OT: Poll - Interesting that 1/2 of CT residents want to move away | Page 4 | The Boneyard

OT: Poll - Interesting that 1/2 of CT residents want to move away

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Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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The top 8 states that people want to leave are all liberal states with high taxes, high regulations, high union participation, high debt and mainly run by liberal democrats. If you can't see the trend your blind.

Another way to look at it, is they can't compete and have to settle for outwitting the southern conservatives, cause you know all those deep southern conservative states do really well in these rankings.
Aug 27, 2011
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If I go to the top floor of the building I work in I can see the hospital I was born in.... so I'm a Connecticut guy.

The main problem here is winter sucks.

If you are retired you can't stay. It makes zero sense.
Why does nobody leave Maine? Their winters are longer and colder. Weather is a factor but I think it has more to do with opportunities and economics. That's why I left 7 years ago. Good paying, stable job, no income tax and property taxes 1/2 of what I was paying in CT for twice the house.
Sep 29, 2013
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Lots of CT natives here in Colorado. As someone who left CT 20 years ago there are some stark differences I notice. People here say hi to strangers here in Colorado. I think CT is just too crowded and too suburban
Aug 24, 2011
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Great post.

For people who have never lived anywhere but CT they think CT is a great place, but almost everyone in this thread who has moved out and lived in other parts of the country agree they have no desire to go back. There is a reason for this.

You know, none of us are saying that there aren't other good places to live. I for one love Colorado, and the Bozeman, MT is great. They are disqualified for me under my "proximity to salt water" requirement. Someone asked "what's to like"? A bunch of things were offered. But apparently they can't be true because you moved out of state 15 years ago . . .
Aug 26, 2011
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You guys fail to realize Connecticut's history sells itself. People do want to live here. From around the world.
Aug 24, 2011
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Why does nobody leave Maine? Their winters are longer and colder. Weather is a factor but I think it has more to do with opportunities and economics. That's why I left 7 years ago. Good paying, stable job, no income tax and property taxes 1/2 of what I was paying in CT for twice the house.

Maine is losing population. Rapidly.

But ultimately you're correct. The main reason that people are leaving the area is economics.
Sep 13, 2011
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You are right, but, only in the summer months. Winter isn't too fascinating up there.
Winter in Portland is about the same as winter here. The Atlantic mitigates any extreme cold. It's Portland, not Burlington, VT.

I didn't just visit there. I lived there for 6 months in the Navy, January - June, back when it was a grittier more blue-collar version of the city it is now. I loved the 1986 version and I like the 2014 version just as well.
Sep 13, 2011
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Great post.

For people who have never lived anywhere but CT they think CT is a great place, but almost everyone in this thread who has moved out and lived in other parts of the country agree they have no desire to go back. There is a reason for this.
I've lived several other places and have family that I visit in other places besides. They all have their charms. I love Connecticut, though. In 90 minutes I can be in the greatest city in the history of human civilization, taking advantage of a breadth of culture the rest of the country (and planet) can only marvel at. 90-120 minutes in the opposite direction and I'm in some of the most beautiful country in the world. And even when I'm at home I can hike a different trail every weekend for a decade without repeat, kayak virtually anywhere, go to New Haven and eat at great restaurants, go to Hartford and see a play at one of the best regional thea tres in the country, and on and on. On some level I've loved every place I've lived and most of the places I've visited. But here I am in CT by choice.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I love Connecticut, and I will probably only leave the state if they drag me out kicking and screaming.

I love the four seasons (even though this year has felt like one of the four seasons is winning).
I like the school systems that my kids will go to.
I like the fact that I get to experience a diverse set of cultures on a daily basis (most days, I'm speaking at least three languages and saying swears in an additional two with friends, family, etc.).
I like the fact that the beach is 30 minutes away.
I like the state forests (and even multiple waterfalls!) that I get to visit, especially in the Fall.
I LOVE the Fall! Favorite season of the year, and the Fall in CT is beautiful (post-card worthy).
I like the fact that our summers, unlike Florida, aren't 180% humidity (yeah....I sweat a lot, and that ain't nice).

