As an aside, was anyone else bothered by the repeated references to the league paying for charter flights for the winning teams? I get why that's important news from an insider's perspective, but for a casual fan, the whole discussion feels kind of bootleg, and if anything makes the product feel secondary to debates about the worth of women's basketball. I'm looking at the Sparks-Storm ESPN page, and right now
the only video from that game that's available for replay is an interview with Nneka after the game about her views on getting the charter flight. No highlights. No recap. No interviews about the next round, who they play, Nneka winning the league's sportswoman of the year award. THIS IS A BASKETBALL GAME NOT AN EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE MEETING. And holy moly, it's one charter flight, not the Taj Mahal.
Maybe it's just me, but this stuff perpetuates the haters' perception that the league is secondarily about the product on the floor.