The Boneyard is in danger of turning into the Summitt | Page 2 | The Boneyard

The Boneyard is in danger of turning into the Summitt

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Aug 27, 2011
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This is obviously just my opinion, but I think the only thing that matters is inter-personal civility.

Different people have different styles of fanhood: optimistic vs. pessimistic, casual vs. serious, and all of that is fine. Ribbing opposing coaches, players, recruits, fans (from afar), is fine. They don't read this board; none of that matters. If you don't like a certain thread, don't read it.

The only thing we have to be careful about is being civil to each other and to our visitors here on this board.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
HN you forgot one - name calling and insults aimed at fellow BY members simply because you disagree with what they have to say. Not arguing the content of what they post but attacking them personally. I often posted deliberately provocative topics, with the intent of creating a discussion.
It's why I left the BY after so many years.
I approve this message... but some call it pot stirring smh


A potential star is born from the dust over time
Aug 25, 2013
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As a devoted Connecticut fan,all sports,since the early days even before Geno arrived,it was good to see reminders of who we might become,and who we should be.

We are unique here,because we have programs that are so outstanding compared to the competition,and we are blessed with athletes who care about being here and keep coming back year after year to keep in touch.

It is the greatest of joys to say,I am a fan of Connecticut sports and education,even though I no longer reside in the state.I can recall so many delightful memories over the years,even down years,and I thank you,Nan,for reminding all of us,what we have at Connecticut is so very special and worth concentrating on-that joy these programs gives to each and every one of us!
Oct 9, 2011
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I haven't been to the Summitt in years. It was years before the board went pay-for that I stopped reading it and I stopped reading it because while the majority of people there are nice, normal folk that just want to talk about the team they love, a small group of sourpusses ruined it as a congenial place. That group, which I call the Tin Foil Hat Brigade, is nasty, paranoid, and immune to rational discourse. And I see signs of this creeping into the Boneyard. The checklist of symptoms:

  1. [ ]Calling opposing coaches or players childish names - check
    [ ]Scouring the Internet and news articles for perceived insults or - more importantly - a lack of appropriate reverence for the Huskies. And heaven forbid an opposing player believe their team might have a chance to win - check
    [ ]Harassing and insulting visiting fans, not for what these fans say but for the fact the fan might have Vol or RU or Card or whatever as part of their handle - check
    [ ]Drowning out people that want to discuss possible team weaknesses or who would criticize Geno - not really, although some threads trend that way. This is actually a Boneyard strength but I would be happier if people could argue or disagree without being insulting
    [ ]Trashing recruits for not choosing UConn - oh, check this one a dozen times. That's what put me over the edge and made me want to write this post.
This is a message board to discuss a group of teenagers/twenty-somethings playing a game. It's not the Middle East peace talks and shouldn't be taken as seriously. There are people here that won't let go of their anger at one sentence uttered by Tara VanDerveer 20 years ago (see #2 above) and I'm not even going to broach the topic of Pat Summit.

The Boneyard should be a fun place to visit but I've noticed since my "real" job has required me to work longer hours, I have limited free time and I choose to ignore the Boneyard in favor of something more relaxing. In what should have been one of the most enjoyable seasons in a few years, we've started to get a collection of sourpusses a la the Summit. Now, I can try talking to folks, that's what this post is, weeding out the sourpusses (a few have disappeared already), or I can just say "the heck with it" because people would rather recreate the Summitt with its overbearing sense of entitlement and nastiness. I don't know what's going to happen because it's not my decision, it's the decision of all you folks on the board. Let me know what direction you want to take.

Nan, I couldn't agree more with your post and I think I speak for the majority of BYErs. Once someone goes over the top with attacks on BYers, other teams, players, coaches you should delete. The one thing that I noticed is the nay sayers will like a coach and team as long as we beat the pants off of them. Once they
threaten our record, they become the enemy instead of just the opposition.Exceptions are M uffet's comments and Pat's accusations. thanks for all your hard work.
Aug 26, 2011
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HN you forgot one - name calling and insults aimed at fellow BY members simply because you disagree with what they have to say. Not arguing the content of what they post but attacking them personally. I often posted deliberately provocative topics, with the intent of creating a discussion.
It's why I left the BY after so many years.
Come back, Buff. You'll find more civility, I hope.
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction Score
What would be a help is a Moderator Society. An organization that establishes posting rules that are enforced universally. I realize this probably isn't possible, but when a site, like this one, is well managed and others exist that don't play nice, the urge to retaliate is difficult to quell.

