First --you were sort of clear.
I keep using Charde as my example because she stands out, but there were others. He then had nearly todays standards but he modified his PT requirment because Charde was the ONLY consistent scorer available with that team. So she played. His standards were not in concrete as many think--he was pragmatic---either lose (Geno hates to lose) or use one he had little respect for in effort, practice, etc--he chose the latter.
My take, as invalid as it may be, is: Geno has choice; use what's available, even accepting the unacceptable or live with the 6 playing many minutes as he brings along the frosh/Sophs slowly.
If he expects them to be game ready in March (6 weeks away) the end 6 or so need REAL game, not clean up time, experience.
A poster stated the dilemma is a moral question: Once you, as their leader, dictates a manner, criteria, for obtaining PT---if you slide back, your word gets to mean little. That I understand.
Still standards are adjustable-- Geno has mellowed from 15 years ago--accept the current PT crunch or trust the new guys. Tough dilemma.