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Non-Key Tweets


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction Score
.... and yet you do.

It's a process. It's a process. The most important thing when you fall down is to pick yourself back up again. Let's all try to remember this when BCU is given the same RU treatment and invited to the B1G when they don't offer anything other than cable boxes.
Aug 27, 2011
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Does anyone really think UConn would abandon the travel and strength of HE for the B1G without a full all sports membership offer? I just don't see it happening or worth it, unless promised full membership within a few years time by Delaney.
Unless there was some indication an all-sports invite was something that would be on the table, no. It would not be a competitive move up, travel costs would skyrocket, recruiting would be difficult because you'd be traveling nonstop. Look at how ND's situation with HE went as a geographic and cultural outsider, it was a bad fit for everyone involved. Yeah, it'd be cool to play Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin each year, but from a competitive standpoint, playing BC, BU, PC, Lowell, and even still UNH and Maine more than make up for that.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Does anyone really think UConn would abandon HE for the B1G without a full all sports membership offer?

Maybe. As the newbie in HE our departure wouldn't likely result in a B1G bludgeoning by the HE media, as it certainly would if BC was enticed to leave. What if the move was conditioned on three symbiotic promises from Delaney. UConn would agree to turn down any offer from the Big XII, thus keeping UT/OU and friends from encroaching into the prized NYC/NE markets that the B1G is trying hard to protect. In return, the B1G would put us in a "priority" position for entry during next expansion opportunity, predicated on meeting certain football metrics, e.g., record, bowl games, attendance, stadium expansion, etc. as we push ever closer to AAU. B1G would also reward UConn during the waiting period (6 years?) with the scheduling of several high profile B1G/UConn home and home football and basketball games--while we await "highly probable" but not "guaranteed" full membership.
Would you take that?
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction Score
Maybe. As the newbie in HE our departure wouldn't likely result in a B1G bludgeoning by the HE media, as it certainly would if BC was enticed to leave. What if the move was conditioned on three symbiotic promises from Delaney. UConn would agree to turn down any offer from the Big XII, thus keeping UT/OU and friends from encroaching into the prized NYC/NE markets that the B1G is trying hard to protect. In return, the B1G would put us in a "priority" position for entry during next expansion opportunity, predicated on meeting certain football metrics, e.g., record, bowl games, attendance, stadium expansion, etc. as we push ever closer to AAU. B1G would also reward UConn during the waiting period (6 years?) with the scheduling of several high profile B1G/UConn home and home football and basketball games--while we await "highly probable" but not "guaranteed" full membership.
Would you take that?
Nope. Has to be guaranteed. Could be hockey, all olympic, mens and women bb for 2018. Football in 2024, with the promise, depending on where we play for that time, a guarantee of 2-6 games annually. 2, if football stays in aac, 6 if we go independent. I will admit, that ever since UConn added hockey, I always felt it was with the B1g in mind, not HE.
Mar 2, 2015
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Maybe. As the newbie in HE our departure wouldn't likely result in a B1G bludgeoning by the HE media, as it certainly would if BC was enticed to leave. What if the move was conditioned on three symbiotic promises from Delaney. UConn would agree to turn down any offer from the Big XII, thus keeping UT/OU and friends from encroaching into the prized NYC/NE markets that the B1G is trying hard to protect. In return, the B1G would put us in a "priority" position for entry during next expansion opportunity, predicated on meeting certain football metrics, e.g., record, bowl games, attendance, stadium expansion, etc. as we push ever closer to AAU. B1G would also reward UConn during the waiting period (6 years?) with the scheduling of several high profile B1G/UConn home and home football and basketball games--while we await "highly probable" but not "guaranteed" full membership.
Would you take that?

I would not accept those terms as you stated them.

Being put in "priority" position for B1G membership based on meeting certain metrics would be acceptable as long as they are reasonable and attainable. Attendance for example, asking us to have 100% attendance especially with the schedule we have is out of the question, (35,000 avg. is more reasonable in a 40,000 seat venue). That would mean the B1G would have to agree to help us achieve those established attendance figures by scheduling quality out-of conference games with us. B1G would also have to recommend us for AAU status as long as we meet established criteria (We've got to be very close right now, if not already there.) Record, bowl games, stadium expansion are fair criteria. However, without guaranteed "full" membership its a dead deal in my mind.

