Thoughtful Assessment of how our freshman integrate into our team | The Boneyard

Thoughtful Assessment of how our freshman integrate into our team


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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I disagree with Nika not getting alot of playtime her freshman year. Watching her videos and yes theyre videos not necessarily high light films she is a terrific passer just like Anna and Paige. Westbrook is still recovering from her injury and I would think UConn will take it slow with her starting the season giving time to Paige and Nika. Nika it has been said is tuff and a very good ball handler. I think she will see minutes and surprise alot of people.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I like David Connelly, but find his freshman analysis less analysis than history scrounging to find someone to give him numbers. The worst of it being Nika will get very little time so she's Molly Bend. I do hope that she practices in a way that leads to real minutes. You don't draft a thoroughbred and then leave her in the barn.


Humanity Hiker
Oct 1, 2011
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Two slight disagreements. First, and I will parrot this as long as need be, despite what Auriemma said about Moore, Rizzotti also was ready for college ball from day one. Her stats and leadership confirms this. Of course she was not the same caliber superstar, but she was POY caliber.

Second, Schumacher is a better comparison for Gabriel than Butler. In both cases I suspect Connelly may be lacking historical familiarity.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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One other little error of David's part. Evina is not a "returner." He's on safe ground to think she may start and her performance at Tenn suggests she should thrive in Geno's system, but it's a projection.


No, not that Providence.
Feb 15, 2019
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* Daniel Connolly

But, yea, he lost me when he compared Nika to Molly. Molly had other D1 offers, but I doubt she would have been playing professional ball anywhere before heading to college. If we didn't have Paige coming in at the same time, everyone would be over the moon for Nika.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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I think it’s fair to assume that 3 freshmen, by virtue of their international and/or professional experience are college ready: Paige, Aaliyah & Nika. While a 3-guard rotation of Christyn, Evina and Paige might limit Nika’s minutes, I could see Geno going with a smaller unit at times, with 3-4 guards on the floor, including Nika.

Mir’s ability to play will depend on her defense, rebounding and hustle. She will likely not get many of Aubrey’s minutes unless she becomes a serious offensive threat to boot.

Piath is intriguing. Obviously, she is something of a project, likely not getting significant minutes until next season. But as the saying goes, “You can’t teach size.” Piath is 6’5”, strong and she can run the court. If she can develop as a college level post defender and solid rebounder, I envision that she can earn some meaningful backup minutes by the second half of the season.

Autumn, who is destined to be a fan favorite, will likely only play mop up minutes. But we will all be cheering for her every time she gets the ball beyond the arc.
Apr 23, 2019
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I disagree with Nika not getting alot of playtime her freshman year. Watching her videos and yes theyre videos not necessarily high light films she is a terrific passer just like Anna and Paige. Westbrook is still recovering from her injury and I would think UConn will take it slow with her starting the season giving time to Paige and Nika. Nika it has been said is tuff and a very good ball handler. I think she will see minutes and surprise alot of people.
Probably one of the most disappointing possibilities for this team is not being able to find Nika minutes. Yes she has special vision like Paige and Anna. I also think she will be a very good defender. Much depends on how Westbrook is used.

If Geno considers Evina a point guard first, and starts her, Nika might get Molly Bent minutes, because presumably Paige would then be the first point guard off the bench. I personally don't like that strategy for several reasons.

First Westbrook could be a very good college player at three positions. In my opinion her best position would be SG, with PG and SF being about even but a little behind. Even though she could play three, I hope her minutes are concentrated on just two, SG and SF.

One reason for that is we have two not one very talented "pure" point guards. The sooner Paige settles into that starting spot the better. If they both approach expectations we may not need any significant minutes at PG from anybody else for four years.

Now lets look at the wings, SG and SF. Obviously we have two incumbent starters and Evina would appear to be the odd man out. I would be fine with that, and turn the wings into a rotation of only three players with Evina getting not just some, but all of the backup minutes at those positions. For the team I think that would be ideal. Evina would be a super-sub, but mostly at two positions, on a very good team and in that role could still achieve a high draft status.

On the other hand if she is clearly better than Williams or Makurat, then start her, and one of those other two becomes the wing super-sub. A three wing rotation with those three would be great no matter who starts.

