Non-Key Tweets | Page 434 | The Boneyard

Non-Key Tweets


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
No one has forgotten it since all of you creative geniuses post the same garbage over and over again all the time. Quick, say 20 minutes and then tell me that we're going to get a tourney ban for UNC's infractions.
I'm kind of busy now, is it okay if I post that in 20 minutes?
Dec 25, 2011
Reaction Score
Most of the ACC moves have been reactionary without a well thought out plan. UCONN to the ACC would be reactionary on their part because they always felt UCONN would be there if they needed us. Well, if we could come off the table, they might react, money be damned due to the NYC argument and the fact that BC is dying on the vine.

I would actually suggest that the ACC's only 'plan' from the beginning was to eliminate the Big East. They accomplished that; but, in doing so, turned themselves into the Big East 2.0 -
  • Limited number of State Flagship Universities (2x)- check
  • Majority of members are secondary state universities or small private university that are not attractive to TV networks - check
  • Cultural split between basketball focused and football first athletic programs - check
  • Include a program that cares about itself only and will destroy conference to do so - check
This formula worked out so well for the Old Big East...


Shut Em Down!
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
I really don't see UNC or Duke leaving the ACC because of hoops and their standing within the league and conversely Florida State and Clemson have a pretty clear shot at the playoffs in football every single year as well in the ACC.

I think the ACC would love to have UConn over BC and WVU over Pitt and Maryland instead of Louisville, but I ultimately don't think those moves make or break the league. As long as they have the 4 of Duke, UNC, FSU and Clemson it remains the fourth strongest league in terms of long term viability.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
I really don't see UNC or Duke leaving the ACC because of hoops and their standing within the league and conversely Florida State and Clemson have a pretty clear shot at the playoffs in football every single year as well in the ACC.

I think the ACC would love to have UConn over BC and WVU over Pitt and Maryland instead of Louisville, but I ultimately don't think those moves make or break the league. As long as they have the 4 of Duke, UNC, FSU and Clemson it remains the fourth strongest league in terms of long term viability.
Unless the Big 12 establishes a network.


Mar 30, 2012
Reaction Score
Again, far from an expert, but I really don't think you can underestimate ND's value. It's a must-carry school. They MUST be on tv every week, because they're going to reliably get great ratings. Even for the BIG, this means huge value because you're not just talking the value of ND in tier 1. On weeks with OSU-UM or MSU-UM, the ND game is going to drop down the tiers but still going to kill it in the ratings.

That's the type of value that increases the carriage fees for the BTN. ND playing 3 games a year on the BTN means the BIG actually gets a full $1 per subscriber in NYC, and likely gets even more than $1 through the rest of the BIG.

And again, forget 2025 for ND to move. They have more money than God and could get out of the ACC obligation without batting an eye.

Edit: Oh, and it's also a guaranteed sellout for every team in the BIG, with great local marketing. Teams like Indiana, Illinois, Purdue, Northwestern, Rutgers, Maryland and Minnesota would welcome that in a heartbeat. Way more than UVa, VT or someone similar.

Notre Dame is a top 5 school for ratings, but when they play less attractive teams, they don't necessarily draw well. For example, in 2015 games (
- Notre Dame - BC, Sat Nov 21, 1.1 rating, behind Cal-Stanford (with an 11 pm start time!), Miss St-Arkansas, UNC-Va Tech, LSU-Mississippi, TCU-Oklahoma, Baylor-Oklahoma St, Michigan-Penn State, Michigan St-Ohio State.
- Notre Dame - Wake Forest, Nov 14, 1.3 rating, behind Oregon-Stanford, Georgia-Auburn, Arkansas-LSU, Ohio St-Illinois, Michigan-Indiana, Alabama-Miss St, Oklahoma-Baylor.

