The Geno A Show: Episode 1 | Page 6 | The Boneyard

The Geno A Show: Episode 1

Nov 13, 2013
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I haven't posted here since June....been meaning to since November....but RL seems to always get in the way. But I feel compelled to make time, and comment on the episode regarding Lou's heart, and on Geno being served up by too many forum members as not only a great basketball coach, which he is, but also as virtually infallible, unassailable, and unaccountable, which he isn't.

I encountered a puzzling mindset of obeisance on this board some six months ago. I remarked then....

Interesting replies to my criticism of Geno in mishandling NB and adversely impacting the team's 2016 prospects. I have to stand by my contentions.....explanations, justifications, and rationalizations notwithstanding.

I was expecting a spirited defense of Geno, but am quite surprised at his wholesale acquittal. Plausible deniability would have been a nebulous but more acceptable cover, but I sensed instead a unified front exempting Geno from answerability, thus culpability. UConn in November will not be what it should be, and it's not "not anyone's fault"....providence isn't at play here :-( . In all, it leaves an impression that is too cavalierly exculpatory. Sorry, guys.

Such deferential treatment of Geno was specious then....even more so today vis-à-vis the preposterous defense of Geno's unwarranted rebuke of Lou's character, as presented on a recent tape (assuming its authenticity and there was no editing for dramatic effect). Geno has no right to question Lou's heart in front of the team, under any circumstances....that it was made public is outrageous.

There's ass-chewing and there's ass-chewing, the spectrum runs from betwixt and between deserved to undeserved.....wrist-slap to strident.....constructive to destructive. To cavalierly and publicly assert that Lou doesn't have heart is a humiliation bordering on destructive, which can only be undeserved.

Moreover, that Geno can draw a heart for her benefit is piling mockery on to verbal abuse.

Inherent in many forum comments is whether one can or should be able to "take it", or not, it being a disturbing impropriety that should not have been alleged to begin with.

To then assay Lou's fortitude against such a personal censure re-victimizes her.

Depending on context and other factors, verbal aggression by or from random people is one thing, when they are uttered by an authority figure who has dominion over one's aspirations (perhaps future professional careers for some)....when it's superior-to-subordinate such as Hall of Fame Coach Geno-to-Sophomore Player Katie can be an indignity, as well as deeply hurtful.

It wasn't long ago that I was where Lou age where she's still discovering herself, including what she rightfully has coming to her, all the bads, goods and uglies....regardless of legal chronology, she's not fully transitioned from girl to woman, from minor to can still be a million-piece puzzle. On the other hand, Geno is a grown up, he ought to know better.

For many forum members to dismiss Geno's unfortunate verbal aggression is callous at best, and brings into question their own lack of heart they forcefully concur Lou doesn't have, thus deserving to be chastised.

Worse yet, it will bring forth Lou 2.0, a new, improved version....perhaps with double the heart!

What is of such import or so hugely at stake that permits a meritorious coach to so audaciously rebuke a player's character?

Flip the parameter and I recall my Gramps' telling me many years ago of a Georgetown player mistakenly passing the ball to an opponent late in a game, which cost the team the game. Having just lost the chance for the ultimate prize---a national championship---Georgetown's coach hugged his crushed player to console him, to make him whole again. It was just a basketball game, with a monumental screw-up at that, but which Hall of Fame Coach John Thompson turned into an inspiring display of pure heart, a delightful moment witnessed by millions.

Great coaches do not resort to dignity-shredding take-downs of players who may be messing up, nor does his position give him a right it to a star player, budding star or last woman at the end of the bench.

I needed to speak out on this. I wish I had more time. There are a few here I suspect support my position....thank you.

I will respond to some curious Geno-supportive comments from forum members as well.
Maybe you should send a copy of this to Auriemma letting him know how wrong he is.
May 9, 2016
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Welcome back. I do not support your position because there is no balance to it. For all the yelling that Geno does, those occasions are more than off set with hugs, tears of pride, and genuine appreciation of his players effort.

Thank you. My one solitary critique won't come anywhere near "balancing" the near-saturation of Geno-is-unassailable indulgence on this thread alone.

Moreover, if I'm getting this right, any negative criticism of Geno must also have a requisite commentary of something positive, else the "imbalance" invalidates my criticism? I hope you don't mean this.

Let's celebrate Geno, he's well deserving, his achievements are unparalleled. Let's not deify him, it's not who he is.
May 9, 2016
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Am I the only one that took Geno's comment as simply... you need to go out and play with heart, and play with emotion because that's something only YOU can do - I can't coach you to do it and I can't make you do it, you have to do it for yourself.

