

but no the passer was the first person to touch the ball, so not a violation. Especially considering he took multiple steps after running out of bounds. The advantage gained was negated. And if his defender gives him even a minuscule bump on that baseline it wasn't of his own volition.

theres probably some ref discretion involved, but cmon, he didn't run into the stands.
Dec 8, 2015
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Speaking of obscure rules... maybe that weird old "two inbounder" thing Princeton did would work for us?

It can't get any worse than it is already.

Basically two (or more) players can pass the ball out of bounds on the baseline after an opponents made basket. It might be a good way to get the ball to Jalen when he's getting some pressure in the backcourt.
Dec 10, 2014
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you can't spell the word dysfunctional without the letters u c o n n...I know that I have said that many times over the years on here, but this years bunch is at the head of the class in that regard

they do have significant injuries, but they continue to baffle in regards to basic basketball fundamentals

a lot of what they are good at is reminiscent of 6th grade recess hoops
Aug 26, 2011
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if I knew how to post a picture, I would post a picture of Rodney. It is completely unreal how a 5th year senior, former McD AA can make as many bonehead plays per game as this guy. Brimah and Facey at least have shown some signs of consistent improvement lately. Yes, Purvis made some big shots against Cuse, but he single handedly gave this game away tonight. Unfortunately we are stuck w him for the rest of the year, god I can't wait until he's gone.

And to anyone blaming the refs.please. UConn gift wrapped that game for OSU, the refs had ZERO to do w the outcome. Another winnable game lost due to sheer basketball stupidity. A good effort from everyone not named Rodney Purvis was wasted.

No one's blaming the refs but it was lopsided as hell and anyone not seeing that ...Please. And anyone throwing it all on Rodney is just a fool. Not even worth discussing, lots of mistakes and issues but love the blinders you watch the game with but letting you know you might want to ask for a new pair from Santa.
Aug 26, 2011
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I love Jalen, but he completely disappeared in the second half. Absolutely invisible. He didn't run the offense, he didn't drive to the hoop and he didn't score in the second half until there was about a minute left. I understand he can't do everything, and he isn't always going to play great, but he got shut down a couple times very early in the second half driving to the hoop and then just seemed to give up on trying after that. Completely silent. This team simply can't win if he disappears for an entire half. That's just reality with this roster.

This 33 spot on. He needs to identify the fact they will not let him be the guy who they saw in the first half, obvious adjustments knowing he can kill them. That said, it's at that point he needs to be the decoy, even with the ball and see where the doubles are coming and get the ball to open looks. No forcing anything and being proactive as to seeing a play he can create knowing where the additional help will come from, he's not there yet and that's okay. Great game for him and the staff to break down on film and find out how they will overcome this because it will happen a lot. I'm afraid it's all about learning this year and this was just another example of coming up short. Having said that, the staff should also be prepped for this and have some set plays in which he is either running off the ball or creating situations where he is setting up people.

Like to win these, and will eventually but it's funny how I feel about this the next morning. Not painful at all as I accepted the year (sucks though) and hope our guys are much stronger by years end and next year just because.
Aug 27, 2011
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Jalen has the ball in his hands like 80% of the time so if he turns it over it is part of the deal for handling that much. He had a palming, a walk, and a late game take away. The problem is with everyone else giving it up, fumbling, bad hands, traveling. How many turnovers did we have? 16-7. It's almost crazy that we were in the game with that stat, and it tells me that OSU is pretty bad too.
Apr 8, 2014
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The opposite of poise? How bout Brimah's fifth foul. It was the kind of mistake a freshman might make in December, but by February he's learned enough to stop doing it. Brimah's still making that bonehead move in his senior year. I don't remember ever seeing a four year player develop so little at Uconn. SMH.
Aug 26, 2011
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The opposite of poise? How bout Brimah's fifth foul. It was the kind of mistake a freshman might make in December, but by February he's learned enough to stop doing it. Brimah's still making that bonehead move in his senior year. I don't remember ever seeing a four year player develop so little at Uconn. SMH.

C'mon Obrero it's Rodney's fault he committed that foul get with the program:eek:
Aug 26, 2011
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Have deleted more posts than I've written about Rodney because I hate to trash our kids, especially ones who do try hard. But damn he drives me crazy.

That said, we lose to 'Cuse easily the other night without him.

He's maddening.

Thanks amazing these guys are nowhere to be found when he goes 5-10 from 3 and plays great D on a scorer from the other team. He's easy to target just like AB, just be sure you let everyone know when they play well too, don't come here just when he has a bad game.
Aug 26, 2011
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And play CV who is even a worse shooter and does nothing else on the floor?

Do you even watch a game and if you do have you any idea of how to play? The kid is struggling shooting the ball, beyond struggling, but I think he can shoot. Having said that he doesn't turn it over all that much and his defense is the best on the perimeter. Plays hard, fights through picks all over the court, knows where to help and when to. He's a solid defender and part of the reason we are in games.

Check it out sometime, you may even see a glimpse of good D.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm pretty certain he ran outside of the baseline trying to lose his defender, came back in front of our bench to catch a pass. So that was a violation.

I will have to see that again but while you need to establish yourself with 2 feet, you also can't use the oob's to your advantage without being forced out. And you need to come back in immediately.
Mar 20, 2015
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There is a difference between being a bad shooter and struggling.

We need scoring, we struggle to get 60 with such little consistent contribution from the front court. we can't take our 2nd best scorer out for a guy who can't score or shoot. Now you're asking JA to get 35 every night and he's not a good enough shooter to do that.

I do agree RP can be confounding. Next year we'll be good with a primary guard rotation of JA-AG-MAL.

Do you even watch a game and if you do have you any idea of how to play? The kid is struggling shooting the ball, beyond struggling, but I think he can shoot. Having said that he doesn't turn it over all that much and his defense is the best on the perimeter. Plays hard, fights through picks all over the court, knows where to help and when to. He's a solid defender and part of the reason we are in games.

Check it out sometime, you may even see a glimpse of good D.
Aug 26, 2011
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Love hating on Purvis, reason why we lost verse OSU is because Trevor Thompson went 17 & 17 verse us coming off the bench.

Totally embarrassing.

Our bigs.

Yes Purvis is frustrating but he is further down on the list of issues.

Anyone realize RP's averaging 6.3 rebounds the last 3 and almost 5 on the year. Asked for improvement there and he's done just that.


Aug 26, 2011
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Anyone realize RP's averaging 6.3 rebounds the last 3 and almost 5 on the year. Asked for improvement there and he's done just that.
There is no question that he giveth; or that he also taketh away. That's why he's so damned frustrating to so many of us.

Yes, the same could be said of any of our kids, precisely because they are kids. I think a big part of the reason that the frustration with Rodney is boiling over this season is because he is a fifth year senior and we necessarily have to rely more on him due to our under-manned roster, and his shortcomings and inconsistency are all the more glaring now.

I will agree that his rebounding improvement has been notable.
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