Gotta say I am not a big fan of this one. .
Sorry this is my first comment on the Boneyard. I'm Class of 72, now live in Carmel, CA. How did I get out here when all my family never left CT? As Mark Twain said to the question about How did California get populated: "God picked up the USA and tilted it toward California, and everything that wasn't screwed down, rolled down into California." Yes, the Left Coast is populated with very loose screws. Whenever I see someone who is efficient and concise, I never fail to ask them, "What part of the East Coast are YOU from?" Only once it was someone raised in California.
Where were we?
What I am most proud of for Connecticut is strong women are raised there. And Geno's ways make me hugely proud because his life work is a standout towards raising kids, supporting them including connecting with his "guys" in the deepest way possible, and showing what women are capable of to the rest of the world: consistent, brave, prolonged excellence.
Ask yourself, who else in the world has not only helped women break through the glass ceiling, but cared enough about women cheating their talent and capability/possibility by badgering and literally pushing these highly talented women right up through the damn glass ceiling?
Who else?
Who else do we know in the world who consistently, without fail, pushes the women he coaches until they either leave or break that ceiling?
Connecticut does this and Geno does this because he cares deeply for ridding this world of women/people who can break that ceiling but never had a mentor to require, at the first step through his doorway, that they either show up or not show up, but if not show up, please do that somewhere else?
This is precisely why I watch EVERY game, wherever I am in the world, because I am proud of what Geno and those in the State of Connecticut do, day in and day out, to be a beacon showing the rest of the world what CAN be done for women everywhere!
If you really achieve greatness in this world, there is a lot of sanding your own rough edges to get through to the top, being the best there is in something. You may have no idea the blood, sacrifices, and humility it truly takes unless you have done that.
Now suppose you have done this, and helped others to do this for so many years?
And after you break through, reach the mountaintop, you can only look back from the lonely precipice and thank God/Goddess for those who never gave up on you, and MADE you change, made you do the diligence to fix yourself and take that next step upwards.
(Myself, I can't figure out how I got over the hill when I don't remember reaching the top!!)
The reason I disagree with you Rocky, is that I am extremely happy they showed Lou's struggles, and in such a deeply vulnerable state of mind, is that too many people see how easy it looks on UCONN's basketball court, that so many do not know or acknowledge or see how hard it is, what our "guys" have to go through, i.e., what it really takes to break through ANY ceiling in this World.
It's good for anyone, young or old, to see the guts it takes to change, to get better, and how humiliating it really is to let yourself be coached, be mentored, and drop into the nitty-gritty of your own soul in order to put that aside and listen.
Rocky, or those who Monday morning (I'd say quarterback, but this is basketball) Point Guard Geno, CD, and the great team working along-side Geno, should really pay attention. Because the whole team have proven that excellence can be achieved consistently. And they do this day in and day out.
This is how you do it. They know how, have put their efforts where their mouth is.
When your jump-starting a car or a human who is dying against their dream, you apply shock.
Those who wail about this fact, have never glimpsed greatness.
You HAVE to shave your ego down to hear how greatness is achieved. Denial is death. Shock must be applied.
Bravo Geno, CD, and his team for leading the way.