OT - Paul Pierce on Ray Allen | Page 3 | The Boneyard

OT - Paul Pierce on Ray Allen

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#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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Its funny because while I was reading his quotes, I was taking it as Ray probably didn't get up to the riffraff some of the other guys got into. I know theres the twitter fiasco he had, but I think that Ray distanced himself from the rest first in club trips and such and then it grew into him not being around for their charity events.

I dont think that pierce/cassell/KG are just going to fancy lovely charity events...

Nah. KG isn't a party guy. And Pierce stopped being a party guy a looooong time ago. Way before Ray joined the Celts. There was no funny business. Ray just didn't feel like he needed to be any of those guys' best friend.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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Ray totally seems like a guy interested in coachingand the whole AAU scene...

Seriously. Anyone who believes that Ray Allen would spend 18 hours a day recruiting HS kids is living in a fantasy world. Nobody really needed to read Pierce's comments to know that a rando off the street would do a better job at that thankless job.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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As sports fans we all like to think everyone on our favorite teams are best buddies, but we all know its not true.

By all accounts Ray is very good friend w/ LeBron James, and they go on vacations together. From what I have read Ray really appreciates LeBron's work ethic since he would train almost nearly as much as Ray does. So it's not like Ray is some sort of sociopath that has no friends in the business. Maybe he just didnt get along w/ Paul Pierce (who seems like a nice guy) and KG (who seems like a terrible person).

Ray might not be the friendliest person to the fans, but whatever it's his own life.

I would separate KG's on-court persona from his off-court life. When have you ever heard a single negative thing about KG off the court? When has a teammate or former teammate ever had a bad thing to say about him? Yes, he can be "fugazi," to quote Tim Thomas, on the court, and you can dislike him for that, but by all accounts he's a good teammate and locker room presence and has stayed out of trouble his entire career. Just defending my man KG here.
Dec 25, 2011
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I would separate KG's on-court persona from his off-court life. When have you ever heard a single negative thing about KG off the court? When has a teammate or former teammate ever had a bad thing to say about him? Yes, he can be "fugazi," to quote Tim Thomas, on the court, and you can dislike him for that, but by all accounts he's a good teammate and locker room presence and has stayed out of trouble his entire career. Just defending my man KG here.

I have a friend in Boston who has spent time with KG while he was on the Celtics. From what I have heard, KG is like Batman/Bruce Wayne. Two completely different people on and off the court and I mean that in a positive way. Off the court, nothing but praise for him. On the court, he's lucky to finish the game without getting punched.

I wonder if Donyell remembers the time I smoked him in Sega football? He has just beat my next door neighbor my soph year and then took a crack at me. We both used the Eagles. He had a 21 to 3 lead at half and was all grins. I popped open a beer to as the second half started and suggested he may need one, too. He laughed. I did not. Final score, me 38, him 28. Of course, in May just before finals I was playing pick-up basketball outside Alumni and I am a horrid basketball player - atypical short white guy who cannot jump. I'm dribbling down the court and suddenly there are two long black sticks about as tall as my head in front of me. I look up and Donyell asks me if I want a beer. Needless to say, that did not go well for me .
Jul 31, 2013
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Nah. KG isn't a party guy. And Pierce stopped being a party guy a looooong time ago. Way before Ray joined the Celts. There was no funny business. Ray just didn't feel like he needed to be any of those guys' best friend.

The inclusion of SamIAm made me think that was part of it. I remember being at Ray's charity game one year a long time ago and Sam was in the game. During the game, a dead ball, there were 2 hoochies hollering at Sam from courtside and he actually was engaging them. He seems like he was a party guy until not that long ago


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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I would separate KG's on-court persona from his off-court life. When have you ever heard a single negative thing about KG off the court? When has a teammate or former teammate ever had a bad thing to say about him? Yes, he can be "fugazi," to quote Tim Thomas, on the court, and you can dislike him for that, but by all accounts he's a good teammate and locker room presence and has stayed out of trouble his entire career. Just defending my man KG here.

Well I guess it depends on what you consider on/off the court. There are anecdotes out there about him being rude to Rookies (refusing to talk to AJ Price & and Tyler Hansbrough at a photo shoot after being drafted comes to mind) and staff like ball boys. Is it considered on court because those people have something to do with basketball?

Then there are his on the court antics. Being competitive is one thing but he always had to take it to the next level.

"This isn’t the only time Garnett has gone too far with his insults either. San Antonio Spurs fans will surely remember Mother’s Day in 1999 when KG allegedly told Tim Duncan “Happy Mother’s Day, mother******,” knowing perfectly well that Duncan’s mother had died when Tim was a teenager."

Calling Charlie V a cancer patient.

Intentionally sticking his feet under jump shooters to try to get them to roll their ankles.

