OT: - What changes are you and family making to your lifestyle due to coranavirus? | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT: What changes are you and family making to your lifestyle due to coranavirus?


The Champ Is Here.
Aug 29, 2011
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I am hopefully bringing my family to Disney World for the first time in a couple of weeks
Unfortunately will be cancelling our trip to Orlando in April.
Aug 26, 2011
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Kids have nothing to worry about. It's people above 60 and people with compromised immune systems.

I am getting military grade masks. And staying home as much as possible.
Mar 28, 2015
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Canceled my plan to ride the Pub Crawl bus to various Sarasota Jazz Festival venues. And we're probably driving from CT to Cleveland for an appointment, rather than ride in an aircraft aluminum petrie dish.
Aug 29, 2011
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Cancelled college visits with daughter. Her high school had a parent with coronavirus from the Biogen event and we are awaiting results on a couple of students with symptoms. School has implemented on-line courses for the next 3 days and then we will see what happens after spring break next week. This is in Tennessee
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Sep 16, 2011
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It's actually kind of alarming that there are people who think cancelling a basketball game is "treating this like Armageddon."

If that's Armageddon, what is happening in Italy?
I just don't know what it will accomplish. We will have to cancel the NBA season, NHL season, MLB season, people will stop using public transportation, school will close, restaurants will close, people will stop going to work etc. If what the experts are saying is true we'll be looking at close to 50 million people hospitalized and close to 500,000 deaths. It would be pretty damn difficult for our country to function if it shuts down for 6 months.
Sep 17, 2011
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I am scheduled for vascular surgery next month. There is nothing elective about it. Between now and then, I have to get clearance from a number of doctors, have more blood work done, etc. Despite my age, I was not the least bit concerned about going under the knife again. Needless to say, that attitude and feeling of confidence has changed over the last week or so.

One thing that has happened in Washington State is that the blood supply is now really low. This affects the ability to do surgery. Some elective surgeries have been cancelled in other places.Do not be surprised if yours is postponed depending on the virus levels in your State.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Going to Miami for my bachelor party in two weeks. Will likely cancel all bottle service events and stick to golf and watching the tourney in our rented house.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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No changes for the wife and I.

We live in a 55+ community in central Florida. No events have been cancelled. Friday night was a club dance. I played in the band - 9 instrumentalists and 5 singers. Over 300 people in the audience dancing away. Saturday night we had two performances of Herman's Hermits with Peter Noone. Dinner was also part of the package if you desired. Both shows were packed with 525 in our ballroom. Both dinners were at max of 80 people.

Sunday we traveled to a Barbershop Quartet concert. Another 300 people. Never was a thought of cancelling the event.

Our resturant and Bistro are packed every day and night.

Our travel club has cruises and European trips planned but no talk of cancellations yet. Our medical hospital across the street is giving us constant updates. Nothing near the crap being air on several new outlets.

Maybe because we live in a community of people that have been there, done that and got several t-shirts that there is no sense of panic or overreaction.
Aug 26, 2011
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Probably going to make a beer/wine run tomorrow so that we have a supply to last 2 to 3 weeks if things get shut down. The wife always has way more food than we need for a month. I don't understand people buying bottled water. Are they going to shut off the power for those on wells? No. Is the MDC going to shutdown" No.
Note to self... hit liquor stores asap.
Dec 20, 2013
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Lines shouldn't be long??
I have no idea. My 90 year old mother thinks it’s a crock but I realize it is real. She has likely seen worse in her lifetime. I am not changing anything and and hoping things don’t get cancelled on us including school and work.
Nov 24, 2019
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Posted in another thread but will post here as well. I really enjoyed the Joe Rogan podcast today about it as well as the Sam Harris one. I thought both doctors did a really good job of explaining this in terms of the impact it can have on a community and our country. The the strain on our hospital systems was pretty alarming. The other thing too I found disturbing was that he essentially said it’s an airborne disease, simply breathing will make you get it and called the washing off hands method not all that effective in combating it. So to me, these precautions seem wise just from what I’m hearing from the experts. Just hearing them talk about the health care systems and lack of beds and resulting in other issues due to that was pretty eye opening. But to answer your question, trying to limit my exposure and prolly putting any airline travel on hold for now.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've stopped saying, "If it doesn't kill me, it'll make me stronger."

I'm thinking that last Sunday was my last post-exercise sauna, steam, whirlpool sequence for an unknown while; not happy about this.

Replenished meds, filled in food stock, increased hand-washing & accessability of sanitizer.

Made an inventory of out-of-home locations for exercise, culture, spiritual, educational, shopping, and personal care, and thought about which are essential, important, preferred, and optional.

Have had reality testing conversations with trusted friends and family, letting go of need to not sound stupid or uncool. if I exercise extra caution as things sort out.

Look at people, places, and things a little differently.

More concerned that I could transmit to others than be affected myself

Recognize how readily people say that >60 is old, and how readily I say, "Yeah, but that doesn't really apply to me, right?"
Aug 26, 2011
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My team used to look at me like i was nuts when i told them - “if you’re sick stay home you get no points for being here and that’s not because i care about you its because i care about me”. Said that last part as a joke, but it was at least 50% true.

