UConn -- Gay Hockey Players are Welcome | Page 3 | The Boneyard

UConn -- Gay Hockey Players are Welcome

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Aug 31, 2011
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Culture is constantly changing, and it is reliant on societal change, not the other way around anymore. It used to be that way when Newton and other scientists challenged Biblical explanations for certain phenomena, but as cultures have become so widespread and simultaneously intertwined that has changed. People were (and, unfortunately, still are) disgusted by the idea of blacks loving and getting along with whites, and Martin Luther King fought the culture that perpetuated that idea and wanted it to change. That is the fundamental change he fought for, and I'm sure that that's what gays ultimately want. So what makes gayness so disgusting, and why should that perception of disgust be permitted and perpetuated? A cock being put in an ass? Please, grow up. Homosexuality is far more than dick being inserted into an ass.

Anyone who has any problem or disgust with another's implicit sexual orientation has some issues themselves with their own sexuality. They don't call it homoPHOBIA for nothing. They're afraid of homosexuality because they feel it within themselves but know that it is currently taboo to be homosexual, and the only way they understand how to deal with those emotions is to view and act towards homosexuals aggressively negatively. It's basically a giant fear mechanism.
Aug 25, 2011
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It's as simple as this - they don't have a right to try to force me or anybody else to "love them." In your view, apparently, that should be the goal. In my view, live and let live.

I don't know where you live where you feel that gay people are trying to force you to "love them." If your discomfort with homosexuality stems from your inability to stop picturing men having sex I think that's probably an issue you need to sort out. When I have dinner with a buddy and he brings his boyfriend I don't imagine them having sex. Maybe that makes me weird, I don't know.
Sep 16, 2011
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This headline is rediculous and pointless. I can't believe the coach and captains agreed to this crap. Like others said, this could do nothing good for recruiting hockey players and would most likely just cause prospective recruits to think twice about coming, no pun intended.
Aug 26, 2011
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This headline is rediculous and pointless. I can't believe the coach and captains agreed to this crap. Like others said, this could do nothing good for recruiting hockey players and would most likely just cause prospective recruits to think twice about coming, no pun intended.

Yeah but if a recruit now turns his back on the Huskies doesn't that mean he wants to come to Storrs??:)
Apr 26, 2012
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So what makes gayness so disgusting, and why should that perception of disgust be permitted and perpetuated?
Ah. Now we get to it. I shouldn't be "permitted" to be turned off or find it repulsive. And that's my problem with the aggressive folks in the gay community. They don't want equal rights - they want to "not permit" me to be repulsed.

Try this.

It's my biology that 1. Makes women's privates a turn on. and 2. Makes gay sex a turn off.

Isn't that simple? I'm certainly not arguing that there is anything intrinsically beautiful about the orifice known as "the vagina." In fact, I do my best not to think of it all, rationally, because the whole thing is quite disturbing. But, nonetheless, I'm hardwired to like it. I'm also hardwired to dislike gay sex.

You wanting to "not permit" me to be turned off by gays interacting is attacking my hardwiring in the exact same way that religious groups who want to get gays to become straight are attacking their hardwiring.

You want something that you won't give in return. Most men do and will always find gay interaction disturbing because they're hard wired to believe that. It's equivalent to the "gays choose to be gay" fantasy to say otherwise.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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This thread is very strange.

I find myself partially agreeing with babysheep and FrankIvy.

I think essentially you guys are saying the same thing - but just going about it differently.

At the end of the day, who cares what someone's sexual preference is? It's not our business whatsoever and doesn't detract from the individual.

It's mind numbing to me that this country wastes so much money debating over an issue as ridiculous as this.

If two guys want to get married - who the cares? It's not anyone's right to tell someone how to live.
Aug 26, 2011
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Frank I hear what you're saying and I agree with a few of your points, but I disagree with the notion that you are "hardwired" to be turned off by gays. Two men having sex isn't a picture I want in my mind either, but I don't blame the gay community in the least bit for pressing for equal treatment of gays within social circles. As a previous poster mentioned, many white males 40 years ago were probably "hardwired" not to socialize with African Americans. No, it's not the same, but just as was the case with African Americans, I think the more you are exposed to a specific group of people (blacks, asians, lesbians, whatever) the more you see them as normal.

