Great post. I hope to reach your age. Don't feel guilty. Enjoy life and everything it has to offer you and your wife at this stage in life. As you know, life is very precious. The older we get, the more we appreciate life. My wife and I have successfully spoiled our two granddaughters rotten. That is a grandparent's prerogative. Some folks have 10-12 or more. We only had two. They're grown now, so we have to turn our benevolence else where. If you feel guilty about having too much, you can always share. There are lots of social organizations that could use a small donation. Perhaps a family at your church or local elementary school that could use a helping hand. My oldest GD told us that when she was in high school, there was a student (and family) that was living out of their car. I was shocked to hear that. I wish she had told me then, we would have helped them. One year we adopted my granddaughter's elementary school class. It was expensive, but well worth it.
Many primary school teachers spend their own money to buy things for their classroom that the school district cannot afford. Things that "personalize" each child's experience. I told the teacher to get whatever she needed to make her class special for her students, and that would make learning fun. She did. From time to time my wife and I would drop in on the class at the end of the day just before dismissal (one of us picked her up everyday) so as not to disrupt the class.
I can't begin to tell you how blessed we were each time we visited. We kept our sponsorship a secret. Not even my granddaughter knew of our relationship with her class, just the teacher and her aide. We purchased a laptop for the class that could be used by students that needed extra help in core subjects i.e., math, English, language, etc, that were age appropriate. Those CD programs really made a difference in keeping those that would have lagged behind up with the rest of the class. We also also funded her end of the year class party. She gave us a "thank you" letter that the entire class signed. I framed it, and it now hangs prominently here in my home office. That was an unforgettable experience.

You don't have to look far to be a blessing to someone. Sometimes they're right in front of you.
It sounds like you're in a good place to ride this thing out. Blessings and favor to you and your wife.