Thanks, Centerstream.
Unless this is fake news...
Please note the date that this company's vaccine would be available.
Canadian firm says it could make 10 million doses per month — if its innovative production method wins FDA approval.
For those too, ermmmm... distracted or panic-ridden to read the article, here is a pertinent quotation:
"Medicago CEO Bruce Clark said his company could produce as many as 10 million doses a month. If regulatory hurdles can be cleared, he said in a Thursday interview,
the vaccine could start to become available in November 2021."
"Also on Thursday, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease at the National Institutes of Health, told the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee that human trials for a vaccine (he did not specify the manufacturer) would be possible “within a few weeks.” However, he said that a vaccine would not be available to the broader public for another 12 to 18 months."
In somewhat related news, one of my sons called me from N.Y.C. last night and told me that the local supermarket was almost denuded of victuals due to panic buying.
I chortled at the doings of those urbanites. I just returned from my local grocery store, in a town of some 2,000 Mid-coast Mainers, where I found all the toilet paper sold, together with most of the bread and eggs.
Do people think that covid 19 will scare the cr..p out of them, or are they planning on enemas as a form of prophylaxis?