Yes, I think being in the AAC will in the long run be a death sentence for us. But I don't think we can become beggars. I truly believe UConn is a quality property and has much to offer the B1G athletically, academically, media wise, monetarily, and tradition. We are a good fit. Are we there yet?? Maybe not quite? But we are definitely not far off. If the NBA or NFL can afford to draft a player based on projected future value I think the B1G can also. UConn should not be overlooked. That's dangerous because we will come back and bite you in the as*.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Maybe. As the newbie in HE our departure wouldn't likely result in a B1G bludgeoning by the HE media, as it certainly would if BC was enticed to leave. What if the move was conditioned on three symbiotic promises from Delaney. UConn would agree to turn down any offer from the Big XII, thus keeping UT/OU and friends from encroaching into the prized NYC/NE markets that the B1G is trying hard to protect. In return, the B1G would put us in a "priority" position for entry during next expansion opportunity, predicated on meeting certain football metrics, e.g., record, bowl games, attendance, stadium expansion, etc. as we push ever closer to AAU. B1G would also reward UConn during the waiting period (6 years?) with the scheduling of several high profile B1G/UConn home and home football and basketball games--while we await "highly probable" but not "guaranteed" full membership.
Would you take that?
Nos as a season ticket holder for the hockey team the ONLY way you can sell me on leaving HE for the B1G is for full conference membership. Right now we are in the PERFECT conference for's regional, travel costs are about as low as you can get, and we play where we recruit. Hockey truely is a regional sport. Look no further than ND/HE experiment as the perfect example of why this would be a bad move for UConn going to the B1G in hockey.
Aug 24, 2011
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Maybe. As the newbie in HE our departure wouldn't likely result in a B1G bludgeoning by the HE media, as it certainly would if BC was enticed to leave. What if the move was conditioned on three symbiotic promises from Delaney. UConn would agree to turn down any offer from the Big XII, thus keeping UT/OU and friends from encroaching into the prized NYC/NE markets that the B1G is trying hard to protect. In return, the B1G would put us in a "priority" position for entry during next expansion opportunity, predicated on meeting certain football metrics, e.g., record, bowl games, attendance, stadium expansion, etc. as we push ever closer to AAU. B1G would also reward UConn during the waiting period (6 years?) with the scheduling of several high profile B1G/UConn home and home football and basketball games--while we await "highly probable" but not "guaranteed" full membership.
Would you take that?

Good grief. You have a binding deal to get in (whether or not time delayed or conditioned on something within UConn's control) or you don't. Quit with the stupid questions. You don't think it's stupid -- try this. Guy to girl in bar -- "No, I can't promise you that we'll be going out if we hook up tonight, but if we hook up I'll keep an eye on you and if you improve your economic future and take off five pounds, before I ever do commit to one woman I'll consider it being you on a priority basis."

We are not joining the Big Ten in hockey unless there is a "commitable offer" from the Big Ten.

And we're really raising as a consideration how the "Hockey East press" views us leaving?
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Good grief. You have a binding deal to get in (whether or not time delayed or conditioned on something within UConn's control) or you don't. Quit with the stupid questions. You don't think it's stupid -- try this. Guy to girl in bar -- "No, I can't promise you that we'll be going out if we hook up tonight, but if we hook up I'll keep an eye on you and if you improve your economic future and take off five pounds, before I ever do commit to one woman I'll consider it being you on a priority basis."

We are not joining the Big Ten in hockey unless there is a "commitable offer" from the Big Ten.

And we're really raising as a consideration how the "Hockey East press" views us leaving?

I only liked your post for your creative use of "committable offer" ... impressive!! :cool:


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
It's a process. It's a process. The most important thing when you fall down is to pick yourself back up again. Let's all try to remember this when BCU is given the same RU treatment and invited to the B1G when they don't offer anything other than cable boxes.
At that point I made need an intervention...or a suicide watch.

BCU was lucky/smart to make the move when it did. It has no value by current standards.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Good grief. You have a binding deal to get in (whether or not time delayed or conditioned on something within UConn's control) or you don't. Quit with the stupid questions. You don't think it's stupid -- try this. Guy to girl in bar -- "No, I can't promise you that we'll be going out if we hook up tonight, but if we hook up I'll keep an eye on you and if you improve your economic future and take off five pounds, before I ever do commit to one woman I'll consider it being you on a priority basis."

Biz you are underestimating your closing ability. I'll bet that would work, at least at last call.
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It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
Reaction Score
Biz you are underestimating your closing ability. I'll bet that would work at, at least at last call.

Depends on the girl. Some girls just like to keep their future options open.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's all or nothing. We can deal with a staggered payout, or even a multi -phase enrollment, but UConn isn't really bound contractually to the AAC or Hockey East in any meaningful way that would preclude joining immediately.

The new NCAA rules allow uneven divisions for FB, so we don't even need a partner at this point. It's all about being invited.


Mar 30, 2012
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Maybe. As the newbie in HE our departure wouldn't likely result in a B1G bludgeoning by the HE media, as it certainly would if BC was enticed to leave. What if the move was conditioned on three symbiotic promises from Delaney. UConn would agree to turn down any offer from the Big XII, thus keeping UT/OU and friends from encroaching into the prized NYC/NE markets that the B1G is trying hard to protect. In return, the B1G would put us in a "priority" position for entry during next expansion opportunity, predicated on meeting certain football metrics, e.g., record, bowl games, attendance, stadium expansion, etc. as we push ever closer to AAU. B1G would also reward UConn during the waiting period (6 years?) with the scheduling of several high profile B1G/UConn home and home football and basketball games--while we await "highly probable" but not "guaranteed" full membership.
Would you take that?

