So who starts at QB next week? | Page 6 | The Boneyard

So who starts at QB next week?


"Walker on McGee with four.."
Mar 2, 2017
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We're 1-0. You don't play the guy who doesn't give you the best chance to win for next year. If they are truly even, or if we're 2-7, then you can play a younger #2. But the only questions Edsall and Lashlee will be asking themselves this week is who gives them a better chance to have a winning season this year.

Need to win to boost attendance and show recruits that you're going to turn it around. Can't play for next year.


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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View attachment 24531

If stats mean anything the QB play was actually pretty good from what we have seen in the recent past.
Can both guys be better? Sure. Are there other QBs that are better? Sure.

Bryant looked more settled and in control of the offense overall.

Pindell showed his quick release and mobility.

Future is bright at QB - I say Bryant starts but I am wrong alot of the time.

That QB rating column says it all, plus this chart doesn't account for Pindell's turnover. The last thing this team can afford to do this season is turn the ball over.

I'm not saying it was all Pindell's fault by any means. No QB can be truly effective behind our OL, but Shirreffs at least has the experience and leadership abilities to make something out of nothing, because he's endured having to play behind these guys for two seasons. Pindell got thrown in the deep end of the pool last night and didn't look real good at swimming, or even treading water.
Aug 29, 2015
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That QB rating column says it all, plus this chart doesn't account for Pindell's turnover. The last thing this team can afford to do this season is turn the ball over.

I'm not saying it was all Pindell's fault by any means. No QB can be truly effective behind our OL, but Shirreffs at least has the experience and leadership abilities to make something out of nothing, because he's endured having to play behind these guys for two seasons. Pindell got thrown in the deep end of the pool last night and didn't look real good at swimming, or even treading water.
you're making Pindell out to be a lot worse than he was. Go back and look at Bryant's targets and you'll see he is doing the same thing he did the last two years by picking a receiver and sticking with him. You cannot do that in this offense. It's going to be much easier to teach Pindell to set his protections than it is to break Bryant's habit of starting down a receiver. Regardless, I don't care who starts. I just hope whoever it is they continue to get better and work on their weaknesses.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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The OL did look better. But was it truly better, or was there either better timing in running the plays or better reads when BS came in? I don't know -- I'm really just asking for those who know details much better than I do.

Speaking of the OLine, did anyone pay enough attention to identify the problem? Seemed like left guard was a turnstile. Maybe Nino gets some snaps next week.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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It is interesting - without the two short field touchdowns we gave up because of the fumbles Pindell probably never gets pulled. He played ok. Better than I expected. And yes one of the fumbles was his. But it isn't like he threw 3 picks and looked like a moron out there. We have seen truly bad QB play, and that wasn't it. Just so happened in the game circumstances that we needed a hero - he wasn't it, and BS was.

So I feel like we have 2 healthy and competent QBs on the roster - which is 2 more than we have had in a long time. So I'm less concerned about who starts next week. I'd lean towards BS but won't be upset if it is DP.

This is all very true. Without the two turnovers around the 20, we would have blown them out and all been pretty happy with Pindell. Still, what BS showed last night was really moving and I think he deserves a shot at USF

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Something worth considering and I may have missed someone saying it in this thread.

BS and the team showed they can adapt with BS coming off the bench.

What if BS starts and DP can't rescue the team mid-game?

Still say BS earned the start for USF but I won't freak out if DP starts again.
Aug 27, 2011
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He had missed a few wide open throws and that fumble was about as bad a fumble as a QB can have. But I agree that for the third year in a row, QB isn't the main problem here.

OTOH - I bet if you give DP and BS the same throw to HM down the sideline DP connects at a far higher clip then BS. He just isn't accurate downfield. That was an easy TD for a QB with any sort of downfield accuracy.
Aug 28, 2011
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Pindell. Other than that terrible fumble he was solid. Bench him this early and you might lose him mentally. Chalk this up to opening night jitters and give him another shot.

Plus Sherriffs off the bench is a nice security blanket.
This makes sense also, but if Pindell mopes again, he's no longer the starter until he works on the mental part of the game more.... Moreso his leadership on the field... Don't care how talented you are ....
Aug 29, 2011
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OTOH - I bet if you give DP and BS the same throw to HM down the sideline DP connects at a far higher clip then BS. He just isn't accurate downfield. That was an easy TD for a QB with any sort of downfield accuracy.

