OT: Mizzou black football players taking a stand | Page 5 | The Boneyard

OT: Mizzou black football players taking a stand

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Aug 28, 2011
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Only a matter of time before this goes Cesspool but, were the kids in that video actually protesting society in the late 1800's and Jim Crow laws? Again, what exactly are the football players protesting? And why is Pinkel supporting them calling for his boss' job? Whole thing sounds bizarre and lame. I hope they forfeit.

Those black football players are STUDENTs first and foremost. If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything... They're all not going the NFL.. they received scholarships not just because of their athletic ability but because they met academic requirements as well.

They have they ability to think... It's not like things were 20-30 years ago where kids are moreso considered those jocks that were considered "dumb as a door knob".

I remember back in the early 90's with the Rodney King incident. It riled up college campuses all over the USA including UCONN's... We protested... We were angry... we weren't violent. Whoever was there around that time when I was might remember. My academic advisor at the time, Noel Cazenave spoke at the rally about the injustice. It was a moment that showed if you believe in something that is morally, socially correct you stand up for it.

So, I commend these young brothers for doing what they are doing. The President should've taken action, period. He didn't. By doing nothing you give the OK for my things to happen that degrade others...
Aug 27, 2011
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I think these student athletes have the power to virtually hold the school hostage until they take the situation seriously. I don't think they are going too far.

As long as this stays localized on the Missouri campus the school President will likely remain. If the organizers want real change they need to get all "Lysistrata" on the issue. If all SEC players of color can point to an incident or two on their own campuses as impetus, and then agree to join with Mizzou in withholding participation in their own respective games, there would be a more seismic shift in resolving whatever it is they seek to reform.
Somehow, as in many issues of social change, self-interest often gets in the way of acting for the greater good.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Because I don't appreciate being called a racist? How's that for starters?

This is why white people don't like to talk about racial issues. Because if you have an different take on an issue you get called "old white folk" by those who think they know best. It's an old and lazy argument. And it's wildly offensive and pretty weak.

Stretch Armstrong is right. I rarely agree with him but I can at least respect his opinion and his way of arguing his points.
JMick is wrong to use a national poll to ascribe racist viewpoints to individuals or groups of individuals on this board. It's a poor argument. But you are consistently defensive whenever anybody tried to raise a point. Why is your first instinct to push back? Both are bad looks. I think we have trollish motives on both sides here. Racism is still a problem in this country.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Yeah my advice wasn,t to protest. My advice was to get a job, volunteer somewhere, or help a friend or neighbor who's down and out.

Stop whining, start helping!
This is what liberal & moderate establishment whites said to Dr. King and civil rights leaders back in the day. "Be patient"... Translation-please stop making us look bad, and we'll get around to fixing the problem..... eventually...
Aug 27, 2011
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Ah, no.

That's not what happened there.

You took a position and were completely unable to defend it.
He's VERY good at that in multiple threads!
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Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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I think it's pretty clear that the president's failed to do his job. He let things get this far. He probably could have defused the situation a long time ago. I think all these kids on the football team would rather be playing football than protesting.
Aug 24, 2011
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This stuf drives me crazy

Tim Wolfe
must acknowledge his white male privilege, recogniz
e that systems of oppression exist, and
provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned
Student 1950 demands.

Trust me -- we all know that you are driven crazy by the thought of racism still existing in our society even though you say it doesn't.

Would you stop giving old white guys like me a bad name?
Feb 21, 2012
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did I say you were?

Also, from Pew Research:

"The polling finds that older generations – Boomers and especially Silents – do not fully embrace diversity. Fewer in these groups see the increasing populations of Latinos and Asians, as well as more racial intermarriage, as changes for the better. For many Silents in particular, Obama himself may represent an unwelcome indicator of the way the face of America has changed. Feelings of “unease” with Obama, along with higher levels of anger, are the emotions that most differentiate the attitudes of Silents from those of the youngest generation."

A pretty roundabout way of saying old white people are still racist.

Of course if you are not 100% "progressive" with all of your views you are racist - it is ok to do this though because you are generalizing the majority.

I don't necessarily agree with either side here but you sound ridiculous.

Did we find Ken Krayeske's Boneyard handle?
Aug 29, 2011
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So, have the Missouri players started missing meetings? I don't think they've had the opportunity to miss scheduled practices just yet - but maybe that too?

Sounds like the university administration has a mutiny on their hands with the athletic department for sure. Interesting. Makes me wonder what's going on with the Northwestern University unionization of athletes thing - was that resolved? I think so - don't recall exactly.

No matter what, I'm glad this is an internal issue for Missouri and not an NCAA thing, because somehow, if it was an NCAA thing, it would be our fault for sure, and we'd be facing a post season ban.

Aug 26, 2011
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did I say you were?

Also, from Pew Research:

"The polling finds that older generations – Boomers and especially Silents – do not fully embrace diversity. Fewer in these groups see the increasing populations of Latinos and Asians, as well as more racial intermarriage, as changes for the better. For many Silents in particular, Obama himself may represent an unwelcome indicator of the way the face of America has changed. Feelings of “unease” with Obama, along with higher levels of anger, are the emotions that most differentiate the attitudes of Silents from those of the youngest generation."

