Reeling Geno Auriemma not sure issues with UConn women’s basketball team can be ‘fixed’ after 57-44 loss at Georgia Tech | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Reeling Geno Auriemma not sure issues with UConn women’s basketball team can be ‘fixed’ after 57-44 loss at Georgia Tech

Mar 27, 2021
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What is the significance of the circled quantities?
When I saw the circled quantities I assumed the poster was saying that if you do not have very many posts your opinion is not valued. I could’ve taken it wrong, but that’s the way I interpreted it with no other words to give it context.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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When I saw the circled quantities I assumed the poster was saying that if you do not have very many posts your opinion is not valued. I could’ve taken it wrong, but that’s the way I interpreted it with no other words to give it context.
Yes. But I guess I am not familiar with normal twitter numbers. Are these numbers really low?
Nov 18, 2021
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Last evening was NOT one of Geno's finest moments as a "COACH" at UCONN. In fact, it may well have been Geno's WORST moment as a Coach, both ON and OFF the court. Not only was his managemetn of his players on the court considered to be poor (and yes, the players need to execute, BUT Geno is responsible to prepare them best to be able to properly execute on the court, when called upon, and Geno, in my opinion, gets an "F" for that (that what he gets for playing his starters too long in games, as the bench doesn't get enough PT to help them out whenever they might be called upon to help. And NO ONE CARES that he say's Paige is a Pain in the Ass and doesn't want to come off the court, no matter what the score may be. "WHOSE THE COACH? GENO or PAIGE ??" - Then there is Geno's handling of the PRESS before and after the game. He needs to step up and tell the press and media that the team is going to put tonight's performance behind them, and they all have a positive outlook that "THE TEAM" will be more than capable of overcoming any loss of players and will execute plays on the court, to the best of everyone's ability and that HE and his coaching staff will be there 200% to ensure that each and every player get everything they need to properly execute when called upon, on the court AND that this team, NO MATTER WHO IS OUT ON THE COURT, is more than capable of capturing a National Championship. This team does NOT run through PAIGE BUECKERS. It runs thru GENO AURIEMMA and the Coaches and that this is a TEAM game, comprised of a great deal of Top 25 High School Selections. Every part should be easily inter-changable, and to say that they were down 5 players (6 if you want to count Saylor Poffenbarger transferring out), is just a LAME EXECUSE. Sorry folks, but GENO AURIEMMA IS "NOT" GOD !!!!
Aug 31, 2011
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I think many of us are missing the point. No question that was a terrible game last night. Maybe the worse we have ever seen. But Geno, IMHO, is still the best coach in WCBB. He has done too many great things for us to judge him by one game. I think he said he couldn't fix the problem not that the problem couldn't be fixed. The girls completely lost their composure last night. They are young and they will get it right soon. Geno will have them in the final four again. They are still one the most talented teams in WCBB. Be patient.
May 3, 2019
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Last evening was NOT one of Geno's finest moments as a "COACH" at UCONN. In fact, it may well have been Geno's WORST moment as a Coach, both ON and OFF the court. Not only was his managemetn of his players on the court considered to be poor (and yes, the players need to execute, BUT Geno is responsible to prepare them best to be able to properly execute on the court, when called upon, and Geno, in my opinion, gets an "F" for that (that what he gets for playing his starters too long in games, as the bench doesn't get enough PT to help them out whenever they might be called upon to help. And NO ONE CARES that he say's Paige is a Pain in the Ass and doesn't want to come off the court, no matter what the score may be. "WHOSE THE COACH? GENO or PAIGE ??" - Then there is Geno's handling of the PRESS before and after the game. He needs to step up and tell the press and media that the team is going to put tonight's performance behind them, and they all have a positive outlook that "THE TEAM" will be more than capable of overcoming any loss of players and will execute plays on the court, to the best of everyone's ability and that HE and his coaching staff will be there 200% to ensure that each and every player get everything they need to properly execute when called upon, on the court AND that this team, NO MATTER WHO IS OUT ON THE COURT, is more than capable of capturing a National Championship. This team does NOT run through PAIGE BUECKERS. It runs thru GENO AURIEMMA and the Coaches and that this is a TEAM game, comprised of a great deal of Top 25 High School Selections. Every part should be easily inter-changable, and to say that they were down 5 players (6 if you want to count Saylor Poffenbarger transferring out), is just a LAME EXECUSE. Sorry folks, but GENO AURIEMMA IS "NOT" GOD !!!!


