It’s already been determined fans will not be allowed at any games going forward. I hope the tournament is not canceled, but there are just too many moving parts going forward that have to remain in place for the games to continue. You can start with air travel, hotel lodging and dining in restaurants.
Things that before now were routinely done without a second thought, cannot be considered routine anymore. Each one of those places could be a potential breeding ground for the virus. A door knob, a restaurant menu that been handled by hundreds of people. Think about, nobody wipes off or cleans restaurant menus with disinfectant. Yuck.
The NBA is going to great lengths to protect and insulate it’s players. I would think that the NCAA would (for the same reasons) follow suit. The players may want to play, but what if their parents object? Who has the final word? Final thought, if an NBA player can contract the virus, why can’t a college athlete?