OT: Poll - Interesting that 1/2 of CT residents want to move away | Page 5 | The Boneyard

OT: Poll - Interesting that 1/2 of CT residents want to move away

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$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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Hartford has a historic skyline. The Colt Factory is awesome. Can't believe it hasn't been developed yet.

Development is active over there. There are two schools, businesses, a small cafe, about 75 occupied apartments and another 75 under rapid construction. The factory itself (blue dome) is partially occupied by a new regional school, and two floors are currently under renovation for an expansion of the business that is in the building. The top of the factory is planned to be apartments, and I understand they have other, larger plans in the works. If you drive during the week you will see hundreds of cars at the site - it is coming alive.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Dallas sucks. It is a giant strip mall/mass home development that still gets cold in the winter and sucks in the summer. Austin is much better.
Sep 16, 2011
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Dallas sucks. It is a giant strip mall/mass home development that still gets cold in the winter and sucks in the summer. Austin is much better.
Dallas is awful, I was kind of shocked at how much it sucks.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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John said:
I think it's becuase we are so close to NYC. "Well, Hartford is no NYC", but then again, no other city is.

No city is NYC. But I'd settle for Hartford being Burlington, Vermont, providence or even just New Haven for starters.
Sep 12, 2011
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I couldn't wait to move out of Ct and finally did about 4 years ago down to the Greenville Sc area. I absolutely love it and will never go back to Ct. This area is great weather wise, you still get a little bit of 4 seasons but none of them are all that brutal (not as hot/humid as like Charlston or FL, not as cold or snowy as Ct). I'm close enough to the mountains to enjoy hikes & camping and beautiful scenery.

I never really hear about people out of work and not being able to find/have a job or not be able to pay their bills. Cost of living is so much cheaper...I have a house in Ct, small 1000 sq foot 1/4 acre lot for $4800 in taxes, (actually still have it, anyone looking to buy a house in Naugatuck :)- Down here I have 4 acres 3500 sq foot house (would have cost double to buy in CT) and pay $1800 in taxes. Car/house insurance is less, gas prices are cheapest in the nation etc...

People are generally much nicer (yes some are fake, but most are genuine and you don't have to deal with as much rudeness)
Greenville is a very nice good size city with things to do, Asheville NC is close buy and fun to visit and if your looking for a bigger city Charlotte and Atlanta are both within 2 hour drive.

I honestly cant say much about education, don't have kids and don't want any so I don't pay much attention to that.

And of course very importantly, you can get Att uverse and sports package with SNY and see all the men and womans games :)
Aug 29, 2011
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Dallas sucks. It is a giant strip mall/mass home development that still gets cold in the winter and sucks in the summer. Austin is much better.
Houston is like that too...30 miles in around the city is one giant strip mall, and cookie cutter housing developments.. no character
Sep 13, 2011
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I'm 47 and for years I've been the rah-rah guy about CT and wish I was still that guy, but in the past (perhaps) 5 years or so, I'm turning more and more anti-CT and wish we weren't here (wife has a good job here though so we won't be leaving). I hope I can recapture my enthusiasm. A lot has to do with the winters, as I get a little older every year, I have increasing problems dealing with the winter (and I used to not mind winters at all, in fact I kind of liked them).
I hear you. I've got a couple years on you, but as I mentioned in another post I grew up in Rochester, NY so the winters here don't seem so bad to me. Age does make a difference, though. I finally broke down and bought a snowblower this year, and every year I'm sick of winter earlier and earlier.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Oh btw, CT just agreed to a budget that us under the spending cap and doesn't raise taxes. So, if anyone can't compete in CT, please leave your ID cards at the desk on your way out.
Nov 21, 2012
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Dallas sucks. It is a giant strip mall/mass home development that still gets cold in the winter and sucks in the summer. Austin is much better.
Austin is much better.

Can't speak to Dallas' housing developments, but the city has a great bar scene, very good restaurants, good golf courses, and pro sports teams. Plenty to do.
Sep 13, 2011
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Austin is much better.

