The Boneyard is in danger of turning into the Summitt | Page 3 | The Boneyard

The Boneyard is in danger of turning into the Summitt

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Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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Well, the rumor rules are clear and well-defined (correct me if I am wrong). As I understand it, it is perfectly ok to post a rumor as long as'
1) The rumor is identified as such;, snd
2) It is not scurrilous. i.e., it does not involve a denigration of an individual's character.

Examples of the kinds of rumors that have no place on this (or really on any) fan board are all of the various rumors that were (and still are) given free rein over yonder about the recruitment of Maya. They cast serious aspersions on the character and behavior of not only Geno but of Maya and her mother. Had any such rumors appeared here, they would have been immediately torched by the regular posters and scotched by the monitors as soon as seen.(I also think that the criticism of Diamond DeShields and maybe also Simmons has gone beyond the bounds of good taste and good sense, if not strictly beyond the rules.)

On the other hand, anyone who posts a rumor that is really not harmful but only silly or badly-informed, can and should be informed of that fact. imho, of course.


Jonathan Husky on a date with Holi
Aug 26, 2011
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Nan - thanks so much for this post.

I've had three occasions in the past few years to be in Tennessee - the last being for the Finals. I've spoken with lots of LV fans and have never had an uncomfortable conversation with anyone and never made to feel unwelcome in their state. I used to post on the Summitt, until it became a paid site, hopefully being as respectful as I find our visitors are on the BY, and with one exception, never had a negative reaction. The one time I did, one of the moderators quickly came to my defense.

Yes, there are some on the Summitt who are vitriolic toward Geno in particular and our program in general. I don't see the same negative intensity on the BY towards other programs but I agree that we have been sliding in that direction for awhile. In particular, I have cringed at some of the comments directed towards visitors like ETT who do my recollection has never taken a dig at UConn. Etc, etc.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Nan - wonder where you come down on the UNC that has been around for a while (and mostly from Duke visitors) - I find this as it is referring to a University as a whole that has been caught in a very serious academic fraud to be more acceptable since it is a. true, b. not specific to a coach or a group of specific players. I agree on the other 'silly names' issue. Just wondered on something like this.
(I do not personally use it, but do find it amusing coming from North Carolina rivals.)
I have to see if I can explain this without sounding like an idiot.

There's trash talk and there's name-calling. While they appear to be the same on the surface they have different intents and different feels, if you will. When the men's board calls John Calipari "Squid", it's trash talk because there's nothing personal about it. When fans say, "Little Miss Muppet deserved to be humiliated for what she said about Geno", then it's personal. Fans on the women's board tend to be more emotionally invested in the team so their insults "Queen Pat" "Muppet" "Diva Diggins" "Princess Parker" have some bite to them in the context of the post in which they're made.

Not sure I got my meaning across but I will say the difference between trash-talk and name-calling is like pornography - I can't explain it but I know it when I see it. UNC and Squid are trash-talk, IMO.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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If you are going to come here as another team's fan, you have to expect to take some shots if you venture onto controversial ground (just as native Bonyarders do). Those who are inordinately thin-skinned may be driven off, but ETT (like Cardfan and Cam and stwainfan and many others) have shown an ability to recognize that, roll with the punches, and play the game the way it is played here. This is anecdotal, but it seems to me that on most occasions when a "furriner" is given an unwarranted bad time, other "natives" have come to his/her defense. I don't think that we are chronically unfriendly to outsiders.


Queen of Queens
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with much Nan has said... There can be a weird pot/kettle thing... How would/do we feel when folks insult or mock the UConn coaches or program or players. It's also weird to moderate your passion... You're mixing the brain with the heart.

Ultimatley, it's hard to mock and point fingers without the flying fickle finger of fate suddenly point at you. Small example: those who jumped on McGraw for speaking about Natalie's injury before looking at the tape. I suddenly flashed on all those (yarders and outsiders) who jumped all over Stef for the Obama bunny ears...

That being said, i did jump all over a friend for being annoyed with UConn fans. "they're so entitled" she said. "they expect to win." "They're up 20 and get all intense when something does't go right."

I don't like the phrase "entitled" because it suggests "expectations with out exertion." Of course, we really don't have a direct impact on UConn's success...any more than ESPN did. But I do believe we sometimes channel Geno in our demand for perfection..from college student who do nothing particularly important - the just bounce a ball and try and put it in a basket...or stop someone else from putting it in a basket. Honestly, who's more "valuable", a college bball player or a teacher, doctor, police officer, garbage collector, construction worker, mom, dad... Etc.?

This a diversion, albeit a time consuming, money draining, sleep depriving one... But one would hope it makes us BETTER members of the world because of the communities it can build... And I'm rather fond of INclusive communities rather than EXclusive ones...
Aug 26, 2011
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I'ma thinking I will take a little break away from the BY. At this point, I don't really know what I can and cannot say without getting in trouble, offending someone, being childish, insulting another poster, etc. I have been extremely overworked and stressed and I have enjoyed the BY for years as a way to escape the stress. But frankly, I have too much stress in my life right now. My little transgression and the resulting hurt of one poster's attack on my character has caused me way more stress than I can handle.

