USAB National Team Pool for 2018 World Cup [merged] | Page 4 | The Boneyard

USAB National Team Pool for 2018 World Cup [merged]

Nov 5, 2013
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Mechelle has already tweeted specifically about Parker not being on the team.

She's pretending not to have noticed Parker's earlier tweet that made it clear it was Parker's decision.
Maybe you should stop following her tweeter if it has not been so insightful :)
Nov 5, 2013
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So based on the list, here's my team, you get to pick 12 I think: Sue, Tina, Griner, Collier, Stef, Tuck, Stewie, Delle Donne, KLS, DT, Maya, and Tiff
Why Griner? You can send Stevens ! Can’t you find another substitute for Delle Donne .
Aug 27, 2011
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So based on the list, here's my team, you get to pick 12 I think: Sue, Tina, Griner, Collier, Stef, Tuck, Stewie, Delle Donne, KLS, DT, Maya, and Tiff

Not the strongest team but good enough to win an olympic gold.
Feb 18, 2016
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USA Basketball almost certainly explained the decision privately, or at least offered to do so. This quote from committee chair Carol Callan says as much:

"We generally don't talk about players that aren't here because there's a variety of reasons why they aren't," Callan said. "She's one of them. We choose not to try to speak for them. I would simply suggest you ask her. Candace has been an important part of our program over the years, and we talked about the decision when she didn't make the Olympic roster. I don't want to speak for her or try to verbalize."​

Absolutely irresponsible and low-class of USA Basketball to clam up like this. They're casting aspersions on Parker with their silence. And what in the world is this "suggest you ask her" nonsense? This is a All of Fame player in her prime. Just shows that the Powers That Be in USA Basketball have pulled some dirty stuff, and by refusing to comment, they're implying that Parker is to blame.

Just dirty.
Jul 19, 2013
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Why Griner? You can send Stevens ! Can’t you find another substitute for Delle Donne .
Stevens isn't on the list. I was building my team based on those in the national team pool.


South Bend Simian
Apr 17, 2014
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11 of 12 players from the last Olympic team are in the pool (Catchings retired). They could easily add someone (N. Ogwumike?) to those 11 and call it a day. Here is the ages those players will be next September when the World Cup is played:

Stewart - 24
Griner - 27
Delle Donne - 29
Moore - 29
Charles - 29
McCoughtry - 32
Fowles - 32
Augustus - 34
Whalen - 36
Taurasi - 36
Bird - 37

Is this the tournament where USAB finally brings in youngsters or do they kick that can down the road to 2020? Realistically, I think they have to let some of the older players go. Unless Taurasi or Bird experience a major decline in performance, they are not leaving either of them out. I'd guess Whalen and Augustus are as good as gone. McCoughtry is a question mark but I think she's still very good.

Who gets in will be interesting. One thing I noticed:

Jewell Loyd PER 2016 - 18.1
Jewell Loyd PER 2017 - 19.1

Diana Taurasi PER 2016 - 18.3
Diana Taurasi PER 2017 - 19.0

Across the board, 2017 Loyd and 2017 Taurasi are *very* similar based on their WNBA statistics.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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Whatever is going on between Parker and USAB is shameful. This is possibly the best player on the planet and she is being omitted from demonstrating her skills to the world for some unknown reason. That is one thing I like about individual sports; if you are the best and perform as such, then you go to the Olympics. I get the feeling that USAB is very political and that the committee makes decisions based on personal feelings about players instead of talent.

Chelsea Gray should absolutely be in the pool. There are no college players, other than maybe Wilson, who should be considered before her.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Whatever is going on between Parker and USAB is shameful.
Agree. And one of the reasons she's not there.

This is possibly the best player on the planet and she is being omitted from demonstrating her skills to the world for some unknown reason.
Oh I think most people can figure it out.

I get the feeling that USAB is very political and that the committee makes decisions based on personal feelings about players instead of talent.
Well they are making a team, not just picking the best talent. Just like UCONN there is a lot of talent that is not pursued, usually because it doesn't fit with the team.