Can't speak to Dallas' housing developments, but the city has a great bar scene, very good restaurants, good golf courses, and pro sports teams. Plenty to do.
I love downtown Austin. The surrounding area though is New Jersey-ish strip malls and highway congestion, probably because of such rapid growth. Of course you can't get tacos like that in New Jersey!
May 3, 2014
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This poll doesn't surprise me. Basically half of those polled would like to leave if the opportunity presents itself and the other half are content living in CT. Everybody is different based on what's currently motivating them. Some people like the semi rural small town vibe, are comfortable with how things are and don't like too much change while others just want more opportunity (i.e lower taxes, jobs, warmer weather, etc) that CT just isn't offering right now. I recently moved from CT to Houston simply because of job opportunities, better chance for upward mobility and to work with diverse individuals that I wasn't experiencing in CT. Honestly, living out here has been a pleasant surprise as it doesn't "feel" like Texas because it's a very diverse cosmopolitan city and there are a ton of transplants moving here from California, Chicago, and much of the East Coast. I've met a lot of cool and open minded people that sway more to the liberal side (the mayor is a lesbian Democrat and has been re-elected). The salaries are on par with CT for a degreed or highly skilled position which makes having no income tax even better. Plus I get to watch all the Husky games on cable and live anytime they play Houston.

To be fair, the downside is the public school systems are suspect, property taxes are higher, it's not very scenic, the beaches are not great unless you drive 6 hrs south (South Padre Island) or east (Florida) and it gets really hot for 5 months of the year (but there are a ton of water parks). Also since there's so many people moving here, traffic has gotten worse and the real estate market is exploding (houses for sale and to rent stay on the market for a week tops).
Sep 30, 2013
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I have now lived outside of CT for almost as many years as I lived there. There are things I miss (Wooster St pizzarias, bluefishing, games at Gampel, etc.), but plenty more things I don't miss, many of which have already been covered in this thread. One negative I didn't see mentioned as much I thought it would be: TRAFFIC. When I go back to CT to visit I'm amazed the traffic has managed to get even worse than I remember, especially given population growth in the state has been slow. The traffic remediation projects the state has attempted over the years seem to take forever to complete and/or not be of big enough scale to make any real difference. Most of the communities in the state are setup such that driving is a neccessity, so it seems like this would be a major frustration and a big factor in people wanting to leave.


Somewhere around Barstow
Sep 18, 2011
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"Well, Hartford is no NYC", but then again, no other city is.
I dunno, Calcutta seems to have the same sights, sounds and smells as NYC, all we are missing is the cows wandering the streets.
Jan 9, 2013
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Lots of CT natives here in Colorado. As someone who left CT 20 years ago there are some stark differences I notice. People here say hi to strangers here in Colorado. I think CT is just too crowded and too suburban
I visit Park St 2-3 times per week; A lot of people say hello. People from Central and South America are so warm and friendly that everyone else here has mellowed considerably. Even the Fox 61 celebrity that was here on Friday. I've been visiting since 1963.

When I move to Ecuador, it will be because of weather and financial considerations.
Nov 13, 2013
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This thread is hilarious. I grew up in CT, now live in Hanover NH. All of my high school crew except one got the heck out of Connecticut. I LOVE all the talk about the rough weather. Come on, you think people are like, "way way up north in Connecticut the winters are horrible and endless" Ever seen Canada on a map??


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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I couldn't wait to move out of Ct and finally did about 4 years ago down to the Greenville Sc area. I absolutely love it and will never go back to Ct. This area is great weather wise, you still get a little bit of 4 seasons but none of them are all that brutal (not as hot/humid as like Charlston or FL, not as cold or snowy as Ct). I'm close enough to the mountains to enjoy hikes & camping and beautiful scenery.

