Caught this on the ESPN blog for Missouri while Googling ‘Missouri Big Ten Expansion’ dated June 11th.
Greg from Philadelphia writes: Hey Adam. After the ACC's recent move, I only have 1 suggestion left regarding expansion: Missouri and Kansas. Missouri is the no brainer because they've already shown interest in joining and fit much better culturally with the B1G than they do with the SEC. However, I'm not sure how Kansas would get out of the Big 12's grant of rights. Still, they would bring an AAU member with great basketball tradition to arguably the best basketball conference in the country right now (Missouri isn't bad either). Now I know basketball isn't what's driving this, but it's still a possibility. This would also allow Purdue to go back to the East and we could simply split the divisions down the time zone line. What do you think?
Adam Rittenberg: Greg, I think it ultimately comes down to how much the Big Ten actually wants to expand again. Remember, the last expansion was all about bringing in new markets and becoming a true bi-regional conference (Midwest and East Coast). Although Missouri and Kansas also bring in new markets -- most notably Kansas City -- they're not located in a new region like Maryland and Rutgers are. If the ACC is indeed out of poaching play, there aren't many if any attractive expansion options on the East Coast, so the Big Ten once again has to ask itself, is getting bigger any better? I've always thought Missouri would be a good fit in the Big Ten and seems to be out of place in the SEC. Kansas doesn't do much for me because the football program has been erratic, to put it nicely. This isn't about basketball, as much as fans wish it were. Missouri is one to watch in my view, but I'd be surprised if another Big Ten expansion doesn't include a team closer to the East Coast.