If Evina starts at PG you can easily substitute for her at PG with two options, but now the options behind Williams and Makurat are more unproven and iffy. The best backup to Williams would probably be Paige, perhaps teamed with Nika. So is that what we want, a good tweener starting at a position that is not her best, and then your number 1 recruit getting many of her minutes at her second best position.

As for subbing for Anna you probably look to someone from Griffin, McLean or Edwards, all of whom in my opinion would be better upfront and needed more there, and you lose a valuable three point threat from SF. Even if Nika is not ready yet, I think starting Paige and giving Evina the backup minutes there would work. In that scenario Evina might be the principle backup at three positions and get very near starter minutes.

If those 5 can be great covering the minutes at PG,SG and SF mostly in their natural positions, then we can use the players upfront where they can help the most as well. I envision the PF/C rotation to be similar to the wings with three very good players covering two positions. Those three are Nelson-Ododa, Griffin and Edwards. Liv is obviously the C and Griffin and Edwards can compete for the starting PF, but regardless of who starts at PF, Griffin will play almost all her minutes there and when Liv is out, the bigger Edwards will sub there. So Edwards minutes could be split between both positions.

So this overall scenario involves a rotation of 8, with two players getting major minutes off the bench, subbing for wings or bigs, and one Nika just getting the backup point guard minutes. That leaves out Mira and Piath, and Autumn. Obviously injuries are likely to open up some opportunities for them, and they may be used for situational substitutions, but for significant minutes in contested games they would have to surpass somebody in the top 8.

Who knows how it will all play out, but on paper I think this scenario while not best for everyone could be best for the team and maximize players individual talents.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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A few other college ready players: Kelly Faris, Sue Bird (pre-injury), Kia Nurse, Renee, Bria, and Doty - another what could have been Nicole Wolff.

Where I think Nika may earn significant extra minutes is with her defense - she has lightening hands and great defensive intensity that should set her apart from typical freshmen. With a loaded back court I could see more full court pressure than we have seen in years. The ability to trade out guards means Geno can afford to let them burn energy for as long as they can and then bring in replacements to give them recovery time.
Jun 24, 2012
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I think Nika can find minutes on this roster. Of our guards, I think Christyn and Nika are the only two that are truly one position players. Westbrook and Makurat could likely play the 1-3, and Bueckers the 1 or 2. I expect to see many backcourt combos over the course of the season, and won't be surprised to see Geno go with what is working on a game by game basis. Over the course of the season, I see Westrbook playing more of the 2/3 and maybe only running the offense the first few minutes of each half as the starter.
Aug 27, 2011
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I like David Connelly, but find his freshman analysis less analysis than history scrounging to find someone to give him numbers. The worst of it being Nika will get very little time so she's Molly Bend. I do hope that she practices in a way that leads to real minutes. You don't draft a thoroughbred and then leave her in the barn.

Lots of racing age(2) horses are kept in the barn for a year, letting them mature and get stronger.


Aug 24, 2011
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While I appreciate the comparison, I would expect Piath to have a much higher ceiling.
In fairness, Heather had a high ceiling as a high school recruit and freshman. She showed what she was capable of against Griner and Baylor. But IIRC, it was all between her ears, and it never clicked for her on the court.

I don't doubt that Piath will achieve much more than Heather, hoops-wise, but from a pure potential perspective comparing the 2 coming in to college, it's not an unfair comparison. In my opinion... :)
Aug 27, 2011
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Two slight disagreements. First, and I will parrot this as long as need be, despite what Auriemma said about Moore, Rizzotti also was ready for college ball from day one. Her stats and leadership confirms this. Of course she was not the same caliber superstar, but she was POY caliber.

Second, Schumacher is a better comparison for Gabriel than Butler. In both cases I suspect Connelly may be lacking historical familiarity.

I think Connelly is miss-stating what Geno said. It wasn't playing college ball but being ready as far as having a good understanding about college offenses and defenses and being comfortable with UConn practices. I think the words were "she 'got it' from day one".
The biggest problem UConn freshmen face is coming from a HS program where the offense was designed around them and they rarely played a supporting role. They were the engines of their teams and now they are just a cam shaft in a much more complicated engine. That's why I see Bueckers being part of the rotation from day one. Watching her highlights one can easily see her as a scoring guard first but it was her leadership on the court that is the most impressive thing about her. She has had the advantage of being a pg on a team loaded with enough athletic talent to allow her to shine her skills as a distributor.