By all accounts it sounds like if you are KG's teammate he is the nicest guy in the world, and if you are not you best steer clear of him. I have never met him in real life, but he seems like a real to me. Everyone has their opinions though.
Aug 29, 2011
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Ray Allen doesn't drink and is by all accounts obsessive compulsive. This is part of what made him great at basketball and not understanding that it also makes him an unlikely choice for buddies to hang with is delusional. Pierce did dis Ray (and many others in the article) with the big 3 comment, but it was strictly pertaining to off the court.

On the court Pierce's ego shows with the LeBron comment (fine he should have an ego) but Cassell was a deep bench guy so the comment doesn't register - if he'd said Perk or Rondo or heck even James Posey was the 3rd most important guy it'd be worth debating and then dismissing. Cassell was washed up & only played 1 year (championship where he shot 37% in finals and scored 19 pts in 5 games, one dnp) with the Celtics and then retired.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ray used to play golf at Rockledge a few times a year when he was visiting his mother. He would show up without a tee time and while he expected to be treated special, he was always respectful to everyone he played with. One day he was paired with 3 elderly women and when they finished their round the women couldn't say enough good things about him. Friends of mine also played with him and said he was very quiet but ok.
Kevin Ollie also played at Rockledge occasionally and I talked to him a few times and you couldn't ask for a warmer and nicer guy. KO was a favorite of everyone at the course from the pros to the players and he would go out of his way to talk to HS kids who worked at the course.
Some people thought Ray seemed a bit arrogant but I think he just has an introverted personality whereas KO is just the opposite.
KC Jones played at the Rock regularly for a couple years and I've had beers with him more than a few times and he was great guy. He was a huge Russell fan.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Can vouch for this (seriously this time).

Said freshman roommate was a UCMB member and a soph by the time I got to UConn and joined the band. A great guy, very funny - he shared with us some of the stuff that went down and...whelp, let's just say that Cliff was definitely not a cool dude back then. So anytime he mentioned Cliff he prefaced it with: "...my former a**hole roommate. Not that he's formerly an a**hole, just formerly my roommate. He's STILL an a**hole."

He apparently said this so much his freshman year, it became a running UCMB gag the following two-plus years. Whenever anyone heard or mentioned Cliff's name, the entire band would start reciting the roommate's 'preface'.

It was hilarious at the time, especially if you were clued in on the back-story behind it all...

Still just as funny. There were younger children around so he didn't get into the really good (bad?) stuff, but by the time the night was out I fully understood why athletes are paired with one another now.
Aug 29, 2011
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Can vouch for this (seriously this time).

Said freshman roommate was a UCMB member and a soph by the time I got to UConn and joined the band. A great guy, very funny - he shared with us some of the stuff that went down and...whelp, let's just say that Cliff was definitely not a cool dude back then. So anytime he mentioned Cliff he prefaced it with: "...my former a**hole roommate. Not that he's formerly an a**hole, just formerly my roommate. He's STILL an a**hole."

He apparently said this so much his freshman year, it became a running UCMB gag the following two-plus years. Whenever anyone heard or mentioned Cliff's name, the entire band would start reciting the roommate's 'preface'.

It was hilarious at the time, especially if you were clued in on the back-story behind it all...
FALSE - I lived in McMahon 5th floor with Cliff 1st semester of his freshman year. Cliff's roommate was Spider. I don't think Spider was in the band ;)
My opinion is Cliff was a nice enough guy. He's recognized me the two times I've bumped into him since. Plenty of people that hung with Cliff at Ted's will vouch for him except maybe the guy Cliff hit with a dart one time...


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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FALSE - I lived in McMahon 5th floor with Cliff 1st semester of his freshman year. Cliff's roommate was Spider. I don't think Spider was in the band ;)
My opinion is Cliff was a nice enough guy. He's recognized me the two times I've bumped into him since. Plenty of people that hung with Cliff at Ted's will vouch for him except maybe the guy Cliff hit with a dart one time...

If I recall correctly, Cliff got a new roommate at some point that year (the guy in the band switched out). @epark88 was this the case?
Aug 26, 2011
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I bumped into Marvelous Hagler on Newbury Street the day of the last Sugar Ray-Hit Man Hearns fight. He was carrying a gigantic boom box on his shoulders. He had short-shorts on and knee high tube socks. I stopped to ask him what he thought of the fight that night. He yelled at me, "I don't know, and I don't care!!!!!" What an .
Apr 2, 2013
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Lol, if you'd led with that it would have saved me some reading. You don't think it was a tad offensive where Pierce said that in a lot of ways he, Garnett and Cassell were the big 3? I mean, I guess that would be ok if he'd said 'in a lot of ways THAT DON'T MATTER'.

Nothing like a good old Walter Ray bashing thread by Celtics fans on the Boneyard. Maybe we can get the guy who doesn't like Ray's mom's dog to chime in, that will be the cherry on top.

