His numbers in the post season dwarf most everybody else's. Leaving wins out of it.
Brady’s got 16 career playoff game with a 100+ passer rating... more than Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers and Philip Rivers combined.
That raw ability you are talking about is only a part of being a QB. You're basically saying that Brady isn't great at this one piece, so all the other important pieces of the position don't matter. When in fact, the other pieces don't matter as much. Look at Jamarcus Russell. Dude had more of it than anyone I've seen. But he was junk because he didn't have anything else. I mean, Montana is well behind guys like Rodgers, Mahomes, Marino etc in a lot of these things, but he's a better QB than all of them. There's more to it.
The two most important components of being a great QB, according to BB, is 1. accuracy and 2. intelligence. Brady has those in spades. Brady's pocket presence, ability to diagnose a defense presnap, recognize the mismatch, make the right decisions pre and post snap are unparalleled. Along with that pinpoint accuracy, those are the most important QB characteristics. All the athletic ability in the world doesn't matter if you have that. And of course, as you alluded to, he's got every intangible in the book.
In terms of raw physical ability, sure, other guys are better. Although I don't know what you are talking about in regards to 'mechanics', as Brady is known to have some of the best and most consistent throwing mechanics of all time; they
are damn near perfect. Listen to other QBs/analysts talk about them (can't be bothered to google right now); I see it all the time.
He throws a hard, heavy ball (due to extremely tight fast spiral) hasn't dipped much with age. Underrated arm strength.
If you add up all the components (while he's lesser on some), he's ahead of everyone else. It's like a Madden score.
There's not a single QB in history who I'd rather have under center with the game on the line. I think most NFL analysts and players would agree but that's jmo.
Great QBs make their defenses better. Bill Barnwell had a fantastic piece of analysis on this a month or two ago, but I can't find it at the moment. I will continue to look for it. [EDIT:
I found something similar, but I don't think it's the one I remember, I'll put in a separate post below for legibility reasons]
Most importantly, field position. The offense moves the ball enough to consistently have great field position for the defense to start in if they fail to score.
People complained about Brady 'dinking and dunking' most of the game, but that served the purpose of keeping Mahomes off the field, and the defense rested. The fact is, most QBs can't do this, or they would. Because it's unstoppable.
The defense remains fresher for the critical end of game moments when you need to make a play. Gives you a mental edge as well. When an offense always gives you a chance like that, as a defender, you feel like you can always make the plays necessary to win the game.