I may be back at some point. But right just isn't fun any more.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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I have to see if I can explain this without sounding like an idiot.

There's trash talk and there's name-calling. While they appear to be the same on the surface they have different intents and different feels, if you will. When the men's board calls John Calipari "Squid", it's trash talk because there's nothing personal about it. When fans say, "Little Miss Muppet deserved to be humiliated for what she said about Geno", then it's personal. Fans on the women's board tend to be more emotionally invested in the team so their insults "Queen Pat" "Muppet" "Diva Diggins" "Princess Parker" have some bite to them in the context of the post in which they're made.

To be fair, everyone in America outside of Kentuckey approves of "the squid" moniker.

I kid, I kid.

Not really though.


Crowing rooster
Jan 27, 2014
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Just don't chop off any heads with that sword.:)
Would you like to borrow my guillotine?



Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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It wouldn't hurt if everyone looked at Nan's post and honestly assessed themselves based on her list of 5 items.

  1. Calling opposing coaches or players childish names - check
  2. Scouring the Internet and news articles for perceived insults or - more importantly - a lack of appropriate reverence for the Huskies. And heaven forbid an opposing player believe their team might have a chance to win - check
  3. Harassing and insulting visiting fans, not for what these fans say but for the fact the fan might have Vol or RU or Card or whatever as part of their handle - check
  4. Drowning out people that want to discuss possible team weaknesses or who would criticize Geno - not really, although some threads trend that way. This is actually a Boneyard strength but I would be happier if people could argue or disagree without being insulting
  5. Trashing recruits for not choosing UConn - oh, check this one a dozen times. That's what put me over the edge and made me want to write this post.
1. I called McGraw "Ann", her given name in one post. Didn't think it was so bad but some got upset, so I stopped. I don't recall calling any other coaches names, so I think I'm ok here.

2. I don't think this applies to me. I do read other boards and articles. I try not to bring them here. I'll be more aware of this.

3. There are a couple of fans from other schools that rub me the wrong way. The repetitive postings of Stwainfan drive me crazy. I will admit that I have no patience based on ancient history. I should do better and certainly will try. But I don't expect to be perfect so I will apologize now for my future behavior towards visiting fans.

4. I know I do insult in my participation of the many back and forths we have here. Most of the time it's using humor but I know I can get carried away. Again, apologizing for future behavior. I'll try to do better.

5. I know I don't participate in this. Well, at least from the insulting recruit side. I hate this as well. I get on posters that do this and I probably won't drop. I'll certainly try to do it without insults.

Bottom line for me is to just be more tolerant of others. Sometimes it's just not that easy.
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Grand Canyon Knight
Aug 26, 2011
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Ok, I'll share.

I find the BY a wonderful place to visit with its diverse viewpoint. For the most part, I stay away from controversial topics, because many of them directly involve UConn as an entity (I can't explain any better, but the same idea that I wouldn't want UConn fans on the RU board giving opinions on everything Rutgers). But I love to discuss basketball in general, Geno in general, and the various topics that I enjoy.

That said, I see 100% what Nan is saying. While the specific issues are not the same, the Rutgers board has lost some long-time posters because of the way the board has been "tending" as well, and for a reason Nan or someone else pointed out "it just wasn't fun to read anymore" - and like the BY, the RU Rivals board is very well moderated by a long time moderator.

I would add that many of Nan's issues with a small group of BY posters are the same issues that fans of opposing teams perceive in what is undoubtedly a small group of UConn fans that you meet at games - folks that are hostile because you are not a UConn fan, even if you do nothing but cheer for your own team, looking for a slight in everything you say, and insulting your players and coach.

I say what I say about fans in general - don't let a small group of fans spoil the greater good.


Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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I'ma thinking I will take a little break away from the BY. At this point, I don't really know what I can and cannot say without getting in trouble, offending someone, being childish, insulting another poster, etc. I have been extremely overworked and stressed and I have enjoyed the BY for years as a way to escape the stress. But frankly, I have too much stress in my life right now. My little transgression and the resulting hurt of one poster's attack on my character has caused me way more stress than I can handle.

I may be back at some point. But right just isn't fun any more.

Don't deprive the rest of us of the pleasure of your company simply because some curmudgeon roughed you up a bit. Pretty much all of us have had the same experience at one time or another. It does sound as if someone owes you a major apology. But whether you get it or not, don't go away.


A potential star is born from the dust over time
Aug 25, 2013
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It wouldn't hurt if everyone looked at Nan's post and honestly assessed themselves based on her list of 5 items.