This is a guy who's chartered planes to watch us play in championship games, but hey - he's definitely a skinflint.

Never bashed Ray at all. One of the most professional guys in the league. I just laugh at people who get butt hurt over the smallest things. I didn't mind Ray leaving Boston one bit. Ainge had him on the trading block the prior season. Ray obviously made the right move.
Sep 16, 2011
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If you think Ray Allen is what you call a "nice" guy, you're delusional. I've been at LA fitness when he is working out and played basketball he doesn't acknowledge people. He gives off the higher than thou vibe, not to mention that he goes to the gym with a bodyguard.
I don't acknowledge anyone at the gym either, the gym is for working out not socializing.
Apr 2, 2013
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I think there was one person in the entire thread who had a problem with what Pierce said about Allen. Not being able to "carry one's jock" means player A isn't even close to being as good as player B. Great, Pierce is a first ballot Hall of Famer, so is Allen and neither are in the same stratosphere as Lebron on a basketball court. If you don't understand that you should just give up on watching basketball.

You're clueless.
Aug 24, 2011
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Also, one time my brother was playing a round of Golf in a 2 some while Ray and a buddy were playing as a 2 some behind them. Eventually Ray caught up and asked if they could join the group. My brother said after that Ray mostly kept to himself and didnt really say anything to them. Apparently his friend was very nice though.

We let Ray, Ricky Moore and Burrell play through at Fox Hopyard two summers ago. It was pretty similar to the other times I've met him -- pleasant enough, but not really interested in interacting. I get the sense that he's just socially awkward. Great golf swing, though.
Apr 2, 2013
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I like Pierce, but outside of LeBron's rookie season, his worst season is better than Pierce's best season. And in the playoffs LeBron has always been better than Pierce. There's no shame in being outplayed by the best player in the world, but let's not pretend like LeBron isn't a good deal better than Pierce.

In 2010 LeBron was pretty inefficient overall in that series, but Pierce actually shot worse than he did.

In their other series' Pierce would have like 1 or 2 games out of 7 where he went toe to toe with LeBron but LeBron would outplay him by a decent amount in pretty much all the other games.

Lebron's numbers were absolutely better than Pierce's and Lebron is the better player. Lebron also had to carry those Cleveland teams whereas Pierce had more scorers along side him. But you can watch iterviews of Lebron saying Pierce was his toughest matchup on both ends during those seasons. If that means everyone is holding Lebron's jock then so be it.
Apr 2, 2013
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Ray Allen doesn't drink and is by all accounts obsessive compulsive. This is part of what made him great at basketball and not understanding that it also makes him an unlikely choice for buddies to hang with is delusional. Pierce did dis Ray (and many others in the article) with the big 3 comment, but it was strictly pertaining to off the court.

On the court Pierce's ego shows with the LeBron comment (fine he should have an ego) but Cassell was a deep bench guy so the comment doesn't register - if he'd said Perk or Rondo or heck even James Posey was the 3rd most important guy it'd be worth debating and then dismissing. Cassell was washed up & only played 1 year (championship where he shot 37% in finals and scored 19 pts in 5 games, one dnp) with the Celtics and then retired.

I believe the context was around friendship rather than on the court performance.
Aug 17, 2011
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Rick fox is on derek jeters level as far as getting a** . currently dates eliza dushku
As always, this deserves pictures.

Fox's babe:

Jeter's babe:

Jeter's babe in a landslide.
Oct 13, 2012
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I loved that Pierce interview. Dude had the balls to give honest answers to some pretty tough questions. You don't see that too often. It was fun to read.
Aug 25, 2011
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I believe the context was around friendship rather than on the court performance.

Of course it was. I mean, it's almost incomprehensible that someone could read that and think that he meant that he, KG, and Cassell were the three best players on the team. But that's the Boneyard for you. Just when you think you read the dumbest thing ever written . . .
Aug 25, 2011
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Its funny because while I was reading his quotes, I was taking it as Ray probably didn't get up to the riffraff some of the other guys got into. I know theres the twitter fiasco he had, but I think that Ray distanced himself from the rest first in club trips and such and then it grew into him not being around for their charity events.

I dont think that pierce/cassell/KG are just going to fancy lovely charity events...

I threw up in my mouth reading this. It sounds like it was written by a teenage girl about her crush. Amazing that that's what you were thinking reading that article.
Aug 29, 2011
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If I recall correctly, Cliff got a new roommate at some point that year (the guy in the band switched out). @epark88 was this the case?
That's possible I suppose. Either way I can't imagine Cliff would be a good roommate or any basketball player for that matter. In McMahon the bball players used to do haircuts in the bathroom and would leave the hair just lying on the floor after they were done. It was consistently gross. Cliff was pretty lost that first year playing for Perno.
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