Roll Call: Can run 50 miles and has TWO Smart Phones | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Roll Call: Can run 50 miles and has TWO Smart Phones

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Nov 11, 2011
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Look, I don't want to brag, but I have met Amby Burfoot.

In a fight, I would knock him --- out.

And I'd post it on YouTube three times because that's how many smartphones I'd bring to the brawl.

My ipad is the size of several smart phones. And i don't know who bamby barefoot is but i'd crush him with my Pacific islander sized calf muscles that i got from running the boston marathon twice once as a warmup and then for real.
Sep 21, 2011
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I challenge this guy to go outlet shopping with my wife.
My bet is he doesn't make it out of the Coach store. (Women and purses are a vicious combination)
She does this while alternately texting,talking on the phone, keeping up with 500 Facebook friends, and reading articles from the Connecticut patch new sources.
Aug 31, 2011
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^^ PeeCee fan in mojo inducing thread that has nothing to do with hoops (other than ratcheting us up for another NC run). Why? Is he trying to sabatoge us? More likely the 3 fans on the PeeCee board have left for the spring and he is feeling lonely. At first I was going to put him on blast and berate him as is boneyard custom for PeeCee "fans", but on reflection my attitude has softened (could be the percocet though) and I pity him.

I should have been more clear; I was reffering to the gentleman with the running prowess
Aug 26, 2011
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Just when I started to worry this thread would fall to page 2, it's got LEGS after all.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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It appears that I got here too late to be Amby Burfoot so can I be Frank Shorter? I have two smartphones and an olympic medal!


Providence-Newark-San Antonio
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't want to be Amby Burfoot anymore - he looks like a f- corpse.

Holy *t, guess that's what happens when all you drink is prune juice/flat amber
Aug 27, 2011
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OK, I promised this explanation last night, and I think as this thread wore on some of it got self-explanatory, but I will give a cliff notes version of some great, unintentional mojo (the best kind).

Pull up a chair, crack a rolling rock and allow me to relate to you "The Ballad of William Shea" :

It all started last Thursday against St. Joes.
We had a rough start to game, St. Joes looking like world beaters. Not but 6 minutes into game a thread by a person who had not posted here much at all (thats OK, everyone has to start somewhere) appeared at the top of our board:

The title of the the of the thread?
"No D, Heartless and Gutless"
You may read the thread and William Shea's initial post here:

It is required mojo reading. He bragged about how he had it in his bracket.

Obviously most people seeing this thread at the time hated this post with a passion. It was 6 minutes into the game! People were up in arms.

Well, as I sometimes do when I see such a ridiculous post I answered it, not with a post of my own, but an over the top "copy pasta" (many here probably dont know what that is, there is a link in the thread above explaining it).
In this case I used the famed "Navy Seal" copypasta. The irony is that after 3 minutes I actually edited my post and removed the copy pasta thinking that it would probably go over the heads of many and thus be taken as mean spirited and inflammatory. However I noticed that users Bryan Lord and Phillionaire at minimum knew what it was right away. Phillionaire in fact not only recognized it, but quoted it and then added the "Hank Hill propane variation" of the "Navy Seal" pasta. (as an aside: well done, Phillionaire!) So now even though I had deleted my Navy Seal copy pasta, Phillionaire had already quoted it and it was there for everyone to see.

William Shea took that copy pasta as serious and in the patented self-serving blowhard way that he is quickly becoming an instant boneyard legend for challenged me to a 50 yard run with the implication that he is tougher than a Navy Seal (namely, me).

More hilarity ensued as he tried defending his initial post.

Meanwhile as all this was going on, our beloved Huskies sacked up and got 'er done against St. Joes.
It was just beautiful mojo as recognized by many longtime posters in that initial thread.

After beating Nova, esteemed 'yarder prankster recognizing the amount of unintentional mojo surrounding William Shea after reading that Mr. Shea will be at the Garden Friday, asked if he had a smartphone so he could make more dumb posts from his seat to keep the mojo running.

Well in his typical fashion, Mr. Shea answered " I will be in Section 106 and I have TWO Smartphones"

In this thread:

More hilarity ensued.

Mr. Shea has continued to make some incredible statements since then (including two beauties in this thread) and all of them bring the laughs (and some incredible mojo along with it).