Fortunately, we live in a very rural area and my bride and I works from home. Its nothing to screw around with based on my jhu friend. We’ve always been extremely germ phobic guess it comes from living in NYC for so ling before we bailed - so always washing hands and sanitizing.

She did ask me the other day “do you mind keeping one of the shotguns loaded so we can easily grab it when things go to hell”. I’m not entirely sure she was kidding.
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May 27, 2015
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I mean at this point how can anyone consider this a hoax? Is the entire country of Italy lying about a nationwide quarantine? South Korea? Many others....Do people think somehow we are special and that somehow we are the exception and this is just something that happens to "other" people. The hoax people are dangerous because they will be the ones that facilitate the community spread. It's really a shame that people are so jaded nowadays that they think everything is fake or a hoax. Listen to medical professionals, not politicians on either side with an agenda. Even if your skeptical to the extent of it, it's still better to be cautious than dismissive when lives are potentially at stake.
This is another thing I don't get. We've seen how hard it's hit China and Italy, and despite what people on this site would have you believe, our reaction has been very slow


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Washing my hands more often. I washed them a lot before but now I am washing them even more. Trying not to touch anything that the public has touched. Just trying to be smart and taking more vitamin C

Stay safe Husky fans


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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I've stopped saying, "If it doesn't kill me, it'll make me stronger."

I'm thinking that last Sunday was my last post-exercise sauna, steam, whirlpool sequence for an unknown while; not happy about this.

Replenished meds, filled in food stock, increased hand-washing & accessability of sanitizer.

Made an inventory of out-of-home locations for exercise, culture, spiritual, educational, shopping, and personal care, and thought about which are essential, important, preferred, and optional.

Have had reality testing conversations with trusted friends and family, letting go of need to not sound stupid or uncool. if I exercise extra caution as things sort out.

Look at people, places, and things a little differently.

More concerned that I could transmit to others than be affected myself

Recognize how readily people say that >60 is old, and how readily I say, "Yeah, but that doesn't really apply to me, right?"
"Yeah, but that doesn't really apply to me, right?"
right. it doesn't, when you consider that your post is filled with words like exercise, spiritual, and educational. like 20 or so years ago, i asked great gramms, (now near 95 and driving, shoveling, gardening, and in general, movin her butt) if she was bummed out cuz a lot of her friends were slowing down. her response? 'buncha ol' farts.' wicked smart lady. attitude is altitude - plenty in this life to be high on. keep moving.
Sep 2, 2015
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People are reacting to the unknown. People just don't know since this is a new virus. The average age of the person dying in China is 80 years old.
Those who have compromised immune systems and who are older appear to me by far the most susceptible to the virus.
I think many people always prepare for the worst just in case, but they had a guy on today who has tested positive for the virus 9 times over the last month and is completely symptom free.

I've just been making sure to wash my hands, try not to touch my face and the basic precautions. Hand sanitizer is suppose to do nothing for Corona. And remember when you wash your hands, you should be doing for 20 seconds or more.

I'm not concerned for myself, but both my parents are in their mid 70's and I see them just about every day.
Aug 26, 2011
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No changes for the wife and I.

We live in a 55+ community in central Florida. No events have been cancelled. Friday night was a club dance. I played in the band - 9 instrumentalists and 5 singers. Over 300 people in the audience dancing away. Saturday night we had two performances of Herman's Hermits with Peter Noone. Dinner was also part of the package if you desired. Both shows were packed with 525 in our ballroom. Both dinners were at max of 80 people.

Sunday we traveled to a Barbershop Quartet concert. Another 300 people. Never was a thought of cancelling the event.

Our resturant and Bistro are packed every day and night.

Our travel club has cruises and European trips planned but no talk of cancellations yet. Our medical hospital across the street is giving us constant updates. Nothing near the crap being air on several new outlets.

Maybe because we live in a community of people that have been there, done that and got several t-shirts that there is no sense of panic or overreaction.
A cruise? That is the worst thing you can do according to well...everybody in the scientific, public health and medical world.
Aug 26, 2011
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"Yeah, but that doesn't really apply to me, right?"
right. it doesn't, when you consider that your post is filled with words like exercise, spiritual, and educational. like 20 or so years ago, i asked great gramms, (now near 95 and driving, shoveling, gardening, and in general, movin her butt) if she was bummed out cuz a lot of her friends were slowing down. her response? 'buncha ol' farts.' wicked smart lady. attitude is altitude - plenty in this life to be high on. keep moving.
A year ago, I was introduced to a very sharp 94 year old on the basis of our being avid UConn MBB fans. A couple sentences into the conversation, I followed a hunch and we determined that my uncle was his fraternity brother. Harry Gampel had been the guy who was his pledge sherpa (or whatever it's really called). He was instantly elated and simultaneously sad. Our discovery thrilled him, but everybody he'd want to tell was dead, except for a friend now institutionalized and suffering from dementia. That particular guy was someone I knew growing up as the dress shop owner who came to our house with options for my mother for events like bar mitzvahs and weddings. Again, a wonderful story all dress up with nowhere to go.

I'm not worried that I'm in COVID-19's crosshairs, but as with getting my yearly flu shot, I behave in ways to improve health odds for people less robust than I.

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