I could continue to go on and on, but why bother? Everyone should be where they want to be if they can get there. I want to be in Connecticut!


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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The thing I've found with CT beaches is that there's invariably garbage floating in the water and left in the sand. You just don't get that at places like Cape Cod. Might be the function of the Sound being enclosed, or maybe CT people are just slobs.

Its a sound and the crap comes from Long Island - the sounds are never as clean as the ocean- not enough churn. LI Sound is dramatically cleaner than 20 years ago.
The only thing that makes CT suck is the damn socialist legislature. They make everything that is negative about CT
Sep 16, 2011
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I have lived in Chicago for many years now and love so much about the city and a few things I hate. Having lived out here for years and travelling and spending time in places in the Midwest, I can tell you much of the Midwest has nothing to offer, Sure most of the people are very warm and friendly but once you leave Chicago there is basically nothing. There is a whole lot of ugly terrain and scenery and a whole lot of nothing strip mall towns, sure it isn't all like that but from what I've seen much of it is. Connecticut is a beautiful state as is most of New England, I'm not sure there is a prettier place than the coast of Maine. Also, the winter's are a lot rougher out here.
Feb 4, 2012
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I've lived several other places and have family that I visit in other places besides. They all have their charms. I love Connecticut, though. In 90 minutes I can be in the greatest city in the history of human civilization, taking advantage of a breadth of culture the rest of the country (and planet) can only marvel at. 90-120 minutes in the opposite direction and I'm in some of the most beautiful country in the world. And even when I'm at home I can hike a different trail every weekend for a decade without repeat, kayak virtually anywhere, go to New Haven and eat at great restaurants, go to Hartford and see a play at one of the best regional thea tres in the country, and on and on. On some level I've loved every place I've lived and most of the places I've visited. But here I am in CT by choice.

I'm 47 and for years I've been the rah-rah guy about CT and wish I was still that guy, but in the past (perhaps) 5 years or so, I'm turning more and more anti-CT and wish we weren't here (wife has a good job here though so we won't be leaving). I hope I can recapture my enthusiasm. A lot has to do with the winters, as I get a little older every year, I have increasing problems dealing with the winter (and I used to not mind winters at all, in fact I kind of liked them).


If the Whalers come back than maybe I'll be back. Until than I can get my Husky fix on cable.
Aug 27, 2011
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For what it's worth, I own a small biz. One daughter in Tulsa Ok, the other near Greenville SC, Clemson. One in Ok married last yr, other in a month. I'm selling our hm in Ct, going to buy the same home in SoCar for half the price. More important than the price, prop taxes annually will be $8-9000 less, and utility costs would be $800+ less per month. I will travel back and forth twice a month, and save approx $20k annually. Warmer weather, people are genuinely nicer in general. Will keep a small apt at my office. Really looking forward to being around more like minded people too. I'm in the minority of every political and social issue up here. Even getting into Nascar! Love the Huskies though!

You hit the nail on the head. I'm 67 and retired chemist. We've looked at houses in NC/SC that are on a lake, boathouse, 3500 sq ft etc and the property taxes for this 450K house is $2K per year [currently pay $8K in SECt. As a retiree they treat income taxes differently there too. Everything is about 30% cheaper there. My neighbor who wns a business bought a house in SC and lives there 6 mo and loves it-registers some of his expensive cars there to save $. Saving can be had on heating costs, fuel, taxes just about everything. Most of my 8 siblings live here except for my son in San Diego, sis in Vegas and bro part time FL. UConn and my wife have kept me here but really starting to think south!
Jun 8, 2013
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When we complain about cold winters and wet damp springs, just think of all the tornados in the Midwest, south, and southwest. The droughts in Texas, and droughts, Santa Anna winds, mudslides, smog, and earthquakes in CA. Then I suppose we can tolerate winters in CT that are milder than winters in the entire Midwest and north central part of the country.