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I think many of us are missing the point. No question that was a terrible game last night. Maybe the worse we have ever seen. But Geno, IMHO, is still the best coach in WCBB. He has done too many great things for us to judge him by one game. I think he said he couldn't fix the problem not that the problem couldn't be fixed. The girls completely lost their composure last night. They are young and they will get it right soon. Geno will have them in the final four again. They are still one the most talented teams in WCBB. Be patient.
I didn't see any UCONN players losing composure last night. I saw frustration and lack of ability. They are also not young there were 4 Seniors in the UCONN starting lineup last night.


Aug 24, 2011
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A few quotes. It's many, but it's a long article.

“I don’t think it’s gonna get fixed. I really don’t,” he said.

“And what I see is a team that’s somewhat disheveled. And that’s all me. Somehow, someway, I do not have the ability at this point in time to affect my players to make sure that we’re in a better place mentally and physically and play the kind of basketball we need to play.”

“We’re disorganized, that’s the biggest thing I can tell you,” Auriemma said. “We’re disorganized as a group right now, from the coaching on down, everybody. There’s just no sense of we have a plan of how we’re going to execute, how we’re going to get a bucket, who’s going to get it for us.”

“That fourth quarter, we didn’t respond, which has happened before with this team,” Auriemma said. “So you can blame Paige not being here. Yeah, that’s part of it. But that’s not the real story.”
This is troubling in so many ways. Either Geno and the staff have lost their ability to coach or he's recruiting the wrong players. If he's speaking in hyperbole, it send the wrong message to future recruits, etc. Is this the beginning of the end for UCONN basketball? Or is he just being a drama queen? Can you imagine what opposing coaches will say to recruits???

"In Geno's own words, he no longer can coach players to get to where they need to be. Why on earth would you ever want to go to that mess of a coaching system? Come here and we will help you get to where you want to be."... or some variation of that.

I frankly can't believe those words came out of Geno's mouth. Somehow other coaches are able to "affect their players to make sure they are in a better place mentally and physically to play the kind of basketball they need to play". Have the players of this generation passed him by? Is it time for him to go?

You may think my comments are overly dramatic, but those words actually came out of Geno's mouth. Is he really that out of touch? Good grief what a mess.
May 3, 2019
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Well that was a rather obtuse, tough-minded critique but you make some sound observations--poignant, but sound... It's always a delicate balance of playing your bench and developing them. One observation that I've made that fits with your critique of him is his "Captain Hook" approach to players who make mistakes--one and you're done--doesn't seem to be compatible with his players. I contrast his pulling of CW for that bad shot and Olivia Miles of ND when she put up two or three circus shots against us---her coach was calming and reassuring, while Geno comes across as non-negotiable and excoriating. It has come to pass that perhaps his team is not responding very well to his directives... As a coach, I think you either have to change your methodology to fit your players or change players to fit your methodology...
Feb 23, 2021
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I think the reaction of I don't think I can fix this, should be applied mostly to the available roster as it is now. I know some of it goes beyond that, but Geno would not recruit this particular unit for the roles they are asked to play now. There are quite a few problems that he truly can't fix with available players.
Exactly. And I will add that in his post game press conference he said going from five guards to two makes practice not very good. He was giving an honest answer to a question. People hear what they want to hear but I disagree with those calling his a defeatist attitude.

