Summitt expects to cut down the nets this year | The Boneyard

Summitt expects to cut down the nets this year

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The Supreme Linkster
Aug 31, 2011
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“This team right now is at a different level,” Summitt said. “I think they’re very focused. I think their leadership has been solid. I think we’ll be disappointed if we don’t cut down the nets this year.”



Choc Full of UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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hopefully the coaches of the top 25 teams feel the same way about their team.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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hopefully the coaches of the top 25 teams feel the same way about their team.
I doubt it. It's not realistic. Pat's team is certainly a contender, but outside 4 or 5 other teams, I doubt any other coaches would be disappointed if they didn't win it all.
Aug 30, 2011
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I think Tenn will be very good (they should be!) this year, but not convinced that they have what it takes to cut down the nets especially with Baylor & ND looking so good. Guess we'll see.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think Tenn will be very good (they should be!) this year, but not convinced that they have what it takes to cut down the nets ...


All it takes is a ladder and a pair of scissors.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Geno usually takes the ladder and signs it for Harriet to auction off.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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Cutting down the nets and winning the NC aren't necessarily equivalent. Every program other than UConn cuts the nets down for winning the regional, correct? So maybe that's what Pat meant. ;)

Seriously though, they're definitely one of the top teams this year, but they were the last two as well (#1 seeds both times). I have a tough time believing that a team with a freshman PG can take it all. Once they get to the regional rounds, they'll be playing four good or better teams, and as we saw last season, even really good freshmen can struggle when the lights start getting bright.
Aug 26, 2011
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The article on a whole strikes me as sad. On the one hand I feel for Pat's personal struggles, on the other the article reinforces my dislike for the UTWBB system. If my daughter were to choose to develop her BB skills, I would encourage her to go anywhere she could, except UT.
Aug 26, 2011
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Just an artcle to fill some space. Be very unfortunate if at this stage of season the team didn't feel they could win it all. Everyone who had A&M at the start of last season raise your hand. Not so sure that once games start the team will be able to find the right mix of players/schemes to be effective. Get lot of wins on talent, need to be able to be efficient on offensive end, not sure what has changed for the better from last year to get them over the hump to FF. Freshman PG with talent added, Simmons has freshman to sophomore bump - Stricklen, Glory, Spani, etc. are what they are.
Aug 26, 2011
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Alot has to go right for Tennessee to win another National Championship. First, they have to stay healthy; one more major injury, especially to a post player and it will be game, set, match. They can't afford to lose a post player like Glory. Second, Vicky has to be close to the way she was before the ACL injury. It is highly doubtful, and I hope I'm wrong, that Vicky will be anywhere near the player she was before the injury. Also, like Caroline, Vicky is one bad fall from another season ending injury. Third, Tennessee is putting all their chips on a freshman point guard. Not to many teams win championships with a freshman point guard.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Well for the past few years Ive been saying TN needed a point guard. Now they have Ariel who should fill the void. However they have a weak bench, and really no one who can contribute effectively in the post. A freshman leading a bunch of seniors who have no team chemistry, and depended on a freshman last season as the go to player. So can TN share the ball this year with Ariel at the point? Can the seniors change from what theyve been doing the past 3 seasons? Who will play the post as Baugh is coming back from several injuries? Still alot of question marks. The LVs are a talented bunch without any leadership. They are top 10 but not a strong top ten. They have proven over the past 3 seasons that all that talent without chemistry or leadership or continunity cant get it done. To many question marks this season. Youve got to wonder how Geno does it every season and TN dosnt. Its easy, replacing players by position and giving them enough time to learn they system from veteran players. Geno has learned how to space his recruits on a need basis. TN hasnt

This season Uconn Baylor ND Stanford TAM are all better then TN. Duke could be better based on how they develop and some of those SEC teams just might surprise TN this season.


Unpopular Opinions
Sep 13, 2011
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Alot has to go right for Tennessee to win another National Championship. First, they have to stay healthy; one more major injury, especially to a post player and it will be game, set, match. They can't afford to lose a post player like Glory. Second, Vicky has to be close to the way she was before the ACL injury. It is highly doubtful, and I hope I'm wrong, that Vicky will be anywhere near the player she was before the injury. Also, like Caroline, Vicky is one bad fall from another season ending injury. Third, Tennessee is putting all their chips on a freshman point guard. Not to many teams win championships with a freshman point guard.

