The Boneyard is in danger of turning into the Summitt | Page 5 | The Boneyard

The Boneyard is in danger of turning into the Summitt

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Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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It ain't the stirring, vt: it's the unappetizing ingredients. Stir something unpleasant all ya want, it's still unpalatable.

"Ay and there lies the rub". There are too many people that find anything that doesn't agree with their tastes unpalatable. Unable or unwilling to discuss the ingredients, their only recourse is name calling.
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Et In Hoc Signo Vinces
Nov 13, 2013
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As a relative newbie, I'd like to add my perspective.

I came to this board after several years of following UConn WBB. I like your team, not because of any connection I have at all to the school, but because I like basketball played the right way. I started reading this board because it provided better information than was available in the commercial media. I am very grateful for both of these gifts. What a fun season this has been.

I also had unpleasant moments when I tripped over mostly invisible rules that, in the universe of fan boards, are far from universal. I won't reopen any of that except as a PM. I took my medicine and tried to move on. I am a bit dismayed, but that's my problem.

Whether I return to this board or not, I'd like to suggest that your unwritten rules be more on the written side, and that newbies be required to both read and agree to them. You have every right to define your board as you see fit, even to the point of restricting otherwise reasonable but displeasing expressions.

Finally, anyone who thinks this board is somehow uncivil or sinking into the digital abyss has never been on an uncivil board. At the worst, BY is orders of magnitude better than "uncivil."

Thank you all for the good topics and information.


Silly Ol' Bear
Aug 26, 2011
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"Ay and there lies the rub". There are too many people that find anything that doesn't agree with their tastes unpalatable. Unable or unwilling to discuss the ingredients, their only recourse is name calling.
But, in fact, some things aren't disagreeable: they're honestly nasty, perhaps poisonous. Being provocative is one thing: trying to provoke trouble, honestly trying to get people upset, is another.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Whether I return to this board or not, I'd like to suggest that your unwritten rules be more on the written side, and that newbies be required to both read and agree to them. You have every right to define your board as you see fit, even to the point of restricting otherwise reasonable but displeasing expressions.

Finally, anyone who thinks this board is somehow uncivil or sinking into the digital abyss has never been on an uncivil board. At the worst, BY is orders of magnitude better than "uncivil."
BB, the rules are in the thread that's tacked to the top of the board. The subject line does indicate that fact.

Again, I don't want to restrict reasonable expressions - it's the unreasonable, personal attack kind of expressions I want to get rid of. There have been too many instances of people getting personal when refuting a point. If someone needs to resort to calling a poster names to make his point, he doesn't have much of a point to make.


Civil War Buff
Sep 1, 2011
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But, in fact, some things aren't disagreeable: they're honestly nasty, perhaps poisonous. Being provocative is one thing: trying to provoke trouble, honestly trying to get people upset, is another.

That sort of thinking requires an assumption. If a poster comments that player A isn't contributing it might be provocative but some BY members automatically assume that the intent is to "provoke trouble:" Again - no defense of the position simply an attack on the poster - usually accompanied by name calling.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
If we do turn into the Summit I want Volcano as my handle.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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I have to see if I can explain this without sounding like an idiot.

There's trash talk and there's name-calling. While they appear to be the same on the surface they have different intents and different feels, if you will.

Not sure I got my meaning across but I will say the difference between trash-talk and name-calling is like smutography - I can't explain it but I know it when I see it. UNC and Squid are trash-talk, IMO.

Thanks for the clarification..... I didnt want to cross the line, so I guess Im safe ;)

I assume my avatar is ok ?

Triad; Sorry I forgot to include you in the list of visitors who can take a punch. :)

Incidentally, and way off-topic, I wanted to ask you; how far back does the UNC thing go? Does it predate the current scandal, or result from it? Specifically, was there some sort of strong suspicion among NC rivals of dirty work at the crossroads before the lid blew off of the African-American Studies mess? Or was it simply a derogatory term of the "UCan't" nature? Jes wondrin.

I would say it goes back to 2010......... Agent Scandal involving an assistant fb coach and multiple fb players.... its been downhill ever since :)

I find this an oddity in myself. It bugs me on other boards when UConn is referred to UCant, but when the moniker UNC first graced this board, I found it absolutely delightful. And in light of what apparently transpired over there, I retrospectively would also consider it educational.



Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
"Ay and there lies the rub". There are too many people that find anything that doesn't agree with their tastes unpalatable. Unable or unwilling to discuss the ingredients, their only recourse is name calling.
BINGO, the truth hurts... or atleast the opinion does!


Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I find the BoneYard to be a thoroughly diverse and interesting place to exchange and share our passion for WBB.....and I'm not leaving, I tell ya!!! I even enjoy "The Silly Season".

Frankly, the only burr under my saddle is when posters attack the personal character of teenagers they, in fact, know little about. Just saying, not pontificatin...
a BY pet-peeve of mine
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I'm glad Nan started this thread. As you can see, I do not post much, but I have been reading most things on this board since it started and also many years when we were with Scout. You may not know me, but it feels like I know you.

I can tell you that over the last couple of years, I have been reading less and less, mainly because there are some frequent posters that I just skip altogether. You may be surprised that some of the posters I ignore have thousands of messages and thousands of likes and from what I gather, seem to be generally well regarded on the board. It's just that the common types of post from such posters (i) seem to merely "attack" other posters with "facts" (I use quotes because while no fightin' words are used outright, its clear to me to be condescending in nature), (ii) stating opinions as facts/gospel, and then hippocratically and condescendingly responding to any other difference of opinion/fact.