We see such a small glimpse into that world, into the workings of the programs and into the lives of the players and staff.

Geno could have said what you suggested, it would have been apt, but he didn't....he said what he said. Which is only the half of my concern....the other half is the "yeah, nothing wrong with it" forum chorus which followed.

You're right....and I did react/comment only on what I saw/heard.
Apr 10, 2015
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That was actually the second episode. Episode one was back in early December. That clip of Lou is from the All-Access Show on Wednesday night, so you may only have to wait a few more days to see some things you don't like. Geno said that maybe he expects too much of Lou, but I guess that's his way of making great players legendary. Some players can handle it and the rest transfer. In the post-game after the Maryland game, Slocum said she couldn't play for a coach that yells at her, and I immediately thought about Geno and how she would last about one practice in Storrs.
Uconn isn't for everyone--nor is Geno---he gets some players because he does not blow smoke at them and fill them with unrealistic expectations--and he yells . Personally I don't like some of his methods--my kids wouldn/t play for him--nor would they be champions. But i've watched a lot of team this year and for many before on TV and coaches Yell , scream profanities (Dawn) , and yank players (a little less now)--The only coach I can think of that I don't remember her not yelling--is Muffet--all others we outrageous and hard to watch--especially when the kid looks at them and walks right on by--shows a great deal of respect for THAT coach.
Apr 10, 2015
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Thank you. My one solitary critique won't come anywhere near "balancing" the near-saturation of Geno-is-unassailable indulgence on this thread alone.

Moreover, if I'm getting this right, any negative criticism of Geno must also have a requisite commentary of something positive, else the "imbalance" invalidates my criticism? I hope you don't mean this.

Let's celebrate Geno, he's well deserving, his achievements are unparalleled. Let's not deify him, it's not who he is.
Balance in reporting is now a thing of the past--and not necessary here on the By---

I personally don't like some of his methods--but i also know the unreported good deeds he and his teams have always done.
They are not reported because Geno demands they not be reported. Any of his former kids can come to him for anything any time, even transfers. I get emotional with some of the 'good' deeds his team had done--for this town, his state, and his nation--especially those young kids who were torn apart in iraqi and Afghanistan. Everything else he does is ---JuST BASKETBALL!!
Apr 10, 2015
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I have not seen the show yet. I wonder when it was taped. Lou's play seems to get better and better. She had seven rebounds yesterday for goodness sake and appeared to be having a lot of fun on the floor. Crushed but not broken.

Danger, however, may not be handling the "instructions" directed at her quite as well.

Danger--knows basketball, knows how to read teams, she is slower at learning the GENO way. None of this means Geno does not hold her talent in high esteem. Ever see Geno hug a Frosh as she came out of a game before--he did with Dangerfield. Make no mistake--Geno love this kid, she has a lot of learning to do before April--I would think that is his plan for Dangerfield, Butler, Bent, and Kyla.
About this time last year Katie lou or Collier were not seeing a lot of PT---Dangerfield is right on course for success.
Think of Stewie her Frosh year--she was big time stuff until the paradise jam--and then a funk for a couple of months-
Dangerfield is in the best of Uconn company.
Apr 10, 2015
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I agree with a lot of you above. It's no coincidence that the two greatest coaches in the history of WCBB are Geno and Pat Summitt: just think about how SHE treated her players publicly. And yet, just like Geno, Pat commanded complete and utter loyalty from her players, because, we have absolutely no idea what follows one of Geno's (or Pat's) ripping. Whether he goes out of his way to say something nice in compensation; whether CD covers for him; whether he's expecting other players to rally around the player to develop team cohesion. We just don't know everything what goes on behind the cameras, but we DO know how much loyalty and love Geno commands of his players, so something else we can't see must be going on.

This isn't D-3 walk-on kids playing in a gym that holds a couple of hundred. This is the most elite version of amateur women's basketball in the world, played under glaring lights and the greatest possible pressure. To paraphrase Hyman Roth: This is the business they've chosen.
I like the "elite version of amateur basketball in the world" wow what a ring that has to it!!!
We live in a world of little personal responsibility, less is expected of kids. Geno reverse that and demand truck loads of personal acceptance of responsibility. He proves every day--responsibility isn't a four letter word. (as if I had to tell you that?)