I've heard it said, that when it comes to QB's, you need three qualities. Leadership, toughness, accuracy.

One thing Randy does - is make sure his QB's on his rosters are pushing each other to be better in what they do as QB's. Perhaps DP can learn from BS and BS can learn from DP. Let's hope Edsall can recruit a couple QB's that excel at all three qualities. And for now, nothing generates buzz around a football program like who's playing QB.

Who will play QB next week?
Aug 28, 2011
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With this OL, both will play. Could not get over how bad they were.
Our OL gets no respect from opposing Team's defenses.... And, unfortunately, quite honestly, they don't deserve any. SSDY (Same Stuff Different Year.... so far)... They gotta get that ish fixed.... Unacceptable against HC... that FCS DL was still getting penetration late in the 4th Quarter on running plays...


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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OTOH - I bet if you give DP and BS the same throw to HM down the sideline DP connects at a far higher clip then BS. He just isn't accurate downfield. That was an easy TD for a QB with any sort of downfield accuracy.

In all fairness, DP had a couple of shots downfield that were under thrown by a good 5 yards. Can't recall the exact play. He also had Hergy on a fly route in the slot WIDE OPEN and threw it like 5 seconds too late and Hergy had to stop and wait for the ball. If it's on time and in stride, it was sure to be a TD.

With that being said, I'm re-watching the game and Pindell looks fine. A huge part of the offense's failures, and his failures, were that we ran a delayed handoff pretty frequently on 1st and 10 that got us no gain. Happened at least 5 times. So then he started off in a hole. He really isn't a bad QB.
Aug 31, 2011
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They were both awful compared to what? Tom Brady?

I'm sorry -- that's ludicrous. You just can't look at the numbers and rationally come to that level of trashing.

i was sitting in the end zone above student section watching the game. The QB play was bad. C'mon. there were plays to be had and they were not made, Decisions by the first kid were wrong almost every play. if the first read wasn't there his next play was go deep, often into double coverage. Again, he has less time than BS so it was harder and the line really struggled with stunts (again!!) and his backs didn't help much picking up guys, but there were few good plays made in the first half.

BS was late on almost everything. the seam pass that went for 30 plus yards should have been a pick. the safety fell down. heck of a catch, but that could have been a TD if throw on time. instead it was way late (and was his first read). The out near the goal line that #1 almost caught but was wrestled away was late, they scored on next play so didn't matter, but that was an easy TD if he makes the throw.

It is what it is. BS made some plays but by no means was "good." I've seen him play better in past. Note that he didn't just take off and get in harm's way like he did too frequently last year. Kudos to him and staff for that.

I know UConn hasn't had good QB play since maybe orlovsky, but no reason to sugar coat what we saw last night. that being said, it was first game under new coordinator/system. kid's first game in FBS and line struggled for much of the first half. Edsall made the right call to switch, team played better when BS was put in. Was he good? no. but was good enough to win the game. now just focus on getting better
Aug 29, 2011
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i was sitting in the end zone above student section watching the game. The QB play was bad. C'mon. there were plays to be had and they were not made, Decisions by the first kid were wrong almost every play. if the first read wasn't there his next play was go deep, often into double coverage. Again, he has less time than BS so it was harder and the line really struggled with stunts (again!!) and his backs didn't help much picking up guys, but there were few good plays made in the first half.

BS was late on almost everything. the seam pass that went for 30 plus yards should have been a pick. the safety fell down. heck of a catch, but that could have been a TD if throw on time. instead it was way late (and was his first read). The out near the goal line that #1 almost caught but was wrestled away was late, they scored on next play so didn't matter, but that was an easy TD if he makes the throw.

It is what it is. BS made some plays but by no means was "good." I've seen him play better in past. Note that he didn't just take off and get in harm's way like he did too frequently last year. Kudos to him and staff for that.

I know UConn hasn't had good QB play since maybe orlovsky, but no reason to sugar coat what we saw last night. that being said, it was first game under new coordinator/system. kid's first game in FBS and line struggled for much of the first half. Edsall made the right call to switch, team played better when BS was put in. Was he good? no. but was good enough to win the game. now just focus on getting better

Disagree. Frazer and Lorenzen were excellent QBs. They just didn't do the throwing part very well. Endres, to this day, was the best pure passer I think I've ever seen in person - at least at age 18 or 19, or whatever he was before he got his scholly pulled for being a dope in the other qualities you need in a QB. Whitmer, I think took the hardest hits you'll ever see a QB take, over and over, and got up after every single one. I still cringe right now, thinking about the hit he took against Temple from Matakevich a while back. I thought he would never play again. But got up and went right back to the huddle. His fatal flaw was decision making on the field - not off. Casey Cochran, had his career cut short, but managed, I think to put the best single game by a QB ever in the UCONN record books, if not - I think it's top 3 at least.