Vicki is back to the way she was pre-injuries. Sure, it's easy to be skeptical of this, but this is right in line with the exact same timeline that was reported last year. Last year, the medical staff and the trainers told her she would be able to contribute at times, but she was realistically a year away from being back to her normal self without flare ups of her knee. This year she has participated fully in practice, including the summer league and pick up games, which she was banned from participating in last summer. In other words, she's been playing for months now without issue and without a knee brace. She has commented herself that she is finally no longer feeling any pain. In watching her play, she looks like a totally different player than last year. Somewhat similar to the exact thing that Devereaux Peters went through. First year DP could play, but obviously not her same self, but last year she turned that corner and returned to her same, athletic and mobile self. Happy for both of those ladies!

A freshman at point guard can be difficult, but unlike Baylor last year, Ariel will be surrounded with seniors. This alone will make for an easier transition. Add to it that she plays above her years as witnessed this past year with the US Team and comments from Jenn R.


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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There is only one team that can possibly compete with Tenn in the SEC and that's Kentucky. However, I don't think KY has the scoring power or depth to stay with Tenn, but they'll keep it interesting. Tenn wins the SEC going away. After ND & Baylor, I think Tenn should be included amongst the teams that will compete to get to the Final Four and anything can happen like it did last year when A&M won it all.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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Vicki is back to the way she was pre-injuries. Sure, it's easy to be skeptical of this, but this is right in line with the exact same timeline that was reported last year. Last year, the medical staff and the trainers told her she would be able to contribute at times, but she was realistically a year away from being back to her normal self without flare ups of her knee. This year she has participated fully in practice, including the summer league and pick up games, which she was banned from participating in last summer. In other words, she's been playing for months now without issue and without a knee brace. She has commented herself that she is finally no longer feeling any pain. In watching her play, she looks like a totally different player than last year. Somewhat similar to the exact thing that Devereaux Peters went through. First year DP could play, but obviously not her same self, but last year she turned that corner and returned to her same, athletic and mobile self. Happy for both of those ladies!

A freshman at point guard can be difficult, but unlike Baylor last year, Ariel will be surrounded with seniors. This alone will make for an easier transition. Add to it that she plays above her years as witnessed this past year with the US Team and comments from Jenn R.
Tennessee's problem will be who they play when Baugh is sitting. You can't expect her to playmore than 25 minutes a game. So you plays the post then? The freshman? Johnson? Same thing for when massingale sits. Who plays the point those 15 minutes? Bass? Simmons?

None of those are great options.
Sep 2, 2011
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Tenn will have trouble with teams that press them full court and they have to win the SEC, first. They have talent and always have, but the talent cannot play 40 minutes.......We will know more about them by Christmas time.......


The Supreme Linkster
Aug 31, 2011
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Winning the SEC is a lay-up. Let's see how they do against Baylor (at home) and Stanford and ND away.
Aug 26, 2011
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Vicki is back to the way she was pre-injuries. Sure, it's easy to be skeptical of this, but this is right in line with the exact same timeline that was reported last year. Last year, the medical staff and the trainers told her she would be able to contribute at times, but she was realistically a year away from being back to her normal self without flare ups of her knee. This year she has participated fully in practice, including the summer league and pick up games, which she was banned from participating in last summer. In other words, she's been playing for months now without issue and without a knee brace. She has commented herself that she is finally no longer feeling any pain. In watching her play, she looks like a totally different player than last year. Somewhat similar to the exact thing that Devereaux Peters went through. First year DP could play, but obviously not her same self, but last year she turned that corner and returned to her same, athletic and mobile self. Happy for both of those ladies!

A freshman at point guard can be difficult, but unlike Baylor last year, Ariel will be surrounded with seniors. This alone will make for an easier transition. Add to it that she plays above her years as witnessed this past year with the US Team and comments from Jenn R.

Unlike Baylor she won't have Griner as the go to but a shooting guard who loooooooooooves to shoot and is alread used to dominating the ball. Getting the ball distribution right during the course of tight games and at winning time will be a challenge.


Loyal LV Fan
Aug 30, 2011
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Tennessee's problem will be who they play when Baugh is sitting. You can't expect her to playmore than 25 minutes a game. So you plays the post then? The freshman? Johnson? Same thing for when massingale sits. Who plays the point those 15 minutes? Bass? Simmons?