With the combination the jurrdges Senhor Testiculo decree and now William Shea, I can see us beating UCLA's winning streak. Ride, Senhor, Ride!!!


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Found someone who can sign this roll call.
Hoiberg desparately trying to catch up with ST and KO, who is just casually breezing toward the finish.
** Not Pictured: William Shea who is somewhere at the back of the pack.

Last edited:
Aug 26, 2011
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Will the real "Amby Burfoot" please stand up?

I got logged out during the St Joe's game after setting William Shea to Ignore, and shortly thereafter the momentum shifted.

No regrets, except that it kept me away from all things related to marathons and cell phones until reading this Roll Call, after I changed twin boys' diapers while my cell phone charged.

I have watched UConn basketball games with Amby Burfoot's brother.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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I got logged out during the St Joe's game after setting William Shea to Ignore, and shortly thereafter the momentum shifted.

No regrets, except that it kept me away from all things related to marathons and cell phones until reading this Roll Call, after I changed twin boys' diapers while my cell phone charged.

I have watched UConn basketball games with Amby Burfoot's brother.

So no boneyard for you tomorrow Hans.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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I am Lon Haldeman and I ride my bicycle back and forth across the North American continent. For fun, without sleep and I only eat McDonald's. It's true, you can look it up on the internet. But until William Shea came along I was too modest to actually use my real name. I've learned my lesson, that's for sure. Thank you, William Shea. I am responding to this post because apparently it's the thing we superhuman athletes do.
This post makes me laugh EVERY time I read it. LOVE IT!
Aug 26, 2011
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So no boneyard for you tomorrow Hans.

If it'll help the mojo, I'm all for it, but I think it properly starts the moment someone posts something negative after the game begins. Need a little help on the timing, please. During the game, I don't have much to offer except what's written beneath my avatar anyway. And I don't think I've chatted since Nuzzi's(?)

What I noted earlier, but not just above, was that when I got logged out after setting up the Ignore, I went over to Facebook and Liked a high school friend posting "C'mon UConn." I KNOW that it affected the mojo.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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If it'll help the mojo, I'm all for it, but I think it properly starts the moment someone posts something negative after the game begins. Need a little help on the timing, please. During the game, I don't have much to offer except what's written beneath my avatar anyway. And I don't think I've chatted since Nuzzi's(?)

Honestly more analysis than the vast majority of people post in the chat.

What I noted earlier, but not just above, was that when I got logged out after setting up the Ignore, I went over to Facebook and Liked a high school friend posting "C'mon UConn." I KNOW that it affected the mojo.

This will be tough to replicate. The only thing to do is try as best you can; the mojo should respect the effort/intention. I would offer to post something negative after the game began, but I can't bring myself to do it.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm thinking of adding a third smartphone if it will help the mojo. I need to know however if after I get the phone will I be required to increase or decrease the distance that I run? I can see an argument for a third cell phone leading to a reduction in required running distance but I imagine that one could claim that more phones requiers more miles run. It is very important to get this corect
Aug 26, 2011
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Honestly more analysis than the vast majority of people post in the chat.

This will be tough to replicate. The only thing to do is try as best you can; the mojo should respect the effort/intention. I would offer to post something negative after the game began, but I can't bring myself to do it.

I'll monitor the Boneyard for any absurdly negative post, Ignore the poster, Reply that I've Ignore the poster, close the site, see if anyone is mentioning the game on Facebook, add a supportive comment, and continuing rooting like he11 for victory!


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Honestly more analysis than the vast majority of people post in the chat.

This will be tough to replicate. The only thing to do is try as best you can; the mojo should respect the effort/intention. I would offer to post something negative after the game began, but I can't bring myself to do it.
I'll monitor the Boneyard for any absurdly negative post, Ignore the poster, Reply that I've Ignore the poster, close the site, see if anyone is mentioning the game on Facebook, add a supportive comment, and continuing rooting like he11 for victory!

You may be in luck, as I understand it a certain someone has TWO smartphones to post with.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Hans Sprungfeld said:
But already Ignored.

Ahhhhh. ........ Quite a puzzling mojo conundrum we have on our hands.
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