Now, we shouldn't ding Notre Dame much for drawing nothing when playing BC, but it also shows you can't rely on them to carry just anyone to high ratings.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Given a choice of ACC with no network and B12 with a network, I'd go B12. I know it's a few years down the road, but the chance of the ACC failing apart could be greater. The wild card is ND.
Jan 15, 2014
Reaction Score
BC fans weren't around for the ND screw job the BE got. IMHO this time around they will get a up close/personal experience.
it all depends. If the BC fans are over 50 years old, they would most likely even recall when BC first voted in the affirmative for Uconn's admittance to the Big East.... (and later Hockey East). And if these BC fans are over age 60, they remember the several decades when ND would not agree to play BC in football as well. ND naturally acts in their own self interests ( as ALL schools do ). So the fact that the ACC schools opted to allow ND to join the ACC for all sports except for football, is something that benefitted both ND and the ACC schools, imo. The narrative of whether or not ND will join the Big or the ACC if it ever needs a home for its football program in the future is now essentially settled business. Especially now that ND has spurned the BIG for Hockey and agreed to take the Hockey East invite instead.
Last edited:
May 18, 2015
Reaction Score
I would actually suggest that the ACC's only 'plan' from the beginning was to eliminate the Big East. They accomplished that; but, in doing so, turned themselves into the Big East 2.0 -
  • Limited number of State Flagship Universities (2x)- check
  • Majority of members are secondary state universities or small private university that are not attractive to TV networks - check
  • Cultural split between basketball focused and football first athletic programs - check
  • Include a program that cares about itself only and will destroy conference to do so - check
This formula worked out so well for the Old Big East...

So we have
The Old Big East (AAC)
The Old Old Big East (Big East 1.0)
The New Big East (Big East 2.0)
The New New Big East (ACC)

Which means we should have new threads entitled
Old Big East Key Tweets
Old Old Big East Key Tweets
Jun 26, 2014
Reaction Score
MH ver3‏@MH ver3
My source had to keep it short so I didn't get a whole lot out of him tonight.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Latest data shows adding a Florida school would be more financially beneficial for B12(duh) from a network pov

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding UC makes the most sense because B12 is going to gamble that more choice Fl schools will be available soon

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
And if not then UCF and USF will still be there waiting

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding Uconn will give B12N a chance to be in over 11 million homes in 3 different states

@MH ver3 UCONN will only be a .60 fee in Connecticut. .10 outside of it

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@NebGradDubDub not going to argue about it but you're wrong. NYC will be included

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Adding UC doesn't add near as many homes in the direct DMA that UC is in but statewide penetration would be over 4 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
At $.60 per home(a low-ball sub fee) per month, those 2 additions would net B12N $108m per year

There's nothing else. FYI, the only reason UT, TT, OU & OSU didn't go to Pac12 was Big 12 letting UT have LHN. #FACT

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 wrong. ESPN and Fox and other factors were in play. LHN was a small part

@MH ver3
None of the P5 conferences would allow Texas to have that kind of dictatorship over members which is why they stayed in Big 12.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 Bingo. Not LHN. Power

@MH ver3 when zero of those 4 millions homes give a rip about UCONN football (or any big 12 team), there may as well be 40 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP do you think all those homes in NY give a about Rutgers football?

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they care about Michigan, Ohio St., Penn St. etc. Do NY-area fans care as much for UT and OK?

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP NY barely watches BTN but pays for it anyway

@MH ver3 @nathanmills good luck pushing a completely irrelevant big 12 network onto them. If you think the PAC 12/directv situation is bad...

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they don't care for UCONN, so that would have to be the draw of B12N in NY

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP but they do care for Uconn basketball.

@MH ver3 @nathanmills apparently not more than Rutgers, RUTGERS(!), or they would have been the big 10's choice. Embarrassing really

Basketball has no pull in any expansion. Only football which is why UCONN makes zero sense.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @nathanmills @JeremyinSP bball has plenty of pull with a conference network. Especially when majority of your programming is bball

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so it does with the big ten but not big 12? Big ten must be stupid then right? Rutgers over UCONN basketball?!