It always amazed me when I was coaching how people in the bleachers would see a reaction I made or hear me tell a player something and then make a judgment, never considering all the behind the scenes things involved - conversations I had with the team in the locker room or what we had worked on in practice. I just figured they must be brilliant people to know so much with so little information.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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Truth be told UCONN has lost the ability to control pace even when Paige was healthy. The Arkansas, USF and South Carolina games were also played at the opponent's pace. Having a quality PG such as Paige is very important to controlling pace don't get me wrong, but not nearly as important as having the ability to speed up the execution of the other team and the ability to rebound more than your share of misses=extra possessions. Typically UCONN is not playing defense until the other team crosses half court with the ball.
Actually, Nika is very good at forcing uptempo games on opponents. She was missed as well
Dec 12, 2018
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what makes Paige special is that she's the best player in college basketball and probably in the top five in all of women's basketball.......her abilities have simply masked the facts that the rest of the team are complimentary players who can't or won't play to their individual abilities on a consistent basis........put five players on the court that are all question marks and last night is what you get.....
How about put 5 question marks on the court and have a plan. AE, ONO and Dorka on the court made no sense when none of them are threats outside and putting the ball on the floor. Negates what Evina and CW are good at and that's getting to the basket.
Dec 12, 2018
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Last evening was NOT one of Geno's finest moments as a "COACH" at UCONN. In fact, it may well have been Geno's WORST moment as a Coach, both ON and OFF the court. Not only was his managemetn of his players on the court considered to be poor (and yes, the players need to execute, BUT Geno is responsible to prepare them best to be able to properly execute on the court, when called upon, and Geno, in my opinion, gets an "F" for that (that what he gets for playing his starters too long in games, as the bench doesn't get enough PT to help them out whenever they might be called upon to help. And NO ONE CARES that he say's Paige is a Pain in the Ass and doesn't want to come off the court, no matter what the score may be. "WHOSE THE COACH? GENO or PAIGE ??" - Then there is Geno's handling of the PRESS before and after the game. He needs to step up and tell the press and media that the team is going to put tonight's performance behind them, and they all have a positive outlook that "THE TEAM" will be more than capable of overcoming any loss of players and will execute plays on the court, to the best of everyone's ability and that HE and his coaching staff will be there 200% to ensure that each and every player get everything they need to properly execute when called upon, on the court AND that this team, NO MATTER WHO IS OUT ON THE COURT, is more than capable of capturing a National Championship. This team does NOT run through PAIGE BUECKERS. It runs thru GENO AURIEMMA and the Coaches and that this is a TEAM game, comprised of a great deal of Top 25 High School Selections. Every part should be easily inter-changable, and to say that they were down 5 players (6 if you want to count Saylor Poffenbarger transferring out), is just a LAME EXECUSE. Sorry folks, but GENO AURIEMMA IS "NOT" GOD !!!!
And that is the adjustments that UCONN needs the most.
Dec 12, 2018
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Well that was a rather obtuse, tough-minded critique but you make some sound observations--poignant, but sound... It's always a delicate balance of playing your bench and developing them. One observation that I've made that fits with your critique of him is his "Captain Hook" approach to players who make mistakes--one and you're done--doesn't seem to be compatible with his players. I contrast his pulling of CW for that bad shot and Olivia Miles of ND when she put up two or three circus shots against us---her coach was calming and reassuring, while Geno comes across as non-negotiable and excoriating. It has come to pass that perhaps his team is not responding very well to his directives... As a coach, I think you either have to change your methodology to fit your players or change players to fit your methodology...
Thank you for plucking my thoughts and writing them down.
Dec 12, 2018
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This is troubling in so many ways. Either Geno and the staff have lost their ability to coach or he's recruiting the wrong players. If he's speaking in hyperbole, it send the wrong message to future recruits, etc. Is this the beginning of the end for UCONN basketball? Or is he just being a drama queen? Can you imagine what opposing coaches will say to recruits???

"In Geno's own words, he no longer can coach players to get to where they need to be. Why on earth would you ever want to go to that mess of a coaching system? Come here and we will help you get to where you want to be."... or some variation of that.

I frankly can't believe those words came out of Geno's mouth. Somehow other coaches are able to "affect their players to make sure they are in a better place mentally and physically to play the kind of basketball they need to play". Have the players of this generation passed him by? Is it time for him to go?

You may think my comments are overly dramatic, but those words actually came out of Geno's mouth. Is he really that out of touch? Good grief what a mess.
IMO, you're not being overly dramatic. That's how I heard it immediately and those are some of the thoughts that ran thru my mind.
Jan 26, 2016
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How about put 5 question marks on the court and have a plan. AE, ONO and Dorka on the court made no sense when none of them are threats outside and putting the ball on the floor. Negates what Evina and CW are good at and that's getting to the basket.
not a whole lot of bench choices in that game........let's see if things improve after the Winter break when some reinforcements are available....
Apr 6, 2013
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Headline in the Courant: "Eric of L.A. unhappy with Geno's coaching style."
Mar 4, 2020
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How about put 5 question marks on the court and have a plan. AE, ONO and Dorka on the court made no sense when none of them are threats outside and putting the ball on the floor. Negates what Evina and CW are good at and that's getting to the basket.
I’ll cut Geno some slack here and just say that his team had way too many injuries that kept key (mostly guards and shooters) players out of the game. It was like the 2003 team playing an away game against a hungry team on national tv without Diana, Ann, and Barbara Turner.
Nov 18, 2021
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Exactly. And I will add that in his post game press conference he said going from five guards to two makes practice not very good. He was giving an honest answer to a question. People hear what they want to hear but I disagree with those calling his a defeatist attitude.

