This is another point worth noting... preventing points can be just as important as scoring them - and frankly for all of their offensive shortcomings - both CV and Gilbert and defend pretty well. Gaffney's just not that good defensively and for as good as he is offensively - I've been really, really underwhelmed by Bouknight's defense. It's sloppy and handsy.
It's not really that cut and dry of a situation.
CV should never be running point. But that really isn't his fault. The problem primarily lies with a decent and reliable back up to Alterique when he's in foul trouble or playing poorly.
His shot selection is perceived as horrible. When you're a volume streak shooter, going through slumps and the player who disproportionately takes and misses the last shot in a winnable game if the shot is made there is no way anyone can defend him by pointing out the games he won when his shooting was on. Heck Donyell is still looked at slightly negatively for missing two free throws that could have clinched an NCAA game.
But those two negatives, as important as they are, should not cause an unbiased individual to negate CV's three positives - defensive rebounding, man to man defense, and foul shooting.
Freshman year CV was needed to rebound but he did so by sacrificing defense on his player resulting in a high frequency of that player making 3 pointers. He's essentially eliminated that by improving his timing as to when to leave his player. We don't win our first NC if Rip did not develop a similar timing strength by knowing when to help out on defensive rebounding and when to leak for a fast break. CV is rebounding at an astounding rate for a guard and not given credit because of the anger towards his weaknesses.
Examining some other players Brendan appears to be getting this. Tyler is just starting to show hints. People critical of Tyler's rebounding numbers don't understand he's been a great man to man glue guy. He sacrifices looking peripherally and releasing but he's not getting burnt frequently by his players driving to the basket or making 3 pt shots. Akok is a wunderkind. Bouknight is working on just staying with his player and not fouling him when the opposing player gets a step on him. When his lateral reflexes improve he will defend better, get more playing time, and I believe be an excellent defensive rebounder. Jalen is just getting used to college speed. Al is too short.
I'll add one more thing - how I believe CV should be played at the end of a tight game.
@Waquoit proposes he shouldn't be in the game at that critical point. Actually he'd like to see him traded. But his first recommendation isn't without merit. It's a toss up based on attributes versus liabilities. There are three attributes versus two liabilities but imo, and someone can verify the data, CV's excellent FT numbers are statistically poor at the end of important close games. Now it's down to an above average defender and rebounder critically necessary at the end of a game for defense and a player who loses composure on the offensive end. If I'm correct, Hurley needs to keep at least one time out at the end of a game to substitute CV out when UConn has a last offensive play to win. Or he needs to understand that with all of CV's bravado, he's a fragile player who loses composure when things get stressful. A team psychologist just might solve many of his problems.