From TV interviews and published stories: Geno and Christine are Bad Cop --Good Cop, Bad Dad--good mom. They set that up early on and remains part of the program.
Yet as much as i detest public punishment or bad words---everything I know says thats wrong--I know what a real cat Geno is --I think Dailey in her Irish background is the tough mutt there. Both love these kids as a parent loves their own.
Geno went through a series of very public back and forth comments of a negative fashion with Svetlana--it all worked out exceptionally well.
Apr 10, 2015
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Not me!! It didn't make be better nor did it make me worse. I had great experiences in both services. I enjoyed a lot.
Some not so much. I became much better in nearly every way as a civilian. I'm proud of my service and supportive
and caring of every Vet of any age. I hate wars--I detest seeing our young people leaving their homeland --off my
soap box..


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Thank you. My one solitary critique won't come anywhere near "balancing" the near-saturation of Geno-is-unassailable indulgence on this thread alone.

Moreover, if I'm getting this right, any negative criticism of Geno must also have a requisite commentary of something positive, else the "imbalance" invalidates my criticism? I hope you don't mean this.

Let's celebrate Geno, he's well deserving, his achievements are unparalleled. Let's not deify him, it's not who he is.

I do mean it. Your exhausting diatribe described Geno as “infallible, unassailable, and unaccountable”, destructive (twice), mocking, verbal abusive, disturbing, victimizer, verbally aggressive, dignity-shredding & abusive of a minor.
A critique that over the top, does invalidate your criticism because it was largely based on one incident-i.e., no balance.
Many posters are and have rightfully questioned the methods that Geno uses to motivate his players. Geno "may" not be diety but he is also not this version of Lucifer you have conjured up.
Dec 22, 2016
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Gotta say I am not a big fan of this one. .
Sorry this is my first comment on the Boneyard. I'm Class of 72, now live in Carmel, CA. How did I get out here when all my family never left CT? As Mark Twain said to the question about How did California get populated: "God picked up the USA and tilted it toward California, and everything that wasn't screwed down, rolled down into California." Yes, the Left Coast is populated with very loose screws. Whenever I see someone who is efficient and concise, I never fail to ask them, "What part of the East Coast are YOU from?" Only once it was someone raised in California.

Where were we?

What I am most proud of for Connecticut is strong women are raised there. And Geno's ways make me hugely proud because his life work is a standout towards raising kids, supporting them including connecting with his "guys" in the deepest way possible, and showing what women are capable of to the rest of the world: consistent, brave, prolonged excellence.

Ask yourself, who else in the world has not only helped women break through the glass ceiling, but cared enough about women cheating their talent and capability/possibility by badgering and literally pushing these highly talented women right up through the damn glass ceiling?

Who else?

Who else do we know in the world who consistently, without fail, pushes the women he coaches until they either leave or break that ceiling?

Connecticut does this and Geno does this because he cares deeply for ridding this world of women/people who can break that ceiling but never had a mentor to require, at the first step through his doorway, that they either show up or not show up, but if not show up, please do that somewhere else?

This is precisely why I watch EVERY game, wherever I am in the world, because I am proud of what Geno and those in the State of Connecticut do, day in and day out, to be a beacon showing the rest of the world what CAN be done for women everywhere!

If you really achieve greatness in this world, there is a lot of sanding your own rough edges to get through to the top, being the best there is in something. You may have no idea the blood, sacrifices, and humility it truly takes unless you have done that.

Now suppose you have done this, and helped others to do this for so many years?

And after you break through, reach the mountaintop, you can only look back from the lonely precipice and thank God/Goddess for those who never gave up on you, and MADE you change, made you do the diligence to fix yourself and take that next step upwards.

(Myself, I can't figure out how I got over the hill when I don't remember reaching the top!!)

The reason I disagree with you Rocky, is that I am extremely happy they showed Lou's struggles, and in such a deeply vulnerable state of mind, is that too many people see how easy it looks on UCONN's basketball court, that so many do not know or acknowledge or see how hard it is, what our "guys" have to go through, i.e., what it really takes to break through ANY ceiling in this World.

It's good for anyone, young or old, to see the guts it takes to change, to get better, and how humiliating it really is to let yourself be coached, be mentored, and drop into the nitty-gritty of your own soul in order to put that aside and listen.

Rocky, or those who Monday morning (I'd say quarterback, but this is basketball) Point Guard Geno, CD, and the great team working along-side Geno, should really pay attention. Because the whole team have proven that excellence can be achieved consistently. And they do this day in and day out.

This is how you do it. They know how, have put their efforts where their mouth is.

When your jump-starting a car or a human who is dying against their dream, you apply shock.

Those who wail about this fact, have never glimpsed greatness.