I never really hear about people out of work and not being able to find/have a job or not be able to pay their bills. Cost of living is so much cheaper...I have a house in Ct, small 1000 sq foot 1/4 acre lot for $4800 in taxes, (actually still have it, anyone looking to buy a house in Naugatuck :)- Down here I have 4 acres 3500 sq foot house (would have cost double to buy in CT) and pay $1800 in taxes. Car/house insurance is less, gas prices are cheapest in the nation etc...

People are generally much nicer (yes some are fake, but most are genuine and you don't have to deal with as much rudeness)
Greenville is a very nice good size city with things to do, Asheville NC is close buy and fun to visit and if your looking for a bigger city Charlotte and Atlanta are both within 2 hour drive.

I honestly cant say much about education, don't have kids and don't want any so I don't pay much attention to that.

And of course very importantly, you can get Att uverse and sports package with SNY and see all the men and womans games :)
My daughter is in Easely and working at a really nice hair studio in the center of Greenville. Fiance at Clemson. We/she love it down there- Love Greenville!!! It is a perfect size, and the people who planned the final development of that city are to be congratulated. We understand it was just a horrid downtown prior to the facelift over the years. Love it--- we are selling our home and I will be splitting my time here and in Blufton off Hilton Head with my wife as soon as possible!!! The people are plain nicer in general, and the gasoline 60 cents less on avg, utility fuel costs will be approx 20-25% of what I pay up here, and property taxes are almost funny. Public schools in Ct have not been performing well according to recent results that I just heard as well.
Aug 24, 2011
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I visit Park St 2-3 times per week; A lot of people say hello. People from Central and South America are so warm and friendly that everyone else here has mellowed considerably. Even the Fox 61 celebrity that was here on Friday. I've been visiting since 1963.

When I move to Ecuador, it will be because of weather and financial considerations.

So much for "mellowed considerably":

Jan 9, 2013
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Sure beats Cheshire, Newtown and Marlborough. If you're not involved with drugs, then you're safer in Hartford than these other towns. In over 50 years in Hartford, I've known many fatal victims of the automobile, mostly while in Suburbia. No one I know has been murdered in Hartford.

People are being murdered in those places where "people say hi to strangers", like Colorado.
Feb 4, 2012
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Sure beats Cheshire, Newtown and Marlborough. If you're not involved with drugs, then you're safer in Hartford than these other towns. In over 50 years in Hartford, I've known many fatal victims of the automobile, mostly while in Suburbia. No one I know has been murdered in Hartford.

People are being murdered in those places where "people say hi to strangers", like Colorado.

Aug 24, 2011
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Sure beats Cheshire, Newtown and Marlborough. If you're not involved with drugs, then you're safer in Hartford than these other towns. In over 50 years in Hartford, I've known many fatal victims of the automobile, mostly while in Suburbia. No one I know has been murdered in Hartford.

People are being murdered in those places where "people say hi to strangers", like Colorado.

Oh. No one you know has been murdered in Hartford. I feel much safer now.
Sep 10, 2011
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Honestly I know Connecticut will never be as exciting as New York, the weather with never be as nice as California or Florida, but trufully I absolutley love living here, in Norwalk specifically.

I'm relatively young, only graduated a couple of years ago and other then Storrs, I've lived in Norwalk my whole live. I love my City as well as the friends and family I have down here. To me it was the perfect place to grow up. Very diverse, great schools, a big enough city (86,000) with a lot of fun stuff to run around and do as well as trouble to get into. In the summer we have a great beach with a lot to to do. Norwalk has the nicest islands in the state with great fishing, boating, and clamming. And for nightlife SONO is a blast, great bars and resturants. Plus we got the original Stew's and just ask anyone from here that place is the . Just not on Sundays around noon.

To me this will always be my home and I hope to say that the rest of my life. Plus if you get bored were a short ride from Stamford, downtown there is great, plus Alive at 5 Concert series in the summer is awesome. There gonna anounce the lineup soon can't wait. If you have never been and love 90's one hit wonder bands I suggest you make the trip down. It is a freaking blast!