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills but they are still paying the sun fees negotiated by the networks

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills I'm not saying Rutgers wasn't the better choice. Just that both are irrelevant in fb

@jay_256 @nathanmills that only works for New York teams I guess? Not LA, SF, PHOENIX, and Seattle teams? That didn't fly with pac12

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so obviously bball meant nothing to big 10.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills they added Maryland

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and they are after Duke/UNC/UVA. Hardly football powerhouses

Not football schools but are academic AU schools. Big difference.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @JeremyinSP @nathanmills so you think they would add Harvard and Yale?

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills they could have added UCONN but took freaking Rutgers. No way to explain that with your current arguments

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and B12 will take Uconn. Just like ACC took a Louisville team that B12 passed on

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills maybe, but their reasoning is faulty.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills if it's not ND or the Giants or the Jets, NY ain't watching it.

Big 12 was so desperate to not fold and gave into UT allowing them to pocket $$$ off of the LHN that ESPN created.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 LHN was already created before TAMU and Mizzo left

ME: You know how dire the CR situation is when MH ver3 has to defend the possible choice of UConn to his followers.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
This thread goes over 1,000,000 views today and nothing from anyone acknowledging this historic feat.

We are still in the American correct?


Hoo rah.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
MH ver3‏@MH ver3
My source had to keep it short so I didn't get a whole lot out of him tonight.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Latest data shows adding a Florida school would be more financially beneficial for B12(duh) from a network pov

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding UC makes the most sense because B12 is going to gamble that more choice Fl schools will be available soon

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
And if not then UCF and USF will still be there waiting

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding Uconn will give B12N a chance to be in over 11 million homes in 3 different states

@MH ver3 UCONN will only be a .60 fee in Connecticut. .10 outside of it

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@NebGradDubDub not going to argue about it but you're wrong. NYC will be included

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Adding UC doesn't add near as many homes in the direct DMA that UC is in but statewide penetration would be over 4 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
At $.60 per home(a low-ball sub fee) per month, those 2 additions would net B12N $108m per year

There's nothing else. FYI, the only reason UT, TT, OU & OSU didn't go to Pac12 was Big 12 letting UT have LHN. #FACT

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 wrong. ESPN and Fox and other factors were in play. LHN was a small part

@MH ver3
None of the P5 conferences would allow Texas to have that kind of dictatorship over members which is why they stayed in Big 12.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 Bingo. Not LHN. Power

@MH ver3 when zero of those 4 millions homes give a rip about UCONN football (or any big 12 team), there may as well be 40 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP do you think all those homes in NY give a about Rutgers football?

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they care about Michigan, Ohio St., Penn St. etc. Do NY-area fans care as much for UT and OK?

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP NY barely watches BTN but pays for it anyway

@MH ver3 @nathanmills good luck pushing a completely irrelevant big 12 network onto them. If you think the PAC 12/directv situation is bad...

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they don't care for UCONN, so that would have to be the draw of B12N in NY

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP but they do care for Uconn basketball.

@MH ver3 @nathanmills apparently not more than Rutgers, RUTGERS(!), or they would have been the big 10's choice. Embarrassing really

Basketball has no pull in any expansion. Only football which is why UCONN makes zero sense.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @nathanmills @JeremyinSP bball has plenty of pull with a conference network. Especially when majority of your programming is bball

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so it does with the big ten but not big 12? Big ten must be stupid then right? Rutgers over UCONN basketball?!

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills but they are still paying the sun fees negotiated by the networks

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills I'm not saying Rutgers wasn't the better choice. Just that both are irrelevant in fb

@jay_256 @nathanmills that only works for New York teams I guess? Not LA, SF, PHOENIX, and Seattle teams? That didn't fly with pac12

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so obviously bball meant nothing to big 10.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills they added Maryland

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and they are after Duke/UNC/UVA. Hardly football powerhouses

Not football schools but are academic AU schools. Big difference.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @JeremyinSP @nathanmills so you think they would add Harvard and Yale?