It's an important position when it comes to being able to do a lot of things. Quarterback. Leadership and communication is pretty important on the priority list.
Aug 24, 2011
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i was sitting in the end zone above student section watching the game. The QB play was bad. C'mon. there were plays to be had and they were not made, Decisions by the first kid were wrong almost every play. if the first read wasn't there his next play was go deep, often into double coverage. Again, he has less time than BS so it was harder and the line really struggled with stunts (again!!) and his backs didn't help much picking up guys, but there were few good plays made in the first half.

BS was late on almost everything. the seam pass that went for 30 plus yards should have been a pick. the safety fell down. heck of a catch, but that could have been a TD if throw on time. instead it was way late (and was his first read). The out near the goal line that #1 almost caught but was wrestled away was late, they scored on next play so didn't matter, but that was an easy TD if he makes the throw.

It is what it is. BS made some plays but by no means was "good." I've seen him play better in past. Note that he didn't just take off and get in harm's way like he did too frequently last year. Kudos to him and staff for that.

I know UConn hasn't had good QB play since maybe orlovsky, but no reason to sugar coat what we saw last night. that being said, it was first game under new coordinator/system. kid's first game in FBS and line struggled for much of the first half. Edsall made the right call to switch, team played better when BS was put in. Was he good? no. but was good enough to win the game. now just focus on getting better

What is "bad" is your understanding of college football. College QBs completing more than 2/3s of their passes are not bad. They could complete 85% and folks like you will talk about how ridiculous it was that they didn't complete 95%.
Aug 29, 2011
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I guess I don't buy that the offensive line that couldn't do much when Pindell and Newsome were there suddenly turned it around when Sherriffs and Hopkins came in. Once Sherriffs took over the whole thing functioned much more smoothly and actually looked like the hurry up quick strike offense it is supposed to be. As for his going to one receiver, Mayala had man coverage at that point in the game and was open a few times. Not to mention that Sherriffs completed passes to 5 different guys. If the guy is beating his ma and is open I don't care how often you go to him.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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What is "bad" is your understanding of college football. College QBs completing more than 2/3s of their passes are not bad. They could complete 85% and folks like you will talk about how ridiculous it was that they didn't complete 95%.

biz--I'm reading your posts and just want clarity...your position is that you'd personally start BS next week, but don't see a huge gulf between the two, right?

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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I guess I don't buy that the offensive line that couldn't do much when Pindell and Newsome were there suddenly turned it around when Sherriffs and Hopkins came in. Once Sherriffs took over the whole thing functioned much more smoothly and actually looked like the hurry up quick strike offense it is supposed to be. As for his going to one receiver, Mayala had man coverage at that point in the game and was open a few times. Not to mention that Sherriffs completed passes to 5 different guys. If the guy is beating his ma and is open I don't care how often you go to him.
I'm with you man. "Oh the line played better all of a sudden that's why Shirreffs looks better than Pindell!?" Say whaaaaat


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I'm with you man. "Oh the line played better all of a sudden that's why Shirreffs looks better than Pindell!?" Say whaaaaat

I agree with you both. BS looked better all things being equal. Pindell didn't get any favors though considering all of the drives where we'd run for no gain on 1st down and then have a screen play blown up on 2nd down. It seemed like we never utilized the middle of the field while Pindell was out there, and very rarely threw the ball more than 5 yards downfield even though the screens were having pretty limited success. I trust in Lashlee, but there were times where it was sort of a bizarre recipe for success, constantly putting us in 3rd down and medium/long situations. When BS came out there, we started throwing down field a little more (even if downfield meant ten yards) and the running game was gaining positive yards (just look at Hopkins 3Q stats). That looks like a combination of strategic adjustment and improved o line play to me rather than a change in QB. Even still, there is no denying that BS looked better regardless of all the other variables.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Pindell started well but the wheels came off after his fumble. His reads became slower, the ball was not thrown on time and he had happy feet in the pocket and started to ground ball throws. Mentally, he was toast. Against Holy Cross.