It's human nature, IMO, to feel uncomfortable around people different than ourselves. But ultimately, you'll probably find that gays have a lot in common with anybody else, and the less you'll even think about their sexuality. Nobody can force you to condone a certain type of behaviour, however, I can certainly see where the gay community is coming from. And no, I do not think it's right to poke fun at homosexuals, even if you have every right to do so. If heterosexuality was the heavy minority in this country I'm sure you'd grow tired of people relentlessley demeaning and cracking jokes about your sexual preferences.

Look at it this way, in my opinon, humans are not pre-ordained to like/dislike a certain group of people, but rather taught to feel a certain way through the teachings of their parents, friends, siblings, etc. How many people in the world today do you think would feel true shame if their child came out of the closet? Unfortunately, quite a few. So while I understand you don't like to have things forced down your throat, and your entitled to your own views, I'm completely fine with the gay community pushing for the American population to treat gays as their social equivelants, as you would say. This generation will tolerate homosexuality a lot more than the past one, the next generation will tolerate it much more than this one, and so on. I think the world is too politically correct at times myself, but at the end of the day, people simply want to be treated with respect.


Aug 31, 2011
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Seriously did you take even Psych 101 when you were in college? The emotion of disgust is absolutely not part of one's "biology," just like there is no biological cause behind racism. Anger, sadness, fear, and happiness most likely are, but not disgust. It is a learned behavior, and all learned behavior can eventually be unlearned, which is what gay people want to happen to the collective American culture. They're not trying to force anyone to stop believing anything, they want people to wake up and realize that there is nothing about homosexuality to be afraid of.


Aug 31, 2011
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It's human nature, IMO, to feel uncomfortable around people different than ourselves.
Yes it absolutely is, but after that initial moment of uncomfortable/anxiousness, the variability between individuals is their ability/lack thereof to deal with that difference. Some people can look at a difference between themselves and someone else, evaluate that difference, and understand that that difference is just a difference and doesn't affect them in any way. Those people are the ones comfortable with homosexuality. The others either don't have the ability or presence of mind to make that evaluation, or, after making said evaluation, still find some way to feel threatened by it, begin to justify that fear, and begin to develop aversive behavior to it since they have no idea how else to deal with their fear. This behavior is the manifestation of that fear, and it's why it's called homoPHOBIA.


Aug 31, 2011
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If two guys want to get married - who the cares? It's not anyone's right to tell someone how to live.
But we need to keep the sanctity of marriage! We can't have these godless sodomites ruining it! It says right in the Good Book, God hates queers!


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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You're entitled to your racist opinions - as long as you don't try to foist them on me. Frankly, I don't view the world as full of races, but rather full of people - but if you want to hate whatever group, that's your right, and I support it, and I wouldn't want to try to brainwash your kids to believe what I believe, which is that all are entitled to equal treatment under the law, regardless of any physical characteristic (or sex orientation).
I don't think you do see just people because if you did you wouldn't separate them into gays ("not equivalent"), fat people ("disgusting"), and people of deep religious faith ("religious nuts"). Oh, I'm sure you think you're non-judgmental but, no, your prejudices are firmly in place and you justify it all with your "hard-wired" excuses for your attitudes. Last year you used hard-wired to explain away some misogynistic statement I've since forgotten so you've really sold yourself on that excuse. It's too bad, really, because there is a kernel of rationality in your original post about having a live and let live attitude towards a lifestyle of which you don't approve.
Apr 26, 2012
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Last year you used hard-wired to explain away some misogynistic statement I've since forgotten . . .
Unfortunate Nan - you're never too old to learn.

If you'd like some info on the biological basis for human behavior, PM me rather than PMS me.
Aug 26, 2011
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Hard wired for sexuality, most of us probably are. But what does that have to do with this? Hardwired for revulsion?


Aug 31, 2011
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Unfortunate Nan - you're never too old to learn.

If you'd like some info on the biological basis for human behavior, PM me rather than PMS me.
But I would rather you enlighten all of us, not just me! Share the knowledge! I'd love to hear what human behavior you think is biologically based.

Come back in.... let's say 20 minutes, after you skim a couple Wikipedia articles, and school us.
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