For instance, and this isn't the worst example, on the free Volnation site, there is a thread TN and UConn in talks to resume series. This thread was started by the site's Moderator. Some of the comments in this thread would never be allowed here. Sites that allow this tend to corrupt well monitored sites. People read these threads and assume they can act in kind on their site. If bogus charges go unchallenged, people tend to believe them, particularly when they would like them to be true.

The only way I can think of to prevent this behavior would be to set universal posting standards.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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Putting the Boneyard and that other forum in the same sentence just made my skin crawl. True, there have been some rather icky posts at times, but at no time has this place come close to some of the stinking vitriol that is posted over there...

That said, we do have very responsible moderators who police this forum and keep it in line - although I do NOT understand why that "rumor" thread was found to be necessary when the previous thread got locked (and rightly so) - but I digress.

I am glad, too that fans of other teams come to visit and chat, except when they tell me I don't know anything about basketball.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
The NCAA tournament run on both sides brought new posters to the Boneyard--not just fans of other teams, but UConn supporters with 10, 20, 30 posts and unfamiliar names. I note that most every responder to this post is someone whose name I recognize and with thousands of posts.

I think, Bestiarius, that Nan's point, as well as UcMiami's and Sonny44's, is that we should call out one another, not wait for a moderator to do it.
Nov 27, 2012
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HN you forgot one - name calling and insults aimed at fellow BY members simply because you disagree with what they have to say. Not arguing the content of what they post but attacking them personally. I often posted deliberately provocative topics, with the intent of creating a discussion.
It's why I left the BY after so many years.
Then you should be flogged for doing such, keel-holed if necessary, and then tarred and feathered. You Civil War Buff you. :):):)

45 TO GO
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks Nan. As I posted yesterday we need to get rid of the mean spiritedness. I've been guilty too. We just don't need this. If you see any of this on my posts, please correct me ASAP and I will apologize immediately.
Can we all try our best to buy into this?
Who's in?
As long as you are willing to accept or at least acknowledge an apology when directly offered....


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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But there are off-setting encouraging signs as well. We seem to be attracting more and more participants who are fans of other teams but who come here to rationally and cordially discuss wcbb in general, the Huskies prospects, their own teams' strengths and weaknesses, and the like. And by-and-large, I think that they continue to be treated with cordiality and respect, and that their contributions are appreciated.

I must disagree. We have driven off (or driven into silence) several LV fans and UConn fans continue to mock stwain's stilted English even after I point out English is that poster's second language. I hate that we are so arrogant that we drive off fans that can't find a civil board for basketball discussion.
Aug 26, 2011
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Agree with the OP in many, many aspects. I have recently been chastised by a moderator (and rightly so!) for a comment that was perceived as an attack against a certain segment of society and which some posters were offended. I readily admitted to the moderator that I was wrong, deeply embarrassed and ashamed for making a comment that was taken in such a way. One response to my post, directly or indirectly, called me a bigot. I have apologized both to the entire board, and directly to the poster through PM. I made a mistake in which someone who knows NOTHING about me as a person and my beliefs implied to the entire board I was something which I abhor. And that was VERY hurtful. So, yes, I know about the hurt that can be caused by both making a harsh and/or poorly phrased comment as well as the ensuing backlash.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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The NCAA tournament run on both sides brought new posters to the Boneyard--not just fans of other teams, but UConn supporters with 10, 20, 30 posts and unfamiliar names. I note that most every responder to this post is someone whose name I recognize and with thousands of posts.

I think, Bestiarius, that Nan's point, as well as UcMiami's and Sonny44's, is that we should call out one another, not wait for a moderator to do it.

