Re: science - I live for science. My first great love (outside of females, baseball, and cracker jacks). I don't think the moon landing science is particularly overwhelming on either side. I also don't think that the psychology is particularly slam dunk on either side. There are plenty of holes in the official story, to be sure, but there are holes in the conspiracy story, as well.
I'd really love to be able to put a few folks on a lie detector on this one.
Some quick examples of eyebrow raisers in the official story - the story goes that hundreds of pounds of rocks were brought back from the moon. Only rice sized grains have ever been allowed to be examined, however. It is well known that moon rocks ended up in Antarctica after meteorite collisions on the moon. Von Braughn went to Antarctica prior to the moon missions. If the rocks NASA claims are moon rocks are from the moon, then give a couple out to independent researchers to examine, and not just some rice sized samples - some boulders. NASA claims it lost the original moon video. Um. Really? The most important technological moment in the history of its existence, and historically extremely important, and they lost it? Come on. If you want people to believe what you are saying, then you can't "lose" the best evidence that would kill what the conspiracy guys are saying; it raises the reasonable conclusion that the video tape would have provided evidence of a hoax. There are others that are eyebrow raising as well.
The problem with the moon landings and 911 is that people have such a huge vested interest in the outcome. Most people are born and raised to not question their own government's motives and behavior. It's been that way since the Sumerians, I'd guess. People therefore look for evidence to support their preconceived notions. Religion is a typical example of this behavior. Many people in my parents generation, for example, would never even consider that the moon landings were faked. Won't even look at any purported evidence. Just fold arm and look away, and, really, consider you a bad American for even considering it. Same with 911. One senator wanted to make it a crime to question the official story as treasonous. So when that is your perspective, are you going to weigh all evidence that is put in front of you? Or just the evidence that supports your patriotic position.
Because patriotism really is just one form of religious zealotry.
The reference to Mythbusters is a good example of how people approach this. The one guy on Mythbusters has a HS diploma and the other has a degree in Russian Linguistics. So they are by no means experts in anything lunar. But they produce a TV show and conclude such and such and people looking to support their opinion cite to that as a work of authority.
We got from Tony Stewart to the Moon Landings to Monotheism.
Well done boys.