You're so right. Could never happen. Though similar things have on multiple occasions. I was being a little sarcastic but if you think it's not possible you haven't been paying attention.
I'm glad Tiger gutted it out but he'll be severely limited going forward. That limp could trigger other issues. If he was in his 20's or early 30's it would be more manageable. He's a warrior but the clock is ticking so enjoy the good days while you can.
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enjoy the good days while you can.'
me? me alone? don't you think
'enjoy the good days while youse can'
would be the better advice, seeing how there's millions of us Tiger fans?
his limp will be fine, and go away. prolly not months, more like years methinks.
the picture is a big fail however, since the operative phrase here was 'clubs flying in the water.' u see any water? u see any clubs flying? u see any in that crowd even looking at Tiger? im pretty sure iffn the term 'flying clubs' and Tiger Woods were in the same sentence, sumone would pay attention. and speaking of paying attention, i try to pay attention cuz when i do, attention has a pretty sweet way of paying me back.
mebbe there's a 'no clubs on the tee' rule, and he just booted it off as he walked by. or mebbe its a photo of you, or someone like you when the phone goes off, and u've found out that u have to cut the round short. seems like i've seen that a lot lately, with folks kicking, throwing, and yelling at things after just getting off the phone.
'The report also gives more detail about Woods’ leg injury, reading “open fracture, mid shaft on his right leg, below knee,”
is that,... is ..that, his right leg on the boot?
i try to keep my cultural references age appropriate. many old people never seem to get 'the healing' thing. mebbe they don't listen to tom brady enough.