Preseason Coaches' Poll - UConn #1 | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Preseason Coaches' Poll - UConn #1

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Feb 26, 2015
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It is great that Mercedes and Diamond are healthy this year. They should then make some noise in the SEC. And, I like the reports that these players have worked hard this summer on their game. However, if Mercedes is to be more of a threat inside, she will need to learn and perfect some post moves. This is part of her development and is the responsibility of the assistant in charge of posts. I have seen only a rough hook shot in the lane in the limited games I have watched. I hope these players have a great year and Tenn moves up in the polls and gives SC a battle for the SEC crown.
Nov 23, 2013
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The #1 is good to see. A final honor for last year's team. After this current political season, this poll is a breath of fresh air for sure.
Of course it's meaningless for this season. By the end of this year, this team will have EARNED it.
Jun 13, 2014
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Tennessee will be tested early when they play Baylor (December 4) and Texas in Austin (December 14).


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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I always thought highly of Alexis and thought early on that she might be comparable to Moriah, considering their high school rankings. After watching Moriah for 4 years, I'd say that the only PG I've seen on the same level is 4-time Gold Medalist Sue Bird.

You haven't really seen Alexis play at the PG position yet, although this will be her role this year. I think that if she had gone to Baylor from the beginning and not been hurt that she would already have been an AA. I also believe that had she stayed at Duke and not been hurt that she would be an AA. I am excited about seeing her fully healthy and starting the season at the PG position...she be a joy for Baylor fans to watch...not so much for the rest of the county.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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This is interesting to read. On the #1 - it is interesting and in the past voters have gone both ways - sometimes they drop the previous year's champion because of graduating stars, other years they ignore it. I think this year is likely a reflection of respect for 4 in a row and a 75 game winning streak. I think if you talked to each voter off the record and got their true assessment of the best team in the country the votes would be spread amongst 3 or 4 teams with very few if any going to Uconn. I am fine with the respect aspect of the vote, and if you are ever going have that influence a vote, this is the year for it.

The one issue I do have with polling during the year is the inertia created by previous weeks poles - voting seems to lag significantly behind both the W/Ls and the smell test of actually looking at games - in that way I think the coaching poll is worse than the AP partly because coaches seldom really watch teams not on their schedule.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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In respect to The coaches picking UConn # 1, and the rational for doing so, given by a couple of earlier posters are, in fact, two separate issues. The rational given was that the previous # 1 team should be # 1 until someone beats them. This is nonsensical and not the reason that I believe the coaches used. It might have played a small part in an ' all things being equal " tie breaker sort of way. They more than likely felt that even though the losses pushed Uconn down quite a bit, it still left them in at a reasonable enough position to compete for the Championship. So being that no other team appeared to be obviously better than the all the rest of the contenders, it was not unreasonable, considering Geno and his systems past successes, to just leave Uconn at the top. But it certainly wasn't purely because they finished last season at the top.

The idea that the top team should remain at the top until someone beats them is usually the standard used once the season is in full swing. I don't know of any instant when any rating system in any sport has ever used that criteria to begin a season.

Preseason rankings are really a waste of time, and not worth arguing over. Preseason rankings don't mean a thing after the season begins. We all know it's where you finish, not where you begin. To me, it's a simple gesture to rank a team the following year where they finished the year before, until games are played. This year's USA Today Coaches Poll looks an awful lot like the rankings a year ago. The same teams in the same slots.

1 Connecticut (18) 0-0 755
2 Notre Dame (8) 0-0 739
3 South Carolina (3) 0-0 712
4 Baylor (2) 0-0 709

5 Maryland 0-0 603
6 Ohio State 0-0 594
6 Texas (1) 0-0 594
8 Louisville 0-0 586
9 UCLA 0-0 481
10 Stanford 0-0 467

Willtalk, I read your explanation several times, I can't agree with your rational. You said: "They (the coaches) more than likely (you're guessing here) felt that even though the losses (players lost to graduation) pushed Uconn down quite a bit, it still left them in at a reasonable enough position to compete for the Championship (this is also part of our argument). So being that no other team appeared (on paper) to be obviously better than the all the rest of the contenders, it was not unreasonable". I'm still scratching my head. It sounds to me as though you're saying it's OK for the coaches to rank UConn #1 , but not us.

Let's leave the names/teams out of the discussion. You said: "I don't know of any instant when any rating system in any sport has ever used that criteria to begin a season."What does that have to do with WCBB? Who cares what they do in other sports? You're mixing apples and oranges. Well, who does the ratings? Most of the preseason ratings that I see from year to year don't differ that much from the way they finished the season. Everyone familiar with WCBB acknowledges the fact that UConn lost its core group of players.