Ummm, no. You read too much of what we in California write so that we keep the rest of the country from moving here... because one thing that is true is that it is already too crowded. Santa Anna winds? You have got to be kidding. I will take a couple of days of dry 90 degree weather a year instead of what you all experienced for 5 miserable months. I grew up and lived in CT for 40 years. Moved to SoCal in '95. Never looking back. 300+ perfect days a year..the worst is a 50 degree overcast winter day. Real beaches 5 miles away. Mountains and skiing 90 minuts away. Hundreds of miles of bike paths you can ride on all year round. I do not care what the house costs or what the crazies in Sacramento do, we can be outside enjoying the sun almost every single day. Oh, and about those earthquakes, the San Andres fault is about to blow so best not to move here...


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Connecticut Residents are whiny little b*tches. Minnesota is practically inside the arctic circle from a weather perspective and you don't see them crying about the weather.

As for residents who move out and swear they will never go back? Everyone does that. You don't see a lot of people admit "I really duckked that decision up" very often.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Connecticut Residents are whiny little b*tches. Minnesota is practically inside the arctic circle from a weather perspective and you don't see them crying about the weather.

As for residents who move out and swear they will never go back? Everyone does that. You don't see a lot of people admit "I really duckked that decision up" very often.

I happened to be talking to a guy yesterday for work who lives in San Diego. He mentioned he knew the winter had been bad in CT - but pointed out it was still nowhere near as bad as the winter hellhole home he left: Minnesota.

Almost everyone I know in CT is fine financially. Most are way better than fine. Everyone I know who leaves, does it for the weather and many of them do it without even changing jobs.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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You hit the nail on the head. I'm 67 and retired chemist. We've looked at houses in NC/SC that are on a lake, boathouse, 3500 sq ft etc and the property taxes for this 450K house is $2K per year [currently pay $8K in SECt. As a retiree they treat income taxes differently there too. Everything is about 30% cheaper there. My neighbor who wns a business bought a house in SC and lives there 6 mo and loves it-registers some of his expensive cars there to save $. Saving can be had on heating costs, fuel, taxes just about everything. Most of my 8 siblings live here except for my son in San Diego, sis in Vegas and bro part time FL. UConn and my wife have kept me here but really starting to think south!
It's tough to leave family- but with the girls gone we are looking at things very differently- turning 56, and thinking why wait?
Feb 4, 2012
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Ya know, kind of a tangent but people rip on Hartford for being a small city, but I'm looking at a Wikipedia article about Dallas and I think their skyline is less impressive than ours.
Aug 27, 2011
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Let's see.........
a megalomaniac governor; a do nothing legislature;, can't balance a budget (makes you wonder what their checkbook looks like); spend-spend-spend (even if you don't have it); was about to give a $55 refund-oops-no money to buy those votes; busway to nowhere; largest tax increase in history-still can't balance the budget; save the unions; create a union from unwitting people; appoint a 69 year old judge for two months so he can get a 100K pension at mandatory 70yr; no jobs; business rules and regulations tie down private enterprise; etc,etc,

Only thing keeping me here are my grandkids.
Jan 31, 2013
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^^^^ Born and raised in Norwalk, still live here. Lots to do (esp summer), don't forget the Oyster Fest as well. Can't wait for beach days and Alive@5!

Dude lets meet up and watch a game one of these days
Feb 4, 2012
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Let's see....
a megalomaniac governor; a do nothing legislature;, can't balance a budget (makes you wonder what their checkbook looks like); spend-spend-spend (even if you don't have it); was about to give a $55 refund-oops-no money to buy those votes; busway to nowhere; largest tax increase in history-still can't balance the budget; save the unions; create a union from unwitting people; appoint a 69 year old judge for two months so he can get a 100K pension at mandatory 70yr; no jobs; business rules and regulations tie down private enterprise; etc,etc,

Only thing keeping me here are my grandkids.

and Emily Noonan.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ya know, kind of a tangent but people rip on Hartford for being a small city, but I'm looking at a Wikipedia article about Dallas and I think their skyline is less impressive than ours.
Hartford has a historic skyline. The Colt Factory is awesome. Can't believe it hasn't been developed yet.
Feb 4, 2012
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Hartford has a historic skyline. The Colt Factory is awesome. Can't believe it hasn't been developed yet.

I think it's becuase we are so close to NYC.

"Well, Hartford is no NYC", but then again, no other city is.
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