A guy recently jumped out a window, traffic deaths but no overdoses which is probably what you mean. Lack of OD is a big plus for pot. You also will never die from pot withdrawal like you can from alcohol. Pot does well on lethality. No argument here.
Does anyone who discussed how meaningless the ER stats are have a background in the ER or hospital data? If so that would be good information. Or is that or is it just what they are assuming? If it is the latter, I'm not so sure.
Has anyone mentioned yet the estimates that some 60% to 70% of NBA players are regular users?
When you legalize a drug or other possibly obsessive behaviors (gambling) the use and related problems go up. When you make it illegal and harder to get the numbers drop.
If you read my posts you would know my agenda. Nothing sinister. I don't want Madison Avenue selling pot to kids the way they do/did alcohol and tobacco. As rampant as illegal drinking was during prohibition, it increased dramatically when it was legalized. As did alcoholism and related problems. When medical pot gets legalized, recreational use goes up. Use is connected, among other things, to perceived risk and harm. Legalization reduces those things. Quite simple, really.This is just straight up nonsense. Complete nonsense. I'm curious at this point what your agenda is.
If you read my posts you would know my agenda. Nothing sinister. I don't want Madison Avenue selling pot to kids the way they do/did alcohol and tobacco. As rampant as illegal drinking was during prohibition, it increased dramatically when it was legalized. As did alcoholism and related problems. When medical pot gets legalized, recreational use goes up. Use is connected, among other things, to perceived risk and harm. Legalization reduces those things. Quite simple, really.
If you read my posts you would know my agenda. Nothing sinister. I don't want Madison Avenue selling pot to kids the way they do/did alcohol and tobacco. As rampant as illegal drinking was during prohibition, it increased dramatically when it was legalized. As did alcoholism and related problems. When medical pot gets legalized, recreational use goes up. Use is connected, among other things, to perceived risk and harm. Legalization reduces those things. Quite simple, really.
Probably the latter, along with whatever Fox News is saying. He's just old. Older brains tend to have a harder time adapting. The phrase "can't teach an old dog new tricks" isn't around for nothingAnother bunch of bu!!. Do you just make this stuff up (like you saying pot is legal in Oregon) or are you using old scare tactics from the Reagan administration.
what about all that money that's wasted by putting people in prison over a PLANTFor every 1$ gained from alcohol and tobacco tax
revenues, $10 is lost in legal, health, social, and
regulatory costs
Source: Urban Institute and Brookings
Institute, 2012; Tax Policy Center, 2008
I'm sorry but you're wrong. It takes about ten seconds on google to factcheck your claim that it's legal in Oregon. Let me save you those ten seconds, it's not. It's legal in Colorado and Washington state. That's it. A number of people have now corrected you and you keep going back to that. Are you honestly that worried about being right?Pot is legal in Oregon (zyron, I hope the pot industry chooses you for their lobbyist))
0.3 % of Americas prisoners are in prison for possession of pot. And that is after plea bargaining)
I want no one in prison for marijuana possession
Adolescent pot use has been steadily increasing for about the past 5 years.
I never watch Fox news
But for those of you that are angry because I don't think pot should be sold by venture capitalists with MBAs from Harvard and Yale with Madison Avenue advertising that will market to kids (like alcohol does and tobacco did), I don't think there is anything more to say.
For those of you that disagree with me and saw this thread as an exchange of ideas, I thank you
The reality of addiction is that, a person susceptible to alcohol/marijuana/etc dependence will likely become addicted to something no matter what. If it's not pot, it'll be some other substance or activity (gambling). Given the relative benignity of marijuana, you could view it as: good thing it's pot and not something else.
And just because a small percentage of people do not handle marijuana well, that is no reason to not legalize it. If you treat all things in this manner, no substance on earth would be legal.
The levels of alcohol dependence are more than double that of marijuana dependence (Scientific American). And that 91% (of people who don't have a dependence problem with regard to M) is astronomically high. You won't find too many 'stimulant' substances that match that percentage.
The burnouts are definitely not the equivalent of long term alcoholics. The ravages on the body of alcohol are far more debilitating (and costly) in long term cases on average. Also, rates of violence (and the associated family discord) involving alcohol are far worse than those associated with marijuana.
Not saying some don't have problems with marijuana, but looking at the numbers, it's probably the least problematic of anything out there. Heck, sugar is probably worse for you, and more addicting, than marijuana (I have no evidence of this, just harboring a guess--I'm too lazy to do the research).
EDIT: Also, those hospital admission stats are often skewed because of legal requirements, not necessarily actual issues with the substance. And, only 1.1% of marijuana users 12 and older in 2011 went to treatment for it nationally. http://www.drugpolicy.org/drug-facts/10-facts-about-marijuana/sources#treatment
How come kids are always the counter argument? I didn't know that people were trying to get pot legalized for children to smoke. Alcohol, cigarettes, and pain meds are all much worse (And easier to get) but lets keep pot illegal.
Please get permission to share. I'm curious.No one is saying that minors with a developing brain should be smoking. Just like the drinking age is 21.
Pot can cause anxiety in some. Which is why I don't smoke anymore. It relieves anxiety in many others . It's not for everyone, just like everything else in life . Adults should be able to choose for themselves though. If you can choose tobacco and alcohol, both of which are far more dangerous, then you should be able to choose whether to use marijuana.
There are absolute documented medical benefits that are not anecdotes. I have a personal one from a direct family member but I will need to get permission to share. It will blow your mind. It blew mine and I believed in this beforehand.
haha no thats how i felt reading most of these postsswag, you were high when you posted that link
haha no thats how i felt reading most of these posts