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills they could have added UCONN but took freaking Rutgers. No way to explain that with your current arguments

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and B12 will take Uconn. Just like ACC took a Louisville team that B12 passed on

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills maybe, but their reasoning is faulty.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills if it's not ND or the Giants or the Jets, NY ain't watching it.

Big 12 was so desperate to not fold and gave into UT allowing them to pocket $$$ off of the LHN that ESPN created.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 LHN was already created before TAMU and Mizzo left

ME: You know how dire the CR situation is when MH ver3 has to defend the possible choice of UConn to his followers.

I think that Jeremy guy is a desperate Houston fan seeing the dream fading. No point in responding to it. There is none so blind.....


uses the force
Oct 30, 2014
Reaction Score
MH ver3‏@MH ver3
My source had to keep it short so I didn't get a whole lot out of him tonight.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Latest data shows adding a Florida school would be more financially beneficial for B12(duh) from a network pov

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding UC makes the most sense because B12 is going to gamble that more choice Fl schools will be available soon

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
And if not then UCF and USF will still be there waiting

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding Uconn will give B12N a chance to be in over 11 million homes in 3 different states

@MH ver3 UCONN will only be a .60 fee in Connecticut. .10 outside of it

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@NebGradDubDub not going to argue about it but you're wrong. NYC will be included

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Adding UC doesn't add near as many homes in the direct DMA that UC is in but statewide penetration would be over 4 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
At $.60 per home(a low-ball sub fee) per month, those 2 additions would net B12N $108m per year

There's nothing else. FYI, the only reason UT, TT, OU & OSU didn't go to Pac12 was Big 12 letting UT have LHN. #FACT

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 wrong. ESPN and Fox and other factors were in play. LHN was a small part

@MH ver3
None of the P5 conferences would allow Texas to have that kind of dictatorship over members which is why they stayed in Big 12.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 Bingo. Not LHN. Power

@MH ver3 when zero of those 4 millions homes give a rip about UCONN football (or any big 12 team), there may as well be 40 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP do you think all those homes in NY give a about Rutgers football?

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they care about Michigan, Ohio St., Penn St. etc. Do NY-area fans care as much for UT and OK?

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP NY barely watches BTN but pays for it anyway

@MH ver3 @nathanmills good luck pushing a completely irrelevant big 12 network onto them. If you think the PAC 12/directv situation is bad...

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they don't care for UCONN, so that would have to be the draw of B12N in NY

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP but they do care for Uconn basketball.

@MH ver3 @nathanmills apparently not more than Rutgers, RUTGERS(!), or they would have been the big 10's choice. Embarrassing really

Basketball has no pull in any expansion. Only football which is why UCONN makes zero sense.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @nathanmills @JeremyinSP bball has plenty of pull with a conference network. Especially when majority of your programming is bball

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so it does with the big ten but not big 12? Big ten must be stupid then right? Rutgers over UCONN basketball?!

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills but they are still paying the sun fees negotiated by the networks

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills I'm not saying Rutgers wasn't the better choice. Just that both are irrelevant in fb

@jay_256 @nathanmills that only works for New York teams I guess? Not LA, SF, PHOENIX, and Seattle teams? That didn't fly with pac12

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so obviously bball meant nothing to big 10.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills they added Maryland

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and they are after Duke/UNC/UVA. Hardly football powerhouses

Not football schools but are academic AU schools. Big difference.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @JeremyinSP @nathanmills so you think they would add Harvard and Yale?

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills they could have added UCONN but took freaking Rutgers. No way to explain that with your current arguments

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and B12 will take Uconn. Just like ACC took a Louisville team that B12 passed on

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills maybe, but their reasoning is faulty.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills if it's not ND or the Giants or the Jets, NY ain't watching it.

