This can sound like Stewart at times too. But at least you get spurts with Stewart and not flashes. They are both inconsistent but Stewart has proven he deserves the minutes over Ross who is playing level too high for him.
Stewart is the one player I can’t figure out.
So much talent - really— he’s got the size and outside shooting touch to be trouble for any team.
But he continues to show up for a few minutes, dazzle with a great play or two and then fades into the woodwork.
In terms of players on bench with playing time, here’s my take:
1.) At one time, I was Stewarts #1 fan but got to admit he plays about the right amount of minutes right now.
2.) Play Nowell more - he’s can handle the rock. We didn’t need him yesterday because we didn’t get face guarding defense like w/ St. John’s. We will in BE Tourney and NCAA - so get Nowell some more minutes - think of future.
3.) Samson while not bench player , he should go in and utility player , start game - play hyper aggressive and pick up fouls. Let Reed come in and score / not take too many chances on fouling out of game.
4.) Reed I just don’t see it.
5.) Mahaney 5 minutes a game until he proves he’s ready for prime time.