The argument of myself and those that agree with me is how can you rank one team over another BEFORE any games are played? Isn't it easier to just begin the season where you left off from the previous year? UConn, ND,SC & Baylor where all top 4 teams last year, but they didn't finish that way. UConn, Syracuse, Washington & Oregon State finished 1-4. Until they give us reason(s) to think other wise, they should be ranked 1-4 this year. They were the best 4 teams last year. They won games they needed to win, and games they were suppose to win. How about giving them their respect?

Four players left the UConn program in May. Can YOU guarantee (before a single game is played), that UConn cannot/will not replace them, and win enough games to make the tournament and possibly win another championship? No one has any idea what this team is going to do. Are you so sure that Baylor is that much better than UConn, that you would bet your life on the outcome of the game on November 17? No, of course not. Anyone would have to be a fool to do that. There are no "fools" here in the yard. That game may be won by 1-2 points, or a blow out. We don't know at this point. That game will be the first real test for both teams.

How can YOU say before a game is played that any team that finishes #1 doesn't deserve to be ranked #1 at the beginning of the next season? They earned that right!!! No body gave it to them. Rankings are based on performance (wins and failures). Preseason rankings are based on last year's finish and a presumption that a team will perform at or above the same level the coming year. But you're OK with ranking a team that didn't make the final 4 above one that did.

How do YOU know that the players that are going to move into a starting line-up will/won't be successful and play well enough to help their team win? This 2016-2017 team can't beat 38-0, but it's possible that they can match it. No one expects them to, but it is possible. I don't see any team going undefeated this season. I didn't see ND, South Carolina or Baylor losing to anyone (before the final 4) once the tournament began, but they did. Crap happens, and you can't predict when it will.

Everyone looks good on paper, but championships are not won on paper. They are won between the lines. Baylor looked good to me last year. I had them playing UConn in the semi-final round of the tournament in Indianapolis. But they failed to show. They got "Jacked" on the way to grandma's house, and never showed up. Potential is nice, but it doesn't win games.

Preseason rankings are fun, and give fans something to talk about. In reality, they are based on perceived potential, and perceived performance, and don't mean Jack!! The teams that were good last year in theory are going to be good this year (including UConn). The teams that didn't play/fair well last year, may not do any better this year. There are 8 teams IMHO that have a legitimate chance of making the final four. four of them aren't going to make it. Most teams in the top 15 (10-15) that will remain in the top 10-15. They have some talent, (but so do other teams) but not enough talent to move ahead of the teams in front of them. Some had Tennessee, Maryland, Louisville and Ohio State in the final 4 last year. How'd that work out? Unless you can see into the future (no pun intended), you don't know. I don't know either. If I did, I'd be cashing in on it, making large $$$ bets in Las Vegas. :rolleyes:

11 Mississippi State 0-0 446
12 Florida State 0-0 431
13 Syracuse 0-0 394
14 Tennessee 0-0 360
15 Washington 0-0 352

16 Arizona State 0-0 321
17 Oregon State 0-0 255
18 Oklahoma 0-0 235
19 Kentucky 0-0 227
20 Miami 0-0 179
21 DePaul 0-0 173
22 Michigan State 0-0 167
23 Texas A&M 0-0 123
24 Florida 0-0 101
25 West Virginia 0-0 76

Syracuse and Washington finished in the top 4 last year. They finished better than all but 1 team. They earned that final ranking. Why are all of the teams ranked above them in this preseason poll? What did those teams do to deserve the higher ranking? Notre Dame & South Carolina didn't finish 2-3 last year, but they are ranked there anyway. Why? What happened over the summer to change anything? No games have been played yet. In short, to say that our theory of ranking any team (not just UConn) #1 before the season starts is "nonsensical", is nonsensical. If UConn does not deserve to be #1, their play will dictate and demand they fall in the polls/rankings. When teams play for a token trophy or jug, don't they get to keep it until the other takes it from them?, or do they have to relinquish it at the end of the season, and start even? Here in L.A. When USC and UCLA play a game, the winner earns local "bragging rights". They keep those bragging rights until the other team takes it away the next game on the playing field, not the next year in a preseason poll/ranking, and not based on who leaves or arrives. People lose money every day/week betting on teams that were supposed to win. If I'm the champ, I stay the champ until somebody beats me, and takes my title.