You can't turn down the B12 for a mere promise to be considered in the future. The fact is that UConn, and every other leading university, will always be considered. Nor does it help for them to give us their metrics.

You would leave for a firm, contractually binding commitment. It doesn't have to be immediate entry, but it would probably be an invitation for all sports but football, football goes independent and gets a 6-game per year scheduling alliance with the B1G, and football is #15 school into the conference once they find a #16.

If they can't make a commitment and the B12 offers, you take the B12 and tell (a) the B1G, look, we'll try to meet your metrics and will leave the B12 for you later, so keep us under consideration; and (b) the B12, look, we know you care about money and want new entrants from the G5 to accept a lower payout; as long as we are under a lower payout, we should have easier exit rights. (Privately, you design the terms to allow you to leave for the B1G if the offer comes through.)


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Yeah here is the thing: nobody is in charge of all these tough negotiations at UConn.

The Big 12 isn't expanding - the Big 10 is not calling.

Maybe someday the ACC will need some new teams. Until then can we please stop with UConn to the Big 10?
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah here is the thing: nobody is in charge of all these tough negotiations at UConn.

The Big 12 isn't expanding - the Big 10 is not calling.

Maybe someday the ACC will need some new teams. Until then can we please stop with UConn to the Big 10?

You don't know that. It's premature to speculate. There's enough moving parts that many things need to happen for about 35 Universities including ours.

We now know that the B1G is going to be 2 to 2.5 times the ACC / B12 per University. SEC will find their way to greater things. The wheels keep on. What I've read from you is that these networks will be scaling back & less money is coming. Not true of NBA/NFL/MLB. Plus other outliers. Now the B1G is squeezing through. All I will guarantee is more change. And YES, more realistic moves by schools outside of B1G & SEC.

I read folks whining about Louisville or BC. It ain't over. UConn is doing what it has to. We can still nudge our way to a better spot.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You don't know that. It's premature to speculate. There's enough moving parts that many things need to happen for about 35 Universities including ours.

We now know that the B1G is going to be 2 to 2.5 times the ACC / B12 per University. SEC will find their way to greater things. The wheels keep on. What I've read from you is that these networks will be scaling back & less money is coming. Not true of NBA/NFL/MLB. Plus other outliers. Now the B1G is squeezing through. All I will guarantee is more change. And YES, more realistic moves by schools outside of B1G & SEC.

I read folks whining about Louisville or BC. It ain't over. UConn is doing what it has to. We can still nudge our way to a better spot.

It's over for 6 years.

The networks will be scaling back. When the cable companies turn their backs on the Dodgers and the Yankees - that should make it pretty clear.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not convinced the Big 12 isn't expanding yet. It remains our most likely way to get out. The B1G to me has always felt like the longest of long shots.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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It's over for 6 years.

The networks will be scaling back. When the cable companies turn their backs on the Dodgers and the Yankees - that should make it pretty clear.

6 years seems to be when we can expect major changes.

Big 12 teams will be free to do whatever and then I think B1G says to UNC and 1 ACC team, do you want in or were asking Oklahoma and Kansas.

I think it would be hard for UNC to turn that down, which is why it seems to be that UConn would a back fill to the ACC.

Can UConn survive the status quo in the current landscape 6 more years? I think so? But come the next round I think it's do or die time (if we aren't already dead).


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
6 years seems to be when we can expect major changes.

Big 12 teams will be free to do whatever and then I think B1G says to UNC and 1 ACC team, do you want in or were asking Oklahoma and Kansas.

I think it would be hard for UNC to turn that down, which is why it seems to be that UConn would a back fill to the ACC.

Can UConn survive the status quo in the current landscape 6 more years? I think so? But come the next round I think it's do or die time (if we aren't already dead).

Of course they will survive 6 years.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Well, if UConn is stuck in the AAC for another 6 years, it does have something in its back pocket that no other G5 school has: a "power school" Tier 3 value. Back in 2010 when everyone still owned their own T3 rights, our $9.14M/yr put us in the top third of the entire NCAA. There is obvious demand here in the northeast for UConn content, no matter how crappy the opponent/game. Another one of David Benedict's strengths when hired is his background in negotiating media/apparel contracts. Maybe he can negotiate a way for us to get our T3 rights returned to us so we can operate like the "Texas of the G5" until the next wave of expansion kicks off.


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
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Of course they will survive 6 years.

6 years, sure that seems more than likely. We are paying our coaches more than competitive salaries and our practice facilities are first class, so financially in that respect we seem fine.

Realistically how long can we go on? The next time we have to rebuild practice facilities? If coaching salaries suddenly sky rocket?

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