Shireffs came in and showed that even though his timing was off (not getting as much reps), he had command of the offense and the team responded.

I judge a QB by the IT factor. Can you execute a 2 minute drive to win the game/half. Whitmer was not an IT QB. Frazer was. Lorenzen was, Endres was and so was Danny O. Shireffs has the IT factor but fiasco tripped him up at Navy last year and he was injured against Marshall. Pindell does not have IT yet- maybe down the road but not today.

That all being said, Edsall has to start Pindell but the hook is quick and if Shireffs comes in again, then it is his job. Pindell has to do a better job mentally staying in the game whether he was on the field or off.
Aug 24, 2011
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biz--I'm reading your posts and just want clarity...your position is that you'd personally start BS next week, but don't see a huge gulf between the two, right?

I haven't said who I would start yet. What I have said is I'm o.k. with the staff using its judgment and going with what they think is best. I could see why they thought Pindell might have the physical skills and upside to have more upside and make more plays. Was he responsible for Arkeel not to be able to run the ball at all? I don't know. maybe. Maybe not. Someone who knows what he was supposed to do much better than I will have to make that call. Obviously, everything ran better when BS came in, but was that he was personally better or the OL and TB stepped up and HC wore out on D? Again, I just don't know.

Just from the game itself I think anyone would go with BS -- I certainly would -- but I didn't see such a big gap that if the Staff still feels DP is the answer I'm going to worry about it (unless and until he can't get it done).
Aug 29, 2011
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Pindell started well but the wheels came off after his fumble. His reads became slower, the ball was not thrown on time and he had happy feet in the pocket and started to ground ball throws. Mentally, he was toast. Against Holy Cross.

Shireffs came in and showed that even though his timing was off (not getting as much reps), he had command of the offense and the team responded.

I judge a QB by the IT factor. Can you execute a 2 minute drive to win the game/half. Whitmer was not an IT QB. Frazer was. Lorenzen was, Endres was and so was Danny O. Shireffs has the IT factor but fiasco tripped him up at Navy last year and he was injured against Marshall. Pindell does not have IT yet- maybe down the road but not today.

That all being said, Edsall has to start Pindell but the hook is quick and if Shireffs comes in again, then it is his job. Pindell has to do a better job mentally staying in the game whether he was on the field or off.

I agree with that. I don't see any reason why Pindell would lose the job this week if he continues to do everythign he did, to get the start last night.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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I haven't said who I would start yet. What I have said is I'm o.k. with the staff using its judgment and going with what they think is best. I could see why they thought Pindell might have the physical skills and upside to have more upside and make more plays. Was he responsible for Arkeel not to be able to run the ball at all? I don't know. maybe. Maybe not. Someone who knows what he was supposed to do much better than I will have to make that call. Obviously, everything ran better when BS came in, but was that he was personally better or the OL and TB stepped up and HC wore out on D? Again, I just don't know.

Just from the game itself I think anyone would go with BS -- I certainly would -- but I didn't see such a big gap that if the Staff still feels DP is the answer I'm going to worry about it (unless and until he can't get it done).

Okay cool. Totally agree. I do think that if there's such a thing as 'earning a start' in this situation, BS must have done just that, but I absolutely am with you in that Pindell seemed to look fine and much of our stagnancy on O was the product of a poor run game more than anything else (hopefully I'm paraphrasing you accurately). I always hold your opinion in high regard--you tend to be level headed when folks like me see the football world caving in before our very eyes :D
Aug 24, 2011
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Okay cool. Totally agree. I do think that if there's such a thing as 'earning a start' in this situation, BS must have done just that, but I absolutely am with you in that Pindell seemed to look fine and much of our stagnancy on O was the product of a poor run game more than anything else (hopefully I'm paraphrasing you accurately). I always hold your opinion in high regard--you tend to be level headed when folks like me see the football world caving in before our very eyes :D

If you're talking about any sport and any position other than a football QB, no one says a sub "earns a start" because he comes in and has a better game than a starter. We didn't bench Kevin Freeman because Rash Jones came in and had a better game against the Syracuse 2-3 in the Carrier Dome one Saturday. The coach is trying to win games. "Earning" a job means nothing more than you've convinced the coach that you give him the best chance of winning that day. Otherwise it's just being "rewarded," and that gets coaches fired.

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