Are you sure of your timeline vis-a-vis RU's FB related financial decisions, Schiano's influence on those decisions and the start/finish of the BIG's courting and, finally, marriage to RU? I've come to think of the BIG's initial contact with RU as the catalyst. I think, years in advance of the actual offer, RU was secretly given a list off "requirements," (stadium expansion, improved FB profile, etc.) the completion of which, would lead to a BIG offer. I believe most, if not all, of RU's improvements would have occurred if I had been coaching. It seems to me that RU lucked in to GS. Not because he's a good coach. Clearly, he's not. But, he is a sly-tongued devil. A great salesman who was able to create a "buzz" which worked beautifully as part of the planned path to the BIG. The only way any of this, especially the financial decisions, makes any sense is with a longer view of the RU/BIG process. GS's salesmanship (some would say BS) was an important part of the process; but only a part.