Parker has burned her bridges now. She should have taken a look at Swin Cash.
Sep 1, 2011
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For what it's worth:

This is a pure " catch 22" illogical rational to justify punitive measures. This implies that a major criteria to be invited to a National evaluation camp is to have already been part of the National Program. But you can not be chosen for the National program without first being evaluated at a National camp. Bottom line is that this is nothing but rational for blacklisting players who ever for any reason refuse to attend a National camp. I believe Gray declined an invitation the summer before starting her freshman year. She stated she wanted to focus on getting herself ready for her first year of college.

It certainly smells like the rational behind her omission is conveniently making her an example for anyone who would dare to refuse to attend any National Camp when invited. Now her being invited to the last camp was also convenient because it was almost a certainty she would not be able to attend. Why didn't the same criteria they used for not inviting her now apply then as well? They use the criteria of attending a national camp to justify excluding her now, yet not apply that same standard to the last one knowing the odds were slim that she would be able to attend.

A previous poster mentioned that they felt college players should not be invited because they have not proven themselves against the best competition. Well someone else responded that the point was to integrate them into the National system as early as possible. So which one is it? To evaluate talent or integrate into the system? It seems to vary depending on what ever suits their present agenda's. Now I can understand the former, because often college players have not had the opportunity to be evaluated against better competition. Now anyone who plays in the best league in the world does not need to be evaluated in a limited training camp. They have their careers as a standard. If the other is the criteria- chemistry? Well that is what the national camps are for so why not invite players to evaluate them- unless you have already decided for other reasons.

I contend that Chelsea is the perfect player to use as an example because until the last year she has had a relatively low national profile. They can use her as an example of why it is important to never refuse an invite to a national camp. This is all about a group of people displaying and exercising their power. When considering a number illogical actions they have taken absent any sort of rational accountability it reeks of a self serving group. It is not unusual for people in positions of trust to forget their responsibility and begin to use those positions for self serving and often vindictive purposes. The NCAA being a prime example of an organization that has become goal displaced.

These groups and organizations can attempt to bs and spin to hide their own self serving agenda's but when really held to a real standard their contradictions expose themselves. The whole Parker thing is another example of some sort of agenda cover up. They need to totally clean house every now then with every position of trust and governing body. When this is not done these bodies become goal displaced, self serving and eventually steeped in corruption.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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For what it's worth:



La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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Maybe you should stop following her tweeter if it has not been so insightful :)
I don't "follow" her Twitter, much less her tweeter :)

I happen to notice her tweets because they get plastered on ESPN's website.


Rutgers Rooter
Oct 11, 2011
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The Parker/USA Basketball decision has been debated a ton and as others have said, the real news was made back in September when she revealed she wasn't trying out for the team anymore. Whether this breakup is because of Parker, USA Basketball, or a combo of both, it's obvious that her time with USA bball is over. She has two Olympic golds in her trophy case, and USA is so deep they could probably bring any combo of 12 and still win gold.

I missed the Vandersloot news--thanks for pointing it out.

As for Chelsea Gray, USA basketball has an odd of history of simply ignoring some worthy players (Becky hammon--who eventually signed with Russia, and Vickie Johnson, come to mind). Agree she is more than worthy and should be invited, though given USA's recent history with inviting young guards on the team, who knows what will come of it.

Which brings me to the guards again--I think this is the time to bring in some new blood at guard for team USA. Bird and Taurasi will surely make the team, but agree with others that Augustus and Whalen should be replaced for younger options. Diggins and Gray would be my top two choices, from the list McBride and Hayes would be next.
Apr 1, 2013
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I tend to believe anyone still holding onto Parker being on this team is either a non-UCONN fan that doesn't understand team sports, or it would pain me to say this-- a UCONN fan that doesn't understand what team basketball is. I'm not saying anyone in this thread fits the description. Because I get you can be angry about the past and that is the point.