You HAVE to shave your ego down to hear how greatness is achieved. Denial is death. Shock must be applied.

Bravo Geno, CD, and his team for leading the way.

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1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Sorry this is my first comment on the Boneyard. I'm Class of 72, now live in Carmel, CA. How did I get out here when all my family never left CT? As Mark Twain said to the question about How did California get populated: "God picked up the USA and tilted it toward California, and everything that wasn't screwed down, rolled down into California." Yes, the Left Coast is populated with very loose screws. Whenever I see someone who is efficient and concise, I never fail to ask them, "What part of the East Coast are YOU from?" Only once it was someone raised in California.

Where were we?

What I am most proud of for Connecticut is strong women are raised there. And Geno's ways make me hugely proud because his life work is a standout towards raising kids, supporting them including connecting with his "guys" in the deepest way possible, and showing what women are capable of to the rest of the world: consistent, brave, prolonged excellence.

Ask yourself, who else in the world has not only helped women break through the glass ceiling, but cared enough about women cheating their talent and capability/possibility by badgering and literally pushing these highly talented women right up through the damn glass ceiling?

Who else?

Who else do we know in the world who consistently, without fail, pushes the women he coaches until they either leave or break that ceiling?

Connecticut does this and Geno does this because he cares deeply for ridding this world of women/people who can break that ceiling but never had a mentor to require, at the first step through his doorway, that they either show up or not show up, but if not show up, please do that somewhere else?

This is precisely why I watch EVERY game, wherever I am in the world, because I am proud of what Geno and those in the State of Connecticut do, day in and day out, to be a beacon showing the rest of the world what CAN be done for women everywhere!

If you really achieve greatness in this world, there is a lot of sanding your own rough edges to get through to the top, being the best there is in something. You may have no idea the blood, sacrifices, and humility it truly takes unless you have done that.

Now suppose you have done this, and helped others to do this for so many years?

And after you break through, reach the mountaintop, you can only look back from the lonely precipice and thank God/Goddess for those who never gave up on you, and MADE you change, made you do the diligence to fix yourself and take that next step upwards.

(Myself, I can't figure out how I got over the hill when I don't remember reaching the top!!)

The reason I disagree with you Rocky, is that I am extremely happy they showed Lou's struggles, and in such a deeply vulnerable state of mind, is that too many people see how easy it looks on UCONN's basketball court, that so many do not know or acknowledge or see how hard it is, what our "guys" have to go through, i.e., what it really takes to break through ANY ceiling in this World.

It's good for anyone, young or old, to see the guts it takes to change, to get better, and how humiliating it really is to let yourself be coached, be mentored, and drop into the nitty-gritty of your own soul in order to put that aside and listen.

Rocky, or those who Monday morning (I'd say quarterback, but this is basketball) Point Guard Geno, CD, and the great team working along-side Geno, should really pay attention. Because the whole team have proven that excellence can be achieved consistently. And they do this day in and day out.

This is how you do it. They know how, have put their efforts where their mouth is.

When your jump-starting a car or a human who is dying against their dream, you apply shock.

Those who wail about this fact, have never glimpsed greatness.

You HAVE to shave your ego down to hear how greatness is achieved. Denial is death. Shock must be applied.

Bravo Geno, CD, and his team for leading the way.
It would be extremely myopic of me to point out the parts of your post with which I do not agree. Please, please do not let this be your last post, your perspective is greatly appreciated.
Apr 8, 2015
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Geno could have said what you suggested, it would have been apt, but he didn't....he said what he said. Which is only the half of my concern....the other half is the "yeah, nothing wrong with it" forum chorus which followed.

You're right....and I did react/comment only on what I saw/heard.

While I also agree Geno is not perfect, I too think he would do something similar in the Georgetown scenario you recapped from Gramps. That was an end of the season scenario... nothing else could be done to try and accomplish the season long goal.

His heart-talk at FSU was halftime of the first game, plenty of things to do and fix if a NC is to be won.
Dec 22, 2016
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I am curious if there are any links to that clip that you guys are referring to re: Katie Lou. I'd like to see it before I pass on my own judgement :)


Here it is on-line, Katy:


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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I've been fighting myself to resist commenting on the hubris displayed in this thread but, some things just need to be said. First of all, Geno does what Geno does. He's been doing it for a long time and he's quite good at it. There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the athletes that commit themselves to Geno's program do so with full awareness and, in fact, every expectation, that they are going to be pushed past what they thought their limits were. Anybody that's not a player, a parent, or a coach in this program who is granted some visibility on what goes on inside the program can either take the lessons offered or move on -- it's not like the program needs your criticism. To say that the coach is over the top simply defies credibility, anyone with that opinion does not understand competitive sports or high-level athletes. You can't enjoy the results and disparage the methods, the two are inter-twined.
Dec 22, 2016
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It would be extremely myopic of me to point out the parts of your post with which I do not agree. Please, please do not let this be your last post, your perspective is greatly appreciated.
Did I miss your posting your points of disagreement?
Would love to see them, even if it is an ass chewing.
Nov 13, 2013
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Then you must have gone into hibernation on mine.
Your's was OK to me because you didn't try to impress everyone with a spectacular vocabulary. IMO, this whole thread was a big overreaction to what I thought was a fairly mild questioning of a player's toughness. I can see from her reaction and comments since this incident that Samuelson is just devastated.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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Every once and a while I just like to walk up this molehill and remind folks that my objection to a 5 second snippet of film was just that, to the film being shown and not to the fact that this talk between coach and team occurred . I had no idea soap was still being delivered in boxes.
May 9, 2016
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That's a lot of words. I sorta dozed off there a bit towards the end, sorry.
i didn't mean to bore you to sleep, I realize that a more patriarchal sense of reflection is a predilection on this site, and going against the grain can be problematical.

I do have a consideration I should share with you as an Admin, do with it as you please, or not. It falls squarely within your purview. It's kind of like an addendum to my wordy thesis:

For the record, I'm an ardent UConn women's basketball fan, and for the most part, a solid Geno fan as well. However, I find there is an incongruous but pervasive near-reverential estimation of Geno here.....sometimes well beyond what is befitting for a man who coaches collegiate basketball, albeit probably better than anyone, which I happily will give him due credit.

BY'ers should be mindful that they aren't the only ones who frequent this site....UConn is after all the center of the universe in women's basketball. The forum is a fan site for sports. It's a social website, not a sanctuary. The forum is a reflection of its membership, what is said and done here creates an image, which is how others perceive it. It is also not insular. If I find the habitual near-veneration of a coach (or anyone else) a turnoff, I'm certain it may also be troubling to less avid UConn and curious non-UConn fans who visit. "Creepy" is how my niece puts some Geno plaudits.

I have teenage nieces, the older one (just a couple years younger than Lou) surfs the site periodically, briefs me on topics of mutual interest, often with a half-smile and an eye roll over the plentiful serving of a faultless Geno, or a paragon Geno. Similar reactions come from the elder's HS basketball crowd. My younger niece is catching on as well.
May 9, 2016
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Balance in reporting is now a thing of the past--and not necessary here on the By---

I personally don't like some of his methods--but i also know the unreported good deeds he and his teams have always done.
They are not reported because Geno demands they not be reported. Any of his former kids can come to him for anything any time, even transfers. I get emotional with some of the 'good' deeds his team had done--for this town, his state, and his nation--especially those young kids who were torn apart in iraqi and Afghanistan. Everything else he does is ---JuST BASKETBALL!!
Hate Geno? This is a classic case of making what I write more than what is there. I did two things:

1. Took Geno to task for the impropriety of the words/phrases he used to humiliate, then mock, Lou....publicly. A mentor---a role inherent in coaching collegiate sports---does neither to those whose well being and development, beyond the physical, are entrusted in his care.
If this equates to I "hate Geno" by your book, you ought to get a new book.

2. Also took to task forum members who essentially barked, some loudly...."yeah, nothing wrong with it" being the collective forum chorus following the release of the tape, which chastised and aggrieved Lou, which I previously alluded to. I was vociferous in my wordy thesis to the extent of the grievance inflicted on an undeserving Lou.
As with most things relative, Geno blew past "extra measure of discipline", "tough love" and "ass-chewing".

With respect to Geno and his supporters on the forum---bringing up all of Geno's prior good deeds, wonderful personal traits, et al, won't and can't justify any act of meanness or impropriety, such as the Lou either.

On the other hand, with respect to Geno's fervent supporters, a simple admission of Geno having done Lou wrong easily mitigates the transgression....whereupon he can credibly indulge in and share all-things-good-Geno-does.
Jul 19, 2013
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Every once and a while I just like to walk up this molehill and remind folks that my objection to a 5 second snippet of film was just that, to the film being shown and not to the fact that this talk between coach and team occurred . I had no idea soap was still being delivered in boxes.
Glad you're taking responsibility for it. I thought it was all my fault for making a passing comment about Geno being mean to Lou in one of the game threads when the commercial first aired.

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