What bothers me is that I'm 100% sure there are 'fans' on here who are disappointed he didn't get a DUI.
^This is so true. Amazing some people call themselves fans when they hope for the worst in situations they don't have all the facts. I just don't get it when adults wish bad things on teenagers just through the relationship to college basketball (the people hoping Alex fails fall into this group as well - why would you wish a young man fail just because they didn't do something to help the team you root for?)
I was recently told that police can pull 95% of the people on the road over for violating one simple law: you are not allowed to have the dealership frame around your license plate. It's against the law.
Looked this up on Snopes.com and it appears that it's a semi myth. Texas passed a law that said you couldn't have frames and later changed it so that frames or anything else can't obscure reading the plate. No other states are mentioned so I don't think this applies anywhere anymore.
I find it funny that the breathalyzer said he wasn't drunk but a high level Division 1 National Champion athlete couldn't pass the field sobriety (coordination) test.
Dude, walk a straight line much? C'mon Tyler.
If Tyler is anything like me, he may just get really nervous around cops. When I'm driving and not doing anything wrong and a cop pulls up behind me, or is traveling in the lane next to me, I start getting stupidly nervous and find it hard to concentrate and drive well (it's weird I know.) I think the only way I could pass a field sobriety test is if I had just enough knocked back to make me not care and not so much to affect balance. It would have to be the perfect amount not to mess up as I would totally sober or fall down totally drunk.
The team would be better off if the Tyler ship sailed away.
We would be better off if we lost a post player and didn't have anyone to take his scholarship? Good logic.
^ This again. What good would it be to not have TO on the team this year when we are weak in the front court? He's a senior so it's not like he's chewing up a scholy for someone else next year or scaring any recruit off. This is not a case of addition by subtraction. Anything TO adds, either in games or practice is a plus and something you can't replace with nobody for the scholarship position.
There were a few other things I almost quoted in this thread but I got bored.
Bottom line, he wasn't drunk, he was stupid. Doing the smart thing just isn't part of repertoire - we've all had friends like that who weren't bad people. And we've all had friends (or been the one) that got caught every time they did something stupid. We've had friends who seem to just get out of the situation before it gets bad. I have a brother who was in the navy and would walk out of a bad situation (that he was participating in) just before the rest got busted. Some people are just like water on a ducks back and some are just targets of anything bad that can happen will happen to them.
Maybe he has to smarten up, maybe he has to get better timing. In the end he didn't do anything so wrong that he deserves to be kicked off a team (even the rap). If you never did anything as egregious as he has in the last 6 months, then you probably never really had any real fun. Cut the kid a break and move on.
As for those posting links to pages and indicating how the media likes to lambaste UConn for their incidents, stop clicking or posting the links. If people stop clicking/posting those they know are going to piss them off they'll stop posting them and move on to other things they can post for clicks. Stop clicking them folks. Just stop.
I can't believe I just spent over 30 minutes of my life reading, researching and responding to this thread. Can the basketball season start already? I'm bored out of my mind.