Big 12 was so desperate to not fold and gave into UT allowing them to pocket $$$ off of the LHN that ESPN created.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 LHN was already created before TAMU and Mizzo left

ME: You know how dire the CR situation is when MH ver3 has to defend the possible choice of UConn to his followers.
Not quite flug/dood by it'll satisfy the irrational craving for these non-key tweets for now. At least the disappointed/confused Jeremy made them entertaining.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Wow, I like ____er. He should get his credentials back - at least for the nonkey tweet thread.
Nov 10, 2014
Reaction Score
MH ver3‏@MH ver3
My source had to keep it short so I didn't get a whole lot out of him tonight.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Latest data shows adding a Florida school would be more financially beneficial for B12(duh) from a network pov

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding UC makes the most sense because B12 is going to gamble that more choice Fl schools will be available soon

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
And if not then UCF and USF will still be there waiting

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
But adding Uconn will give B12N a chance to be in over 11 million homes in 3 different states

@MH ver3 UCONN will only be a .60 fee in Connecticut. .10 outside of it

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@NebGradDubDub not going to argue about it but you're wrong. NYC will be included

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
Adding UC doesn't add near as many homes in the direct DMA that UC is in but statewide penetration would be over 4 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
At $.60 per home(a low-ball sub fee) per month, those 2 additions would net B12N $108m per year

There's nothing else. FYI, the only reason UT, TT, OU & OSU didn't go to Pac12 was Big 12 letting UT have LHN. #FACT

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 wrong. ESPN and Fox and other factors were in play. LHN was a small part

@MH ver3
None of the P5 conferences would allow Texas to have that kind of dictatorship over members which is why they stayed in Big 12.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 Bingo. Not LHN. Power

@MH ver3 when zero of those 4 millions homes give a rip about UCONN football (or any big 12 team), there may as well be 40 million homes

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP do you think all those homes in NY give a about Rutgers football?

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they care about Michigan, Ohio St., Penn St. etc. Do NY-area fans care as much for UT and OK?

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP NY barely watches BTN but pays for it anyway

@MH ver3 @nathanmills good luck pushing a completely irrelevant big 12 network onto them. If you think the PAC 12/directv situation is bad...

@MH ver3 @JeremyinSP they don't care for UCONN, so that would have to be the draw of B12N in NY

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@nathanmills @JeremyinSP but they do care for Uconn basketball.

@MH ver3 @nathanmills apparently not more than Rutgers, RUTGERS(!), or they would have been the big 10's choice. Embarrassing really

Basketball has no pull in any expansion. Only football which is why UCONN makes zero sense.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @nathanmills @JeremyinSP bball has plenty of pull with a conference network. Especially when majority of your programming is bball

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so it does with the big ten but not big 12? Big ten must be stupid then right? Rutgers over UCONN basketball?!

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills but they are still paying the sun fees negotiated by the networks

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills I'm not saying Rutgers wasn't the better choice. Just that both are irrelevant in fb

@jay_256 @nathanmills that only works for New York teams I guess? Not LA, SF, PHOENIX, and Seattle teams? That didn't fly with pac12

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills so obviously bball meant nothing to big 10.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills they added Maryland

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and they are after Duke/UNC/UVA. Hardly football powerhouses

Not football schools but are academic AU schools. Big difference.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 @JeremyinSP @nathanmills so you think they would add Harvard and Yale?

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills they could have added UCONN but took freaking Rutgers. No way to explain that with your current arguments

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills and B12 will take Uconn. Just like ACC took a Louisville team that B12 passed on

@MH ver3 @jay_256 @nathanmills maybe, but their reasoning is faulty.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@JeremyinSP @jay_256 @nathanmills if it's not ND or the Giants or the Jets, NY ain't watching it.

Big 12 was so desperate to not fold and gave into UT allowing them to pocket $$$ off of the LHN that ESPN created.

MH ver3‏@MH ver3
@jay_256 LHN was already created before TAMU and Mizzo left

ME: You know how dire the CR situation is when MH ver3 has to defend the possible choice of UConn to his followers.

Nothing is more ridiculous than the argument "if UConn was a valuable P5 program they'd be in the P5." It is like putting someone in jail without a trial and then stating if he was innocent he would not be in jail. Circular logic only ends one way....back at the same point.