Now I am constantly hearing about how boring Norwalk is or CT in general. And to those people saying that, fine complain all you want it won't make it any better. I literally talk the crap out of how great Norwalk is any chance I get and you know what tell enough people that and they start to believe it. I want to make people believe it! Be the good you want to see in your hometown and homestate!

Someone very wise from probably one of the greatest movies once said. "I don't want to become a product of my environment, I want my environment to become a product of me." I take that is a very literal and happy way. I want my hometown and homestate to become a better place because of me.

Thats what I say to all those 49 percenters trying to leave!

Get busy livin (in CT), or get busy movin (The "F" Out)

God bless Norwalk, Connecticut, and The United States of America

I grew up in Norwalk so I can appreciate this post. That said I moved away from CT 15 years ago. I've lived in NYC (8 years), Boston (3 years) and now Cincinnati (4 years). Next year I will be moving to what I hope will be my final stop in Atlanta GA. I've traveled all over the world in the last 15 years (Europe, Asia, South America, etc). The vast majority of my friends are still in Fairfield County. You sound like I would have sounded 15 years ago. The truth is my fellow Norwalker you've just never left. Norwalk is great but believe me when you compare the cost of living, recreation, crime and property values (in relation to income) to other parts of the country....... I will not say anything negative about the place that I grew up because I wouldn't change a thing about where I'm from... but I will say that I'm NEVER going back. Mostly because of the cost of living. I would need to spend half a million dollars to get a decent house in Fairfield County. I can get a mansion in Atlanta and most other cities for the same price and have a ton more to do.

I love my City and I love all of my friends who are still there but believe me when I say there are better places to have fun as a youth and raise a family as an adult. Most people from Fairfield County just don't leave so they'll never really know. I would venture to guess those 50% of people who want to leave live outside of FC because to tell you the truth most of CT. outside of FC...SUCKS!
Sep 12, 2011
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My daughter is in Easely and working at a really nice hair studio in the center of Greenville. Fiance at Clemson. We/she love it down there- Love Greenville!!! It is a perfect size, and the people who planned the final development of that city are to be congratulated. We understand it was just a horrid downtown prior to the facelift over the years. Love it--- we are selling our home and I will be splitting my time here and in Blufton off Hilton Head with my wife as soon as possible!!! The people are plain nicer in general, and the gasoline 60 cents less on avg, utility fuel costs will be approx 20-25% of what I pay up here, and property taxes are almost funny. Public schools in Ct have not been performing well according to recent results that I just heard as well.

I live in Travelers Rest, great little town just north of Greenville...takes only 25 minutes to get downtown there. I have a store in Hendersonville NC, it's nice enough there but Greenville area is much nicer and costs less. I am so thrilled we visited this area and decided to move here, I absolutely love it and never want to leave!!
Aug 26, 2011
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I have to really wonder if many of you have been outside of Hartford or Waterbury or Bridgeport in Connecticut. The whole shoreline from Branford to Madison and East Lyme and beyond is fantastic, until maybe New London. It's the same with the Rhode Islanders complaining. You're 45 minutes from Cape Cod, you've got a great little beach down there in Little Compton, Horse Neck is only 25 minutes away, Providence has excellent food, Boston is 45 minutes away, and NYC is 2:20. Yet everyone wants to leave that.

As for the schools in Conn., I only know anecdotally that the difference between schools in Connecticut vs. Georgia and Florida is immense. I know an A+ student that moved from Jacksonville to Fairfield Cty. Night and day difference.
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Aug 26, 2011
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And as a further endorsement of the south, my son who is now 31 at his college graduation from UGA in 2005 actually thanked me in front of all his friends and our family for moving us all to Atlanta in 1995. That's enough for me.

I don't see how you distinguish so much between Georgia and UConn. On what basis? It's not like Georgia is a top school.

As I wrote, my info is anecdotal. A relative's daughter moved from Stanton High School in Jacksonville to Staples and Westport, and the difference between the two schools was overwhelming. Granted, we're talking Staples here, but you'll find the same sort of rigor at most non-urban Connecticut schools.
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