Preseason rankings are speculation, and nothing else.
If you were good last year, we (whoever is doing the rankings) the thought is you're going to be good this year. If you sucked last year, you're probably going to suck this year too (or fail to play up to the expectations of others). Few teams go from worst to first in one year. Until games are played how can you, or anyone else know what the rankings will be after the season is over?
No one saw ND, SC or Baylor not making the final 4 last year, but they didn't. The only rankings that count are the final one. Once the season begins, these preseason rankings won't mean a thing. Current/daily rankings will take their place, and be used to judge teams. Again, I'm from Missouri, If you want to take my #1 ranking, you're going to have to bring it for 40 minutes and literally take it from me ON THE COURT!!!

I know none of this is not going to change your mind one bit, so we'll just agree to disagree, and move on. :)


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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Let's face it. Graduation can take a team from top 10 - 15 to who knows where. Does anyone know where Delaware was ranked during EDD's senior year versus where they were ranked the year after she graduated? Is there anyone who would say that Delaware deserved to be ranked as high after EDD graduated? And basically, UCONN lost 3 EDDs.

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Faithful LV Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2011
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Unfortunately, unless they learned some type offense, it's going to be the same as last year... Nobody screened, the post players stayed in the post, nobody moved, they had no outside game... it was stagnant and often painful to watch... Doesn't matter if the entire team is healthy.... they need to learn offense
Well we are about to find out. The team has games on the 7th and regular season starts 11th.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Let's face it. Graduation can take a team from top 10 - 15 to who knows where. Does anyone know where Delaware was ranked during EDD's senior year versus where they were ranked the year after she graduated? Is there anyone who would say that Delaware deserved to be ranked as high after EDD graduated? And basically, UCONN lost 3 EDDs.

View attachment 16418

True, but UConn has several more potential EDD's waiting in the wings to take their place. Delaware didn't have any EDD's on deck. EDD was a great player on a very average mid-major team. EDD was a major D-1 talent that should not have been there. She dropped in their lap. (we all know the story) C'mon E.T. (I'll just use "E.T.". I don't call or refer to anyone one as trash) where did she originally commit to? That's right, a MAJOR D-1 program. Most mid-major programs can't compete for players with her talent and skill level, you know that. As far as Delaware is concerned, EDD was the "Alpha & the Omega". She was the best player that program will ever have. Players with her size and skill set want to go to (and are coveted by) MAJOR D-1 programs. I guarantee that Delaware is not a desired destination of any recruit ranked in the top 25 in their class. Nice try with the mic drop, but it can't apply here. :)


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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True, but UConn has several more potential EDD's waiting in the wings to take their place. Delaware didn't have any EDD's on deck. EDD was a great player on a very average mid-major team. EDD was a major D-1 talent that should not have been there. She dropped in their lap. (we all know the story) C'mon E.T. (I'll just use "E.T.". I don't call or refer to anyone one as trash) where did she originally commit to? That's right, a MAJOR D-1 program. Most mid-major programs can't compete for players with her talent and skill level, you know that. As far as Delaware is concerned, EDD was the "Alpha & the Omega". She was the best player that program will ever have. Players with her size and skill set want to go to (and are coveted by) MAJOR D-1 programs. I guarantee that Delaware is not a desired destination of any recruit ranked in the top 25 in their class. Nice try with the mic drop, but it can't apply here. :)

I'm sorry to disagree, but I don't see one potential EDD's on this year's squad. To think that UCONN is just going to plug three more players in for Stewart, Jefferson and Tuck and expect similar results is simply not realistic.

Can UCONN win a championship with the player they have? Absolutely. Would I bet on it? No. I simply don't see enough size and I think that rebounding may be the biggest challenge that UCONN faces against teams that have a big front line.
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That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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I'm sorry to disagree, but I don't see one potential EDD's on this year's squad. To think that UCONN is just going to plug three more players in for Stewart, Jefferson and Tuck and expect similar results is simply not realistic.

Can UCONN win a championship with the player they have? Absolutely. Would I bet on it? No. I simply don't see enough size and I think that rebounding may be the biggest challenge that UCONN faces against teams that have a big front line.

E.T., allow me to share 2 observations here.
1. I'm looking through rose colored glasses.
2. Stewart was a once in a decade player. I completely understand that, and I'm not suggesting otherwise. I said POTENTIAL EDD's. You don't have to be 6'5" to do what EDD did, or have the impact on a team that she did.

