Schiano in hot water... | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Schiano in hot water...

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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That's hypothetical. A conference isn't going to choose a school based solely on location. There are other factors (minor or major) that a majority of us don't know about.

Right they pick them based on how many cable subscribers can be charged.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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Theirs. What does that have to do with this discussion?

You posted a link that is bashing RU and MD yet you would prefer to be in their shoes at the end of the day. That confuses me.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You posted a link that is bashing RU and MD yet you would prefer to be in their shoes at the end of the day. That confuses me.

Pointing out that on a pure athletic level UConn is more worthy than either Maryland or Rutgers while being envious of reality shouldn't be confusing unless you are being intentionally obtuse.
Aug 27, 2011
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You posted a link that is bashing RU and MD yet you would prefer to be in their shoes at the end of the day. That confuses me.

I posted that link as a response to the idiocy of claiming Schiano was instrumental in getting RU to the B1G.

But you already knew that.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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I posted that link as a response to the idiocy of claiming Schiano was instrumental in getting RU to the B1G.

But you already knew that.

He was. He was the head coach who brought them from obscurity to bowl wins. To say he wasn't is lying.
Aug 31, 2011
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Do you really believe that if RU were still playing at the same level they were pre-Schiano they would be in the B1G? I don't.
Aug 27, 2011
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Do you really believe that if RU were still playing at the same level they were pre-Schiano they would be in the B1G? I don't.

Yes. Can I be any clearer about that?

They took Maryland after 2 years with a combined 6 wins and 20k in the stands. What else do you need to know? What's the common thread between the 2 schools? Geographic .
Aug 29, 2011
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Getting back to Schiano as a coach, I would talk to him. He is to me one of those guys who is a made for college coach. I was surprised that an NFL team took him, and I am not surprised he is struggling there. There are some guys who work well in both college and the pros, but there are lots of guys who are much better at one level or the other. Good coaches, but their style just doesn't work at the NFL level or the college level. Guys like Saban and Spurrier are great examples. Both had great success in college but were less than masterful in the NFL. While I don't think Schiano is on their level, I think he is much better suited to college coaching too. the Rah Rah style and all that doesn't really work with professionals for more than a brief period, and it really doesn't work when you're not winning. I think Pete Carroll might be another, though he has been more successful in Seattle than either New York or New England.
Aug 30, 2011
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It can't be said any better than this:
It blows my mind that people on this site have had the chutspah to throw his out as a candidate to be the next UConn HC. Really about the only thing he has on his resume is decent recruiting (shmoozing, conning, etc) abilities. how an NFL team thought it would be a good idea to hire him is beyond me. these teams ask about players most private details, but Tampa couldn't figure this guy out??

When it comes to the levels of sleaze, hiring Schiano would be about the equivalent of the b-ball program hiring the Squid. Except with the Squid, you might actually get to celebrate winning, at least until it all gets stripped.

Schiano would make 3/4 of our fan base vomit.


Soul Brother
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes. Can I be any clearer about that?

They took Maryland after 2 years with a combined 6 wins and 20k in the stands. What else do you need to know? What's the common thread between the 2 schools? Geographic smut.

MD had a better football program in those two bad years than Rutgers had prior to Schiano arriving at Rutgers.
Aug 29, 2011
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It can't be said any better than this:

Schiano would make 3/4 of our fan base vomit.
Schiano isn't even in the same league of slime as Callipari. He rebuilt Rutgers, or arguably built the program for the first time. Until Schiano I think it can be argued that the Ruts really tried to do 1A football on the cheap. Not even on the same universe with Callipari, though in terms of sliminess. ...but in either case, UConn fans would vomit right up until the coach in question wins a championship. At that point, he would be brilliant. That's just the way fans are. Any fans, really.
Aug 30, 2011
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Until Schiano I think it can be argued that the Ruts really tried to do 1A football on the cheap. Not even on the same universe with Callipari, though in terms of sliminess. ...but in either case, UConn fans would vomit right up until the coach in question wins a championship. At that point, he would be brilliant. That's just the way fans are. Any fans, really.

Thanks for reminding me, Schiano spent Rutgers into the ground and had less success then UCONN did even though he had better recruits from NJ which he won't be able to get here.

There is no evidence Shiano can win a championship in anything, he is a terrible sideline coach who does less with more (his D got ripped two years ago by DeLeone and McEntee) UCONN needs to find someone who can do more with less. We need a Head Coach not just a recruiter with a bad, look at me, i'm great attitude. Schiano also always seems to have a stormy relationship with QB's which is the last thing we need now that we finally have a good one.

You seem a lot smarter when you post about Pete Lembo:

Q: Did you have a favorite college team when you were growing up?
A: Yeah, I was a big Michigan fan growing up. In fact, I've got a picture of Bo Schembechler on my wall.
Q: How did you end up with Michigan?
A: Growing up in the Northeast, there just weren't that many big-time college programs. So you ended up watching whatever was on ABC. On Staten Island, we didn't have cable TV. We were the only borough in the city that didn't have cable TV. So you were just watching what was on CBS, NBC or ABC. Michigan, obviously, was always a top-25 team back then, and I ended up becoming a big Michigan fan growing up. The other thing I can remember watching growing up was the PBS channel in New York used to cover an Ivy League game of the week. So I'd come back from my Pop Warner game in the early 80s, late 70s, you'd turn on the TV and there was Princeton playing Cornell. That would be one of the games that would be on a TV on a Saturday. That Michigan thing for sure. I used to love the physicality and the ruggedness of those teams. And being an offensive lineman my whole life, how could you not like watching Michigan football back in the day?
Aug 29, 2011
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I love Lembo. He would be my first choice. Very good fundamental coach. Gets the northeast. Has a track record. Has beaten the bigger boys on his schedule on a pretty consistent basis. (OK, one of them is Indiana, but he still has beaten them and he beat Virginia this year and coming out of the MAC that's not bad. I doubt the Caveliers had that on their schedule as a loss) I don't get why people would prefer Clawson except that he seems more photogenic. Lembo has a better career record. But I think Schiano will return to college football and will be pretty successful in the right situation. Not, probably, Saban successful. But George O'Leary successful probably. He can recruit. He took a program that was the definition of failure, hadn't had a winning record in 25 years and turned them around. Part of it was he convinced the Rutgers people that they needed to invest in the program if they wanted success. As I said, Rutgers spend its first 15 years in the Big East trying to play 1A football on the cheap. That guaranteed failure. You could argue that the Ruts went a little overboard, but to some extent that's understandable when you're trying to play catchup.
Aug 30, 2011
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Are you sure of your timeline vis-a-vis RU's FB related financial decisions, Schiano's influence on those decisions and the start/finish of the BIG's courting and, finally, marriage to RU? I've come to think of the BIG's initial contact with RU as the catalyst. I think, years in advance of the actual offer, RU was secretly given a list off "requirements," (stadium expansion, improved FB profile, etc.) the completion of which, would lead to a BIG offer. I believe most, if not all, of RU's improvements would have occurred if I had been coaching. It seems to me that RU lucked in to GS. Not because he's a good coach. Clearly, he's not. But, he is a sly-tongued devil. A great salesman who was able to create a "buzz" which worked beautifully as part of the planned path to the BIG. The only way any of this, especially the financial decisions, makes any sense is with a longer view of the RU/BIG process. GS's salesmanship (some would say BS) was an important part of the process; but only a part.
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