The other argument I love is "because Rutgers was added to the BIG, UConn is somehow valueless." Perhaps Rutgers was added to the BIG because they are AAU, they are continuous to a neighboring BIG state, or they are the first step in a BIG advance into the NE. Even if one assumes arguendo that Rutgers was more valuable for a network than UConn that does not mean UConn is not valuable to a network. For a conference like the Big12 without a NE presence UConn delivers a new market and millions of viewers.

The final argument that is ridiculous is that "no one in the NE likes college football and college football is king so no program in the NE is valuable." Ummm, how about the traditional flagship state programs have not played football in the NE. The lone exception is PSU which has a huge fan following. UConn is relatively new to big time football but it has a shown an ability to build a legitimate football program. College football can take hold in Connecticut and UConn has a statewide + following...its not a pure college versus the NFL decision, a lot of people watch both.

Bottom line...sometimes you just can't fix stupid with people


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
Rutgers is in the B1G because there are a lot of people in New Jersey... there are a lot of people in New Jersey without even considering NYC. It's amazing how little people actually understand about the B1G expansion... and it's the expansion that made the most sense.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction Score
Nothing is more ridiculous than the argument "if UConn was a valuable P5 program they'd be in the P5." It is like putting someone in jail without a trial and then stating if he was innocent he would not be in jail. Circular logic only ends one way....back at the same point.

The other argument I love is "because Rutgers was added to the BIG, UConn is somehow valueless." Perhaps Rutgers was added to the BIG because they are AAU, they are continuous to a neighboring BIG state, or they are the first step in a BIG advance into the NE. Even if one assumes arguendo that Rutgers was more valuable for a network than UConn that does not mean UConn is not valuable to a network. For a conference like the Big12 without a NE presence UConn delivers a new market and millions of viewers.

The final argument that is ridiculous is that "no one in the NE likes college football and college football is king so no program in the NE is valuable." Ummm, how about the traditional flagship state programs have not played football in the NE. The lone exception is PSU which has a huge fan following. UConn is relatively new to big time football but it has a shown an ability to build a legitimate football program. College football can take hold in Connecticut and UConn has a statewide + following...its not a pure college versus the NFL decision, a lot of people watch both.

Bottom line...sometimes you just can't fix stupid with people

Spot on. The whole "if they were a P5 school, they'd be in a P5" is as obtuse as it gets. Does that mean that Rutgers, Louisville, Cuse, Pitt, Utah, etc all were garbage the day before their invites but all of a sudden are elite elites?? Of course not. People just like to be deliberately stupid and anyone who says this about UConn is just trolling.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Rutgers is in the B1G because there are a lot of people in New Jersey... there are a lot of people in New Jersey without even considering NYC. It's amazing how little people actually understand about the B1G expansion... and it's the expansion that made the most sense.

They brought the most cable boxes - NJ population is greater than CT so their NYC subscription rates got more bang for the buck for the BTN than UConn. Plus, they are AAU. People who think Rutgers sports are better than UConn's just because the B1G "chose" them are beyond ridiculous.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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The other argument I love is "because Rutgers was added to the BIG, UConn is somehow valueless." Perhaps Rutgers was added to the BIG because they are AAU, they are continuous to a neighboring BIG state, or they are the first step in a BIG advance into the NE. Even if one assumes arguendo that Rutgers was more valuable for a network than UConn that does not mean UConn is not valuable to a network. For a conference like the Big12 without a NE presence UConn delivers a new market and millions of viewers.
Well stated, but that's not why I liked your post. I liked it for the shameless (and correct) use of arguendo. ;)

I'd submit that NJ's population was also a factor. With CT at 3.6M and NJ at 8.96M RU got the B1G access to the NYC DMA plus a couple of million more people to view it. (Rough math CT 3.9M with .9M in NYC DMA and NJ with 8.96M with a little over half in the in NYC DMA, perhaps more.) NJ made sense from a cable box perspective.
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