I agree. My best bet is his confidence, some people might see it as arrogance. He also can come across as a drama queen on the court. But I love LeBron. Love his game, seems like a great overall guy, and carries himself very well.
The guy is one of the greatest players of all time - one of.
He is arrogant because he feels that his word, his thoughts, his opinion is the one that everyone in the game should take as gospel. That is not confidence that is arrogance.
He dives in and out of political talk and when doing so makes himself sound like a complete closed minded uneducated talking head.
When the league was just thinking out loud about not opening some of the games to crowds over tho corona flu he said he wouldn't play in front of no crowds - fine - sit out and let some G League guys who want to play do so.
He is not bigger than the game even though he thinks so.
Every call that goes against the team he always has his nose into it, always barking at the refs - I could not imagine being the coach because these guys are nearly forced to take a back seat to LeBron. Imagine JC, Bobby Knight or Gene Keady putting up with that?
Again, he is a fantastic player and I enjoy his play which at times is amazing. I don't hate the guy, and he isn't my favorite athlete, but I find him to be hugely arrogant. Just my opinion