Schiano in hot water... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Schiano in hot water...

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Aug 26, 2011
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I love your enthusiasm, but this is franklly a stupid post.

1. We won a BE title while getting beat like a red-headed step child in the "conf championship". We were a conf champ in our minds only. WVU was on another level. The 2d championship led us to where we are today - a bad conference stealing seats at the BCS party. One of the reasons we are in the AAC is because of the Fiesta - yup, that great year when we got beat up, literally, by Temple and were left for dead by Ville. We were 8 and frigging 5. How many conferences other than the BE team have 5 loss teams in the BCS?
2. You must be very young. RU may have more guys on the Pats than we have in the league. And how many guys on our respective rosters would you say will be drafted this year? Or next? last, do you have any idea how many good players from jersey went to RU before Schiano? NONE. NJHS was recruting grounds for schools other than RU. Look at it now - they are lining them up by the dozens. And that pipeline aint changing anytime soon. That was unthinkable before he got there.
3. I meant hsi college palyers - pro is a job, rarely do players love their coach. Look at Saban or Spurrier and tell me how many of his pro players loved him.
4. UConn has got to stop taking potshots at other schools - we are viewed as a school that puts academics 2d or 3d, thanks to JC's win at all costs approach. This would be another reason we are sitting in the AAC. RU is held in high regard. You may not like it, and you may be right, but perception is reality.
5. I dont care if he comes, I said I thought he would see this as a huge step back. But UConn is viewed as the thug program, not RU. You can keep trying to fight it, but we have got to recognize the costs that came with those championships. He may be a bad gameday coach, but if you dont think he would raise the profile of the program, attract recruits, and upgrade the performance to position us for the P5, I would simply shake my head and disagree.

So UConn is considered a thug program and the school that fired its basketball coach and AD had to quit because of crap they did to players is not?
Aug 26, 2011
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Absolutely no to Schiano as a possible UCONN HC. I predicted he won't last in the NFL for more than 3 years. Tampa did RU a favor by hiring him away. I am surprised he lasted it this long.
Aug 26, 2011
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So Don Brown, the DC, had no say in the game plan? Hard to believe, also they took advantage of our blitzing early, with short and intermediate passes, eventually in the second half they went hard at Wilburn and Agbor. Offensively they are up our defense. It was IMO, Browns worst job as DC.

All I can tell you is what I know to be true. There's a reason D Brown jumped ship so quickly. This year PP was basically running the defense, or at least the majority of it.

PP appears to be a stubborn, know it all, and had his hands way to deep in everything.
Oct 8, 2011
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Absolutely no to Schiano as a possible UCONN HC. I predicted he won't last in the NFL for more than 3 years. Tampa did RU a favor by hiring him away. I am surprised he lasted it this long.
Tampa has talent everywhere except QB. He sucks!
Oct 8, 2011
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I had to look it up but Schiano was 28-48 in the Big East. His 8-13 BE performance from '09-'11 got him his Tampa gig. I don't understand where he gets this aura.
But he beat Louisville in 2006!
Oct 8, 2011
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He won at RU when the BE was actually a tough conference. We went to the BCS in a down year, don't kid yourself. I would welcome him, we need a guy who can recruit like him and get the fanbase fired up. We're in the AAC people, we need a salesman.
When did he win the Big East? The best he did was tied for second. He's swamp-scum!
Aug 27, 2011
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All I can tell you is what I know to be true. There's a reason D Brown jumped ship so quickly. This year PP was basically running the defense, or at least the majority of it.

PP appears to be a stubborn, know it all, and had his hands way to deep in everything.

This really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. We've heard plenty about PP/GDL totally overriding TJW from the get-go. We know how the handled Foley. Would it really be any surprise that the defensive guru PP would override his staff??


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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It blows my mind that people on this site have had the chutspah to throw his out as a candidate to be the next UConn HC. Really about the only thing he has on his resume is decent recruiting (shmoozing, conning, etc) abilities. how an NFL team thought it would be a good idea to hire him is beyond me. these teams ask about players most private details, but Tampa couldn't figure this guy out??

When it comes to the levels of sleaze, hiring Schiano would be about the equivalent of the b-ball program hiring the Squid. Except with the Squid, you might actually get to celebrate winning, at least until it all gets stripped.

Schiano has cache. Hiring him would be a good start in getting our program to some sort of relevancy.
Oct 9, 2011
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Schiano brought RU out of the basement and got them stuck in the elevator.

Let me explain: the only thing he was successful at was convince kids to be excited about and come to rutgers. That's about it. There is no evidence to point to him being a good coach. He had one "dream" season, but I would attribute that more to Ray Rice than anything else.
Aug 27, 2011
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Schiano has cache. Hiring him would be a good start in getting our program to some sort of relevancy.

After how he has handled Tampa Bay, Freeman, MRSA infections, NFLPA investigations, etc., I think it's safe to say Schiano's cache accounts will be empty.

you see what i did there??.....
Aug 30, 2011
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Schiano has cache. Hiring him would be a good start in getting our program to some sort of relevancy.

