UConn and PC NCAA Tourney History | The Boneyard

UConn and PC NCAA Tourney History

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Aug 27, 2011
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Snowed in and extremely board I was just looking at our amazing tourney history, and for fun I decided to take a look at Providence. Do you guys realize since 1997 we have won 41 NCAA games since their last win? 41!!! That is so damn pathetic why the hell would we ever give them a home and home game?


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Because their mere presence 50 miles away inspired you to randomly look up their tournament history?

Rivalry games are not an evil. We don't need to play each other yearly - it's not that important a game - but a home and home won't kill anyone.
Aug 27, 2011
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Because their mere presence 50 miles away inspired you to randomly look up their tournament history?

Rivalry games are not an evil. We don't need to play each other yearly - it's not that important a game - but a home and home won't kill anyone.

I understand your point on the convenience of playing local, but I'm just saying there are about 8 former Big East teams more interesting to play in my opinion.
Aug 26, 2011
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The same people who feel inspired to start threads like this without being provoked are the same ones who will tell you they aren't a rival. It's a strange complex some posters on this board have.

The Providence program is heading in the right direction under Cooley. They lost a heartbreaker to North Carolina in the tournament last season, and barring an implosion, are well on their way back to the dance this year. They wouldn't be my first choice for a home and home, but I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it so long as Cooley is there.
Aug 28, 2011
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Agreeing to home and home games and admitting that someone is a rival is not a concesssion of equality. You pick your out of conference games based upon what will draw fan interest and help promote/advance your program. If schools only agreed to home and home games with programs they considered better than or equal to their own, no one would be able to fill out a schedule.
Aug 31, 2011
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Ummm....our RPI is currently in the 20s; UConn is in the high 70s. We play in the #2 RPI conference; while you are relegated to the AAC(10 maybe?)

You would be lucky to get a home and home at this point(in case you aren't sure; that's a joke). PC will play you anywhere, anytime. You know, your old motto. PC even offered a home game with no return and you turtles.

Probably not going to happen anytime soon. Too bad, always a great game.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ummm....our RPI is currently in the 20s; UConn is in the high 70s. We play in the #2 RPI conference; while you are relegated to the AAC(10 maybe?)

You would be lucky to get a home and home at this point(in case you aren't sure; that's a joke). PC will play you anywhere, anytime. You know, your old motto. PC even offered a home game with no return and you turtles.

Probably not going to happen anytime soon. Too bad, always a great game.

Sean not bad until you actually said and somehow may have believed "you'd be lucky to get a home and home..."

You are really out of your fn mind this morning aren't you? PC would take a 2 for 1 if we offered with our 2 at home, whether our RPI is 70 or 350 right now. That may have been your worst reply ever and thats' saying something.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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If I've said it once, I've said it 5-7 times.

Everyone here that gets in an uproar about being "above" PC still seems to be baffled and outraged when BC won't schedule us in football.


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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PC has turned things around with Cooley, and they are definitely a respectable program right now. Even before they "turned things around" they usually seemed to give us their A game. College sports in general need more local rivalries and they are the closest major program to us. It would be an easy way to get a decent home and home on the schedule, and wouldn't require much travel for either team or their fans. What would be the problem?
Aug 31, 2011
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Sean not bad until you actually said and somehow may have believed "you'd be lucky to get a home and home..."

You are really out of your fn mind this morning aren't you? PC would take a 2 for 1 if we offered with our 2 at home, whether our RPI is 70 or 350 right now. That may have been your worst reply ever and thats' saying something.

Did you get hit in the head with a shovel? I LItERALLY typed that it was a joke and put it in parentheses. WOW, I guess you really cant fix stupid.
Nov 21, 2012
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A game against PC does not get me any more excited than a game against Tulsa does, but given the proximity I would be up for trying to do something with them, maybe a bean pot esq tournament in Boston with BC and Harvard. Although this should be a lot lower on our list than getting games with Nova, Cuse, St. Johns, or non local big boy programs.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Ummm....our RPI is currently in the 20s; UConn is in the high 70s. We play in the #2 RPI conference; while you are relegated to the AAC(10 maybe?)