But for those non-UCONN fans who think Parker should be selected on, these are probably the type of fans that look primarily at "talent" without a clear understanding of team concept probably because they've been "up-against-it" for so long. - - - And live by the words "if only our college team had more talent . . ."

And for any UCONN fan that thinks Parker should be selected without even trying out-- that would be mind-boggling. I hope none of my fellow UCONN fans would be that callous/naive to believe putting out a team - other than for an all-star game - is about "all talent" without having to go through tryouts and working on playing with new teammates. If any UCONN fan believes that and has had the pleasure of watching UCONN these many years and reading how Geno does things-- then they'll never understand the team concept. Because they can only view/appreciate the game as "individual talent," and not how a team works.
Sep 1, 2011
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I tend to believe anyone still holding onto Parker being on this team is either a non-UCONN fan that doesn't understand team sports, or it would pain me to say this-- a UCONN fan that doesn't understand what team basketball is. I'm not saying anyone in this thread fits the description. Because I get you can be angry about the past and that is the point.

But for those non-UCONN fans who think Parker should be selected on, these are probably the type of fans that look primarily at "talent" without a clear understanding of team concept probably because they've been "up-against-it" for so long. - - - And live by the words "if only our college team had more talent . . ."---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. UCONN these many years and reading how Geno does things-- then they'll never understand the team concept. Because they can only view/appreciate the game as "individual talent," and not how a team works.
To many of us it is not just about Parker. Rather the lack of set standards for their selection process. It is when you operate under standards that you can be held accountable. Was not inviting Chelsea Gray using the rational that she had never been part of the National Program about a player who does not understand teamwork? This issue about promoting the necessity of going through the National system has surfaced before. It seemed to have been active in quite a few other sports. It reflects a group wanting to establish and maintain their power. Often via punitive exclusion. Many athletes in other sports have chosen to represent other countries because they had little opportunity through the National selection committees of their own sports. This is not about Parker or Chelsea Gray but about the proper exercise of power in positions of trust.

When taken as a whole and not focusing on their isolated rationals for why the chose people it seems they create criteria to justify their picks rather than picking based on a criteria. You give a rational for their potential issue with Parker, but that is all it is - a rational. It might fly in respect to teamwork, but it does not account for other selections. Can you honestly tell me with a straight face that there are not politics and agenda's involved with the selection process. It seems people do not want to see unless it is their Ox being gored.

I trust my instincts about such things because time has usually validated them. In the case of the National committee I smell agendas and politics at work.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I tend to believe anyone still holding onto Parker being on this team is either a non-UCONN fan that doesn't understand team sports, or it would pain me to say this-- a UCONN fan that doesn't understand what team basketball is. I'm not saying anyone in this thread fits the description. Because I get you can be angry about the past and that is the point.

But for those non-UCONN fans who think Parker should be selected on, these are probably the type of fans that look primarily at "talent" without a clear understanding of team concept probably because they've been "up-against-it" for so long. - - - And live by the words "if only our college team had more talent . . ."
And for any UCONN fan that thinks Parker should be selected without even trying out-- that would be mind-boggling. I hope none of my fellow UCONN fans would be that callous/naive to believe putting out a team - other than for an all-star game - is about "all talent" without having to go through tryouts and working on playing with new teammates. If any UCONN fan believes that and has had the pleasure of watching UCONN these many years and reading how Geno does things-- then they'll never understand the team concept. Because they can only view/appreciate the game as "individual talent," and not how a team works.
This UCONN fan doesn't know what you are talking about because " talent" is the primary reason any player is selected for any national team. This UCONN fan believes Parker could have been included on 2016 but fully understands why she might have been excluded for Basketball Only reasons. This UCONN fan understands that it was Parker's decision not to be included in the selection process for 2018 National team. This UCONN fan knows that the way "Geno does things" at UCONN is not the way USA basketball does things. Do you?
Aug 27, 2011
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I am a UConn fan. I kind of anticipated this grumbling. I am raising a few points. I do not have the answers.