If by relevancy you mean laughingstock you are right.

Schiano used to be the subject of many bad coaching threads in here when he was at Rutgers, i'm sure other fan bases feel the same way. The guy is not a good coach and UCONN would be laughed at if they hired him. Why don't we go after Rich Kotite too? He was an NFL head coach with local ties.

I'd rather see P rehired without GDL then Schiano. I'm not kidding.

If we want to go after a former NFL head coach Tony Sparano would be a much better option, he actually had some success in the NFL (runner up NFL coach of the year). I'm not saying Sparano is my guy (he'd be about #15 on my list) but I would take him over Schiano. The Dolphin players actually liked Sparano.
Aug 26, 2011
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Schiano was like TB's 12th pick. No joke, they probably haven't fired him yet because they don't want to go through another hiring process.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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You guys can raise your noses to the thought of hiring Schiano all you want, but he was instrumental in getting Rutgers in the B1G. We're in a cluster duck of a mess wrapped in misery right now and Schiano pointing to a playmaker like Ray Rice to help our recruiting absolutely helps.

Our two conference championships were great for the program and the kids who worked hard for them; but they meant absolutely nothing because everyone outside of The Boneyard knew what kind of teams we were when we won those titles. We need someone who can sell our program not only to recruits but also to investors and the power conferences. Schiano can do this, no matter how you feel about him.
Aug 27, 2011
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You guys can raise your noses to the thought of hiring Schiano all you want, but he was instrumental in getting Rutgers in the B1G. We're in a cluster of a mess wrapped in misery right now and Schiano pointing to a playmaker like Ray Rice to help our recruiting absolutely helps.

Our two conference championships were great for the program and the kids who worked hard for them; but they meant absolutely nothing because everyone outside of The Boneyard knew what kind of teams we were when we won those titles. We need someone who can sell our program not only to recruits but also to investors and the power conferences. Schiano can do this, no matter how you feel about him.

Did Schiano transplant Rutgers from some remote location to within 25 miles of the world's largest media market?
Aug 31, 2011
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Did Schiano transplant Rutgers from some remote location to within 25 miles of the world's largest media market?

No, but would they have been invited if they still played at the level they did pre-Schiano? NO! You are missing the perception the media and most of the country has as to the 2 programs - us and them. They are kicking our at every level when it comes to CFB. Stop throwing out the hey. we beat them in 2011 and we wona championship after getting beat by 50 by the co-champ routine because no one outside of the BY frigging cares.
Aug 27, 2011
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No, but would they have been invited if they still played at the level they did pre-Schiano? NO! You are missing the perception the media and most of the country has as to the 2 programs - us and them. They are kicking our at every level when it comes to CFB. Stop throwing out the hey. we beat them in 2011 and we wona championship after getting beat by 50 by the co-champ routine because no one outside of the BY frigging cares.

There is one word that refutes everything you said......Maryland.
Aug 26, 2011
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You guys can raise your noses to the thought of hiring Schiano all you want, but he was instrumental in getting Rutgers in the B1G. We're in a cluster of a mess wrapped in misery right now and Schiano pointing to a playmaker like Ray Rice to help our recruiting absolutely helps.

Our two conference championships were great for the program and the kids who worked hard for them; but they meant absolutely nothing because everyone outside of The Boneyard knew what kind of teams we were when we won those titles. We need someone who can sell our program not only to recruits but also to investors and the power conferences. Schiano can do this, no matter how you feel about him.


If we had PGDL as our coach and we were located in NJ we would be in the B1G.
Aug 30, 2011
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No, but would they have been invited if they still played at the level they did pre-Schiano? NO! You are missing the perception the media and most of the country has as to the 2 programs - us and them. They are kicking our at every level when it comes to CFB. Stop throwing out the hey. we beat them in 2011 and we wona championship after getting beat by 50 by the co-champ routine because no one outside of the BY frigging cares.

There are many coaches who could have elevated Rutgers from their pre-Schiano level. What Edsall did here was more impressive, Jim Leavitt at USF was more impressive, Al Golden at Temple was much more impressive. Heck P at Syracuse was more impressive then Schiano at Rutgers. George O'Leary at UCF is more impressive.
Aug 26, 2011
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I can't believe people hang onto this notion that anything other than physical geography played a role in the B1G's decision.

Having a better coach and having a team that was as good as Louisville last season might have given us an edge and made us look more attractive to FSU and Clemson. Those schools were worried about football relevance.
Aug 27, 2011
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You guys can raise your noses to the thought of hiring Schiano all you want, but he was instrumental in getting Rutgers in the B1G. We're in a cluster of a mess wrapped in misery right now and Schiano pointing to a playmaker like Ray Rice to help our recruiting absolutely helps.

Our two conference championships were great for the program and the kids who worked hard for them; but they meant absolutely nothing because everyone outside of The Boneyard knew what kind of teams we were when we won those titles. We need someone who can sell our program not only to recruits but also to investors and the power conferences. Schiano can do this, no matter how you feel about him.
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