I may take some lumps for saying so, but I am surprised about what I assume are good people behaving so poorly on message boards (i.e. I hope you wouldn't behave and say the things you say about [insert any opponent coach, player or fan] if you interacted with them in person). Then again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised in this internet age.
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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Stop it. STOP. IT. You two, whose posts have been deleted, are part of the problem. Take it to PM or knock it off.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks for the clarification..... I didnt want to cross the line, so I guess Im safe ;)

I assume my avatar is ok ?
You're avatar is fine by me. Please don't change it. That is one of my biggest complaints about this board. People change their avatars. I pretty much go by avatars, not by names. (guys are more visual :rolleyes:) And when people keep changing their avatars all the time, I can't figure out who I'm trying to talk to. It's extremely frustrating. Don't know if I'll be able to stick around if it keeps up. I can put up with all the name calling, disrespect, sexual innuendos, unintelligible basketball "knowledge", but this avatar changing......something has to be done about it!!!:mad:

On another note. This thread seems to be turning into a confessional???? WTH??? I thought we "hated" ND and BC?? ( I know, I know, there are other sects that do their Penance :rolleyes:. But we never play Gettysburg or Gustavus Adulphus anyway. ) One would think this was Passion Week or something.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
If we do turn into the Summit I want Volcano as my handle.
Volcano ha! You're too peaceful. Not even as explosive as a bad case of diarrhea.

You're a Dove, not a hawk. Not even a chickenhawk.

Aug 28, 2011
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I think there's a healthy tension between those who love women's basketball in general and have great respect for the historic programs and coaches like ND, Tennessee, Stanford, etc, and those who are even more UCONN-centered and enjoy a little rival-bashing. I'm in the second camp, but I think the interplay can be a positive on the board.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
On another note. This thread seems to be turning into a confessional???? WTH??? I thought we "hated" ND and BC?? ( I know, I know, there are other sects that do their Penance :rolleyes:. But we never play Gettysburg or Gustavus Adulphus anyway. ) One would think this was Passion Week or something.

Don't worry, I still loathe ND and TN. Even if I have to put in effort to making my loathing for TN burn, I do it, for the good of the program. BC is not worth my time.

On avatars: when something shows up on the internet as great as Kevin Ollie's head bursting into anime glory flames as he screams for victory, there's nothing you can do. You have to throw it up there. Never had an avatar since 2002 or so, but I can't not put this one to work. Sticks out like a sore thumb at least.
Apr 8, 2014
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As a newbie here i really liked this post, it's so easy to get carried away sometimes with comments. The reason I started coming here as a cards fan but one who has huge respect for UConn, is the passion people here have for the team and wbb in general. It's sometimes good to have a reminder that passion does not have to mean negativity. Healthy critisism is good. I love it here and hope it stays an awesome place to come to.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Don't worry, I still loathe ND and TN. Even if I have to put in effort to making my loathing for TN burn, I do it, for the good of the program. BC is not worth my time.

On avatars: when something shows up on the internet as great as Kevin Ollie's head bursting into anime glory flames as he screams for victory, there's nothing you can do. You have to throw it up there. Never had an avatar since 2002 or so, but I can't not put this one to work. Sticks out like a sore thumb at least.
I like changing my avatar so I can sneak up on people. And, heck, if I knew it bothered Meyers I'da changed it more often :-0


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
If we do turn into the Summit I want Volcano as my handle.
Fair enough can I have "Tennesseen it all"?


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I like changing my avatar so I can sneak up on people. And, heck, if I knew it bothered Meyers I'da changed it more often :-0

Your avatars are often something dangerous too. See sword in current pick or Kill Bill Uma. Don't think I haven't noticed.


Life is short, ride hard
Sep 3, 2011
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Although I'm not a very big poster here, I do read the forum almost every day - and enjoy it. As many posters in the thread have already said, sometimes people get a little carried away (I'm sure I do too). The only things that really bother me here are:
posts purported to be fact when they are opinion instead
getting personal about college athletes
posters taking themselves too seriously

This forum should be fun, it doesn't have to be bland, just not mean spirited
(something that can't be said about the summit and the reason why the Boneyard will never become one)


A potential star is born from the dust over time
Aug 25, 2013
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I have to agree with a lot that has been said,especially about teenagers and their choices,and how they didn't conform to someone's wishes.

One thing I really enjoy,is the diversity of opinion on this board,and I find a number of posters that I truly enjoy reading what they post.

Being a positive person,and I believe a positive poster,I hope I have not misused the Boneyard in any way,and I hope if I did,someone would give me a poke to rethink my wordings in my posts.

This forum,to me,is an excellent source of facts and ideas and thoughts.I hope to be able to enjoy it until I am dust in the wind!


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree with bellairehusky. The greatest threat to this board is some, for want of a better word, heavy hitters who decide, on occasion, to go on the offensive with what looks like arrogance and bullying tactics so that is exactly what it is. What newbie wants to express a contrary viewpoint only to get derisively dumped on. There is the real enemy to the continued growth and freshness of this board.
Apr 2, 2012
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Thank you, Husky Nan. I've been reading the Boneyard posts much less often this year because so often, some kind of flare up would develop between posters, and neither one would drop it and move on. I never followed the Summit board, so I can't judge that comparison, but I have noticed increased ugliness within threads on this board.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
Reaction Score
Being a positive person,and I believe a positive poster,I hope I have not misused the Boneyard in any way,and I hope if I did,someone would give me a poke to rethink my wordings in my posts.
If someone is usually a civil poster who just has a bad day and posts things I'm sure they'll regret, I usually send a PM and ask them what's up. It's only the people that have nothing to post but poor-spirited posts, insults, excessive hurtful sarcasm that need to worry about their posting rights.

You are fine, btw. You've been a great addition to the board.
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