None of those are great options.

we won 34 games last season with simmons at the point amd johnson logging heavy minutes at the 5. if they have to spend 15 minutes a game playing backup at those positions, we'll be just fine.

we should be able to defeat some teams easily and rest players if we can, giving time to bass and izzy to get more playing time. in games with the likes of stanford, baylor, miami, notre dame, our bench will probably be shortened and i imagine a rotation with massengale, simmons, stricklen, spani, manning, burdick, johnson, and baugh.
Aug 26, 2011
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Unlike Baylor she won't have Griner as the go to but a shooting guard who loooooooooooves to shoot and is alread used to dominating the ball. Getting the ball distribution right during the course of tight games and at winning time will be a challenge.

It has always been my feeling that a team whose go to player is a guard has an advantage over a team that looks to feed the post. I am also more comfortable having a go to player on the wing. It does not hurt to have someone like Brittany Griner in crunch time either.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Vicki is back to the way she was pre-injuries. Sure, it's easy to be skeptical of this, but this is right in line with the exact same timeline that was reported last year. Last year, the medical staff and the trainers told her she would be able to contribute at times, but she was realistically a year away from being back to her normal self without flare ups of her knee. This year she has participated fully in practice, including the summer league and pick up games, which she was banned from participating in last summer. In other words, she's been playing for months now without issue and without a knee brace. She has commented herself that she is finally no longer feeling any pain. In watching her play, she looks like a totally different player than last year. Somewhat similar to the exact thing that Devereaux Peters went through. First year DP could play, but obviously not her same self, but last year she turned that corner and returned to her same, athletic and mobile self. Happy for both of those ladies!

A freshman at point guard can be difficult, but unlike Baylor last year, Ariel will be surrounded with seniors. This alone will make for an easier transition. Add to it that she plays above her years as witnessed this past year with the US Team and comments from Jenn R.

I cant beleive you think Vicki is coming back to 100%. First shes been out of commission for how long?? Shes had how many injuries?? and you think any player can come back after sitting out pretty much 2+ seasons back to where she was at the height of her youth a couple of years ago. Really. So I guess if she dosnt Bass will play the post at 6'9 or is it 5'9 Come on. TN should win the SEC but remember this bunch couldnt beat Ball State when they were healthly and had depth. Ariel will be a great player and will show signs of it this season especially in the weak SEC. When TN plays some real teams, those good teams will exploit TNs weaknesses. TN has 3-5 years to rebuild but first they need to get a coach that will attract kids. Nobody is going to TN as a first choice not knowing if Pat will be there a year from now.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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we won 34 games last season with simmons at the point amd johnson logging heavy minutes at the 5. if they have to spend 15 minutes a game playing backup at those positions, we'll be just fine.

So, Johnson and Simmons will play how many minutes? 20 at the 4 and 15 at the 5 for Johnson? Simmons will play 20 at the 2 and 15 at the 1? I know....others will share the load, but it's a weakness in my opinion.
we should be able to defeat some teams easily and rest players if we can, giving time to bass and izzy to get more playing time.

It's not playing time for Bass. After 3 years, she is what she is. Pat won't give her many minutes.

in games with the likes of stanford, baylor, miami, notre dame, our bench will probably be shortened and i imagine a rotation with massengale, simmons, stricklen, spani, manning, burdick, johnson, and baugh.

Probably true. And that is where they will be in trouble with at the point and center positions. Like Doty, Baugh might be healther but to keep her there, they need to keep her minute down. I suppose Simmons can back up the 1 some, but again, the minutes will be a problem with that 8 player rotation.


Loyal LV Fan
Aug 30, 2011
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Yes to your first question. I can't tell if you were being sarcastic thinking someone can play 35 minutes a game or if you were just seeking clarification, but i would expect either Johnson or Simmons to play 35 minutes in a close game if Baugh or Massengale can't go the distance.

And I'm not expecting massive playing time or improvement from Bass, but she will play and will likely play in situations like those I said.

What problems are there going to be with their minutes?


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Come on doggy. Let just say it. TN is living in the past. A has been. With all the problems at TN and now Pats illness. Tn has along way to go to get back to where they were 3-4 years ago. It aint happening. TN is now counting on a freshman point guard and a post player who has been injured for the past 2+ years and even one post said she back to 100% . After this senior class graduates it will take a couple of years of good recruiting to get TN back in the top 5. Yes they have the talent...just like the past 3 years and it hasnt materialized. Heck they lost to Ball St with a team better then what they have this season. Ariel will make a difference but lack of post play, lack of depth, lack of chemistry and continunity will take its toll. Next season if TN gets a coach to work with Pat and who will take over for Pat at least will give TN the ability to say to recruits hey this is who will replace Pat. But having no one in the wings means to recruits there is no one in the wings.
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