1. Should National coaches be limited to 1 term? Geno and Coach K had long tenures.
2. In soccer many countries have a national coach. He is an experienced professional coach. Usually, he is promoted and no longer coaches a professional team. Can we have such a position in women's basketball?
3. USABL clearly wants team oriented basketball. How many college coaches have implemented it? How many have shown innovation and ability to move the game forward? If there is a dearth of good coaches, USABL will be disappointed.
4. In soccer, many nations put their teams thru a long training camp and the national coach/committee can make a good selection. We do not have that luxury. What can we do instead?

I believe it is essential to tackle these issues before the team selection can be addressed. Auriemma has his coaching duties. He does not have the time to coach team basketball. Neither do the WNBA players have time to learn it.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think an NBA coach as the national coach would be best way to ensure a merit oriented basketball team.
WNBA coaches and college coaches will always be accused of favoritism.
USABL can pick those who favor team basketball.

More than one thread on this? Am I posting on the right one?
Oct 14, 2013
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11 of 12 players from the last Olympic team are in the pool (Catchings retired). They could easily add someone (N. Ogwumike?) to those 11 and call it a day. Here is the ages those players will be next September when the World Cup is played:

Stewart - 24
Griner - 27
Delle Donne - 29
Moore - 29
Charles - 29
McCoughtry - 32
Fowles - 32
Augustus - 34
Whalen - 36
Taurasi - 36
Bird - 37

Is this the tournament where USAB finally brings in youngsters or do they kick that can down the road to 2020? Realistically, I think they have to let some of the older players go. Unless Taurasi or Bird experience a major decline in performance, they are not leaving either of them out. I'd guess Whalen and Augustus are as good as gone. McCoughtry is a question mark but I think she's still very good.

Who gets in will be interesting. One thing I noticed:

Jewell Loyd PER 2016 - 18.1
Jewell Loyd PER 2017 - 19.1

Diana Taurasi PER 2016 - 18.3
Diana Taurasi PER 2017 - 19.0

Across the board, 2017 Loyd and 2017 Taurasi are *very* similar based on their WNBA statistics.
Are you chumming the waters for hostile debate by comparing Jewel to D? Jewel is a very good player, but you will never hear “we have Jewel and you don’t.”
Nov 5, 2013
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NBA coach can be biased as well, probably less so. However it is not the coach but the selection committee makes the final decision.
I think an NBA coach as the national coach would be best way to ensure a merit oriented basketball team.
WNBA coaches and college coaches will always be accused of favoritism.
USABL can pick those who favor team basketball.

More than one thread on this? Am I posting on the right one?


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Simplest solution is for UConn to declare themselves a new country

Sue, Tina, Azure, Collier, Stef, Tuck, Stewie, Mariah, KLS, DT, Maya, and Tiff (Geno as coach)

Would we take gold? While we may not have the talent advantage, could the continuity of playing in the UConn system (especially a suffocating brand of help defense)push us over the 'other' US team. :rolleyes:


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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Simplest solution is for UConn to declare themselves a new country

Sue, Tina, Azure, Collier, Stef, Tuck, Stewie, Mariah, KLS, DT, Maya, and Tiff (Geno as coach)

Would we take gold? While we may not have the talent advantage, could the continuity of playing in the UConn system (especially a suffocating brand of help defense)push us over the 'other' US team. :rolleyes:

I disagree. Since the vast majority of the complaining is from the Lady Vol fans, I think they should be the ones to secede.

Their next Olympic team can consist of the six WNBA players who are former Vols: Burdick, Graves, Harrison, Johnson, Parker, Stricklen.

It would be fun to see how they'd do.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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I disagree. Since the vast majority of the complaining is from the Lady Vol fans, I think they should be the ones to secede.

Their next Olympic team can consist of the six WNBA players who are former Vols: Burdick, Graves, Harrison, Johnson, Parker, Stricklen.

It would be fun to see how they'd do.

I thought it would be a fun exercise to see if the UConn active player tree could realistically take on and beat (USA - UConn). No intent to really push us out of the US :)

TN will never have a critical mass of players that if they decide to leave in protest would be felt.

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