Two things I find useful that may not be generally understood or used by many posters: the private conversation capability - click on a posters name and you have an option to 'start a conversation'. I have found this occasionally very useful either to take a conversation to a personal level inappropriate for the general board, or to very occasionally ask that a poster or more than one to reconsider tone/content of a single post or a back and forth. This is a private way to keep things civil and to at least help others to get a different perspective on something they may be enjoying, but might be turning off others.
The second is the 'report' button on each post and I used that on one or more of my own posts that I thought might be out of line and wanted a moderator to at least review. There are thousands of posts here but only a few that need review - if you think you may go overboard or get into touchy territory - flag it for review. I have never used that flag on another posters post, but if you see something truly inappropriate - don't get angry, let the mods review it.

And yes - most complaints that start 'but this is a sports forum' are from new visitors who are used to different standard from other forums - I seldom if ever read the comments on ESPN stories, and while I visit a Patriots forum from time to time, 99% of what is posted there is worthless. This is not a typical forum and visitors need to understand that or leave for more vitriolic climes.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
What would be a help is a Moderator Society. An organization that establishes posting rules that are enforced universally. I realize this probably isn't possible, but when a site, like this one, is well managed and others exist that don't play nice, the urge to retaliate is difficult to quell.

For instance, and this isn't the worst example, on the free Volnation site, there is a thread TN and UConn in talks to resume series. This thread was started by the site's Moderator. Some of the comments in this thread would never be allowed here. Sites that allow this tend to corrupt well monitored sites. People read these threads and assume they can act in kind on their site. If bogus charges go unchallenged, people tend to believe them, particularly when they would like them to be true.

The only way I can think of to prevent this behavior would be to set universal posting standards.
I understand your intent but in practical terms this wouldn't work. Each board has its own personality because there are different numbers of posters with different interests and perhaps different demographics. For example, even here on the Boneyard the women's board is different from the men's hoops board which is different from the football board and that's fine. The women's forum is mostly older folks with a higher percentage of women than the other boards while the men's board is generally men under the age of 40 or so. Completely different people with different needs and styles.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
This is obviously just my opinion, but I think the only thing that matters is inter-personal civility.

Different people have different styles of fanhood: optimistic vs. pessimistic, casual vs. serious, and all of that is fine. Ribbing opposing coaches, players, recruits, fans (from afar), is fine. They don't read this board; none of that matters. If you don't like a certain thread, don't read it.

The only thing we have to be careful about is being civil to each other and to our visitors here on this board.
I think you're dead wrong on this. First, because the ribbing we're talking about is really more like ripping. And second, it's irrelevant whether the targets read it, the BY'ers read it and it contributes to the trash talk and lowers our culture. In other words, it spreads like a disease.


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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I must disagree. We have driven off (or driven into silence) several LV fans and UConn fans continue to mock stwain's stilted English even after I point out English is that poster's second language. I hate that we are so arrogant that we drive off fans that can't find a civil board for basketball discussion.

thought I posted this earlier, glad I right clicked it!

the Summitt was good to me... but its difficult to be civil when your team is rapidly falling from the top. Some tend to think you're trolling.

the Vol fan that comes here and post a simple response about the LVs or Candance gets bombarded with comments. I dont think this fan wants to go back and forth but our posters seem to be looking for any LV fan to crush. I feel bad for the guy/gal but it seems to have no effect on them.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I forgot one item in my list of things I love about this forum:

The wicked humor and biting sarcasm!!!

We have some really funny and witty people posting here (and some who just think they are!:rolleyes:)

That can also be a problem - Triad is the butt of many jokes and returns as good as he gets. Some of those posts taken out of context might be considered inappropriate and misinterpreted as a license to be negative by infrequent visitors.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
And I see signs of this creeping into the Boneyard. The checklist of symptoms:

  1. [ ]Calling opposing coaches or players childish names - check
    [ ]Scouring the Internet and news articles for perceived insults or - more importantly - a lack of appropriate reverence for the Huskies. And heaven forbid an opposing player believe their team might have a chance to win - check
    [ ]Harassing and insulting visiting fans, not for what these fans say but for the fact the fan might have Vol or RU or Card or whatever as part of their handle - check
    [ ]Drowning out people that want to discuss possible team weaknesses or who would criticize Geno - not really, although some threads trend that way. This is actually a Boneyard strength but I would be happier if people could argue or disagree without being insulting
    [ ]Trashing recruits for not choosing UConn - oh, check this one a dozen times. That's what put me over the edge and made me want to write this post.