It always amazed me when I was coaching how people in the bleachers would see a reaction I made or hear me tell a player something and then make a judgment, never considering all the behind the scenes things involved - conversations I had with the team in the locker room or what we had worked on in practice. I just figured they must be brilliant people to know so much with so little information.
I did not hear a defeatist attitude at all. Maybe, in the moment, frustration. Geno has a vision for this team on how to play commensurate with other successful versions. Prior to Paige going down and having other injured players, we all could see that UConn wasn’t in sync. In press conferences, he inferred and sometimes emphatically stated that only Paige was playing in the style he wanted. With the injuries, and especially without her presence, it‘s exacerbated.

Now, the sky is falling. Does anybody question if Bill Bellichick is a coaching genius? No, in fact, he is currently lauded for the success the team is enjoying this season. However, let’s not forget that the Pats & Tom Brady went 10 years between Super Bowl victories.

The sky isn’t falling. UConn has been gut punched. Usually, it takes time to gather your wind and composure. Before everyone reaches conclusions, let’s sort out the next few weeks or month to see if the current play is the new norm or to quote the Roman poet Horace, “Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.”
Jun 9, 2012
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It’s not him, it’s certain players on this team. I love them, but the seniors remind of the Charde Houston teams. They are good players, but they can’t take it to that next level. We may get there this year because of our younger players but I know who he’s talking about.


Jan 9, 2020
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GA Tech controlled the tempo because UConn was playing without a true point guard. Paige was missed as much for her ability to control pace as her scoring.
Evina can run as well.
Dec 12, 2018
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I’ll cut Geno some slack here and just say that his team had way too many injuries that kept key (mostly guards and shooters) players out of the game. It was like the 2003 team playing an away game against a hungry team on national tv without Diana, Ann, and Barbara Turner.
You are definitely right.
Mar 6, 2021
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This is troubling in so many ways. Either Geno and the staff have lost their ability to coach or he's recruiting the wrong players. If he's speaking in hyperbole, it send the wrong message to future recruits, etc. Is this the beginning of the end for UCONN basketball? Or is he just being a drama queen? Can you imagine what opposing coaches will say to recruits???

"In Geno's own words, he no longer can coach players to get to where they need to be. Why on earth would you ever want to go to that mess of a coaching system? Come here and we will help you get to where you want to be."... or some variation of that.

I frankly can't believe those words came out of Geno's mouth. Somehow other coaches are able to "affect their players to make sure they are in a better place mentally and physically to play the kind of basketball they need to play". Have the players of this generation passed him by? Is it time for him to go?

You may think my comments are overly dramatic, but those words actually came out of Geno's mouth. Is he really that out of touch? Good grief what a mess.
on the contrary, IMO you are spot on.
Possibly he is thinking that he doesn’t want to do it any more. Look at all the former coaches who have gone into broadcasting
Nov 14, 2021
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Truth be told UCONN has lost the ability to control pace even when Paige was healthy. The Arkansas, USF and South Carolina games were also played at the opponent's pace. Having a quality PG such as Paige is very important to controlling pace don't get me wrong, but not nearly as important as having the ability to speed up the execution of the other team and the ability to rebound more than your share of misses=extra possessions. Typically UCONN is not playing defense until the other team crosses half court with the ball.
I suggest your assessment was correct and true for the past 2 years. Which player, excluding Paige, was your idea of a Uconn quality Point guard. Once who could and would control the tempo.
Excuse my ignorance, but if a team has one, two, or 3 effective big players, in my opinion they will control the board and the tempo. Then too if you have 2 or 3 guards that can hit 4o percent of their 3's, that too helps the tempo. Uconn, has player that can hit the 3, but few have proven they can do it on a consistent basis or 40 percent regularly. Tempo is usually determined by the opponent and your ability to beat them at their game, i.e. with a zone, shoot 3's, man for man, fast break/ boards. Everything I've mentioned is a factor of Coaching and personnel. Just my lack of BB knowledge speaking..
If a team is lacking a true point guard or has only one. It is bad practice to wait until your Pg is injured to have a known true point guard on call. The coach has options, teach, train, those with the qualifications/abilities, OR recruit PROVEN PG's. If Nika, Fudd isn't one or Evina isn't one, or Griffin---make them one. (I know all injured) Geno loves guards that's his forte'. I'm still one that believes in blow outs that is an excellent time to see how your PG's (trainees) are doing. Teach based on game errors of trainees, in Practice. I.E. Teach in practice, hone skills in games.

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