Schiano in hot water... | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Schiano in hot water...

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Aug 31, 2011
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There are many coaches who could have elevated Rutgers from their pre-Schiano level. What Edsall did here was more impressive, Jim Leavitt at USF was more impressive, Al Golden at Temple was much more impressive. Heck P at Syracuse was more impressive then Schiano at Rutgers. George O'Leary at UCF is more impressive.

I'm sorry, but you have to be under 25. There were many coaches who tried to elevate RU. Joe Pa even snt one of his trusted liutenants there to wake up the ghosts. Every single one failed miserably. You're too young to recall the days when RU stood for, RU available for our homecoming game. They were a perennial loser who not one kid from Jersey would consider playing for. HCRE's accomplishments were impressive; did someone say they were not? Leavitt? Are you serious? He was sitting in the most fertile recruiting region in the country, playing in a patsy conference and did nothing - NOTHING. I'll let you chew on your P statement until the sour taste passes. Syracuse was a perennial powerhouse (Top 25) before P. It was a slow descent in to hell from there. Are you suggesting you would be happy if we hired Leavitt? P? HCRE?

The BIG picked geography, yes, but they waited for RU to be relevant. I can not be convinced they would have picked RU had RU not progressed since GS.

As i have said several times, I am not an advocate of GS as the next HC. I also said he would likely look at us as being beneath him. But stop letting your hatred of the school and jealousy that they found a winning lottery ticket blind you to the fact that without him, we are still asking if RU should be in the conference.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm sorry, but you have to be under 25. There were many coaches who tried to elevate RU. Joe Pa even snt one of his trusted liutenants there to wake up the ghosts. Every single one failed miserably. You're too young to recall the days when RU stood for, RU available for our homecoming game. They were a perennial loser who not one kid from Jersey would consider playing for. HCRE's accomplishments were impressive; did someone say they were not? Leavitt? Are you serious? He was sitting in the most fertile recruiting region in the country, playing in a patsy conference and did nothing - NOTHING. I'll let you chew on your P statement until the sour taste passes. Syracuse was a perennial powerhouse (Top 25) before P. It was a slow descent in to hell from there. Are you suggesting you would be happy if we hired Leavitt? P? HCRE?

The BIG picked geography, yes, but they waited for RU to be relevant. I can not be convinced they would have picked RU had RU not progressed since GS.

As i have said several times, I am not an advocate of GS as the next HC. I also said he would likely look at us as being beneath him. But stop letting your hatred of the school and jealousy that they found a winning lottery ticket blind you to the fact that without him, we are still asking if RU should be in the conference.

You have yet to explain RU's co-invitee.
Aug 31, 2011
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There is one word that refutes everything you said......Maryland.

Not sure I follow, but Maryland, like RU, is not only a geographic gold mine, both in terms of eyeballs and recruits, but they are Oregon East, circa 2000. Under Armour will pour money in there until they beg them to stop. And as they get the local talent to stay home, which they are doing, they will be a perennial bowler. Why would you not want UMd in a P5?
Aug 30, 2011
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Leavitt? Are you serious? He was sitting in the most fertile recruiting region in the country, playing in a patsy conference and did nothing - NOTHING. I'll let you chew on your P statement until the sour taste passes. Syracuse was a perennial powerhouse (Top 25) before P. It was a slow descent in to hell from there.

Leavitt was in a Patsy conference? It was the same one that Schiano was in, and South Florida just gets the scraps from their recruiting territory, NJ is actually very good recruiting territory so that argument fails.

P's slow decent into hell? His last year at Syracuse he tied for a Big East championship, something Schiano never did.

P had one losing season at Cuse. One in 14 years. Schiano was 4-8 his second to last year at Rutgers ......and P always played brutal schedules at Syracuse, Schiano is the master of the patsy out of conference schedule.
Aug 27, 2011
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Not sure I follow, but Maryland, like RU, is not only a geographic gold mine, both in terms of eyeballs and recruits, but they are Oregon East, circa 2000. Under Armour will pour money in there until they beg them to stop. And as they get the local talent to stay home, which they are doing, they will be a perennial bowler. Why would you not want UMd in a P5?

Not sure YOU follow? In one breath you claim that without Schiano's "winning" (LOL) at RU they wouldn't get invited. But Maryland, there were many other factors other than winning and attendance.

