In the beginning men were hunter gatherers. They had no permanent settlements.
Then, they discovered a place in the stream where the water was still. This place collected the fruit that was washed downstream and it sat in one place. Over time, this fruit naturally fermented making alcohol. When the hunter gatherers discovered this place and drank the water, an amazing thing happened. They became drunk. Having no experience with state of mind, some were frightened, some excited and some had, what can be described as, a religious experience.
One thing they agreed on, this is a place they should protect, a special place, a holy place.
Over time, they learned how to use this place to make the special water. While some went out to hunt or gather others stayed behind to guard and produce the special water. A division of labor developed. The ones who knew the secrets of producing the elixir held a high place in the group. The became shaman and priests. This place became developed, a settlement. And civilization was born.
First, nature produced alcohol. And that begot religion. And religion begot civilization. And civilization begot football.