A pretty roundabout way of saying old white people are still racist.
No, SOME old white people are racists. Some young blacks are too.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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So, have the Missouri players started missing meetings? I don't think they've had the opportunity to miss scheduled practices just yet - but maybe that too?

Sounds like the university administration has a mutiny on their hands with the athletic department for sure. Interesting. Makes me wonder what's going on with the Northwestern University unionization of athletes thing - was that resolved? I think so - don't recall exactly.

No matter what, I'm glad this is an internal issue for Missouri and not an NCAA thing, because somehow, if it was an NCAA thing, it would be our fault for sure, and we'd be facing a post season ban.


It becomes an NCAA issue if the game against BYU doesn't get played. Crediting BYU with a forfeit win is the easy part. But you also have TV partners, a contract between a conference team (SEC) and a football independent.

What is their mitigation plan if this spreads beyond this week or beyond Mizzou? What if it spreads to other Mizzou sports?
Aug 29, 2011
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It becomes an NCAA issue if the game against BYU doesn't get played. Crediting BYU with a forfeit win is the easy part. But you also have TV partners, a contract between a conference team (SEC) and a football independent.

What is their mitigation plan if this spreads beyond this week or beyond Mizzou? What if it spreads to other Mizzou sports?

Those are things that hopefully you don't have to plan too much for, as this is the kind of problem you want solved quick and should be solved quick, should be over by now - long over, if you ask me - based on what I know.

I've read only the boneyard on this for my news, and not opened a single link, but what's clear to me is that smearing on the walls or floor is something that's usually gone from normal behavior by 1st or 2nd grade. You can expect a kindergartner to play with . It's not common, but it happens.

Somebody needs to be punished for uneducated, childish behavior and health issues at a state university in Missouri, and more importantly - combining that with bigotry and promoting a racially hostile environment - and they haven't been apparently punished - and the natives are restless. Rightly so.

See what I did there - natives? Let's see who gets pissed off at that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Just got this alert from ESPN on my phone:
University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe has resigned amid criticism of handling racial issues on campus
Aug 26, 2011
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There's a lot more to this than meets the eye in terms of the support this president gets. Apparently, he was not too popular in many corners. Athletics, students, faculty, and some curators were all aligned against him.
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Jun 23, 2014
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You want Missouri football players to apply for a job at Walmart in order to address racial incidents on Walmart's campus?

They've chosen a highly effective way of getting the problems addressed--even if I think their demands are for the Pres's situation are out of line.

I was not speaking to Missouri football players. And Walmart???
Aug 29, 2011
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University of Missouri president Tim Wolfe has resigned as president.

See - grade school stuff. Some idiot kid smears on the walls and floor, and you got to clean it up - literally and proverbially, otherwise your job is in trouble. Happens in elementary school.

The racial stuff? that would have been a nice postitve side effect of handling basic sanitation issues as a university president.

Hopefully the university of Missouri will come together as a community and move forward positively.
Aug 26, 2011
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See - grade school stuff. Some idiot kid smears on the walls and floor, and you got to clean it up - literally and proverbially, otherwise your job is in trouble. Happens in elementary school.

The racial stuff? that would have been a nice postitve side effect of handling basic sanitation issues as a university president.

Hopefully the university of Missouri will come together as a community and move forward positively.

Most schools already have the kinds of systems in place that Missouri actually doesn't have.

The demands from the Black Legion were made two years ago.

This guy was deaf to it.

Bad optics to get rid of your president because the football team demands it--it's a big hit on the school, but in this case, that's what it took.
Aug 26, 2011
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Have swastika's drawn on your bathroom floor made from human feces and get called the "n" word while walking around campus by a bunch of kids in a pickup and I can see where the anger comes from.

Did this happen at Missouri?
Aug 29, 2011
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Most schools already have the kinds of systems in place that Missouri actually doesn't have.

The demands from the Black Legion were made two years ago.

This guy was deaf to it.

Bad optics to get rid of your president because the football team demands it--it's a big hit on the school, but in this case, that's what it took.

I can bloviate quite well on a fair number of subjects at this point in my time on this planet, but the code of conduct, disciplinary review process of the University of Missouri is not one of those subject matters, nor do I plan to address it any further than what I type in this blurb. Don't need to take up space in my brain with this.

I'm totally serious on this now, regardless of what the immediate or long term implications are of the politics and social aspects of racism on the University of Missouri campus - the fact that somebody was idiotic enough to take crap (and lets' not try to sanitize they language by calling it human feces) if it looks like , and it smells like , it's .

Somebody was willing to do what is reported - what they actually drew out with the , is secondary to the fact that they actually put their hands in .

Fail on the university leadership - in many ways, and the question now - is what do the natives do now?

Are they going to take this change and turn it into something positive, or are they going to be a disorganized and mutinous bunch and destroy the university?

I hope the first, and not the latter.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Carl, the thing about swastika made out of * wasn't primarily the * part, although that is not cool to force someone to clean that up. It was the swastika which, apart from a prince harry gaffe form of privileged ignorance that's clearly not the case here, is used as intimidation and a way of saying "you and your kind are not welcome here."

And what exactly do you mean by "destroy the university"?
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