  1. [ ]Calling opposing coaches or players childish names - check
    [ ]Scouring the Internet and news articles for perceived insults or - more importantly - a lack of appropriate reverence for the Huskies. And heaven forbid an opposing player believe their team might have a chance to win - check
    [ ]Harassing and insulting visiting fans, not for what these fans say but for the fact the fan might have Vol or RU or Card or whatever as part of their handle - check
    [ ]Drowning out people that want to discuss possible team weaknesses or who would criticize Geno - not really, although some threads trend that way. This is actually a Boneyard strength but I would be happier if people could argue or disagree without being insulting
    [ ]Trashing recruits for not choosing UConn - oh, check this one a dozen times. That's what put me over the edge and made me want to write this post.
1. I called McGraw "Ann", her given name in one post. Didn't think it was so bad but some got upset, so I stopped. I don't recall calling any other coaches names, so I think I'm ok here.

2. I don't think this applies to me. I do read other boards and articles. I try not to bring them here. I'll be more aware of this.

3. There are a couple of fans from other schools that rub me the wrong way. The repetitive postings of Stwainfan drive me crazy. I will admit that I have no patience based on ancient history. I should do better and certainly will try. But I don't expect to be perfect so I will apologize now for my future behavior towards visiting fans.

4. I know I do insult in my participation of the many back and forths we have here. Most of the time it's using humor but I know I can get carried away. Again, apologizing for future behavior. I'll try to do better.

5. I know I don't participate in this. Well, at least from the insulting recruit side. I hate this as well. I get on posters that do this and I probably won't drop. I'll certainly try to do it without insults.

Bottom line for me is to just be more tolerant of others. Sometimes it's just not that easy.
I rather enjoy your posts.It keeps the forum moving with fresh thinking.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks Nan. As I posted yesterday we need to get rid of the mean spiritedness. I've been guilty too. We just don't need this. If you see any of this on my posts, please correct me ASAP and I will apologize immediately.
Can we all try our best to buy into this?
Who's in?

So does this mean you will quit referring to Duke as ? ;)


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Don't deprive the rest of us of the pleasure of your company simply because some curmudgeon roughed you up a bit. Pretty much all of us have had the same experience at one time or another. It does sound as if someone owes you a major apology. But whether you get it or not, don't go away.




Nuestro Zorro Amigo
Aug 26, 2011
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Triad; Sorry I forgot to include you in the list of visitors who can take a punch. :)

Incidentally, and way off-topic, I wanted to ask you; how far back does the UNC thing go? Does it predate the current scandal, or result from it? Specifically, was there some sort of strong suspicion among NC rivals of dirty work at the crossroads before the lid blew off of the African-American Studies mess? Or was it simply a derogatory term of the "UCan't" nature? Jes wondrin.
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Jonathan Husky on a date with Holi
Aug 26, 2011
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Not sure I got my meaning across but I will say the difference between trash-talk and name-calling is like smutography - I can't explain it but I know it when I see it. UNC and Squid are trash-talk, IMO.

I find this an oddity in myself. It bugs me on other boards when UConn is referred to UCant, but when the moniker UNC first graced this board, I found it absolutely delightful. And in light of what apparently transpired over there, I retrospectively would also consider it educational.
Aug 26, 2011
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1. I called McGraw "Ann", her given name in one post. Didn't think it was so bad but some got upset, so I stopped. I don't recall calling any other coaches names, so I think I'm ok here.

Hope your not referring to my comment in that thread. I thought it was silly but was not upset. I posted it knowing you were of age to appreciate the Ali reference.

3. There are a couple of fans from other schools that rub me the wrong way. The repetitive postings of Stwainfan drive me crazy. I will admit that I have no patience based on ancient history. I should do better and certainly will try. But I don't expect to be perfect so I will apologize now for my future behavior towards visiting fans.

I tend to agree with ya on this one. Don't believe the board ever got a congratulations from stwainfan.

I really don't recall anything in your posts that would suggest other than you being a good fan


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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Hope your not referring to my comment in that thread. I thought it was silly but was not upset. I posted it knowing you were of age to appreciate the Ali reference.

I tend to agree with ya on this one. Don't believe the board ever got a congratulations from stwainfan.

I really don't recall anything in your posts that would suggest other than you being a good fan
Nope. Don't think it was you. I'd look, but I don't really care. It's no big deal.

Wally East

Posting via the Speed Force
Nov 27, 2012
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I think you're dead wrong on this. First, because the ribbing we're talking about is really more like ripping. And second, it's irrelevant whether the targets read it, the BY'ers read it and it contributes to the trash talk and lowers our culture. In other words, it spreads like a disease.

I can't agree more with this. Giving respect to opponents and opponents' fans elevates the board while using an insulting nickname for a school lowers the board. It was one thing I truly hated when reading the Summit. The various nicknames for UConn showed such a level of hate and vitriol that was alternately pitiable and disturbing.


The Glass is Half Full
Aug 21, 2011
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When someone has some inside information, even if it is a rumor from a well placed source, I want to hear about it. That's interesting stuff, and Nan posted it because some of us are interested.

The other thread was closed because it devolved in a name calling thread. Posters have to be better, it's simple as that.

sorry, we will have to agree to disagree here..


Aug 26, 2011
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Re: the Summitt and Volnation boards -

"What we have there is failure to moderate"
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