I have a sense that the George Mason game, not exactly the loss but the whole attitude of the players and to a degree even Calhoun, sort of soured many people on the program. First there was laptop thing, then a team that struggled against decidedly middling completion in the tourney and seemed not to really care that much. I think at that point a big chunk of people just said the heck with it. Hard to explain really but I talk to people who refer to that game and the aftermath as what caused them to lose interest. Plus there is a general decline in both attendance and interest in college sports. Partly the professional leagues take all the oxygen out of the room. Partly I suspect some over exposure is occurred ( though going to Fox sports may cure that. Is that a real network?). Other factors are that the team hadn’t been that good. Two championships in a way masked a steady decline. Both had mediocre regular seasons. Truth be told neither 2011 nor 2024 were on many brackets. But UConn attendance pretty much peaked in2006 at almost 14000/game but has been going down consistently since.