Buzz, and all y'all feeling a bit impatient or stressed. Relax, please. We're talking about a high school junior. She has enormous ability and potential, and, this is probably the biggest decision she's had to face in her life thus far. Personally, I don't begrudge her a bit, in taking however much time she needs to make the best choice she can. I've had two daughters, and I've coached high school girls (softball) for many years. Others can analyze this demographic better than I, but I can tell you this: often, there is a greater fear of disappointing others, or making the "wrong move" than there is satisfaction in "doing the right thing". Sometimes, they can feel almost paralyzed by it: and, a girl like this has a LOT more people in her ear, and media attention, than a typical high-school junior trying to winnow down their college field.
Some kids will take the "get this over with" route, and make a quick decision - it may be because they really know what they want, or it may be because they're sick and tired of the circus, and are desperate to make it quiet down.
Some kids will take the "slow and careful" route, and make a long, considered decision - it may be because they really want to be as sure as possilbe, or it may be because they enjoy the circus.
Not only do you and I not know how they're processing this, but, even their best friend, parents, and coaches can't be completely sure: even the kid herself may not fully understand all the forces/thoughts/impulses warring in her head.
PINO: very well said from top to bottom. Very.
So, she doesn't owe us a quick decision - nor, anybody else, for that matter. She only owes it to herself to make the best decision she can on her own timetable. Speculating on her motivations is foolish, in the extreme. Doesn't change her process one iota, and only raises your own stress level.