Completely agree on #5. It's weak and smacks of sour grapes. The thing I hate the most is when posters claim that so and so didn't choose UCONN, because they don't want to be the best they can be or don't prioritize basketball over everything else (heaven forbid). Oh and the kid is selfish, a drama queen and doesn't have what it takes to play for UCONN anyway. Makes UCONN fans sound like a bunch of wankers.

I don't have a problem with semi childish names (of coaches) in rivalry situations, as they can be funny. But to each is own, and I've no problem with Mods encouraging different tone.

Also one more gripe: any critiscm of Geno or his coaching is followed by: "geno knows best and you don't know what you are talking about". Newsflash: Geno is human and makes errors too guys. I may have said "Geno prefers this way" to try and imply that I am correct on occasion. I'll try not to do, but everybody slips.

End kvetching.
Last edited:


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Putting the Boneyard and that other forum in the same sentence just made my skin crawl. True, there have been some rather icky posts at times, but at no time has this place come close to some of the stinking vitriol that is posted over there...

That said, we do have very responsible moderators who police this forum and keep it in line - although I do NOT understand why that "rumor" thread was found to be necessary when the previous thread got locked (and rightly so) - but I digress.

I am glad, too that fans of other teams come to visit and chat, except when they tell me I don't know anything about basketball.

When someone has some inside information, even if it is a rumor from a well placed source, I want to hear about it. That's interesting stuff, and Nan posted it because some of us are interested.

The other thread was closed because it devolved in a name calling thread. Posters have to be better, it's simple as that.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I think you're dead wrong on this. First, because the ribbing we're talking about is really more like ripping. And second, it's irrelevant whether the targets read it, the BY'ers read it and it contributes to the trash talk and lowers our culture. In other words, it spreads like a disease.

Well, then we'll just agree to disagree. I respect your opinion and hope you respect mine.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
I posted this in another thread and brought it over here so people understand that I'm talking about tone and attitude, not the subject of the threads themselves.

To clarify - there's no problem with being glad UConn whupped up on ND or disliking what Muffet said and expressing your displeasure at it. Nothing wrong at all. I object to the Little Miss Muppet name that started showing up as being too juvenile. The insults towards McGraw started to get personal and the whole thing just screamed "middle school", classless, and arrogant to me. But if fans want to glory in the beatdown, I say go for it.
Mar 20, 2013
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Well, then we'll just agree to disagree. I respect your opinion and hope you respect mine.
What I especially detest is attacks on posters not part of our little club. ND'ers who are trying to defend MM and have a point of view. Someone from Volnation who thinks our future in the AAC is doomed. I like these people. Regardless of whether I agree, their posts are so much more refreshing -and original - than your standard Geno is god, Steffie is perfect, blah blah blah

Do our guests and our moderator a favor. Regardless of how vociferously you disagree with a rival post.....pause.....and write the following

"Thanks for posting on the BY. We believe a free exchange of ideas makes this Board the best in women's basketball. Please write again soon........."

Then explain to them why their post was flawed :)


BTW. I think we at Uconn should bend a little when it comes to Tenn and renewing the rivalry. We are in such a position of strength. Why demand "scorched earth"?
I can say this right? Hee hee


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Nan - wonder where you come down on the UNC that has been around for a while (and mostly from Duke visitors) - I find this as it is referring to a University as a whole that has been caught in a very serious academic fraud to be more acceptable since it is a. true, b. not specific to a coach or a group of specific players. I agree on the other 'silly names' issue. Just wondered on something like this.
(I do not personally use it, but do find it amusing coming from North Carolina rivals.)
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