You would be lucky to get a home and home at this point(in case you aren't sure; that's a joke). PC will play you anywhere, anytime. You know, your old motto. PC even offered a home game with no return and you turtles.

Probably not going to happen anytime soon. Too bad, always a great game.

Um... UConn has won 4 National Championships vs how many for PeeCee?
When we both were in the conference of all conferences, PeeCee won how many conference titles and BE tournaments?
You would be lucky and really don't deserve it if you get a sniff of Gampel or XL by your rules
I have no problem playing PeeCee but let's get it straight which program has the trump card and which program is missing cards.

Also relegation not due to MBB performance but you stayed in BE because your football program justified it.

Your opening barb was not a joke but a stupid quip.

There - that's my obnoxious reply to yours
Last edited:
May 7, 2014
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That is so damn pathetic why the hell would we ever give them a home and home game?
Any P5 football program can say that about UConn. Yet our guys a few forums up feel damn near entitled to such series.
Sep 21, 2011
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Ummm....our RPI is currently in the 20s; UConn is in the high 70s. We play in the #2 RPI conference; while you are relegated to the AAC(10 maybe?)

You would be lucky to get a home and home at this point(in case you aren't sure; that's a joke). PC will play you anywhere, anytime. You know, your old motto. PC even offered a home game with no return and you turtles.

Probably not going to happen anytime soon. Too bad, always a great game.
Every time I think you just might have absorbed some Dominican humility.
Your pride gets in the way and you create a post like the above.
You are a guest in a house of stranger ,please act like it.
Sep 14, 2013
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I don't really understand the PC hatred either. Not to sound condescending, but I never considered PC a rivalry during the Big East days. PC was honestly no different than Depaul. I don't like PC, and it aggravates me when PC seems to be recruiting in the same neighborhood as us, but there is no venom. Syracuse on the other hand...
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't really understand the PC hatred either. Not to sound condescending, but I never considered PC a rivalry during the Big East days. PC was honestly no different than Depaul. I don't like PC, and it aggravates me when PC seems to be recruiting in the same neighborhood as us, but there is no venom. Syracuse on the other hand...
I think the hatred, if you want to call it that, for PC is the few trolls that have come over here in the past. Personally I would love a regular series with PC. Also, BCU, Harvard, Yale and URI every year.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Ummm....our RPI is currently in the 20s; UConn is in the high 70s. We play in the #2 RPI conference; while you are relegated to the AAC(10 maybe?)

You would be lucky to get a home and home at this point(in case you aren't sure; that's a joke). PC will play you anywhere, anytime. You know, your old motto. PC even offered a home game with no return and you turtles.

Probably not going to happen anytime soon. Too bad, always a great game.

Yawn...I'm sure your right Sean. Thanks so much deigning to play us. Congrats on that RPI #!


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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This is BS. PC never did UConn any favors. When PC was considered a top program in the east, they never played UConn in the regular season. Less than 50 miles away and they never played. And UConn wasn't part of Gavitt's original plan, they only got that seat in the Big East after Holy Cross passed. At that point in time, UConn was the up and coming program, winning the ECAC with a team who's best players were freshman. Not taking the best team in the Northeast would have been difficult for a new league trying to build credibility. Especially a league calling themselves the Big East.
Aug 31, 2011
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I don't really understand the PC hatred either. Not to sound condescending, but I never considered PC a rivalry during the Big East days. PC was honestly no different than Depaul. I don't like PC, and it aggravates me when PC seems to be recruiting in the same neighborhood as us, but there is no venom. Syracuse on the other hand...

Did DePaul games give some of your best players nightmares and the famous quote during a timeout; "They won't stop dunking on us" Ask Jim Calhoun if DePaul and PC are the same. Who is DePaul's Ryan Gomes? I'm not saying PC is up there on your radar like Duke or 'Cuse; but DePaul didn't peak a poster's interest on a snowy day.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Im fine with playing PC. There is some bitterness there with the fans and its a fun rivalry. It would do us much better than playing Central or Coppin State.
PC is having a nice year this year, that being said If you made me put 100 dollars on which team wins a game in the tournament this year, Id bet on UConn still, and we are not even IN the tournament as of today!
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