I think the freshmen as a group will play and impress in-conference but if and when UConn faces top 5 teams their minutes, except for Bueckers, will shrink, as has often happened in the past.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I think Nika is too good and too competitive to be limited to garbage time. Regardless of when she plays, Nika will provide very good ball movement, some steals, and lots of energy.

Mir is shorter than Aubrey and not as long. She's more like a thinner Gabby, without the elite passing skills. But she definitely can snag rebounds and has the ability to score, better than Aubrey did as a freshman. Mir has some nice acrobatic moves that allow her to get the ball up in traffic. Plus, she's a good FT shooter. Look for offensive boards, putbacks, and and-ones from her. You'll love watching her sky above the crowd.


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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It would be a major disappointment if Piath, over her four years at UConn, accomplishes no more than Heather Buck. By all accounts, she is a lot faster and more athletic than Heather (and two inches taller). Their work ethic may be similar, but Heather (like Nicole Wolff and Molly Bent) seemed to me to suffer from an excess of self-criticism which undermined her confidence and aggressiveness. She was VERY worried about making mistakes, which seemed to cause her to make more. I am hoping that Piath will not suffer from that disability.

I would suggest that Kiah Stokes or Kaili MacLaren (or Kelly Schumacher) might be better "comparables" as to what Piath should be able to contribute.


Aug 24, 2011
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I would suggest that Kiah Stokes or Kaili MacLaren (or Kelly Schumacher) might be better "comparables" as to what Piath should be able to contribute.
I HOPE Piath achieves as much as either. But Kiah was ranked 42, 14, 6, and 9 coming out of HS. I don't have Kaili's rankings, but she was top 10 by at least 1 IIRC, and legit top 20. Piath is quite a bit lower.

I know you can't judge kids these days based on players from the past - so much has changed - not only in the ranking services, but also in fitness and athleticism of kids compared to years past. So I'm not so much as disagreeing with you, as pointing out that Piath is ranked VERY low across the board. She has played against very little top level competition.

Even in her videos, while the fundamentals are really good, the speed at which she goes is VERY slow. By that I mean I think the college game will be far to quick for her. No matter how good the coaching, and her attitude/work ethic, I expect her to get no PT except in blowouts at the end of games. I think she will struggle for consistency her sophomore year, and we won't know really what we are going to get from her till her junior season.

And by then, while Olivia will be gone, we will have a MUCH higher ranked Ice Brady as a freshman. I've seen her play several times, and am of the opinion that given her game/fitness/skills from last year (sophomore in high school), she would have been one of the first few off the bench last year at UCONN- both because she's that good, and because we simply had so little post size/depth.
Apr 23, 2019
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I think Nika can find minutes on this roster. Of our guards, I think Christyn and Nika are the only two that are truly one position players. Westbrook and Makurat could likely play the 1-3, and Bueckers the 1 or 2. I expect to see many backcourt combos over the course of the season, and won't be surprised to see Geno go with what is working on a game by game basis. Over the course of the season, I see Westrbook playing more of the 2/3 and maybe only running the offense the first few minutes of each half as the starter.
I think your assessment all these players is very good. Nika is one position because she may not be a great shooter, and Christyn because she doesn't have the passing instincts to play the point. Anna and Evina can play 1-3, but perhaps better 2-3, and Paige could probably be very good at either guard spot, although I think she only plays SG when Nika is in the game. The good news is that with 5 players expected to be very good covering those 3 positions, two of which can play all three, and one that could easily play two, short of injuries we are solid. You made all good points.
May 16, 2013
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What is it about Westbrook that makes her a fit at smaller forward other then being 6 foot? Sounds like being 6 foot would give her a good advantage at point guard. Her assist numbers at Tennessee weren’t bad, she even had double digit assist games 3 times while at Tennessee. I believe both Williams and Ana had more rebounds in a season then Westbrook, that’s why if Pagie is to you start I think Williams will move to small forward and Ana power forward or to the bench.
Apr 1, 2013
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The team has ridiculous versatility. I just want to add that many teams don't have a "power" forward. And many that do aren't very good. And with the 3 point shot - many teams play small too. To further that- the best 5 players might be Liv, Evina, Anna, CWill, and Paige. While this is not a starting lineup more than likely - it can mean they all get the most minutes.

So many options for this team it's ridiculous.

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