How about this. How many eyeballs and more importantly cable subscriptions fall under the NY/NJ and DC/Baltimore metro areas? Because that's about the only thing, other than athletic debt and mediocrity, that these 2 programs share in common.
May 23, 2013
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Edsall's two losing seasons helped Maryland fail upwards.
Mds success and talent can be attributed to Mike Locksley and his RE saving recruiting prowess.Otherwise RE wouldn't still be there!
May 23, 2013
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Not many schools have the good fortune of winning programs(except FB recently) and being squarely between 2 mega media markets....its only a matter of time before we (UConn b4 someone takes offense)get an invite but anyone in this position would get paranoid about CR!!
Aug 29, 2011
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Having a better coach and having a team that was as good as Louisville last season might have given us an edge and made us look more attractive to FSU and Clemson. Those schools were worried about football relevance.

And that there, is proof positive of what I've been talking about whatever is left of this realignment stuff. The people that actually vote are the only reason we are not in another conference, and most of the time, the people that vote, really don't know what they're voting for, other than personal relationships.

If the people that voted, and did not include us in the ACC were actually concerned about football - and not the relationships they had in generating a vote - they'd have voted to bring a program in that makes geographic sense for all traveling sports, a program that brings basketball power, and for football programs like FSU and Clemson, money and exposure in giant media markets. Louisville, other than a basketball program, gives the ACC, and specifically the football programs at FSU and Clemson - none of that.

Tom Jurich banked well over a decade of relationship building when the landscape of intercollegiate athletics went haywire in the early 1990s and Louisville ended up in C-USA, and he cashed in on it in 2012.

That is all that happened.

For us, it's about continuing along the path of becoming the most prominent and healthy public university in New England, tri-state NY,NJ,CT area, and for athletics, It's entirely about building relationships, and maintaining personal relationships and good will, such that people that actually vote on such things (and there are very few) actually vote in our favor next time a vote comes up.

In sports, it's about winning and losing, and that's it. But in intercollegiate athletics, it's about politics, and politics is about personal relationships.
Aug 29, 2011
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Getting better Carl. Only 750 words to restate the obvious.

Captain Obvious.jpg



NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Did Schiano transplant Rutgers from some remote location to within 25 miles of the world's largest media market?
Yes. I believe it used to be in Saskatchewan . It is amazing how no one remembers that anymore.

Good on you Shady.
Aug 31, 2011
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Leavitt was in a Patsy conference? It was the same one that Schiano was in, and South Florida just gets the scraps from their recruiting territory, NJ is actually very good recruiting territory so that argument fails.

P's slow decent into hell? His last year at Syracuse he tied for a Big East championship, something Schiano never did.

P had one losing season at Cuse. One in 14 years. Schiano was 4-8 his second to last year at Rutgers ......and P always played brutal schedules at Syracuse, Schiano is the master of the patsy out of conference schedule.

You do understand the Big East was considered a patsy for the past decade, right? If you don't, I give up.

So, I understand your logic, Leavitt gets credit for not recruiting in an area of more fertile recuruiting than Jersey? Got it. The point I am trying to make is that RU got the scraps from the Jersey before Schiano. He changed that. Did Leavitt at USF?

P's last year, SU was 6-6 and ended up tied for first (wit 1/2 of the frigging conference) - the whole frigging conference was "winners" that year - we sent to Pitt to get b* slapped by Utah, before they were in the Pac12. That was the start of the behind the scenes discussion to take away the conference's bid and EVENTUALLY LED THE CONFERENCES TO SAY - F*IT, WE'LL JUST TAKE EVERY TEAM.

And measure the trajectory of each - would you say RU was heading up? Would you say SU was heading down? You can even phone a friend and ask each of the teams fanbases thru their message board.

Other than that, you are right, we should hire Jim Leavitt. No wonder the Mets never win.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Well USF didn't have a program before Levitt.

Schiano clearly improved their football program - but it's not like they were wildly successful or he's someone you want on your sidelines.
Aug 31, 2011
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Well USF didn't have a program before Levitt.

Schiano clearly improved their football program - but it's not like they were wildly successful or he's someone you want on your sidelines.

Some would argue RU didn't either!

I never said I wanted him on our sideline, but he would be an upgrade and would help build a program (if he brought Hafley). We hit the restart button 2 weeks ago, and we need someone who can lift the talent and appreciation of UConn FB or we will, I fear, be relegated to the dumpster, permanently. This hire is huge and I sure hope WM has the right guy in mind.
Aug 30, 2011
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You do understand the Big East was considered a patsy for the past decade, right? If you don't, I give up. You do realize Schiano was in the same conference? So if you knock Leavitt's accomplishments you are also knocking shady aren't you? You're not looking very bright here.