What I am suggesting is that UConn will be better than most people think. We've got some very talented players that have been playing a "supporting" role up to now, that are ready to step in and enjoy their 2-3 years of run as a starter. I earnestly predict UConn will not lose more than 2 games this year. I agree with you on the rebounding concern. Natalie Butler has to become an integral part of the team (and dominate on the boards) for them to achieve their desired results. If she's not ready THIS year, she never will be.

She is our best hope for UConn to be dominant in the rebounding department. If she can't (and I see no reason why she can't) then Molly Bent will have to step up, and assume that role. You know how UConn fans think. You've been a (welcomed) part of the Boneyard long enough. We only care about winning the last six games of the basketball season. How many we lose along the way (if any) is inconsequential. Geno and staff are very good in making those ends meet. Like that beer commercial says: "Don't let the smooth taste fool you". Don't count UConn out yet, especially since the season hasn't started yet. We can revisit this again at the Christmas break to see in retrospect, which one of us was right.

The cream will have risen to the top by then. The "contenders" will have separated themselves from the pretenders, and we'll know the teams that are serious (and capable) about winning a national championship, and those that are not. Right now, before the start of the non-exhibition games, the only thing a team can do is a little sabre rattling. Wolf tickets won't go on sale until sometime in mid February.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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E.T., allow me to share 2 observations here.
1. I'm looking through rose colored glasses.
2. Stewart was a once in a decade player. I completely understand that, and I'm not suggesting otherwise. I said POTENTIAL EDD's. You don't have to be 6'5" to do what EDD did, or have the impact on a team that she did.

What I am suggesting is that UConn will be better than most people think. We've got some very talented players that have been playing a "supporting" role up to now, that are ready to step in and enjoy their 2-3 years of run as a starter. I earnestly predict UConn will not lose more than 2 games this year. I agree with you on the rebounding concern. Natalie Butler has to become an integral part of the team (and dominate on the boards) for them to achieve their desired results. If she's not ready THIS year, she never will be.

She is our best hope for UConn to be dominant in the rebounding department. If she can't (and I see no reason why she can't) then Molly Bent will have to step up, and assume that role. You know how UConn fans think. You've been a (welcomed) part of the Boneyard long enough. We only care about winning the last six games of the basketball season. How many we lose along the way (if any) is inconsequential. Geno and staff are very good in making those ends meet. Like that beer commercial says: "Don't let the smooth taste fool you". Don't count UConn out yet, especially since the season hasn't started yet. We can revisit this again at the Christmas break to see in retrospect, which one of us was right.

The cream will have risen to the top by then. The "contenders" will have separated themselves from the pretenders, and we'll know the teams that are serious (and capable) about winning a national championship, and those that are not. Right now, before the start of the non-exhibition games, the only thing a team can do is a little sabre rattling. Wolf tickets won't go on sale until sometime in mid February.

Mark it on the record that I asked and answered the following question. So let it be known that I am not saying in any form or fashion that I don't think UCONN cannot win a championship.

Can UCONN win a championship with the players they have? Absolutely

Even if UCONN were to lose to Baylor, Notre Dame, South Carolina and Texas I still would not be surprised in the least to see UCONN walk away with the trophy in Dallas. Nobody knows more about winning championships than Geno.
Nov 3, 2015
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Tennessee will be tested early when they play Baylor (December 4) and Texas in Austin (December 14).
"...tested early...?

Before then, UConn will have played their FIRST GAME against FSU (12), SECOND against Baylor (4), not to mention Bruno and Depaul (21). Baylor will have played UCLA (9) and UConn (1). TN would have played 6 teams, none of which received a single vote in the coach's poll.

Doesn't mean much of anything, but I don't see any bragging rights, here.
Nov 3, 2015
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Let's face it. Graduation can take a team from top 10 - 15 to who knows where. Does anyone know where Delaware was ranked during EDD's senior year versus where they were ranked the year after she graduated? Is there anyone who would say that Delaware deserved to be ranked as high after EDD graduated? And basically, UCONN lost 3 EDDs.

View attachment 16418
No, we don't do that childish microphone-dropping, here. Roger Daltrey could be disrespectful to his mike, but apart from him, few others could pull it off.


Stay Classy!
Oct 7, 2011
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"...tested early...?

Before then, UConn will have played their FIRST GAME against FSU (12), SECOND against Baylor (4), not to mention Bruno and Depaul (21). Baylor will have played UCLA (9) and UConn (1). TN would have played 6 teams, none of which received a single vote in the coach's poll.

Doesn't mean much of anything, but I don't see any bragging rights, here.

I'm so happy that Baylor's schedule is finally better than someone else's. At least for the first week.

