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Start Cochran

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Aug 27, 2011
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After speaking yesterday re: Boyle, it sounds like T J Weist is preparing the media for the distinct possibility.

"He's got to do a better job throwing the football, handling the offense. He's just got to get better at it," Weist said. "We're not committed to anybody who's not playing up to their level so we'll re-evaluate it. If we have to make some decisions on who our quarterback is, and if we keep him in there, we're going to look at the film and make the best decision for the team."I'm going to meet with our staff. I'm going to put pressure on him and then the (other) quarterbacks and decide what's best for our team, who is the best quarterback. ... I'm not committed to any player."


Right now I want the QB with:
1. The most confidence --and
2. The best leadership skills
I'm not as concerned with arm strength (if that's the rub against CC.) We have no business anyway right now relying on long downfield routes or those incessant sideline attempts that scream Pick 6. Give me quick slants and screens and a guy with a bounce in his step and a hand clapping enthusiasm for the game. We're too robotic out there. I agree with Sportsart that Boyle looks shell shocked and could use a breather. And if I'm Whitmer I'm saying to the coaching staff--" You said---I---was the problem??? Really???"

+1000. I can not for the life of me understand why the game plan does not include any short cross routes. Our passes are either outside for an out of bounds catch or down the feild for an int. I have not been impressed with Weist at OC, his playbook is subpar. Also with regards to Boyle not having time, there were plays where he had a pocket, a wide open WR and he threw it BEHIND the WR. One in particular stands out where Davis adjusted on it and made a great backwards catch with no chance to run forward. How about the play where he had lamelle WIDE open to the point where he could walk in the endzone yet throws a hard to catch ball, should the WR have made the catch, yes was it a nice in stride catchable ball... HELL NO.I'm not crapping on Tim this is a team effort and he is just as responsible with high and behind passes and not being able to read the D. I see no downside in giving Casey a shot.. I'm a Boyle fan but Casey's "garbage time" play has me intrigued
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Nov 2, 2011
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I want Logan Marchi to start next week. Enough babying him by having him play HS games. Get him in there. He is the answer.
Although I believe your saying this tongue-in-cheek, Marchi is not physically ready for college football. He weighs 170 Lbs and throws a lot of INTs (47 in his HS career thus far).
Sep 2, 2011
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Boyle came out and looked sharp against USF, unfortunaltely the drops hurt his confidence. What I liked early on is that he appeared to have the ability to make things happen with his feet. I wonder if he took a pop that hurt him but didn't show it and since then he hasn't shown any ability to run. We constantly run the handoff and Boyle never keeps it to keep the defense honest. He appears to have a lot of room to run at times but always hands it off. He also has not done well to make the quick decision to leave the pocket and take off but has just been taking too many sacks. I know the O-line stinks but many have been on him. Something happened that first game and he is just doesn't appear to want to run anymore.
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