So, I understand your logic, Leavitt gets credit for not recruiting in an area of more fertile recuruiting than Jersey? Got it. The point I am trying to make is that RU got the scraps from the Jersey before Schiano. He changed that. Did Leavitt at USF? This is stupid, who are the in state schools RU is competing with for recruits who want to stay in state?

P's last year, SU was 6-6 and ended up tied for first (wit 1/2 of the frigging conference) -well Rutgers must have been in the bottom half the whole frigging conference was "winners" nope not Rutgers that year - we sent to Pitt to get b* slapped by Utah, before they were in the Pac12. That was the start of the behind the scenes discussion to take away the conference's bid and EVENTUALLY LED THE CONFERENCES TO SAY - F*IT, WE'LL JUST TAKE EVERY TEAM.

And measure the trajectory of each - would you say RU was heading up? Would you say SU was heading down? P getting fired was the best thing that happened to Schiano because Ray Rice was on his way to Syracuse which would have altered each schools trajectory a bit don't you think? You can even phone a friend and ask each of the teams fanbases thru their message board.

Other than that, you are right, we should hire Jim Leavitt. I never said that, now you are just making crap up dumb ass, but I would take him over shady No wonder the Mets never win. I'll have a hard time recovering from that one


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Some would argue RU didn't either!

I never said I wanted him on our sideline, but he would be an upgrade and would help build a program (if he brought Hafley). We hit the restart button 2 weeks ago, and we need someone who can lift the talent and appreciation of UConn FB or we will, I fear, be relegated to the dumpster, permanently. This hire is huge and I sure hope WM has the right guy in mind.

He's an upgrade over walking corpses?

He's not the guy. Not sure why you are so passionate in arguing for him if you don't want him.
Aug 31, 2011
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I wasn't trying to argue, merely point out that if you told someone in 2000 that RU would be a perennial bowl game attendee, ranked in top 25, even for a week, basically own recruiting in their home state, and would be moving to the B1G, you might get put away.

I cant seem to get the young lad to think about a time before playstation. How the heck can I convince him that FL has perhaps 1 or 2 more highly recruited kids than NJ a year coming out? Can you imagine the implausible look if he learned that as much as Rice made Schiano, McNabb killed P (by coming back for a final year and causing Vick to decommit and head to Tech, where he made Beamer a household name)?


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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There are many coaches who could have elevated Rutgers from their pre-Schiano level. What Edsall did here was more impressive, Jim Leavitt at USF was more impressive, Al Golden at Temple was much more impressive. Heck P at Syracuse was more impressive then Schiano at Rutgers. George O'Leary at UCF is more impressive.

Leavitt had a better recruiting location than Schiano so he ranks below GS in program development. I'm not even going to comment on Al Golden since he wasn't there at Temple as long as GS was at RU. Coach P inherited a great SU program so he doesn't qualify. RU didn't have any relevant tradition prior to GS' arrival. Compared to Edsall I'd say it's a tossup; I can see how both sides can say who was more impressive in developing their program from the ground up. I don't know about O'Leary and if he worked at UCF he also fails. FL, TX, CA, PA are probably in the top 5 of recruiting hot beds. NJ may be in the top 10.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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If we had PGDL as our coach and we were located in NJ we would be in the B1G.

That's hypothetical. A conference isn't going to choose a school based solely on location. There are other factors (minor or major) that a majority of us don't know about.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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Leavitt was in a Patsy conference? It was the same one that Schiano was in, and South Florida just gets the scraps from their recruiting territory, NJ is actually very good recruiting territory so that argument fails.

P's slow decent into hell? His last year at Syracuse he tied for a Big East championship, something Schiano never did.

P had one losing season at Cuse. One in 14 years. Schiano was 4-8 his second to last year at Rutgers ......and P always played brutal schedules at Syracuse, Schiano is the master of the patsy out of conference schedule.

Didn't he go 6-6 his last year at Cuse? How can you defend a record like that after Cuse was still a relevant force in the Northeast?
May 23, 2013
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"nope not Rutgers",but they beat SU and PP in that last year before RR chose RU over SU along with all-state/ all-MSG NY/NJ team mate Cornell Greene from New Rochelle who joined him.Some say the RU loss was the last straw along with his unwavering loyalty to GDL(which I respect)!
May 23, 2013
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That's hypothetical. A conference isn't going to choose a school based solely on location. There are other factors (minor or major) that a majority of us don't know about.
Why does a school located between NYC and Boston need to be in NJ?If PP was RUs coach I doubt they would've been considered despite there location.I think hiring him hindered anyone from thinking UConn took FB serious enough at a critical time!I like and respect PP as a man with real old fashioned loyalties but others(B1G/ACC) perceive him as a dinosaur!
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