Actually, Baylor has some nice games throughout the year:

UCLA, UCONN, Tennessee, Depaul, Texas x2 (maybe 3), Oklahoma x2 (maybe 3), West Virginia x2 (maybe 3), so at least 10 games against top 25 teams and possibly as many as 13.
Nov 3, 2015
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I'm so happy that Baylor's schedule is finally better than someone else's. At least for the first week.

Actually, Baylor has some nice games throughout the year:

UCLA, UCONN, Tennessee, Depaul, Texas x2 (maybe 3), Oklahoma x2 (maybe 3), West Virginia x2 (maybe 3), so at least 10 games against top 25 teams and possibly as many as 13.
If Waco is gonna brag, don the Lamé, please. :D


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Let's face it. Graduation can take a team from top 10 - 15 to who knows where. Does anyone know where Delaware was ranked during EDD's senior year versus where they were ranked the year after she graduated? Is there anyone who would say that Delaware deserved to be ranked as high after EDD graduated? And basically, UCONN lost 3 EDDs.

View attachment 16418
Far from a drop mike reply you made. But you just go ahead and comfort yourself with those thoughts while those returning players at UCONN remind you why they are playing at UCONN and just how much Geno still has to work with and why he is better at hiding small weaknesses and flaws of any coach in WCBB. The rest of WCBB still has to solve the puzzle of how to turn 10, 15, 20, 40 and 60 point losses into the slight possibility of a win.

21 points was the closest game in the NC tourney out of 6 games. I like UCONN's margin of error for absorbing the three departing seniors.
Sep 13, 2016
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I find it funny that most of you think that players have to be over 6'5" to be a great rebounder. Griner was 6'8" and was never the best rebounder on the floor. A great rebounder has determination more than height. I don't see Collier, gabby or kls having any problems rebounding.
Feb 26, 2015
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I think it was Tenn in 1997 that won the NC with ten losses that year. It has been mentioned ad nauseum, but, I will repeat that Geno will have a different team in March compared to November. With that said, I believe that Collier will be the surprise of the year.
Sep 1, 2011
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Willtalk, I read your explanation several times, I can't agree with your rational. You said: "They (the coaches) more than likely (you're guessing here) felt that even though the losses (players lost to graduation) pushed Uconn down quite a bit, it still left them in at a reasonable enough position to compete for the Championship (this is also part of our argument). So being that no other team appeared (on paper) to be obviously better than the all the rest of the contenders, it was not unreasonable". I'm still scratching my head. It sounds to me as though you're saying it's OK for the coaches to rank UConn #1 , but not us.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. :)
Actually I support the argument that it was reasonable to rank Uconn number one this season both by the pollsters and you. But that was because Uconn met specific conditions that made it reasonable, not just that they were #1 last season. The key being the condition you yourself wrote and bolded in your post. I just do not think it is reasonable to vote a team #1 ONLY because they finished up there the previous season. The post I was responding too made that statement. Whether it was meant that way or not- That is what I read. My post was purely meant as a bridge and clarification between the possible reasons for Uconns ranking which, though not the prime reason, also factored last years ranking as part of that rational. Last years ranking might have been part of, but not the sole reason for this seasons ranking. It was ONLY a conditional factor.


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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Actually I support the argument that it was reasonable to rank Uconn number one this season both by the pollsters and you. But that was because Uconn met specific conditions that made it reasonable, not just that they were #1 last season. The key being the condition you yourself wrote and bolded in your post. I just do not think it is reasonable to vote a team #1 ONLY because they finished up there the previous season. The post I was responding too made that statement. Whether it was meant that way or not- That is what I read. My post was purely meant as a bridge and clarification between the possible reasons for Uconns ranking which, though not the prime reason, also factored last years ranking as part of that rational. Last years ranking might have been part of, but not the sole reason for this seasons ranking. It was ONLY a conditional factor.

Will, I got a little carried away. Preseason polls become void after the first week of the season. Actual wins & losses that week, become the criterion for a new and current ranking. Thanks for your clarification. I apologize if I seemed a little over the top. :)


Stake in my pocket, Vlad to see you
Jan 21, 2016
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I think it was Tenn in 1997 that won the NC with ten losses that year. It has been mentioned ad nauseum, but, I will repeat that Geno will have a different team in March compared to November. With that said, I believe that Collier will be the surprise of the year.
I've been saying that since the end of '16 NCAA's. A different type of team than the last. More feral, gutsy, talkative, never stop working, with chip on their shoulder and a never say die attitude.
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